Goddess of Legend (Demi-God Daughters) (21 page)

BOOK: Goddess of Legend (Demi-God Daughters)
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Chapter Twenty-


“You’re going to have to do better, Apollo. The girl should already be dead. What is the Council’s problem?” Persephone raged at her half-brother.

When he remained silent, she became angry.

“Apollo, are you listening to me?”

“You don’t get it
, do you, Persephone? Didn’t you listen to a word of the prophecy?”

“Of course I did. Your lie was masterful. When I asked for your help, I didn’t realize just how good you were,” she said rubbing his shoulder.

He flinched from her touch. “The prophecy is real, Persephone. I didn’t make it up.”

“Yeah right. Like your Oracle has had any real
prophecies. . It’s all smoke and mirrors,” Persephone said.

“You know what
, Persephone, believe what you want. I don’t care. You’re going to get what you wanted all along. It’s not like you give a damn either way,” Apollo said giving her a look of disgust before disappearing.

Why were his panties in a bunch? She didn’t believe him for a second about his
so-called prophecy. He was just trying to make her feel guilty because the Council was

going to eventually execute her daughter. He was wasting his breath. She couldn’t wait until the little bitch was dead. With Cameryn gone, Hades would be vulnerable
, and she could swoop in and reclaim her place as Queen of the Underworld. She couldn’t wait.


s eyes opened. Cameryn was asleep on his chest. After Demeter’s visit, both of them had been high strung. They’d gone to bed and made love before falling into a fitful slumber. He was awake again. His body tensed. He felt a presence in his palace that wasn’t supposed to be there. He eased Cameryn’s head from his chest. She mumbled and opened her eyes.

“Where are you going?” she asked sleepily.

“We have an unwanted guest,” Hades said slipping out of bed and quickly outfitting himself in a severe looking black robe.

“Who?” Cameryn asked sitting up.

“Zeus. I’m going to seal the entrance behind me when I leave. No one will be able to get in but me. You should be safe.”

“H, be careful.”

“I will. I love you,” he said leaning down to kiss her.

Their lips met in a passionate frenzy, conveying the love and fear they both felt. He cupped her face in his hands as he kissed her lovingly. She whimpered when he ended the kiss.

“I love you. Hurry back.”

“I will. Go back to sleep,” he said stepping away from the bed.

He turned and strode to the door. He exited without looking back. With the door closed behind him, he carefully sealed it with the force of his power. He also warded it against the power of any immortal that would dare and try to open it. When that was done, he walked briskly down the hallway. A cloud of blue energy washed over him.
How dare Zeus enter my kingdom when he was trying to sentence my beloved to death?
He’d had more than enough of his younger brother’s pomposity. For eons, he’d held his tongue, trying to be the bigger man.

Not a word had come from his lips when Zeus had decided he didn’t need a seat on the Council because he ruled the largest domain of all. He’d kept silent again when their sister Hestia had been removed from the Council in favor of giving Dionysus a seat. Hestia didn’t care about the affairs of gods and mortals had been Zeus’
s excuse. Well, he was tired of Zeus’s excuses. His brother had everything, but it was never enough. All Hades wanted was a wife and queen who would love him throughout eternity and help

him rule the Underworld. He finally had that
, and nothing was going to get in the way of his happiness.

The doors of the Throne Room opened with a thought. He found Zeus staring at his and Cameryn’s thrones.

“You have a lot of nerve even showing your face here,” Hades said through gritted teeth.

, try to be reasonable,” Zeus said turning to face him.

“I will not be reasonable! She is going to be my wife and my queen
, and you want to destroy her!”

, she may have the power to kill us all.”

“She’s not even an immortal yet
, Zeus.”

“It doesn’t matter. Regardless of your personal feelings, you know when a prophecy is spoken
, it has to be taken seriously.”

“Apollo could be lying.”

“He wouldn’t lie. Not about something like this.”

“Forgive me for ever doubting your perfect, golden son,” Hades said
, voice dripping with sarcasm.

, what if the prophecy is true? What if she has the power to kill a god? I’ve thought long and hard about how something like this might be possible, and I think I know how.”

“I’m dying to hear it
, Zeus.”

“Even though Persephone left you, because you have never taken another queen, she was still going through the same changes as when she ruled the Underworld wit
h you. For six months she is the “Dark Maiden,” in control of all phases of the Underworld including death. For the rest of the year she is the “Spring Maiden,” life personified. If Cameryn was conceived as Persephone transitioned from death to life, that could explain why she has the ability to kill gods,” Zeus said.

“That sounds like a load of crock, but even if it were true, it doesn’t matter. Cameryn has no interest in any of you. All she wants is to be left alone so she can spend eternity with me.”

“I’m begging you to put aside your own selfish desires and think of the good of us all.”

“How dare you lecture me about selflessness? The only thing you ever think about is yourself and what you want. I am tired of being selfless. For once, I am putting my needs first. If Olympus crumbles because of it, so be it. She is mine, and I will not give her up!”

“Then you have doomed yourself alongside her. There is nothing left to say,” Zeus said shaking his head sadly.

“You’re damn right there isn’t. Now get the hell out of my kingdom. If you want a war, you’ve got one,” Hades thundered.

Zeus disappeared without another word.
The nerve of that arrogant bastard!
Zeus was a fool if he thought that he was just going to hand over his bride to any angry Parthenon to crucify. He thought for a moment about Cameryn’s newly acquired powers. Besides the fact that she had so many diverse gifts, there was nothing he hadn’t seen before. No, he wouldn’t let Zeus’s words affect him. Even if the prophecy were somehow true, it didn’t matter. He loved Cameryn with his entire being, and he would protect her against all of Olympus. He was ready for war.


Cameryn tried to remain calm after Hades left, but she couldn’t fight the panic welling up inside her.
What if he and Zeus come to blows? What if he is hurt?
She couldn’t bear the thought of anything happening to him. She’d come so far from fighting his love to surrendering completely. There was no way she was going to be separated from him. Not now, not ever.

Lying back down she’d tried to go back to sleep, but she couldn’t rest until he was safely back in her arms. Looking up at the ceiling, she gasped when a pain struck her in her left side. It felt like menstrual cramps. She gritted her teeth when the pain came again.
Damn it, that hurt!
Why in the hell am I even having cramps?
She’d been on the pill longer than she could remember, well at least before coming to the Underworld. But still, the medication stayed in your system for months after you stopped taking it. She should be fine.

Another cramp seized her, forcing her to curl up into the fetal position. A tear ran down her cheek. She clutched her belly. The pain was rapidly intensifying
, and she had no idea why.

“Ahh,” she cried out as she squirmed in the bed from the pain.

“Cameryn. What is it? What’s wrong?” Hades asked materializing into the room.

“Pain,” she
said before another wave hit her.

Hades sat on the bed and pulled her into his arms. He touched her forehead.
His palm felt icy cold to her. That could only mean one thing: she must have a fever.

“Where is the pain
, honey?”

“In my stomach,” she cried out.

Hades felt his heart drop as he watched her struggle in pain. He knew that no one could’ve possibly gotten to her in the time that he was gone.
What is wrong with her?

“Asclepius, I need you now!” Hades yelled out.

He had no idea if his great nephew would show up or not. There was a possibility he wouldn’t due to this prophecy foolishness. As Cameryn continued to moan in pain, he held her stroking her belly. His mind ran rampant with fear.

“How can I help you
, Uncle?” Asclepius asked materializing into the room.

“Cameryn. She’s in pain. I don’t know what’s wrong,” Hades said stepping aside.

“Permit me to examine her,” Asclepius said cautiously approaching the bed.

Hades nodded and watched as the spectacle wearing youth touched Cameryn’s forehead, then her chest.

“Cameryn, where is the pain?” Asclepius asked her.

“In my stomach. It feels like menstrual cramps,” she gasped out.

Asclepius pulled down the covers exposing her nakedness. Hades bit back the possessive rage that welled up in him at another man seeing her naked. His nephew was only examining her, nothing more. If he did step over the line, Hades would break his jaw. He watched as Asclepius pressed and rubbed Cameryn’s stomach. She continued to cry out beneath his hand. Suddenly he stopped and nodded to himself. He raised his serpent twined staff over Cameryn’s stomach. A white glow emerged covering her belly. A minute later the glow disappeared. Cameryn lay still, chest rising and falling evenly. She opened her eyes and looked up at Asclepius.

“Feeling better?” he asked.

“Yes. What did you do?”

“Not much.”

“What was wrong with her?” Hades asked coming to Cameryn’s side.

“You two really don’t know?” Asclepius asked.

“No we don’t. What is it?” Cameryn asked eyes wide.

“You’re pregnant with twins.”

Cameryn and Hades looked at one another too stunned to speak. Hades couldn’t believe what he’d just heard. Cameryn was pregnant. With twins. It was surreal, given their current circumstances.

“How far long is she?” Hades finally asked.

“Almost five months.”

“Five months? I’m not even showing.”

“It doesn’t matter. Your children are developed enough to be kicking and rolling around in your stomach causing you the pain you just felt.”

“Will this pregnancy harm her since she is not yet an immortal?” Hades asked, face taut with concern.

“Of course not, Uncle. Look at how many children Zeus has had by mortals and demigoddesses. Cameryn will be fine. She just needs to try to remain calm. Now that the children are big enough they can pick up on her agitation, and it makes them go berserk. From what I can tell, the babies are going to be fairly large. If she doesn’t try to take it easy, this pregnancy could be uncomfortable for her from here on out,” Asclepius said.

“If something like this happens again, what can I do to ease her pain?” Hades asked rubbing her stomach possessively.

“Rub her stomach. Let the babies feel just a touch of your power. It will make them feel safe and calm them right down. Now I must be going.”

“Thank you for coming
, Asclepius,” Cameryn said grabbing his hand.

“You’re welcome, my lady.”

“Yes, thank you for coming. I’m sure you’ve heard what everyone is saying.”

“The concerns of the gods are not mine. I am a healer, and I will go to all that have need of me.”

“I appreciate this
, and I would appreciate it even more if you kept this just between us,” Hades said.

“Of course.
Doctor-patient confidentiality. Good luck,” Asclepius said before disappearing.

Hades dispensed with his clothing and slid into bed with Cameryn. His arms enfolded her, caressing her pregnant belly.

“I can’t believe you’re pregnant.”

can I, especially so far along. It must have happened our first time together at my townhouse. Who knew your sperm was so strong? I was still on the pill.”

“I am a god
, sweetheart,” Hades said laughing.

“Mmm. Hmm. I’m going to be a mother in the midst of all this craziness.”

“Don’t worry. I will protect you and our children. I promise,” Hades said kissing her brow.

She snuggled closer to him, happy and content. She was going to be a mother and she knew Hades would fight even harder to keep her safe, but he wasn’t going to be fighting alone. If the Olympians came for her, then she was ready
, and now she was going to fight even harder. She had to protect herself for the sake of her children. There was nothing more dangerous in the world than a mother on the warpath.

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