Read Give Me Yesterday Online

Authors: K. Webster

Give Me Yesterday (16 page)

BOOK: Give Me Yesterday
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Oh yes. This is going to be fun.

et me drive.”




“I’ll be your best friend.”

“You already are, so no.”

“I’m your best friend?”


“That was easy.”

“I’m easy.”

“You don’t say…”

“You’re just asking for trouble today, babe,” I risk a glance at her as I drive toward the hotel in her hometown where the rehearsal dinner is being held. “That outfit nearly got you bent over the refreshment table during group.”

Her cheeks blaze crimson but it shuts her up. A smug grin plays at my lips as I focus on the road. After some time, she speaks up again.

“I’m nervous. Chase, you have no idea how much I don’t want to do this. Ever since…ever since…” she trails off. “Anyway, I don’t spend much time with my family. It’s too hard.”

Earlier in group, she didn’t have any meltdowns, besides the one with her panties when I whispered what I thought of her sexy-as-fuck outfit, but I could see the strain in her eyes throughout the meeting.

As each person spoke, she retreated further and further into the cold, black place her heart likes to hide in. I didn’t push her to speak but I did require her to participate. Each time her eyes would glaze over, I’d ask her thoughts or opinions. After the first couple of scathing glares, she finally understood that I wasn’t going to be deterred and she willingly participated after that. I even caught her smiling at one of Nate’s jokes.

“There’s nothing to be nervous about. I’ll distract you,” I tease and reach across the console to squeeze her thigh. Her milky white flesh has been a beacon to me all afternoon and now that we’re in the car together, I’m an eager boy in the candy store, ready to devour his treat.

Her skin on her thigh warms beneath my touch and I flash her a grin.

“Your distractions aren’t distractions at all,” she murmurs. “They’re monumental, epic events.”

I chuckle. “And you haven’t even seen my cock yet. It’s an epic monument for sure.”

“No, I think your head is monumentally full of itself.”

Stroking her thigh, I steal a glance at her. She’s leaned against the bucket seat and gazing out the window. I don’t miss the fact that she’s slightly parted her thighs, no doubt mirroring similar thoughts that are running through my head.

“I’m just confident in myself and my abilities,” I assert. “I mean, I’ve given you two orgasms already and I’ve barely touched you. Can you imagine what it will feel like when I’m really trying?”

She inhales a sharp breath. “You’re so bad, Chase Monroe.”

Running my pinky up under her skirt along her thigh, I graze her panties before sliding it out again. “Baby, you have no idea.”

I’ve nearly convinced myself that it would be safe and a good idea to give her a third mind-boggling orgasm with my pinky when she points out the exit, deterring my wicked plans. “There. Go there.”

I hesitate briefly before withdrawing my hand and putting on my blinker. Once we’ve arrived at the quaint, yet undoubtedly expensive hotel, I park and turn to regard her. Her playfulness has fled and she gnaws on her fingernail like it’s an appetizer.

“I can’t do this,” she squeaks.

Reaching for her hand-snack, I tug it away from her teeth and bring it to my lips. I kiss the top of her hand and smile. “You can do this. We’re doing this together. I’m not going to let you fall, baby.”

Her anxious, blazing blue eyes find mine and she relaxes. The fact that she trusts me so early on in our relationship causes my chest to puff out with alpha pride.

“Come on,” I say as I release her hand. “Time to show off your man candy.”

The exasperated huff she makes falls on deaf ears when I climb out of the car and trot over to her side. When I open the door and she slides one leg out, I’m rewarded a brief glimpse of her sexy, pink panties peeking out under her skirt.

“That skirt is going to get you in so much fucking trouble,” I hiss under my breath.

Her giggles only add to the hard-on I’m desperately trying to keep at bay. I tug her to me once she’s out of the car and drop my lips to hers.

“Do you feel that?” I question, slightly rubbing my cock against her belly.


“You do that to me,” I say. “Now, let’s get in there before I make a fool of myself and fuck you on the hood of my car with your parents watching from the hotel dining room.”

Her hand is shaky in mine but I know it is no longer from nervousness, but from heat. We’re both toeing a fragile line that soon will break. And when it does, I won’t ever get enough of her. She’ll be completely mine.

We walk hand in hand into the building and follow the signs to where the rehearsal dinner is being held. The hotel is beautiful, regal in royal blue and shades of gold, like a miniature version of The Drake Hotel in downtown Chicago. The moment we enter, I hear a high-pitched squeal. I release Tori’s hand and instinctively wrap my arm around her waist, drawing her to me in a protective manner.

“Oh. My. God,” a young woman in a pretty, fitted navy dress shrieks. “Victoria, your boyfriend is hot!”

I smirk at the girl and then steal a glance at my woman. Her lips are pressed into a firm line and she nods sharply at the girl. “Congratulations, Danielle.”

Danielle leans in and steals a hug from Tori to which she shudders. “Thanks, sugar. Aunt Elaine and Uncle Jack are at the table beside the buffet. They’ve been waiting for you to arrive. What’s your name, hot stuff?”

Chuckling, I extend my free hand and shake her dainty one. “Chase.”

“Well, it’s good to meet you, sweetie. Thank you for coming.”

I nod and then guide Tori toward the table Danielle pointed to. When we reach it, Tori’s frame stiffens.

“Mom, Dad,” she clips out upon seeing the couple standing beside the table.

They’re your typical suburban family. Old, salt and pepper haired man with a kind smile. A pretty, older woman that could pass for Tori’s sister rather than her mother. The joy and glittering personality behind her mother’s eyes reminds me of the lack of in my own mother’s.

“This is,” she stammers, “t-this is my uh….”

I reach for her father’s hand first. “Chase Monroe. Dr. Monroe to my students.”

Her father nods his instant approval and shakes my hand. “Dr. Monroe, glad to meet you. I’m Jack and this is my wife Elaine.”

Shaking each of their hands without my arm ever leaving Tori’s waist, I say, “Please, call me Chase.”

Both parents glance at the way I’m holding her and I swear they seem relieved. I’m not sure how much she’s dated since she lost her family, but apparently it’s not very much.

“Please,” her mother chirps, “sit with us and let’s chat.”

The rest of the evening is spent with Tori being unnaturally quiet and me deflecting any awkwardness. I’ve dazzled her parents with stories of my students and my career enough to get through the entire evening without any problems.

Finally though, things get weird.

“Victoria, honey,” Elaine says as she smiles when we enter the hotel lobby after the dinner and rehearsal. “The guest room is all set up and ready for you. Chase is more than welcome to stay too.”

Tori’s breath hitches and I can only imagine what’s going through her mind right now. She barely wanted to come to this thing but staying in a house that’ll clearly shove sad memories down her throat has to be daunting.

“Well, ma’am, your gesture is very sweet. However,” I lie, “we’ve already booked a room here. Your daughter and I were hoping to spend some quality alone time together. She’s been slammed at work and could use a nice getaway. This place is perfect.”

Her mother’s knowing eyes widen and she nods. “Of course, darling. Please, take care of my girl. But, tomorrow I expect you two for breakfast at the house. No getting out of it.”

I grin as we say our goodbyes.

“Thank you,” Tori sighs when they’re out of sight. “I wasn’t sure how to get out of that one.”

Guiding her over to the front desk, I kiss the top of her head. “I got you into this mess. The least I can do is get you out of it. Besides, I want you all for myself tonight.”

She shivers in my arms and I’m thankful when we’re able to book a room. All they had left were king suites and I gladly paid for one.

An hour later, Tori’s heels are kicked off and she’s sitting on the edge of the bed while I prowl around the room opening all the cabinets and drawers. When I open one that appears to be a cabinet for electronics, I’m pleased to find a stocked refrigerator instead. Plucking a tiny bottle of vodka from its placeholder, I grin and call out to Tori.

“Ready to get the party started?” I turn and wave the liquor at her.

She laughs and shakes her head. “I’m not drinking that. Besides, every time you pull one out, they charge it to your room. You’re holding three swallows that cost eight bucks.”

Rolling my eyes at her, I twist the cap and take a swig. My eyes burn and my throat catches fire. “Shit, that’s bad.”

“Told you.”

I set that one on the top of the cabinet and fish out a bottle of tequila. “This probably tastes like shit too.”

She laughs. “So, are we seriously staying in here together?”

Raising an eyebrow at her, I nod. “Yep. A night full of drunk nakedness is in our future. Our sleepovers are the best.”

A shocked gasp escapes her and I chuckle.

“Chase, we can’t. I can’t…”

Winking at her, I set to twisting off the cap. “I know, you’re not ready to have my massive cock pleasing you to the ends of the earth. I’m patient. I can wait.”

“You’re impossible,” she groans and saunters over to me.

I hand her the opened tequila and beam when she sips it.

“Ew. Gross.”

But she takes another sip.

“Are you okay?” I ask, all playfulness aside.

She steps closer to me and pecks me on the cheek. “Just dandy.”

Reaching around her, I palm her ass and draw her up against me. “Want to play a game?”

Her chin lifts and she raises both eyebrows. “Why do I get the feeling this is a naughty game?”

I smirk, “Maybe because I’m a naughty professor? Just a thought.”

Her giggle warms my soul much like the alcohol warmed my throat. “Tell me about your game. I’m not agreeing to anything until I know what we’re playing.”

She takes another sip and I drag her skirt up a bit.

“Let’s play,” I say as I flick my eyes up to the ceiling, while I come up with something on the spot, “strip Truth or Dare.”

The tequila nearly shoots out her nose and she chokes it down. “What? No!”

Dipping my mouth down to her ear, I let my hot breath tickle her. “Please. I’ll go easy on you, baby.”

Her body melts against mine. “How do you play?”

I draw back and then place a soft kiss on her lips. “Um, let’s see…”

“You’re making this shit up on the fly!” she pouts.

Chuckling, I release her and steal several different bottles from the fridge before pointing over to the sofa by the window. “Games are more fun when you make up the rules as you go along. How about you can choose to either do a dare or speak a truth. If you refuse either, you drink. If you choose dare and suck at it, then you drink. If you choose truth and lie, you drink.”

“And the naked part?” she raises a brow in question as she sits on the couch.

“Shit,” I curse. “That’s the most important part. Clothes come off each time you drink.”

“I’m not sleeping with you, Chase.”

I set all the bottles on the table. “Technically you are because there’s just one bed and I miss having you wrapped around me like the other night. You’re definitely sleeping with me.”

She huffs. “Sex. I meant sex, asshole.”

“Define sex…” I trail off with a smirk.

“You know, penetration and stuff.”

I bellow with laughter. “’Penetration and stuff.’ I think I just came in my pants with all that sexy talk.”

Before she can punch me, I snatch her hand and twist it toward my face. Slowly, I uncurl her fingers and kiss her palm. “I vow that there’ll be absolutely no penetration of my cock in any of your orifices tonight."

She giggles and jerks her hand away. “You’re sick.”

“Truth or dare?” I question.

BOOK: Give Me Yesterday
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