Going Home (7 page)

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Authors: Nicholasa Mohr

BOOK: Going Home
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“Of course I like him”—I was trying not to blush —“he's my friend.”
“Hey, Felita, it's okay if you two like each other.” I looked at Tito, surprised that he knew how I felt. “I know you like him, Felita.”
“You do?” I sat down on his bunk bed.
“Are you going to tell Mami?”
“Why should I tell Mami?”
“Because she's always sending you out to check up on me or to watch over me. You know what I'm saying, Tito.”
“Look, Felita, what you do is your business as far as I'm concerned. In fact, if you wanna know the truth, it is a pain in my butt to have to be in charge of you. And always to be listening to Mami and Papi telling me how good you are, what a great student you are, and how special you are because you happen to be a girl. Making me out like some stupid slob that can't do nothing right. And you wanna know something else? Until you started seeing Vinny and I saw that you liked him and was trying to keep it from Mami, I thought you could never do anything except what our parents wanted you to do. Like little Miss Perfect, you know? Now I admire you for doing what you want, whether Mami likes it or not. I mean, as long as you don't do nothing bad, what's the difference?”
I was really surprised at what Tito was saying. I mean he's usually so smug and sure of himself. “I didn't know you felt like that. I don't think you're stupid. You're so great at skating and sports, and you always make such great jokes and make everybody laugh. And anyway, I sure ain't perfect. I always thought you just didn't like me.”
“I like you, Felita. It's just that it pisses me off sometimes when you get all kinds of privileges, like your own room, and now going to P.R. for the whole summer. Johnny and me don't get none of that. And sometimes I have to come home early in the middle of a game just to be looking out for you.”
“Oh, yeah? Well, at least you get to go out anytime you want, Tito. Nobody keeps tabs on you. I can't go nowhere or see anybody unless Mami lets me. Sometimes I feel like I'm in jail. It's really a drag, you know? That's what being a girl means in this house. You wanna trade places? You wouldn't like it and you know it too!”
“I guess I wouldn't.” We looked at each other and both of us smiled. “Look, Felita, your secret is safe with me.”
“Thanks, Tito.” I wanted to tell him that I didn't even know if Vinny liked me and that there might not be any secret to keep. But I also liked the idea that Tito thought that Vinny was my boyfriend. I was feeling happy and close to my brother and I didn't want to change things by saying anything more. I stood up. “I'm glad we talked, Tito. Listen, anytime you need a favor, you know who to come to.”
“Sure. Thanks, Felita.”
When I got back to my room, I realized that this was the first time I had really seen my brother as a kid with problems too, and someone I was beginning to like.
The next Thursday, after lunch, we were all allowed to spend some time out in the school yard. Kids were playing different games—basketball, hopscotch, jump rope—or just hanging out. We all picked a spot by the school fence where it was warm and sunny. We were busy talking when I heard someone calling me and whistling.
“Felita ... hey! Yoo hoo, Felita!” It was Joey, Eddie, the twins Dan and Duane, and Paquito. They walked over to us.
“Buenos dias, Señorita Felita ...” Joey bowed real low. “Would you all like me, José Ramos, to teech you Spaneesh privately, my deeer?” I knew he was putting on a Spanish accent, trying to imitate Vinny. “And you can teech me Eeenglish!” That fool was shouting so loud that some other kids came over and began to laugh. I couldn't believe that Joey could be so evil.
“Get out of here, you idiot!” I went right over to him, ready to smack him right in his ugly grinning face.
“Just cut it out, you guys!” Gigi was yelling at them. I walked up to Joey, but he just backed away like a coward.
“Hey, man, what's the matter with you, Felita?” That Joey just wouldn't stop. “Ain't you happy to be Señor Beenie's señorita?” Then all Joey's dumbo friends started making kissing sounds at me while they kept on following him like a. bunch of fools, laughing at every silly thing he said.
“Look, stupid Joey Ramos, I ain't nobody's señorita, so why don't you quit sitting on your brains! Moron!” Finally they all turned around and took off.
“Gross,” said Consuela. “Don't you pay them no mind, Felita.”
“They are just too dumb.” Gigi put her arm around me.
“Well,” Lydia said, “you gotta admit that you and Vinny spend a lot of time together.”
“Yeah, and it looks to everyone like he's your boyfriend.” Naturally Vivian had to put in her two cents.
“No, Vivian, not to everyone. Only to the imbeciles. Vinny happens to be my good friend, and besides, it ain't nobody's business, you know.”
“Excuse me.” Vivian turned and began to walk off.
“You are excused all right!” I made sure she heard me. Of course Lydia took off after her.
“I think we should change the subject,” said Elba.
“Since I don't care what anybody thinks, I think you are right.” Before I could say another word, the school bell rang and we all went back to class.
After school Vinny, Consuela, and Joanie and me were walking home when we saw Joey and the other boys across the street. They began calling out to us.
“Hey, Felita and Vinny! Love is such a wonderful thing!” Then they begin to make all kinds of smacking and kissing noises, waving their arms and jumping around like a bunch of monkeys. I became so embarrassed that I could feel myself burning up with anger. In fact I was so self-conscious, I couldn't say one word.
“Just don't pay attention, Felita,” said Vinny. “Soon they will get tired and stop. They only want to make us angry because they are jealous.” We just kept going, ignoring them, until finally they headed in another direction. We walked along not saying much until we reached the big intersection where Consuela and Joanie leave us.
“Felita, I'll see you next week during Easter vacation,” Consuela said. “You're coming out to play, right?”
“Sure, especially now that the weather's so great. Hope you can come over to my house.”
“I'll ask my mother, but you know who's gotta come with me.” She pointed to Joanie. “I can't get rid of her.”
“That's cause she loves her little sister so much,” said Joanie, sticking out her tongue and crossing her eyes. That Joanie could be real cute sometimes.
Vinny and I went on walking down the block. We weren't going to have a lesson today, or any lessons during Easter vacation either. Mami had decided there was too much shopping to do for Easter Sunday, and too much work to do at home during Easter week. When I told Vinny, I could see he was disappointed.
“I'm gonna miss our lessons,” he said.
“Me too. But we'll be getting right back to work after vacation.”
“That's right! I hope to see you outdoors, Felita.”
“That would be great. I know I'll be coming out, probably every day.” We stopped in front of my building.
“Have a nice Easter, Felita.”
“Maybe I'll see you in church on Easter Sunday, Vinny. Are you all coming to the Spanish Mass?”
“Yes, we'll be there.”
“See you!”
“See you soon, Felita.” As Vinny waved and walked toward his building, I felt that Sunday couldn't get here fast enough for me!
On Easter Sunday me and my whole family got dressed up in our new Easter outfits. We were heading toward St. Joseph's Church to attend the twelve o'clock Mass because it was going to be read in Spanish. Most of the Catholics in our neighborhood go to St. Joseph's. That's where my brothers and I made our communion and confirmation. The streets were filled with people on their way to church in their brand-new clothes. Even Doña Josefina, who usually opens up her bodega for half a day on Sundays, had closed her store. She was all sharped up, wearing a big lavender hat with green and white flowers all over it. Just about all the shops on my street were closed, including the candy-and-stationery store where people buy their Sunday papers.
I was praying that Vinny would be at church. I wanted him to see how good I looked. This year I had grown so much that we had to shop in the Junior Miss section. Mami had let me choose my own clothes without too much of a fuss, and this morning she'd even let me put on some pink lipstick and a little bit of eye shadow. I was wearing a real pretty off-white suit with a bright blue turtleneck blouse. I'd looked at myself in the mirror before we'd left and I liked what I saw .
When we got to church, it was real crowded. I saw Consuela and her family, Gigi and Doris, Lydia, Vivian, and a whole bunch of other kids, but not Vinny. Papi led us toward the far side of the church, over to an empty pew. As we sat down I heard some little kids giggling. When I turned around, I saw Maritza, Julio, David, and baby Iris all waving at me. Vinny was sitting next to his parents and gave me a big smile.
“Hey, there's Vinny,” Tito whispered.
“I know.” My heart was beating so loud I could hardly hear what the priest was saying. After Mass I spoke to my parents. “Did you see the Davila family? Why don't we go and say hello.” I was looking for any excuse to talk to Vinny.
When we walked over to them, Mrs. Davila was all smiles in Johnny's direction. “I know this young man very well. He's a good and responsible brother who takes good care of his sister.” I wished she hadn't said that, because right away Mami takes off on one of her speeches.
“Indeed, Mrs. Davila. I want you to understand that our Felita is not allowed to run around wildly, as is the custom in this country.” I couldn't wait for Mami to shut up. I felt so embarrassed that I wanted to fall right through the cracks in the sidewalk. But even though I felt like I was burning up inside, I tried to act real calm. When I looked at Vinny, he smiled so sweetly at me that I knew he was on my side. It made me feel a whole lot better.
Later my parents took us all to a movie and then we had dinner out. That was a real treat because my folks had been saving every cent for our trip to Puerto Rico, and nowadays we never ate out.
The rest of our Easter vacation turned out to be just wonderful. Gigi came over to my house almost every day. It didn't rain once and the weather was nice and warm, so that everyone played outdoors. Even Vinny's brothers and sisters began playing outdoors with some other little kids. Vinny played a lot of softball with the other boys in the park. We'd go there and watch the boys, or just hang out and play our games. Mostly us girls jumped rope, or played hopscotch and jacks. When we played tag with the boys, everyone noticed how Vinny was always catching me.
“Hey, man, Vinny,” yelled Eddie Lopez, “why don't you catch somebody else for a change? There's other people in this game, you know!”
I didn't even mind the teasing just as long as I could be with Vinny every day. Once when we were all playing hide-and-go-seek on our block, it was Vinny's turn to be it. This time instead of hiding with somebody else, I took off down the street and hid in an alleyway all by myself. When Vinny found me, he bent over and gave me a long kiss right on the mouth. Then he smiled and said, “You're it, Felita!”
I was so shocked that I stayed perfectly still. I couldn't even move. Nobody had ever kissed me like that before. I mean of course I had kissed boys before, like at Lydia's birthday party when we had to play spin the bottle. But I didn't like any of those boys and thought the whole thing was just sloppy.
“Felita, you're it!” I heard all my friends shouting. “Come out, come out, wherever you are!” I recognized Consuela's voice.
When I finally got back to the game, I felt like I was walking on air and my insides were dancing all by themselves. Even though Vinny still hadn't asked me to be his girl, now I knew that we liked each other in a way that no one else could understand.
The month of May seemed to go by real fast. Final term tests were due just before graduation. Next year our class was going on to junior high school. Everyone was trying to study extra hard, since no one wanted to stay back. Mami decided that from now until June, Vinny and I should meet for only one lesson a week, on Wednesdays. I wasn't very happy about it and neither was Vinny. But we did have a lot of schoolwork to get through and this time we both admitted Mami was right. Besides, I was doing extra work on a project with Mrs. Feller, the librarian. We were making a large paper banner painted with our school colors—navy blue and gold. It said:
We were also making a huge autograph album to be used on stage during the ceremonies. It was five feet high and four feet wide. We used papier-mâché and paint to make it look like it was real leather. On the album cover I made a drawing of our school building and underneath I painted the words PLEASE SIGN ME. On the inside cover I painted: NAMES OF GRADUATES. Kids could sign their names underneath. I worked almost every day on this project so that we could have it ready for graduation. I had two other kids as helpers, but Mrs. Feller and I did most of the work.
When I wasn't staying after school to work on the album, Vinny walked me home. I also got to see him on Wednesdays for our lesson. Mami was frantic with her shopping and preparing for our trip. I was glad too, because that way she had too much to do to be keeping tabs on me. Vinny and I had already had our last lesson two days ago. Today we decided that we would walk the long way home from school so that we could say good-bye by ourselves without Mami being around.

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