Great Sex, Naturally

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Authors: Laurie Steelsmith

BOOK: Great Sex, Naturally
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Praise for
Great Sex, Naturally

Great Sex, Naturally
is the book we’ve all been waiting for … a
fabulous must-read for every woman who wants to enhance her health
and sex life with natural methods. Packed with valuable and credible
advice and thoroughly researched gems of information, it’s written in
a clear and engaging style. I wholeheartedly recommend this valuable
book! Every woman should have a copy in her library.”

Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.
, author of
the Body, Mending the Mind
Fried: Why You Burn Out and How to Revive

“An essential guide for every woman—loaded with practical
tips, modern naturopathic secrets, and ancient wisdom.
It offers exciting tools for enhancing sexuality and health
that are valuable to women of all ages. Bravo!”

Michael T. Murray, N.D.
author of the
Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine

“This wonderfully unique book is highly recommended for
any woman to recharge both her well-being and her sexual
vitality. It provides an abundance of libido-enhancing
information that’s not available anywhere else. I know that
women will benefit immensely from this remarkable resource.”

Elizabeth Lipski, Ph.D.
, author of
Digestive Wellness

Also by Dr. Laurie Steelsmith and Alex Steelsmith

How the Secrets of Natural and Chinese Medicine Can
Create a Lifetime of Wellness
(Three Rivers Press)
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Copyright © 2012 by Laurie Steelsmith and Alex Steelsmith
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Cover design:
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Interior design:
Riann Bender
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The authors of this book do not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the authors is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the authors and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Steelsmith, Laurie.

Great sex, naturally : every woman’s guide to enhancing her sexuality through the secrets of natural medicine / Laurie Steelsmith and Alex Steelsmith ; with Illustrations and graphics by Alex Steelsmith. — 1st ed.

p. cm.

ISBN 978-1-4019-3146-9 (pbk.) 1. Sexual health. 2. Sex (Psychology)—Health aspects. 3. Physical fitness. 4. Nutrition. 5. Women—Sexual behavior. 6. Self-care, Health. I. Steelsmith, Alex. II. Title.

RA788.S74 2012



Tradepaper ISBN:
Digital ISBN:

15 14 13 12 4 3 2 1
1st edition, July 2012

Printed in the United States of America

To our hanai mother,
with gratitude for her love and support


The Promise of Passion: Embracing New Beginnings
PART I: Getting in Balance: The Secrets to Creating Your Ultimate Sexual Health

Chapter 1:
Expanding Your Sexual Potential: The Power of Your Mind and Spirit

Chapter 2:
Nurturing Intimacy: The Great Sex Lifestyle

Chapter 3:
Your Sexual Core: Creating Optimal Pelvic and Vaginal Health

Chapter 4:
Harmonizing Your Hormones: Sex in the Balance

PART II: New Dimensions: Natural Sex-Enhancing Secrets for You and Your Partner

Chapter 5:
Aphrodisiacs: Ancient and Modern Sexual Secrets

Chapter 6:
Accentuating Sensuality: Other Sexual Secrets with Aphrodisiac Potential

Chapter 7:
Male Sexuality: How Your Partner’s Sexual Health Affects You

Chapter 8:
Preserving Your Passion: Enhancing Your Libido for the Rest of Your Life

The Future of Your Sexuality: An Upward Spiral


About the Authors


My partner and I wanted to write this book in part because thousands of my female patients have privately expressed their need to have more sexual energy, greater sexual sensation, or a deeper connection to their sexuality. And at my women’s health seminars, in Honolulu and internationally during the past two decades, my presentations on sexuality and pelvic health have often been the highlight. Women seem especially eager to discover more about how they can increase their sexual energy and vitality.

We also decided to write
Great Sex, Naturally
because many books on women’s sexuality focus on the mechanics of sex, but miss out on the big picture and don’t address where your libido comes from in the first place. In this book, we convey a more holistic view of women’s sexuality. As you read it, you’ll discover many ways in which sexual pleasure can be wholesome and profoundly healing, and your sexual energy can nourish your health and transform your body, mind, and spirit. This can be greatly beneficial if you currently have a healthy sexual drive and want to further enhance it—or if you have health issues preventing you from fully experiencing your sexuality.

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