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Authors: Cassandra L. Shaw

Grave Robber for Hire (29 page)

BOOK: Grave Robber for Hire
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A large warm hand slid under my top, massaged my breast and teased my beaded and very happy nipple. His good leg pressed between mine, he ran his palm down my stomach and unbuttoned the five buttons on my shorts. Kisses seared along my jaw, down my neck and across my shoulder blade. He slipped his hand inside my thong.

Yes, yes, there

This is good. I shifted to give him deeper, more gratifying for me, access. Grabbed his jeans and undid the snap and zip. A large
hot shaft covered in the peach silk sprang into my hand. Oh commando, much easier. I do like my men eager.

I shoved his pants half down his thighs, started wiggling mine down, heading for my ankles and off.

I was going to have the biggest orgasm ever. We weren’t going to make it to the bedroom, not even the kitchen table. We’d rut like rabbits out here.

“Couch,” I said, gasping as his finger worked inside me and his thumb rubbed things ready to explode. I stroked along his full length. So big, warm and hard.
Hee hee hee.

Tyreal swung me towards the couch.

Viggo flashed in. “No!” He roared and knocked Tyreal’s crutch from under his arm. Stunned, Tyreal reeled to the side and clutched the outside table for support, exposing both of us to the glaring light of day. Pants open and half down, tops still on, we took glamor to the hilt.

“Vig!” I screamed in frustration, pulling down my top and pulling on my thong and shorts. I stomped my foot. This sucks. This close. This frigging close.

Freaking over-protective guardian angels.

Tyreal hauled up his jeans, rammed himself into them, and glared at Vig. “Back off dead guy. She’s mine.”

Vig gave Tyreal a middle finger salute and kicked him on the back of his good knee. “Mine, ferker,” he said as Tyreal fell onto the couch. Vig turned to me, emotions flooding his face, he hit himself in his chest, “MINE,” he roared and flashed out.

Boy what a tantrum.

I turned to Tyreal, helped him back onto his feet. “Sorry, Vig gets a bit funny.”

“Marvelous. If he wasn’t dead, I’d kill him. But at least he’s gone.” He grinned, stepped toward the door inside, and crooked his finger for me to follow him. “I bet your bed’s soft, Princess.”

I grinned back. Yeah, maybe we could make it to the bedroom this time. “Very.”

All in all, it was a good few days. I had the Rembrandt, I had a new horse and the bones of the two murdered boys were on their way to being put to a proper rest. But best of all, I was about to have orgasms guaranteed sex, with a dark eyed god of a man.

How awesome was that?

Something inside the house started sizzling, the toxic stench of burning plastic wafted outside. A loud bang exploded the country quiet air. I jerked away from Tyreal’s outstretched hand. We looked inside at my laptop. Blue flames and smoke rose from it until it formed the face of my Dybbuk invaded brother.

“Motherfuckingasshole brother!”

Was I ever going to get to have sex?

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A note from Cassandra


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Thank you for reading my story.


BOOK: Grave Robber for Hire
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