Read Gnomes of Suburbia Online

Authors: Viola Grace

Gnomes of Suburbia (21 page)

BOOK: Gnomes of Suburbia
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"Okay, now that you have introduced yourself, Buffy, I want you to stay in the area. You can fly around Oak Point Way, but not into the town. If people see you, they may get a little scared. Do you understand?” The tiny head with the sparkling eyes and the distended fangs nodded gently. “Then, feel free to fly any time you wish."

With a gleeful shriek, her latest creation took to the skies and headed straight toward the town center.

With a shudder and a long look at her gnomes, she came to the inescapable conclusion. “This is so going to bite me in the ass."

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Chapter Forty

After two full days of ignoring what must be going on, she had to know what the news was reporting. Buffy had returned to her home and nested in the oak quite happily. Aside from her trepidation on creating more gargoyles, Abby just couldn't leave Buffy as the only one.

Angel and Firefly were born the day after Buffy returned. Abby smiled every time she looked at them. She was a huge Joss Whedon fan.

She chatted with Xander every evening and he told her absolutely nothing about what was going on. However, she learned that she could indeed tune into his lascivious thoughts at will, while he was on the line, so to speak. Nothing when the mirrors were not engaged.

It was the power generated by those two chats that had brought Angel and Firefly to life.

They nested happily with Buffy, but had an unfortunate tendency to buzz the population of Sargent.

Abby rummaged in her fridge and found the remote behind the pickles. Of course, she could have turned the television on manually, but then what was the point of the remote control?

With a strange combination of excitement and nausea, she took up her position on the couch and only vaguely heard the slide of the patio door. She fumbled slightly, but got the television on and turned to local news.

"In local news, more unidentified creatures have been seen in the town of Sargent, but these ones fly.” The anchor was trying to keep a straight face. “Here is footage of the creatures stealing baseball hats and a variety of headgear from people picnicking in the park. The footage was recorded by a local woman who was documenting a Frisbee competition."

The screen changed to a bright sunny day, the first few seconds were nothing but Frisbees flying and being caught. A startled cry off screen made the camerawoman spin and there was Buffy, yanking a baseball cap off a teenage boy. Another shout and a swing of the camera showed Angel and Firefly doing the same. They hovered for a moment, comparing their catches, then flapped off toward home, disappearing into a clump of trees.

"The creatures have not yet been identified by zoological experts at the Winnipeg Zoo, but they seem to be a combination of spider monkey and bat."

A warm body settled on her left shoulder and another on her right. They snuggled against her head, “Oh, no. You are not getting away with it that easily. Why are you stealing baseball caps?"

A large snuffling noise came from the left of her head. “They
That's why? Oh boy. You are one twisted little pack of critters."

The telly was now showing views of Harby and the crew carefully shopping at three in the morning at the local Home and Garden centre.

"You guys know that I don't have enough money to pay for all the stuff you have stolen, right? And as soon as they figure out where you are coming from, they will be knocking down my door.” Warm bodies pressed against her legs and she closed her eyes as the tiny image of Skint watered the plants in his own special fashion before leaving them behind.

Historical pictures now flashed on the screen. These were interesting. “We delved into the origin of this type of occurrence and came up with a few of these events in obscure histories. Gremlins appeared in fiction in 1929, these creatures were never before seen, but are documented as having a particular interest in flying aircraft. They caused mischief on both fronts in World War II.” Pictures of grotesque creatures, artist renderings, also moved across the screen.

Abby surmised that is must have been a slow news day.

"Ancient societies also recorded events of this nature. A mass migration of statues from Pompeii to Rome before the Vesuvius explosion. A flock of gargoyles off a variety of churches in the thirteenth century in Germany and a stampede of stone lions and dragons were sighted helping people escape from the Great Fire of London. Is Sargent the next town to add itself to this unusual distinction? After the break, why crossing the street may cause cancer..."

She snapped the off button and glared at her little family. Angel and Firefly were on her shoulders, Buffy was on her left arm and the gnomes were clustered around her on the floor.

"All right, boys and girls. It is time for the facts of life.” She made sure that she had all of their attention and kept going, “I can't afford the changes and upgrades that you are making to my yard. I can't afford to be sued for what you are stealing or the people you are freaking out."

The little ring of faces grew sad.

"I do not want you stealing money. If you happen to find it in your travels, buy yourselves some ice cream or something. Do. Not. Take. Anything. That. Isn't. Yours. To. Take. I love what you have done so far. But I only had enough money to buy this house. I didn't have any left over for renovations.” A thought occurred to her. “You know, my publisher sounded interested in another book. Maybe I should...” A small hand tapped her on the leg. Her camera was in Splint's hand.

"Buffy, Angel, Firefly, come with me. It's time to earn your keep.” She wasn't sure where they would be displayed to their advantage, but she may as well give it a try.

The project that had kept the gnomes out of her house had been one of amazing proportions. They had created a small version of Stonehenge where the explosion had occurred. It was the perfect place to take pictures of the gargoyles.

Taking pictures of moving gargoyles was an event in and of itself.

Acting as her assistants, her light meter, tripod, extra lenses and memory sticks were delivered to her in short order with Harby trying to keep the gargoyles under control. She just wished he hadn't whipped out his tiny handcuffs. What had possessed her to give him handcuffs?

Eventually, the lady of wings agreed to pose in a still fashion as did her consort and companion.

It was almost like photographing a wedding. A really weird wedding. But after hours of posing them, adjusting their minimal clothing and flaring their wings, she was finished. She was ready to craft the book and send it off to see if it would be a good buy for her publisher.

Her gnomes kept her fed and answered the door when Laura showed up. They led her in and sat her down.

"Hiya, Laura.” She was on page thirty-two, describing a wrestling match between the muscular Angel and the lighter Firefly. Apparently, it was over the cookie on top of one of the stones.

"Hi, Abby. What are you working on?"

"Another book."

"Oh. What for?"

"To make money. I am going to have to pay off the merchants that have been missing items that are showing up in my yard."

"That is very noble of you, but why don't you ask the council to take care of it?"

"Because I pay my debts and I don't know those fellas."

"Fair enough. What is your book about?"

Harby offered her a cup of tea.

Abby looked up, smiled and took a sip of the scalding brew. “Whoa. That's hot. This new one is called Gargoyles in the Round. It features pictures of my new critters, Angel, Buffy and Firefly."

"Aren't those the names of television shows?"

"Yep. I am a Joss Whedon fan."


"The guy that developed the shows. He does good work."

"Oh.” She absorbed that for a moment. “Did you know that your creatures are on the local news?"

"Yup. I saw them. It is what spurred me to want to finish the book. I am responsible for those thefts."

"Great. But did you notice that people are trying to track them?"

"Uh, no. I missed that bit. I thought that Oak Point Way was hidden from the view of people without magic."

"It is. The river isn't. You are featuring with your gargoyles on the Six o'clock News."


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Chapter Forty-One

It wasn't as bad as she had imagined. Sure, she was obviously taking photos of her creatures in the tiny grainy picture. But it merely looked as if she was friendly with the strange creatures. That is, until her gnomes gathered around and started to hand her stuff. Then she knew she was busted.

Her agent called three hours after the news. “Honey, was that actually you? On the news, I mean."

"Yeah, Tina, but I am not outing myself quite yet. If they don't know who I am, I am happy.” Her agent only called when she wanted something. “What do you want, Tina?"

"I couldn't help but notice that you were taking photos in that footage, is there another book in the offing?"

"Yes. Do you want it via email or snail mail?"

"Email please. We can't afford to miss the frenzy that is starting in Sargent. It could be the next Mystical Spot."

She sounded genuinely excited so as they spoke, Abby went to her computer and started to send the enormous book and photo files. “You had better clear out your email, this thing is huge."

"I am ready for it. Send it on through."

A few dozen keystrokes later, “Here it comes. Let me know what you think.” She waited while Tina Stephanic muttered and opened the upload.

"Gargoyles in the Round! Fantastic!” Happy chortling noises came from her end of the phone.

"So do you think you can sell it?"

"Honey, I think I already have a bidding war on my hands. This news cast is just what I needed to make my point."

"Doesn't the publisher for Gnomes get first crack at it?"

"Nope. We took it out of their contract when they wouldn't give you the advance that we needed."

"Nice.” She smiled. A relaxed smile for the first time in days. Tina would take care of her, her own money depended on it. It was a fair bargain.

"You leave this with me and I will be back to you in a few days. The first pictures of the gargoyles are going to net us a pretty penny."

The image of Tina rubbing her hands together with anticipatory greed had Abby laughing. “Night, Tina. Enjoy your dreams of money."

"Night, Abby. Think of more creatures to photograph."

"Aye aye, commander. Night.” Abby hung up. She sighed deeply. Perhaps selling out her critters wasn't the most horrible thing she could do. And they really didn't seem to mind.

Perhaps she could think of a few more creatures to make. But she was going to let her family settle in for now. Too many new additions would wreck the balance of her family. Nine kids in a month was too much. She was becoming a fan of planned parenthood.

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Chapter Forty-Two

To escape the stresses of the news, the gnomes and the gargoyles, not to mention the questions being asked by her neighbours, Abby needed a distraction.

With a bit of time on her hands, she went into her room and took out her big book. Upon careful examination and manipulation, she was able to open it. There was nothing on the pages and she sighed and flipped through the empty book as she imagined what it should have held. Tales of knights and ladies, dragons and fairies. Instead of those stories, this book held nothing.

She sighed and closed the book, drumming her fingers on the surface. A clatter from the kitchen sent a thrill of magic through her and, to her astonishment, the binding of the book answered her power surge. The book glowed, shimmered with a bright magic. Lemon, gold and pink swirled across Abby's inner eye. It was amazing.

Abby's hands trembled as she finally reopened the giant tome. At first she was confused, there was nothing on any of the pages. But she remembered the way that the mirror had worked for her and how the book responded to her so she sent a tiny burst of magic through the book.

It shivered in her hands and words swam to the surface of the page:

If you are reading this, then you are the new Nexus and I hope that this chronicle finds you free and happy. Not all with our talent have been so fortunate. If you are in custody, I hope that this chronicle gives you the key to freedom.

Do not fear for the safety of this book as it lives to protect itself and to come to the Nexus when they begin to master their powers. As there is only one of us at a time, it is only one place at a time. No one who does not generate magic can read it.

I had hoped that after me, each Nexus would add to the book, but perhaps that has not happened. It is with this in mind that I tell you of my life, my capture and my death, for if this book has left my side before I can change this sentence, I have fallen at the hands of my captor. I am hoping that that is not the case.

So I am thinking that I should begin with my story...

Abby almost dropped the book. Holy crap. This was something. She read the next line.

My name is Terranor and I was the Nexus of my time.

With trembling fingers, she punched in Seesee's number. When she picked up, Abby asked her, “What was the name of the first recorded Nexus?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"I just do. Can you get me the name?"

"Sure. Just a minute.” Seesee put the phone down on something hard.

Abby could hear the faint opening of the bookcase in the background. The flipping of pages was coming closer to the phone.

"The first one was the only other female that we know of."


"Her name was Terranor. Held in the custody of Mervyn Atur. There is no record of her after her twenty-sixth year."

"Thanks.” Abby was getting ready to hang up.

"Will you tell me why?"

Abby thought about it. “Eventually. This is a Nexus thing for now."

"Fair enough, have a good night."

"Night.” Abby hung up and turned back to the tome in her lap.
My name is Terranor ...
This was going to be a long night, but she was eager to start reading of the first of her kind.

BOOK: Gnomes of Suburbia
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