Give Me All Of You (12 page)

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Authors: Delka Beazer

BOOK: Give Me All Of You
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“I’m not asking for forgiveness. I fucked up but I want to show you that you’re the only woman for me.
Marry me Mina, tomorrow.”

Chapter eleven










“I can’t marry him.”

Hermile grunted an exasperated sound which rattled in his throat.

Their early d
inner was finished, the plates had been cleared away, they were separated by a too large dining table, a crystal chandelier glistened majestically above its center.

“Because he slept with some slut?” Hermile remarked
casually, taking a sip of water.

threw him a cold look, “why yes,” she said sweetly, “I think that’s it dad, screwing around behind my back doesn’t actually build trust.”

Hermile shrugged, “
technically I wouldn’t go so far as to say that he screwed around behind your back. You’re not even married,” Hermile threw her a reprimanding look for this, “and from what I’ve heard, she’s nothing but a tramp.”

Mina choked on her own taste of water, sputtering she gave in and coughed for several seconds, her eyes streamed as she
tried unsuccessfully to glare at Hermile, “And that’s supposed to excuse it?” she cried groggily.

“Oh do stop Min
a. You’re becoming a shrew,” Hermile wagged a rebuking finger at her. “Shrews make bad wives and tend to drive their husbands to stray.”

“I think he’s already fucked up
on that count,” she said acidly, her eyes slitters.

Hermile drew himself up
indignantly and shot her a quelling glare. “I won’t tolerate your potty mouth in my presence, Mina. You’ve got to get over the fact that in all these months of being brutally shot down by you, he strayed once-”

“Once,” she cried hysterically, “I’ve only his word for it.”

“You forget he didn’t have to tell you anything?”

Mina rocked back in her chair,
stunned by that revelation, but it didn’t really excuse him did it? “You sound as though you condone his behavior, that you couldn’t care less about me.”

Hermile let out a long suffering sigh
, “Now who’s behaving like a child. Do you think I’ll stand by and let you marry a man who couldn’t be faithful to you?”

“How a
re you going to stop him?” Mina cried bitterly, then stopped at the look on sudden pain on Hermile’s face, as his body stiffened in his wheelchair. “I’m so sorry dad. I didn’t mean it that way.”

Hermile looked away from her,
his mouth tight, he tossed his pristine napkin on the table. “I don’t suppose you did,” his eyes darkened with displeasure, “Speaking of trust, when were you going to tell me that your mother came by the other night?”

“How did you know that?” Mina croaked

Hermile gave her a sad
, wise smile. “You’ll find there aren’t many things I don’t know.”

That was the truth
, she fumed inwardly. He’d loved and taken care of her her whole life, but lately she didn’t know what to think. Did he love her as much as he’d claimed and what about Josephine?

“Why couldn’t you forgive her dad?”
She risked her voice deceptively soft to lessen the impact of her blunt words. Her eyes pleaded with him, she needed to understand why he’d turned his back so completely on Josephine, but he’d never remarried. She couldn’t honestly remember him seriously attached to any woman.

s face became a smooth block of stone, all emotion chiseled away, “she killed our child.”

Mina shivered, “I don’t condone her actions
, but didn’t you love her enough to overcome that after the pain had died down?”

“That is none of your business
, Mina.”

His answer incensed her.
He sounded so much like Hunter. “What about me, didn’t you ever think about what her leaving would do to me?”

eyed her disapprovingly, his mouth pinched into a sour line. “You were the only thing I thought about. What kind of mother would she have been to you? One who taught you that you got rid of those things that encumbered you? I couldn’t forgive her for such a selfish, brutal action.”

Somehow she doubted it was a simple
as that, but she had more pressing problems.

Her hour of judgment
was drawing close. She’d be embarking on her own marital foray which could end with the same results as her parent’s union.

scraped her chair back and stood though she desperately wanted to creep under the snowy tablecloth and stay there.

“She’s suffered enough, we’ve all
suffered,” she studied Hermile’s pale, drawn face, “And I don’t believe you, I think you still love her,” She squared her shoulders, “come, we have a wedding to attend.”

came out of whatever haze he’d descended into, his emerald eyes drilled into hers. “You can back out now if you absolutely feel this is wrong for you.”

“Why?” she smile bravely
at him and willed herself not to cry, “so that I can stay here with you and watch you wallow in your misery, clinging to your failing company, hating my mom for mistakes that are decades old?” She shook her head slowly, suddenly weary of everything, “I don’t want to, but I think I trust him, despite his lapse, I’ve got to believe that this has a chance of working.”


From the door of the tiny church on the small hill Hunter saw the moment Mina and Hermile pulled into the parking lot.

brushed past Ronald. He’d asked him this morning at work to be his best man and the congenial man had readily accepted the impromptu role. Ronald had also brought along his plump wife Angela as an extra witness to his and Mina’s marriage.

e rushed down the steps towards Mina, took the handles of the wheelchair, Hermile grunted a greeting, he replied absently, his gaze raking over Mina’s face, she looked pale.

“Are you alright?”

Her lips were seamed together, she nodded without replying or meeting his eyes.

He wanted to take her into his arms, promise
her that it would be alright. Their marriage wouldn’t be so strange or crazy, minus its beginnings, but he didn’t know what to do, how to reach her.

Instead he took in her dress, short, expectantly white, it kissed the slender curves of he
r body rather than hugged them. The collar cupped her throat, its modernity was further emphasized by the hem which sat above her knees and was adorned with tiny, intricate lacework. It was a fitting gown for the miles of silky legs which stretched beyond. Miniscule golden buckles secured towering white stilettos which paid homage to the gloriousness of her entire body.

Her hair was swept
up in a simple bun on the top of her head, she wore no jewelry and just a hint of blush stained her smooth cheeks.

His throat
went dry with need. Twenty-four hours ago those legs had been wrapped around him, and fast forward to the coming evening he hoped to have them cinched around him for much longer.

He willed her to look at him, see the appreciation in his eyes. “You are exquisite.”

She shrugged, avoided his gaze, but her cheeks reddened.

y moved forward, up the narrow stone path leading to the church.

nother car came to a stop in the parking lot below them.

The minister.
Hunter had called the man yesterday morning right after Mina had left. He’d been on standby for months waiting for the moment when Mina agreed.

They stopped
, waited for the minister to catch up.

Hunter tu
rned to greet him and for a moment he was sure he was hallucinating.

All the remorse and nightmares from last night when he’
d lain alone in bed and constructed every conceivable reason Mina could use to back out of the wedding, he’d thought that at least this one was taken care of.

stood still, and returned his shocked scrutiny.

playful smile hovered about her cherry lips. “I guess you didn’t expect to see me here, huh?” her voice was breathy, filled with the thrill of forbidden excitement or desire.

ile rose in his throat, it was undeniably both.

Mina shifted besid
e him. He forced himself to look at her.

he was as still as a statue, and she’d gone even paler, an expression of hurt confusion colored her hazel eyes. But ever polite she pasted a bland, polite smile on her face and inclined her head to Desiree, who returned the gesture with equal coolness.

He stepped forward to block her from Desiree’s malicious view, but Mina
anticipated his action and easily stepped around him.

“What are you doing here, Desiree?” he rasped, his
voice hoarse with thickening apprehension.

Desiree lifted a
perfectly manicured fingertip to her lip, scrunched up her brows innocently, she laughed in his face.

“Why I was invited
, silly. I’m not a wedding crasher,” she shuddered dramatically, her devilish brown eyes a clear rebuke of her pronouncement.

Hunter rocked back on his heels. “
You’re ly-”

“She’s not lying Hunter,” H
ermile broke in smoothly.

Mina winced as she stared between them, he could see her mind working
rapidly, trying to sort out the most plausible reasons for Desiree’s appearance.

wasn’t so lost, he ignored his daughter and horror descended on Hunter as he saw the ruthless determination in Hermile’s chilling emerald eyes.

“I needed to see that you were telling the truth, that this,”
Hermile gestured towards Desiree dismissively, “was only a single mistake that will never be repeated,” he finished harshly.

Hunter grounded his teeth, his fingers on Hermile’s chair shoo
k with the force of his fury, “old man you go too far,” he snarled.

Mina jerked beside him, turned like a momma bear to glare up into his face, “you have no right to talk to my fathe
r that way, you’re nothing but an employee.”

Desiree chuckled good-naturedly
, bringing all eyes to her, “Ah sweetie, that’s where you wrong …”

“Shut up now or you’re ruined.”
Hunter barked savagely at her.

She y
elped, then unbelievably she moaned!

he tipped closer to him and plastered her body next to his, he recoiled as though burned.

he pouted, gazed imploringly up into his rigid face. “One more time Hunter,
pretty please
, just once,” she laughed a shaky, hungry sound, “I will leave you alone. I promise.”

Mina cried out beside them and before Hunter co
uld thrust Desiree away, Desiree yelped as Mina dragged her backwards.

Mina swung Desiree around and slapped her hard acros
s the face. “Stay away from him!”

s eyes nearly popped from his head in shock. Did Mina care just a little for him?

Desiree massaged
her abused cheek, but her brown eyes glittered with consideration. “I bet you’re hot in bed, aren’t you? It’s no wonder Hunter wants to marry you,” she stopped, then suddenly clapped her hands with childish delight, her bruised cheek totally forgotten. “You could join us you know, I’m all up for a
ménage a trois
, haven’t had one of those in ages. This Italian guy and his wife were so good at them,” she stopped and seeing the horrified disgust on their faces, she pouted, then stuck her chin out stubbornly, “it would be fun.”

The expression
on Mina’s face was priceless as she put several more feet between her and Desiree. “Are you crazy?”

Desiree tipped her head to the side, her face
immediately serious, “no, just horny,” she said matter-of-fact, “and for now Hunter’s got the best tool for that job.”

” Hunter barked.

Desiree immed
iately wilted before their eyes. Turning timidly, she batted her eyelashes outrageously at him.

He was close to having her committed.
“Leave before I call the police,” he ground out.

Desiree dropped the
submissive act instantly, “or what Hunter, what will you do?”

Hunter took a predatory step closer. “I’m warning
you Desiree don’t make the mistake of trying to stand toe to toe with me.”

Desiree flicked a lock of blond hair over her finger. “Yeah, I know, Hunter. You’ll ruin me and my family,
, but what about your new family?” she asked coyly.

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