Savage Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (3 page)

BOOK: Savage Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance
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Chapter Three


Fuck! What the hell just happened?

Jared kept his pace steady, mindful of Leah’s shorter steps, but inside he wanted to run.

He wasn’t a hugger, he hated cuddling, and anyone who clapped him on the shoulder learned a hard lesson real quick. He despised unnecessary touching, and except for fighting and fucking, he avoided all personal contact. Gabe and Izzy didn’t even touch him playfully because they knew it made his skin crawl.

Leah’s hand on his chest had shocked him.

Instead of wanting to cringe, or rip her apart, he’d wanted more. Not in a sexual way, although he still wanted that too, but in a deeper, more meaningful capacity.

She reminded him of…

No! This is just sex!

He pushed the thoughts away and focused on the moment. The fact that Leah’s touch hadn’t made him recoil didn’t matter. In fact, because she was his mate, it made perfect sense. All he had to do was get her out of his system, and everything would go back to normal.

He led her to the door of his tiny, one bedroom, first-floor apartment, and unlocked the deadbolt with his key. Leah preceded him inside, and he closed the door, shutting out the outside world.

She quietly looked around the stark room, and he was hit with another shock.

He was thirty-three years old, and Leah was the first woman he’d ever brought home whose opinion mattered. Suddenly, the bare essentials weren’t enough, and he wished they’d gone to her place instead.

“Minimalism,” she nodded. “I like it.”

She turned toward him and smiled, and he searched her face for signs of sarcasm or censure, but he couldn’t find any. Her sentiments seemed genuine, and he liked that she’d labeled his home with a fancy word instead of stating the obvious.

He took two steps toward her, cradled her face in his hands, and lowered his lips to hers.

He repeatedly pressed his lips to hers in a soft, sensual, innocent kiss until she linked her fingers in his belt loops and pulled him closer. Her mouth opened a fraction when their bodies collided and he seized the opportunity to slide his tongue inside her mouth. She tasted like crisp spring water and strawberries sweetened with honey, and he wanted more.

Leah stroked her tongue against his, and worked her hands around his waist, untucking his t-shirt. Every time her bare skin touched his, a spark of electricity raced to his already hard and aching cock. When his shirt was free, she pushed it up his chest until he had no choice but to sever their connection and rip it over his head.

Her fingers seemed to automatically rise to the bear paw tattoo cutting through his skin over his heart, and though most people had the same reaction, her touch was different. She leaned to the right to see his left bicep, and he watched as her forehead bunched as she traced the outline, then she silently walked around him. When she reached his other bicep, she traced the skull and crossbones, but her frown remained in place.

“Do you have anymore?” she asked.

“Not yet.”

“They suit you,” she nodded, “but they’re not what I expected.”

“What did you expect?” he asked cautiously.

“Honestly, I’m not sure,” she said. “Something not so dark, I guess.”

He looked down at her and raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah, I don’t know,” she said, laughing.

“Do they bother you?” he asked. He didn’t want to care, but he had to know.

“Of course not,” she said, smoothing her hand down his chest. “They’re beautiful, I’m just surprised there’s no color anywhere.”

“Color is…”

Hope, life, peace, love, joy.

Shit! He did not want to have this conversation.

“Color is not for me,” he finished finally.

“I think you’re wrong,” she said, pulling him down for a kiss.

She didn’t know what she was talking about, but when their lips touched, he couldn’t remember their conversation. He broke the kiss, bent down and scooped her up. With one hand behind her back, and another under her knees, he marched toward the bedroom.

“Jared,” she squealed, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Put me down! I don’t want you to get hurt.”

He stopped in the doorway and studied her.

“Seriously?” he growled.

“I’m a lot heavier than I look,” she said quietly.

“You do realize I’m a shifter, right?”

He knew she was aware he changed forms, but he had a point to make.

“And I can assume you’ve seen my arms?”

“Funny,” she said, her voice laced with sarcasm.

“Well, then what’s the problem?”

Almost a full minute passed while she worked out her answer.

“Not a lot guys can lift me,” she admitted quietly.

“Well, then, you’re hanging out with the wrong guys.”

He finished his trek into the bedroom, and set her down next to his unmade bed.

“You’re also wearing too many clothes,” he said, grabbing her shirt at the hem.

She pushed his hands away and whipped the shirt over her head.

“So are you,” she countered.

Her lush breasts nearly tumbled out of the satin demi-cup bra she wore, and he pulled the straps down her arms to further expose the soft flesh. The satin brushed across both nipples, and the hard pebbles begged for his mouth. He pulled the cups of the fabric down and closed his hands around the glorious, ample mounds.

“You are so beautiful,” he said, dragging the pads of his thumbs across the hard, sensitive flesh.

A tiny gasp escaped from her lips and he bent down and sucked one of the nipples into his mouth. Leah threaded her fingers through his hair, and pulled, fueling his hunger. He licked, sucked and scraped his teeth over the hard pebble, and then he switched sides and loved the other one. Her nails dug into his scalp, and the tiny sounds she made called to his primal side.

“Jared,” she whispered, breathlessly.

“What is it, sweetheart,” he said, coming up for air. “What do you need?”

“You,” she said. “I need to feel you inside me.”

“Take off your clothes, and get on the bed.”

She hastily removed her clothes and lay down with her head on his pillow. He removed his jeans and boxers and then stared at her as he rolled a condom down his thick dick. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, and he liked that she didn’t try to hide from him. Except for the heavy comment when he’d picked her up, she always seemed to exude confidence.

The hunger he saw in her eyes as he protected himself nearly had him coming in his hand, and he wasn’t sure how much longer he could refrain from sinking into her warmth.

“Spread your legs for me,” he said, kneeling on the bed, “I want to see your…yes.”

Her bare pussy was soaking wet, and he easily slid two fingers into her cunt.

“So wet,” he said, moving his fingers in and out. “So perfect.”

Leah spread her legs wider and covered her breasts with her hands. She watched him intently as her pussy clenched around his hand, and she tweaked her nipples with her fingers.

When her moans and cries became erratic, he pulled his fingers free and placed them in his mouth.

“Mmm… I knew your cunt would taste like strawberries, too.”

“Jared, please.”

She arched her back and he watched her pussy contract, as if searching for his cock. He covered her body with his, and sank deep into her channel in one swift thrust. Her cry of pleasure raced down his spine, fueling his lust, and he pulled almost all the way out and thrust deep again.

Leah crossed her ankles around his waist, pushing him deeper, and he nearly came when she dug her nails into his back.

“You are so tight, sweetheart,” he said, taking a deep breath. “So perfect. You feel so damn good, I’m not sure I can go slow.”

“We can go slow next time,” she said, circling her hips.

He clenched his teeth, and grunted as a jolt of electricity raced across his skin. He felt the tips of his canines poke through his gums and he knew he was in trouble.


He clamped his mouth shut and started to move. Her blond hair was spread across his pillow, and every time he sank into her core, her breasts bounced, fueling his desire. She tried to kiss him, but he refused to open his mouth, so she placed chaste kisses on his bicep, shoulder and neck, as her hands roamed his back.

He knew the second her orgasm threatened because she tightened her ankles and arms around him, and tried to pull him closer. He pushed deep one more time and she exploded beneath him.

The sensation of her pussy tightening around his cock sent him over the edge, and he roared his release. He placed another chaste kiss on her lips before collapsing next to her on the bed.

He pulled her close, wrapped his arms around her, and kissed the top of her head. Sex with Leah had been different—fantastic—but different. He’d never had his canines try to escape while with a woman, and though he understood the reason why, he hadn’t expected it.

“That was amazing,” she said.

“I think you’re amazing.”

Shit! What is happening?

She had him cuddling, whispering warm and fuzzy compliments, and actually feeling…happy? What the fuck was next?

“Are they still out?” she asked.

“Um…what?” he questioned, looking down at her.

“Are your canines still trying to extend?” Her blue eyes met his, and he wondered how she knew him so well in such a short amount of time.

“No,” he said, looking back up at the ceiling. “They retracted after I came.”

“Is that normal?”

“No,” he said, honestly. “It’s never happened before.”

“Next time I want to see.”


He sighed and looked down to see her raise an eyebrow just like he’d done earlier.
He had a feeling he’d never be able to deny her anything.


She smiled at the small victory, and returned her head to his chest. A few minutes later, she was fast asleep.

Jared couldn’t sleep.

The lack of tension in his body scared him half to death.




Leah opened her eyes and glanced at the small clock on the nightstand next to the bed. It was a little bit after eight in the morning, but the sun stayed hidden, and she wondered if rain had been predicted in the forecast.

Jared’s strong arm still held her against his chest, and she relished in the idea of being protected by him. His strength and power fueled her desire as much as his quiet brooding.

She never expected to want a man who never smiled, but she did. She wanted him with her whole heart. His serious demeanor didn’t scare her like it did her friends, and she was already starting to understand the difference between anger and his other emotions.

While she knew she’d never seen him happy, he’d been content when they’d made love. He didn’t show it with a smile, but she’d been able to understand his feelings wordlessly.

The same had been true when she’d surveyed his apartment.

After sitting in his truck, she hadn’t expected anything elaborate from his home, and she’d been right. Except for the flat screen TV and game console, the few pieces of furniture were a mash-up of hand-me-downs and garage sale finds. The surprise was the condition of each piece.

Though the fabric on the couch was worn, it wasn’t dirty or tattered, and the table tops were clean and unstained. He’d obviously taken care when choosing his pieces, and maintained them the same way he did his truck.

His attention to detail impressed her, and she hadn’t been lying when she’d complimented him on his minimal expression.

The living room had a couch, an end table, a coffee table and a TV stand; and the kitchen had a square table with a speckled top surrounded by three yellow chairs. The TV stand held the TV, game console and remotes, but she didn’t see any games or movies and she had a feeling he didn’t own any.

The bedroom contained a bed and nightstand, and when she’d glanced in his open closet, she’d only seen a small dresser, clothes and shoes. There weren’t any boxes possibly stuffed with mementoes or other things from his past.

Jared didn’t do fear, or worry, but she’d immediately understood her opinion of his home meant something, even though he didn’t come right out and admit it. It was another testament to the fact that she could read him, even when he tried to mask his emotions.

She risked waking him to glance up at his handsome face, and when he didn’t stir, she took the time to study him up close.

His features were strong, with sharp angles, but she’d never seen a more attractive man. He had a strong forehead, high cheek bones, and a nearly straight nose. In fact, considering how many fights he’d been in, his nose looked pretty damn good.

She looked harder, searching for hidden scars or blemishes, but she couldn’t find a flaw anywhere on his face. Even the beginning of a five o’clock shadow couldn’t extinguish her attraction, and she’d never been a fan of facial hair.

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