Good Enough to Trust (Good Enough, Book 2 - Going Back) (4 page)

BOOK: Good Enough to Trust (Good Enough, Book 2 - Going Back)
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“Room for Stevie
as well in there? Your call, babe.”

The babe kind of
registered, because no-one called me babe. Ever. But then the tip of his finger
sank inside me, just as he reached up and the warmth of his mouth found my
nipple, and who was I to object to the odd babe between friends? I was panting,
and biting my lip, but I must have nodded or something because Stevie had
stripped off his T-shirt and his warm hands were on my thighs edging them even
further apart with a feather light touch that was more assertive than any tight
grip had ever been.

“You ever had two
men?” His soft voice drifted over me as Will’s hands shifted back to buttocks
and I gazed straight into his dark eyes. I thought he’d been turned on before,
but his face now was pure lust.

“No.” I tried to
clear my throat, but it didn’t seem to be working too well.

“Bet you’ve
thought about it though.”

Oh, I’d thought
about it, thought about having two strong men take me, but I’d never in a
million years have expected it to happen, and not in a zillion years to be here
in the middle of the countryside with two men I hardly knew, but two men who I
instinctively seemed to know wouldn’t harm a hair on my head.

Though as far as
the rest of my body went I wasn’t quite sure.

But all of a
sudden I knew I wanted them, both of them.


And I don’t know
if it was because I didn’t want to get too involved with Will, or whether it
was because I knew there was only so much steady, safe sex I could take before
I got bored. Because that was what Will was, he was steady, safe, gentle,
caring and ever so slightly boring. Maybe if I’d really been tuned in to him it
would have been different, but this was more affection and a shag. Maybe if you
love someone you can do ‘same’ whether it’s good or bad, because there’s so
much more to it than that.

My stomach
tightened with anticipation at exactly the same time Stevie’s warm tongue
trickled its way down my spine.

I moaned and
shifted back, my clit grinding against Will’s body, wanting the pressure of his
hand back between my arse cheeks and Stevie chuckled. Then dropped a cold gloop
of what had to be lube straight on the place that was pining attention. I
gasped and Wills fingers tightened on my buttocks, spreading them even wider.

 “Shit, I wish I
could see your sexy arse right now.”

“Oooo.” It was a
strangled kind of oo and an ahh as Stevie’s finger glided over the lube, around
my arsehole and then pushed gently, persistently against the ring of muscle
that Will had been playing with, until he was in. I came. I couldn’t help it.
My desperate pussy clutched at Will’s big cock and he grunted, shifting his
hands to my hips as Stevie pushed one finger deeper into me.

“Fuck, we need
more space.” He half-rolled, half lifted and shifted on to the floor, never
loosening his grip on me, his cock nestled just as deep and Stevie moved from
the side in to behind me, his legs between mine and Wills, edging my thighs
ever wider apart as he pushed a second finger into my arse and scissored and
twisted until I could feel myself opening up.

I slid against
Will as he did it, wanting more sensation, greedy to build up the ache in my
body again and both men laughed. But Will’s face was set and I knew he was
fighting it, fighting the need to explode inside me.

“You’re a greedy
girl.” His voice was sandpaper rough. He pulled me down tighter against him, so
that my tight tender nipples rubbed against the harsh hair on his chest.

“I like greedy
girls.” Stevie’s voice was close to my ear, his breath warm as his mouth
trailed a second damp course down my spine, and I could hear him unzipping, his
movement in my arse faltering for just a moment before he slipped his fingers
free and a fresh cold blob of lube replaced the burning heat.

“You ready?” Then
the damp tip of his cock was nudging against me, he pushed as Will tightened
his fingers on my hips, strong thighs pushed my own wider apart, there was a
searing, a sharpness and then he was in and the animal moan I heard just had to
be me.

It wasn’t what I
expected, it was a push and thrust between two hard bodies, a fullness that
felt like their two cocks were rubbing against each other with nothing in

Stevie thrust,
pushing me down against Will’s hard body so that my throbbing clit felt like it
would burst and my nipples peaked and pebbled. He pulled back and Will pushed
me back down his body, thrust his own cock deeper into me hitting spots inside
I didn’t know I had. My clit was trembling, and I was coming around the base of
Will’s cock, but deep inside a different kind of orgasm was building, an
aching, pulsing that was right at the base of my stomach and every bit of me
was trembling and shaking. Stevie had wrapped my hair round his hand, gently
pulled my head back, his mouth hot against my neck, and as I arched my back
wanting more, Will’s mouth took my boob. He sucked hard, sucked until shards of
need shot straight from my nipple down to my clutching wet pussy and as he did
his hand slipped between our bodies and the heat of his fingers fluttered
against my swollen nub.

I think I was
moaning, and panting and begging, but I can’t be sure.

“You want all of

I thought I had
all of him, but it seemed Stevie had been holding back.

“More.” It was all
I could say, more intelligent language escaped me. Will pinched my clit between
finger and thumb and something inside me burst, and as it did Stevie thrust all
the way, all the way until I saw stars and felt Will harden and grow inside me
even more if that was possible.

“Fuck.” It was
Stevie’s yell, his hands gripping my hips as he pulled out and then buried
himself again inside my burning body, and it was Will who grunted, who pulled
me down, whose mouth took mine and whose strangled groan flooded my body from
the inside as he took over the thrusting, pushing his hips high and as the heat
of his come shot deep inside me and he gave a deep growl of satisfaction I came
again, rocking my hips to milk what I could of the sensation.


The smell of coffee
dragged me out of my dream about cows and hills and magical farmers with huge
cocks. Oh, God, Freud would have a field day with me.

I pushed my hair
back off my face and opened my eyes just the teensiest of bits and hoped I
didn’t look as bedraggled as I felt.

Will stood there,
mug of steaming liquid in his hand and a broad grin on his face that said I
probably looked as shagged out as I felt.

“Morning, dozy.
Will this do for breakfast?” He raised the mug of coffee. “I could do you a fry
up, but no croissants or anything posh like that I’m afraid.”

Last thing I
remembered was nodding off in front of a blazing fire, with my head on his
broad naked chest, the sound of his heart thudding gently in my ear. I glanced
round the room to try and get my bearings; I wasn’t good at mornings at the
best of times. It took at least two large mugs of strong coffee before me and
the day were on speaking terms.

The place was
neat, sparse and conventional. Very masculine, in a real man kind of way. A big
solid bed, well it would be for him wouldn’t it? Plain curtains. And a view.
Hills. The mist had finally decided to have a day off.

“Coffee’s great,
thanks.” I shuffled a bit, suddenly aware of the tenderness between my legs.
Which reminded me of that big cock, or should that be cocks plural? My gaze
drifted down to the bulge in his jeans. I hadn’t imagined it. He was big. When
I looked back up there was a hint of laughter in his brown eyes. I tried to
ignore the warm glow that seemed to building in my pussy.

“You look very shaggable,
you know.” He said it conversationally, no pressure, and handed me the mug of

“I feel very
shagged.” I felt a bit like I’d been run over by something large, which I
suppose I had, but it was the type of bulldozing I wouldn’t mind experiencing
again. “Erm, where’s your...”

He grinned.
“Stevie left a couple of hours ago. You want an intro to my other brother too?”
He looked pointedly straight at my mouth and I fought the urge to lick my lips.

Another one? I
stared, yes, no. No, two was more than enough. I still wasn’t quite sure what
had happened last night, but I was damned sure it wasn’t something I’d
expected. I took a deep breath and tried to act like this was normal.

“You all live

“Yeah, it was our
parent’s farm.” He sat down on the edge of the bed. “They retired and we
carried on the family tradition.”

I took it he meant
the farming and not the shared shags.

 “No escaping
traditions.” There was an edge to his voice and a slight twist to his mouth.

“Ah, sense of responsibility
and all that.” People like Will and his brothers were solid, didn’t shirk

“You like it
though, don’t you?” I wanted him to say yes. I didn’t want him to say he hated
it, but he had to do it anyway.

“Yeah, suppose so.
Has its benefits.” He grinned, and his gaze wandered over my body, and my
nipples perked up all on their own.

“So you’re close,
you and your brothers?”

“We don’t always
do everything together, just now and then.” The warmth of his hand on my leg
went straight through the sheets.

“I guess it would
have been mean to have sent him away.”

“Mean and selfish.
But sometimes I like to be selfish.” He leant forward and dropped a kiss on my
forehead and I could see he wanted to say something.

“What?” Why make
life difficult for him?

“So you were here
with a guy last time?”

“It was a long
time ago.” I picked at the sheets. “We were just kids.”

“But you came back
to find him?” Maybe Will wasn’t as casual and generous about sharing as he
liked to appear. Maybe he was looking for a farmer’s wife.

“Hell, no.” And I
meant it. I did. “I came back to sort out other stuff, things were all mixed
up. It was complicated.”

“You split up and
so you left?”

Boy, was he
persistent. And I’d never make a farmer’s wife.

 “Sorry I’m being

Maybe it was
something in my face that had warned him off, but I didn’t want to just tell
him to sod off. I liked him, he was kind, good.

“No, I went
because of other stuff.” I paused, too much other stuff.

“And you don’t
trust me enough to tell me about stuff?” I trusted him with my body, trusted
his big capable hands to do what they wanted with every bit of me. But not with
my mind it seemed. Which was sad.

“I went home, back
to Cheshire and he didn’t. That was that.” I shrugged and Will just stared at
me for a moment, like he knew there was more, but he knew it was none of his
business. I could have done the first love spiel, thrown the words he’d spoken
yesterday back at him, but it didn’t seem right.

He stood up and
left a cold gap.

“I’ve got stuff to
do, but I’ll drop you back if you like. We could go out for supper later?”

I hesitated. This
wasn’t what I was here for.

 “Only if you want
to, of course.”

“I want to.” I
grinned. I mean, I could do what I came for and have a bit of harmless fun as
well couldn’t I? I’d come to retrace the steps I’d taken with Ollie, but that
was all. I wasn’t going to actually be seeing him. And who said finding
yourself had to be hard work?

“I rang your
landlord, he’ll have some more logs dropped off later and he’s sending someone
over to check the electrics.”

Will was big in so
many ways it seemed. “Wow, thanks.”

“He’s a lazy
arsehole, but he’ll do it.”

The lazy arsehole
had done me a favour though, if he’d had logs stacked by the door and electrics
that were good I would never have ended up back here.

“Speaking of lazy
arseholes, hadn’t you better drink up and get that lovely bum of yours out of
bed? I’ve already chopped logs and fed the animals.”

“You haven’t?”

“No, not really,
but I do need to get on. Sorry.” He looked sheepish and I would have hugged
him, except when I made a move he held up a hand in protest. “You let me see
what’s under those bedclothes and I’ll never get any work done.”

I pulled the sheet
back up to my chin and took a sip of the coffee. “Give me ten and I’ll be up
and dressed, promise.”


After I’d watched
Will drive off, I showered and pulled on some jeans, a plain T-shirt and the
type of woolly jumper my Mum would have been proud of. I missed having someone
around to be proud of me. But it had been a long time since Mum had been there
to do it, and no one else had taken over the role. Maybe I hadn’t done much to
be proud of. But everyone had to start somewhere.

My mobile rang
just as I was shoving a spare jumper into my rucksack and I picked it up instinctively,
knowing it would be Will getting a last check in on me before I left. But it
wasn’t. So much for sixth senses, or my ability to check out the caller ID on
the screen. It was Holly, and I really wouldn’t have answered if I’d known.

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