Savage Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance

BOOK: Savage Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance
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Savage Bear

(Wild Bear, Book 3)


Ruby Shae

Savage Bear

(Wild Bear, Book 3)

Copyright 2015 by Ruby Shae


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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

About This Book


Bad boy, bear shifter, Jared Bass learned a long time ago that the only one he could depend on was himself. His willingness to engage with his fists, despite the consequences, has earned him a dangerous reputation and he likes it that way. Fear and respect keep everyone out of his way. Except her.

Curvy, plus-sized, human, Leah Ashbrook is drawn to the tattooed bartender in a way she can’t explain. While everyone else gives him a wide berth, she wants nothing more than to spend a few hours alone with him, feeling all of his intense energy directed at her. Preferably in the bedroom.

Jared’s past dictates he can’t have a mate, but that doesn’t mean he can’t spend some time with the sexy, confident human and get her out of his head. When his plan backfires, and Leah starts feeling more like a mate and less like a fling, he lets her go. Unfortunately, she might be the best thing that’s ever happened to him.

Savage Bear

(Wild Bear, Book 3)


By Ruby Shae

Chapter One


Jared Bass rolled his shoulders and looked across the room for what seemed like the millionth time that night. The booth that held his attention was full of humans, but he only cared about the short, curvy blond who had already danced with at least half of the patrons in the bar.

His bear paced and growled just beneath the surface, his dick hardened, and he felt the sharp tips of his canines trying to escape from his gum-line.


He balled his hands into fists, took a deep breath, and scanned the room. More than usual, he needed to release some tension as soon as possible, and he mentally dared anyone to make a wrong move.

Shifters had a higher tolerance for alcohol than most humans, but that didn’t stop them from getting into trouble. It took a lot to get a shifter drunk, but alcohol made them rowdy and unpredictable. Throw in a few intoxicated humans, and at least one fight a night was guaranteed.

Bouncing wasn’t his job, but if he could get to the scene before Lucky, he might be able to get in a couple of good swings before breaking up the mess. Gabe would be angry, and he might get arrested if he took it too far, but the benefits outweighed the risks. The adrenaline rush would tame the tension coursing through his veins, and he’d be able to think clearly again.

As he’d predicted, a fight broke out near the door within minutes, and Jared turned to abandon his station behind the bar and jump into the mix.

“Don’t even think about it,” Gabe said.

The two men nearly collided, and Jared inwardly cursed. His boss had been watching him all week, and he was sick and tired of being babysat. Unfortunately, if he wanted to keep his job, he had to keep his hands to himself.


“Don’t think about what?” he growled.

“Nice try,” Gabe said. “Your place is behind the bar and I see a lot of thirsty people.”

He’d known Gabe a long time, and he hated the man’s all-knowing attitude. His boss knew him too well, and it was a stark reminder he’d been in Liberty far too long. Somehow he’d managed to let his guard down, and nothing good ever came from allowing others to get close.

He only stood an inch taller than Gabe, but he stared down at his boss and friend, and growled for the second time. To any other bear, his stance would be a challenge, but Gabe didn’t back down or strike out against him.

They’d gained the attention of everyone at the counter, and even though he knew he was out of line, and his job might be in jeopardy, his pride kept him from turning away first.

“Enough,” Lucky said, pushing them apart.

The big bear blocked out the customer’s curious eyes, and he heard Isabelle filling orders on his side of the counter. Gabe’s cousin, Isabelle, worked with him behind the bar, and her mate, Lucky, was the bouncer. Together, the couple had saved him from doing something incredibly stupid.

“Sorry, man,” he said, refusing to look away from Gabe. 

“Me too,” Gabe said, “but you know the rules. You have to stay behind the counter or go home. No more fights.”

“Right,” he said, “I know. No more fights.”

Honestly, he was lucky to still have a job. Before Lucky arrived in town, he’d been in a fight nearly three times per week, and he’d been arrested twice for swinging hard instead of pushing the men apart.

behind the counter
rule had been his final warning, and he’d resorted back to running long distances in his bear form and visiting the gym daily to release the tension. Working out helped, but nothing felt better than his fist connecting with skin and bone.

“Okay,” Lucky said, “only two more hours. Let’s finish the night strong.”

Lucky kissed Belle on the cheek, and then walked back out to the main floor and started doing his rounds. Gabe followed him without a word, and Jared turned back to his station. Everyone seated at the counter averted their eyes, and he welcomed their fear. Even on his best days, most people gave him a wide berth.

Except her.

He looked across the room again and found her watching him. She never looked away, or backed down from his stare, and it was one of the things that intrigued him—and turned him on.

His cock swelled in the confines of his jeans, and pressed uncomfortably against the teeth of his zipper. Luckily, the bar hid his arousal, but his reaction toward her pissed him off. He narrowed his eyes and directed all of his anger toward her, yet she still didn’t turn away.

He hated to admit it, but he wanted her more than he’d ever wanted anyone, and when another male approached her, breaking their connection, he wanted blood.

The only thing that stopped him from crossing the room, throwing her over his shoulder, and carrying her home was the sound of his other boss, Michelle, placing her tray down on the counter at the waitress’ station. He gave her his full attention as she rattled off drink orders, and then he put all of his energy into making them.

A few minutes later, he set the last drink on the tray and glanced across the room again.

Two of her friends had boyfriends, but the singles had picked up men, and all four couples filled the booth. She stood next to the table, smiling and laughing with the group, but irrational rage swamped him. How dare they cast her aside…

Pain sliced through his hand, and he realized Isabelle was calling him.

“What?” he barked.

“Let go of the glass,” she said, holding out a trash can. “Do you need a first aid kit?”

He looked down to see he’d shattered a beer bottle in his hand.

What the hell?

“That’s it,” Isabelle said, whispering loud enough for only him to hear. She turned on the faucet and shoved his hand under the cool water. “You totally fucked up Michelle’s orders, and you’ve just shattered a bottle without even realizing it. Either go talk to that girl or go home, but get the hell out from behind this bar before you do any more damage—and don’t you dare pick a fight on your way out.”

He glared at her, but she remained unfazed as she shoved a clean, dry towel into his hand.

“Go ahead and glare all you want to,” she said, pushing him out of the way. “You know I could care less.”

It was true. Izzy and Gabe had accepted him from day one, and they never took any of his crap. Even though he’d gone out of his way to keep his distance over the years, the pair of cousins was the closest thing to family he’d had since his parents kicked him out.

Isabelle cleared Michelle’s tray and remade the ruined drinks while he stood there with the now bloody towel in his hand. Luckily, shifters healed a lot faster than humans, and they rarely needed to seek medical help. None of the glass had embedded into his skin, and he could feel most of the cuts closing. In a few minutes, he’d be as good as new.

He looked down the counter, anxious to see the witnesses to his uncharacteristic behavior, but he was pleasantly surprised. While a few people watched him with rapt attention, most were too wrapped up in their own business to worry about what went on behind the bar.

If fighting wasn’t an option, then he wanted to do the next best thing, and he wanted to do it with the curvy blond. A night, or two, or three, with her under him would definitely get her out of his system, and then he could go back to normal.

Or as close to normal as he could get with his own fucked up version of reality.

He threw the towel in the wastebasket and made a beeline for the booth.




One week earlier…


“We’re going to take off. Do you want us to walk you out?”

Leah Ashbrook turned toward her friend Meg, and smiled. The woman was holding hands with the hot shifter she’d danced with for most of the night, and judging from the look on Meg’s face, the couple was ready for some alone time.

“You guys go ahead,” Leah said. “I’m going to use the bathroom first.”

Meg’s smile grew, and she leaned in for a hug.

“Thank you,” the woman whispered.

“See you tomorrow,” Leah said, as the couple raced toward the door.

She checked the empty booth for any stray belongings, and then abandoned the table and maneuvered through the crowd toward the bathroom.

Meg had been the last of her friends to leave, and for the first time in months, she was alone with the dark and dangerous bear shifter behind the counter. Well, as alone as she could be in the popular and semi-packed Wild Bear bar.

Believe it or not, finding the courage to talk to him wasn’t as hard as finding the opportunity to approach him without her friends’ disapproval.

Her longtime friends, Meg, Jessica, Tiffany and Ashley, didn’t like the brooding bartender. In fact, they were afraid of him. The big, tattooed, angry bear was the only man they’d ever tried to persuade her not to talk to, and usually it worked. Asking him out was a longshot, and she didn’t want an audience watching as she crashed and burned.

But tonight was different.

One by one, the four women had left until they’d left her alone.

After one last glance in the mirror, she made her way to his side of the bar and waited for him to approach her.

“What can I get you?”

His dark, almost black eyes bored into her, but instead of being afraid, her whole body tingled with arousal. She wanted to lick the tribal skull tattoo on his forearm and rip off his t-shirt so she could see the full images of the others peeking out from under his sleeves.

She longed to touch his short, brown hair, and smooth her hands over his hard, muscular body. He let out a low, impatient growl, and liquid heat dampened her panties. She closed her mouth to stop the tiny gasp that threatened to escape, and swallowed hard.

Jared inhaled, narrowed his eyes and curled his lip as if he was annoyed and unaffected by her arousal, but she didn’t care. She and her friends visited the Wild Bear nearly every night, and she’d caught him watching her more times than not. If he wasn’t interested, he had a funny way of showing it.

“Well?” he asked, irritably.

“Water, please.”

“Bottle or tap?”


A few seconds later, he placed a small glass with a little red straw down on the cocktail napkin in front of her.

“That all?”

“Um, no,” she cleared her throat. “I was wondering if you’d like to go out with me sometime. Maybe Sunday? I don’t cook, but I’ll buy. You can choose the place.”

If possible, his dark eyes seemed to darken even more, and his face hardened. He was clearly angry, but she didn’t know why. The minute of silence seemed more like an hour, and he didn’t turn away until one of the waitresses slammed her tray down on the counter.

“Looking good, Michelle,” Jared said.

“Thank you.”

He didn’t smile at the waitress, but Leah understood his dismissal.

She jumped off the barstool, weaved her way through the crowd, and exited the building without looking back.


Leah glanced across the crowded room, located Jared behind the bar, and silently cursed. Why did she have to torture herself? Why couldn’t she stop looking?

Several times during the evening, she’d looked up to find Jared watching her. She hated those moments because they gave her hope, and she had nothing to hope for. It had been a week since she’d asked him out, and she still hadn’t completely recovered.

She hadn’t been certain he’d say yes, but she’d never envisioned him completely ignoring her. Had she been too confident? Confidence was supposed to be sexy, but maybe she’d come on too strong. Maybe an overconfident fat chick was just a huge joke.

Thankfully, none of her friends knew about her short stint of temporary insanity, because if they found out, she’d never hear the end of it. Not only would they scold her for talking to the bad boy, they’d hate him for humiliating her, and she didn’t want to give them another reason not to like him.

It didn’t make any sense. He’d been rude and insulting, but as much as she wanted to hate him, she couldn’t. The town of Liberty was full of bear shifters, but she’d never met another man, or bear, like him, and she couldn’t shake the feeling they were meant to be together.

Though she had more curves than most women, she’d never had trouble finding a dance partner, and that hadn’t changed. She and her friends had been to the
Wild Bear
four times this week, and she’d spent most of every night on the dance floor. She tried to keep an open mind with every man she danced with, but none of them compared to Jared.

Still, seeing him every day after making a fool of herself was starting to eat away at her.

Unfortunately, there was only one other bar in town, and she and her friends hated the club-like setting. As much as she wanted a change of scenery, she didn’t dare suggest it. If she did, she knew she’d get the third degree from the women, and she’d never be able to keep her secret if they questioned her.

She scanned the room again, stopping on Jared’s form, and watched him work.

His big, tattooed body seemed to be in a permanent state of alert, as if expecting the worst, and she wondered what it would be like to have all that energy focused on her.

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