Gods and Monsters (25 page)

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Authors: Felicia Jedlicka

BOOK: Gods and Monsters
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“Your tests came back. The scan showed a deprivation of activity in your psychic brain centers, just like you said.”

“Yeah, see, holes.”

“You think Cleos did something to cause this?”

“I don’t know, but I can’t ask him cause he hates me right now.”

She could her him exhale, with exasperation. “Why does he hate you Cori?”

“Because I forgave him for lob—erasing those women.”

“Why would you forgive him for that? He erased their existence.”

“Because they asked him to do it. They were on the verge of suicide. He had tried to remove some of the bad memories, but it didn’t work. Too many bad memories. He didn’t want them to die, so he offered them a new life. A real new life, without all the bad. He wasn’t doing it to feed on them. He was doing it to save their lives. I forgave him. I insulted his pride. Now, he hates me.”

“Cori, are you sure about that? Did he admit that to you?”

“Admit that he hates me? No.”

“No, did he tell you those women asked to be erased?”

“No, I heard it for myself, in his mind.” She could practically see the cogs in his brain turning, but he didn’t ask anything else. He shifted off the bed. “Belus?”

“What Cori?”

“You didn’t seem very happy about the baby.”

“Oh, no?” He pretended he had no idea what she was talking about, but she heard the humor in his tone.

“Not unhappy, just not very happy.”

“Well,” he returned to the bed. “I imagine I’m about as happy as you are.” She opened her eyes prepared to defend herself, but Belus’s simper told her he wasn’t trying to insult her. “I imagine your excited and yet terrified about raising a child here. That’s where I am right now, but yes, to answer the question you didn’t actually ask: I am happy that you are pregnant.”

Cori was relieved she was not the only one concerned about the future. “How
I raise a child here, Belus? How will I protect it? What about school and friends? There are no other children here to play with.” Cori could feel herself panicking, but she couldn’t stop thinking about the questions Gypsy had posed to her.

“Cori, relax, the baby will be safe. We will all protect it. We will utilize tutors and private schooling. There are no children here to play with because this is a prison, and to some extent that will never change, but obviously with time, leniencies will be made. You are not alone in balancing this lifestyle with children. Many of our recruited staff have families that they only see quarterly during their term.”

“Are you saying I have to ship my child to boarding school?”

Belus smirked. “I’m saying decisions will have to be made that will both benefit the child and protect the prison, regardless of how hard it is on your maternal instincts.”

Cori grimaced, but she knew that there was bound to be a price for raising a child here. She was thinking it would be the lack of cable television and music, but apparently there were worse things in life.

Belus touched her shoulder and headed to the door. When his hand was on the doorknob she found her voice again. “Belus?” He paused at the door, not taking his hand off the handle. “Can I ask you another question?”

“Only if you tell me why you waited for me to get all the way to the door to ask.”

“Cause that’s how long it took me to find my nerve.” She sat up against her pillows, pulling her knees in tight.

Belus observed the change and came back over to hear her out. “What is it?”

She cleared her throat, which made it hurt, so she reached for more water. After a sip, she held the water between her hands and knees, mostly to have something to do with her hands. “I said before that you and Danato acted strangely when I got to the prison to fix my wishes. Danato took one look at me and kissed me, and not really in a nice to meet you way. More like a thank god your home, kind of way.”

“Danato has a lot of Italian roots. Kissing is a lot like shaking hands for them.”

“I thought
was strange, until you got involved,” she said ignoring his levity. “You almost shot me, on first sight.” Belus’s jaw clenched and she waited for him to respond, but he didn’t. “You were not happy to make my acquaintance and I asked you why. You told me that I looked like Olivia. I know that she was Danato’s wife, and I know that she is deceased, and you have alluded to her being the reason your relationship with Danato has been precarious. However, what I don’t understand; is why when you are suddenly faced with a woman that looks just like your friends dead wife, that you would consider shooting first and asking questions later.”

“Last night, with Efrat, was the first time I’ve touched a pistol in years.” Belus stepped over to her and took the glass from her hands to set it on the night stand. He lifted her blankets and ushered her to sink into them. As she did, she noticed his glassy eyes frozen at the onset of anguish.

“Why would seeing Olivia again, prompt you to pick one up again?” she asked as he pulled the covers to her neck.

“Because the last time I held a gun in my hand was to shoot her.” His voice strained to a whisper.

Cori stared blankly at him. “Belus…”

She didn’t know what to say to him, but his fingers pressed to her lips interrupting her attempt. She could feel his hand shaking as he moved it to her cheek and gently caressed his thumb along it. “That’s enough for tonight,” he whispered.

She nodded slightly. He pulled away leaving her bereft of contact and left her alone to contemplate what possible scenario could have forced the usual level headed Belus to kill Danato’s wife.  





The Warden

Beasts and Burdens

Cori gasped at the feeling of her stomach going into her throat. The roar of metal grinding on metal screamed all around her. The flickering lights added to the horror movie feel. She wanted to scream, because she knew in mere seconds she was going to be dead, but nothing came out.

Efrat lassoed his arm around her back and pulled her impermissibly to him. “Grab onto me!” He yelled into her ear over the noise.

She hooked her arms around his neck, while he extended his arms toward the adjacent walls. She felt the tingle of electric blue and she buried her face into his neck.

They both lifted from the floor held up by Efrat’s magnetism. His knees lifted beneath her cradling her further. She could feel his heart racing and his ragged breathing from the effort.

The noise crested with the elevator landing in the sub-basement. Efrat’s energy fluctuated and they landed on the splintered floor of the elevator. He absorbed most of the impact, as she was essentially still in his lap.

She listened to him pant, but didn’t bother to look up at him. She wanted to cry and she was pretty sure that it wasn’t just her hormones talking. She had not been this certain of her death since she fell off the roof.

Some part of her was shaking—it could have been all of her. Efrat wrapped his arms around her, pressing his hands flat against her back. Since she wasn’t getting shocked, she didn’t make any attempt to stop him.

They stayed like that for several seconds, possibly even a minute. Cori was about to collect herself and pull away from him, when the elevator door ripped off with a horrific squeal that made her jump. She looked up and saw Danato along with several guards, peering into the half lit elevator. His eyes widened at the scene he witnessed.




About the Author


What book am I on? How many of these do I have to write? Seriously, is anyone reading this part? It feels like a dating profile. Let’s go another direction this time.


Here is my cat Shady:



She’s a ragdoll. So pretty. So tolerant. So needy.


Here is my dog Pilot:



Check out those buggy eyes. (Farscape anyone?) His ears don’t normal stay up. This was a rare treat. He’s a chiweenie. He pees on my floor cause he has anxiety about everything…everything.


I really do hope you are enjoying my books. Be sure to check for updates on the earlier versions, if your provider allows that.

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Thanks so much for joining me in this urban fantasy world. The ideas are still coming, so keep reading. After all, a writer without readers is just a borderline schizophrenic.


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