Goddess of Legend (Demi-God Daughters) (12 page)

BOOK: Goddess of Legend (Demi-God Daughters)
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“They look so happy. So peaceful.”

“They are. They live their lives. Every day they can do something different. Many of them find love again and form families. Eternity is the same as being alive except without any of the pain and suffering,” Hades

Cameryn continued looking around. She soon spotted a circle of children sitting on the grass. There were looks of wonder on their angelic faces. She wondered what had captured their attention. She looked up and saw a woman talking animatedly to the children. Cameryn felt a weight on her chest as tears welled up in her eyes. She’d know that bright blonde hair and animated smile anywhere. It was Deena. Her sister’s eyes sparkled as she spoke to the children. Cameryn couldn’t make out what she was saying
, but it seemed like she might be telling them a story. Tears flowed. Deena seemed happy, so happy.

Her sister had always told her that she was going to have a houseful of kids. Fate had been cruel and denied her wish, but here in the afterlife it looked like she was capturing a little of what she’d lost. The pain and sadness Cameryn felt tore at her.

“Deena!” she screamed, all the while knowing her sister wouldn’t respond.

When Deena didn’t turn in her direction, Cameryn lost it. Sobs racked her body
, and her legs nearly gave out. Hades crushed her to him, holding her in his arms. Cameryn clung to him desperately as she cried.

“It’s al
l right, Cameryn. Let it out. Let it all out.”

“I miss my sister. I miss her so much.”

“I know you do, sweetheart. I just wanted you to see that regardless of whatever decision you make your sister will be happy. Don’t feel like you have to sacrifice your life for hers because you don’t,” Hades said kissing her brow.

“She doesn’t know who I am anymore
, and I still have this ache in my heart for her. She was my best friend. She just can’t be gone.”

“I can’t even begin to understand how you feel. All I can do is comfort you while you grieve. Just know that this doesn’t have to be permanent.

Cameryn stopped her tears and looked up at Hades. She could see the pain in his eyes. That pain was for her.

“You promise?”

“I swear it to you. I would do anything to make you happy,” he said wiping a tear from her cheek.

“I’m sorry. It’s not like me to be so emotional
, but I love my sister so much.”

“There’s no need to explain. I understand grief better than anyone, but doesn’t it help to ease the ache seeing her happy?”

“No. Not at all,” Cameryn said honestly.

“What will ease the ache
, Cameryn?” Hades asked cupping her face in one of his hands.

Cameryn looked into his eyes. He was so concerned for her. The worry on his face was evident
, and it touched something inside of her.

“You,” she whispered moistening her lips.

“Me?” he asked in obvious confusion.

, you. H, kiss me please,” Cameryn said.

She could see that he was at war with himself. He wanted to kiss her, but he thought he’d be taking advantage of her. Now was not the time for him to be a nice guy. She wrapped both arms around his neck and kissed him. She poured every ounce of emotion she felt into the kiss. She gasped against his mouth when she felt his hands settle on her ass pressing her against him. Cameryn ground her hips against him as his tongue invaded her mouth. She sucked on his tongue as it sought the sweetness of her mouth. His kiss was like a drug. She wanted more of it, so much more. She felt her nipples tighten. His lips left hers trailing down her neck, sucking on a spot just behind her ear. She couldn’t help the groan that escaped her lips.

“It warms my heart to see my husband wrapped around another woman,” a woman’s voice said from behind them.

Cameryn and Hades turned around to see a blonde standing in front of them with a pissed off look on her face.




“Nice to see my dear husband hasn’t forgotten his wife.”

“I’m not your husband anymore
, Persephone. You ended our marriage,” Hades said with venom in his voice.

It had been eons since he’d seen Persephone. Why in the blue blazes was she here now?

“Now, darling, you should’ve known I only needed some space, and now that I’ve had it, I’m back where I belong,” Persephone said speaking to him as if he were a child.

“It doesn’t work like that. You don’t just get to show up as if nothing happened and think we pick up where we left off. It doesn’t work like that.”

“Honey, you don’t have to put on airs just because your little plaything is here.”

“I’m no one’s plaything,” Cameryn said glaring at Persephone.

“You’re human. All you’re good for is worship and a little bed sport. Haven’t you learned anything from all the Greek mythology they teach you? A mortal can never hold a god’s attention for long, especially one as drab as you,” Persephone said raking Cameryn with a look of distaste.

Hades felt Cameryn tense beside him. Persephone was doing her best to antagonize her.

“Well obviously Hades doesn’t think I’m too drab, or he wouldn’t be offering me immortality and his eternal love and devotion as his wife,” Cameryn said enunciating the last word.

He watched as his ex-wife’s face started to turn red. She wasn’t used to having anyone stand up to her.

“A momentary lapse in judgment. His tastes are so much more refined than what you have to offer.”

“Cameryn’s not just some mortal
, and we both know that, whether or not you want to admit it,” Hades said.

“You poor fool. Lack of affection has clearly clouded your mind. I’ll forgive your dalliance if you send her away now.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” Cameryn said making a move to exit the chariot.

Hades quickly blocked her path. She glared at him. He could see that she was pissed off and spoiling for a fight. He had to
defuse this situation as best as he could.

“I will forgive your momentary rudeness since you aren’t smart enough to recognize your betters,” Persephone said with a tight smile.

“That’s it. Move, H!” Cameryn said shoving him aside with strength she shouldn’t have possessed.

He watched as she stepped off the chariot and
made her way toward Persephone.

, the little plaything is mad. What’s the matter, sweetie? Don’t like knowing you’re nothing? Perhaps your lover is already keeping secrets from you,” Persephone said nastily.

Before Hades could even move, Cameryn raised her hand and slapped Persephone with all her might. His ex stood there in shock, grabbing her face and staring at Cameryn with loathing in her eyes.

“Let’s get something straight, Persephone. I am no one’s plaything, unlike you. I suggest you think twice before tangoing with me. Goddess or not, I will take your ass down,” Cameryn told her.

“You arrogant mortal bitch!” Persephone yelled raising her hand towards Cameryn.

Persephone was out for blood.

“Cameryn!” Hades yelled as he prepared to materialize in front of her.

Persephone’s hand lit up, and a bolt of brightness shot towards Cameryn. Hades moved as Cameryn raised her hands in a defensive stance. What he saw next amazed him. As the bolt hit Cameryn, it bounced off her and hit Persephone with enough force to

knock her flat on her ass. Hades appeared in front of Cameryn and wrapped her in his arms. Persephone struggled to her feet angrily.

“You attacked me like a coward, Hades. Wait until my father hears about this!” Persephone screamed.

Her hair was in disarray
, and there were grass stains on her dress.

“I didn’t attack you. It seems Cameryn has powers you didn’t expect. Some lowly mortal,” Hades said with a smirk on his face.

“This isn’t over. If you think you’re going to take my husband or my throne, you have another think coming,” Persephone said before disappearing.

When she was gone, Hades breathed a sigh of relief. He hugged Cameryn tighter in the circle of his arms.

“I was so afraid for you. What were you thinking?” he asked her.

Cameryn broke
from the circle of his arms.

“I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself,”

She marched back to the chariot and climbed aboard.

“I can see that,” he said as he followed her.

When he reached for the reins, she refused to give them up.

“I’m driving.”

“Fine by me
, love. They know where to go,” Hades said amicably.

Cameryn flicked the reins
, and they shot off. She stood rigid and proud. He felt his heart swell with love for her. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her back against him.

“You were magnificent. No one’s ever really stood up to her before,” he murmured in her ear.

“Someone should’ve. She’s a conceited bitch.”

“I won’t argue with you there,” he said pressing kisses into her hair.

She relaxed against him as he drove the chariot. With her he felt alive, so alive. He was beyond impressed at the way she’d handled Persephone. Cameryn was a warrior. She didn’t need anyone to fight her battles for her. She was ready to take on anyone. Her spirit was amazing. She would be a worthy mate to rule beside anyone. He had to have her as his own. The more time he spent in her presence, the more his desire for her grew. Seeing her confront Persephone had taken things to an entirely different level. He’d surmised that Cameryn had talents no one was aware of. She’d tossed him aside to get to Persephone and then deflected the attack back at her tormenter.

There was more to Cameryn than either of them knew. She was exhibiting
goddess-like powers. Perhaps it was just another sign that she was destined to be his wife. Hades was so caught up in his thoughts he hadn’t even realized they’d made it back to the palace. Noting Cameryn’s stillness he reluctantly released her before exiting and offering her his hand. She took it, and he helped her down from the chariot. When she was standing next to him, a frown crossed her face.

“What is it?” he asked.

“We need to talk.”

“Of course. About what?” he asked as they walked towards the palace.

“I want to know the truth about what happened between you and Persephone. All of it,” Cameryn said whirling around to face him.

“I’ll have refreshments brought
, and we can talk in the library,” he said.

She nodded and started off towards the castle. He followed behind her, admiring the rounded curves of her body in those leather pants. The woman was made to inspire lust. Cameryn was quiet as they entered and went up the stairs to the library. He held the door open allowing her inside. He followed, watching her as she sat down in a large high back chair. Her body was still tense. On alert. Tara soon appeared with a tray. He took the tray from her and poured him and Cameryn a drink. She took hers from him warily. She brought the glass to her lips and took a drink. A moan escaped her lips.

“This is delicious. What is it?” she asked taking another sip.

“Nectar and pomegranate juice.”

“It’s very good. Now spill.”

“Wouldn’t you rather talk about how you just stopped a goddess from attacking you and knocked her on her ass? I’ve never seen a mortal do that.”

“I don’t know how it happened or why, but me having any more weird abilities is not what’s important right now. What is important is the real deal with you and Persephone.”

“Well for starters most of what you know about me from Greek mythology isn’t true,” Hades said setting his glass down.

“I’ll say. They never described you as such a hunk,” Cameryn

“I’m glad you think so,” Hades said giving her a smoldering look.

When she blushed he continued.

“I’d already been God of the Underworld for quite some time before Persephone was even born. For a time I’d searched for someone to share eternity with and rule beside me. Unfortunately no one wanted to. The thought of living down here was repugnant to many
, and in time they came to view me the same way.”

“That’s mighty shitty of them. Is it true that you and your brothers cast lots to determine who would rule everything?”

“No. That’s another lie. We chose kingdoms representative of our personalities. Since I’ve always been the dark and broody one, naturally I chose the Underworld. The days of eternity soon grew too long for me. I wasn’t like my brothers. Constant affairs didn’t appeal to me. I soon accepted that I was meant to rule alone. Then Persephone was born. As she grew older I was drawn to her. There was something about her that made my heart ache. In time she grew to womanhood
, and I asked Zeus for her hand.”

“That was very chivalrous of you to ask her father to marry her,” Cameryn said

“It seemed like the right thing to do. Zeus gave his permission. He and Demeter thought the marriage would be good for the both of us. I was overcome with joy. I went to tell Persephone that I’d received her parents’ blessing to marry her. She agreed to the marriage.”

“Just like that. She never protested once?”

“No. She came with me to the Underworld willingly. I didn’t have to abduct her. For a time we were happy. I mean I was. For the first time in my existence I looked forward to what each new day would bring. In the back of my mind I started to think about having children with Persephone. That’s when things started to go wrong.”

“What happened?” Cameryn asked, eyes wide as she stared at him.

“She grew distant. Now that I think back she was never particularly affectionate before. I begged her to tell me what I could do to make things better. She told me everything was fine. That’s when the rumors began that she was sleeping with other gods. I did my best to ignore them, but they became more persistent. I confronted her, but she denied it so I let it go. At least I thought I had. One day when she went to the surface and I followed her. I saw her having sex with Hermes and Dionysus. I was devastated. My beautiful wife had lied to me.”

“Did you confront her and her lovers?”

“No. I left before anyone saw me. I decided to forget about it. Pretend I hadn’t seen it. Pretty soon she returned home as if nothing had happened. We went on like that for longer than I care to admit. Pretty soon she stopped caring about discretion. I found her in our bed with a mortal. I killed the moral on sight. I confronted her about her infidelity, and she told me that she’d never loved me. The only reason she’d married me was because I was a fool, and she knew I’d be easy to manipulate. She’d be free to do what she wanted. I itched for vengeance against her. I wanted her dead.”

“No one could blame you. Not after what she did to you,” Cameryn said holding his hand in hers.

“I didn’t have to contemplate murder for too long. She told me our marriage was over and that she was leaving me. I let her go. I was through fighting. After we separated she started telling anyone who would listen that I’d abducted her and forced her to marry me. The rest is history,” Hades said finishing his story.

“And you’ve been alone ever since then?”


Cameryn was quiet, staring off into space. He wondered what she was thinking. In some ways she could be unpredictable. She finally turned to him and focused her gaze.

“You have endured a lot of pain you didn’t deserve. You tried to be a good husband to her, and she didn’t appreciate you. It was best that things ended then, but now is a different story. Persephone wants you back, and I can’t stand in the way.”


“Hear me out. Maybe during your time apart she realized that she hadn’t been a good wife to you. Maybe she’s ready to give it a second try.”

“You don’t really believe that, Cameryn. I know you don’t,” Hades said barely able to believe what he was hearing.

“It doesn’t matter what I believe or what I feel. What I know is she wants you back
, and deep down inside you still love her. I can’t allow myself to be the third wheel regardless of the feelings I have for you. It’s better to end things now,” Cameryn said hurriedly rising.

Hades grabbed her before she could escape.

“Cameryn, listen to me. What Persephone and I had is over. There is no going back. It took time, but over the eons my feelings for her eventually faded. I no longer love Persephone, and I have no desire to be with her. The only woman I want is you, Cameryn. Only you,” he said caressing her face.

When she didn’t pull away he leaned down and kissed her. He felt her body tremble as her lips opened beneath his own. She returned the kiss tentatively as if still unsure of his intentions. He kissed her hungrily, dipping his tongue into her sweet mouth over and over. Regretfully he broke the kiss. She looked up at him for a moment before she smiled.

“Just give me some time okay?”

“Take as much as you need. I’m not going anywhere.”

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