Groomless - Part 3 (17 page)

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Authors: Sierra Rose

Tags: #Billionaire Romance

BOOK: Groomless - Part 3
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“Allow me,” I said, taking the condom from him.

“Be my guest.”

I got down on my knees, took his enormous cock in my hands, and squeezed the shaft of it. I loved the way it felt when it sprang back against my grip, the way it grew thicker and harder at my slightest touch. He breathed in sharply, keeping his eyes on me the whole time. I slid my hand down to the base and then, keeping my eyes locked on his, lowered my head and very gently, very slowly kissed the head of his cock.

“Oh fuck,” he groaned.

I lifted my head, pinched the reservoir tip of the condom, and slid it down over him.

“Lie back,” he said. “Hurry.”

I did what he wanted and opened my legs before him. He stayed on his knees and moved between my thighs, then reached over to grab my hips. He told me to put my feet flat on the ground, bend my knees, and arch my back, so my ass was up in the air, leaving my womanhood spread before him. He pressed the tip of his cock against me and pushed it in slowly, just so the head was in, but then he pulled it out. It felt so good, but at the same time, it simply wasn’t enough. I wanted him, all of him, and he was torturing me. Just when I thought he was going to slide all the way, he pulled back out again. He did that several times, and my inner thighs began to tremble. I was sure I would go insane if he didn’t fuck me properly, right then and there.

“I want all of you, Luke,” I said sternly, staring right at him. “I want you to give me all of it, like you promised.”

Neither of us looked away. He pushed himself into me again, but instead of pulling out, he thrust his hips forward, forcing his full length inside me, penetrating me to the deepest part of my core. I shrieked. He began to move his hips back and forth, but he kept his blue gaze locked on mine. “I want you to feel every part of me,” he said. “I wanna see your eyes sparkle when I give you everything.”

I nodded and bit down on my lip, arching my back more and more each time he thrust. His motions weren’t hurried or frantic; rather, he moved deliberately, slowly, letting me savor each and every movement.

A few seconds later, he let go of my hips, and I straightened my legs so I was flat on my back. He leaned over and kissed me, and his movement quickened. I ran my hands down his back, felt the curvature of his spine, the taut firmness of his ass. He swiveled his hips in circles and figure eights, grinding up against me at the exact right spot, that sweet spot that sent the most delicious of shivers swirling up my spine, right into the center of my brain. I moaned against his mouth as our bodies moved together. It was as if we’d been transformed into one; no longer were we two separate people, two separate entities.

“That’s it, baby. Just enjoy it and let it all go,” Luke whispered.

I squeezed his firm ass as he continued to move faster, rocking his hips back and forth, forcing all my attention to my center, which seemed somewhere lower in my abdomen, right above my pubic bone. That was all I was really aware of, that sensation that had been building there and radiating outward, a tingling energy that made me think we were really vines intertwining, irrevocably and forever. The sensation continued to build as I felt his cock pulsing inside me, getting bigger and harder every second.
Is that even possible?
I wondered as he moved and I squeezed my muscles around him.

“Damn,” he said with a gasp. “Holy shit, you are incredible.”

“I love how you feel inside me.”

His breathing came in short, shallow gasps, faster and faster, a rhythm that matched my own. The sensation inside me, almost too powerful for words, took over everything, but Luke was like a conductor. He was in control of that passionate symphony, drawing it out, building it up, revving it up to its highest crescendo.

Though the sounds that escaped my mouth sounded like anguished screams, the feelings flooding my body were nothing but pure, complete pleasure. It was like a bomb exploding within me, and the aftershock completely rocked my limbs, blurred my vision, eliminated my capacity for rational thought. It was as if there was nothing left in my universe but that feeling and him; I knew he was there, because he was crying out in his own way, pure ecstasy that sounded like anguish.

Finally, his strong arms gave out, and he fell on top of me, both of our bodies trembling with exhaustion and exertion. We’d both climaxed, but he continued to move, drawing out my orgasm for what felt like an eternity. It was like riding an endless wave.

Finally, our breathing started to normalize. He rolled over on his back and lay next to me, looking up at the beautiful sky that had witnessed our spicy interlude. He took one of my hands, and I turned over on my side and scooted as close to him as I could, nestling my body in the crook of his arm.

“That was… You’re just amazing, Luke,” I finally managed to say, my voice shaky.

Luke smiled and kissed the top of my forehead. “You’re the amazing one, JJ.”

I blushed, and his smile deepened. The knowledge that we had just had sex on a yacht, just offshore in New York, wasn’t the reason for my crimson cheeks. I was really just enamored by how truly amazing he really was.

Luke lifted both his hands to caress my cheeks. He lovingly stroked the hair out of my face and tucked it around my ears, then moved his hands down to softly rub my back, teasing my spine with his fingertips. “You are so beautiful when you blush.”

“I’m not blushing,” I lied.

“You are, Jay, and I find it absolutely adorable. It flatters me.”

I smiled again, tilting my face back so he could press those lips of his to mine again. My world was so magical whenever I was with him, and I never wanted it to end. I rolled off his chest and reached over to retrieve my panties, then slipped them on and pulled my skirt back down. Luke sat up behind me, pulling the condom off, and tossed it into the tiny bag of garbage next to the blanket. He reached over and grabbed his boxers and pants and quickly tucked his beautiful body back into them.










Chapter 12


Sunday night, Luke took me to the sky deck at the top of the Empire State Building. My jaw dropped at the beautiful sight. A sea of glittering lights, twinkling a hundred different ways, stretched as far as my eyes could see. The lights below were truly dazzling, but it was even more remarkable when I looked around and realized we were entirely alone. Unbelievably, Luke had secured the place for just us.

“How long do we have?” I asked.

“Two hours of just you, me, and these gorgeous lights.”

“This is wonderful,” I said. “I have no idea how you did it, but it’s amazing.”

I walked over to the edge, and Luke walked up behind me and wrapped his strong arms around me. The romantic view of New York blew me away but not nearly as much as that glorious, warm embrace. “I feel like I’m on top of the world,” I said.

“You kind of are.”

We both chuckled.

“It looks so bright and peaceful, away from all the hustle and bustle of the city.”

“We can cross this off our bucket list too,” I said.

“At this rate, we’ll have to make a whole new bucket list soon.”

I grinned over at him. “You’re making so many of my dreams come true, Luke.”

Back inside his penthouse, I had never felt so connected to him.

He cupped my face. “I never stopped loving you.”

“I never stopped loving you either.”

He kissed me softly and begged me not to leave. “I know the weekend’s over,” he said, “but we don’t have to be, Julia. Please stay.”

“It’s tempting, but I have to go to work tomorrow,” I said.

He sighed. “All right, but please don’t forget me.”

“How could I? For one thing, I’m fake marrying you soon. For another, I’m sure I’ll have a thousand hickeys to explain to Zack the next time I see him,” I said with a giggle.


Back at my apartment, when the limo dropped me off, Kate greeted me in a ponytail and mud mask. “You’re back!” she said. “How was it?”

I smiled. “Good.”

“Oh, I know that grin.”

I couldn’t have wiped the silly expression off my face if I wanted to. “Luke and I had a fabulous weekend.”


I told her everything, and she listened intently.

“Oh my gosh! It’s a fairytale. You found your Prince Charming.”

“I couldn’t believe how nice it was. There was no pressure or anything. It was…like old times, only a little more intense. I just wonder what happens when real life enters the picture.”

“Did he ask you out again?”

“Um, he better, since he’s the groom in my wedding. We have a lot of planning to finish up, because we sure didn’t get anything productive done this weekend.”

She smiled. “I bet.”

When my cell rang, I was quick to answer it, with a smile on my face.

“I’m sorry. I know you just left, but I can’t stop thinking about you,” Luke said.

When spoke for a little bit, but as soon as I hung up, the phone rang again. “Hey. Miss me already?” I asked without looking at the caller ID, expecting it to be my lover boy.

“Julia, this is your father’s nurse. I’m calling to let you know that he’s had a heart attack. I would suggest you get to the hospital as soon as possible.”

I hung up without even saying goodbye, told Kate what was going on, and the two of us called a cab right away and paid the cabbie extra to get us to the hospital in a hurry.

“I’m sorry, miss, but I am not sure he’s going to make it through the night,” the doctor grimly told us. “His body was already severely compromised, in a weakened state from his cancer and lack of nutrition. I’m afraid there is not much we can do except try to make him comfortable.”

Tears streamed from my eyes. “Can I see him? Is he awake?”

He shook his head and looked down at the gaudy tile floor, then slowly pulled his gaze up to me. “I’m afraid he’s in a coma, but I’m sure he can hear your voice. Sometimes that helps.”

When I walked into the hospital room, I was taken aback. I knew my father was sick, but it was something different to see him hooked up to so many beeping machines, with tubes and wires going everywhere. He looked so helpless and frail lying there, almost like he was gone already, and I’d never seen him so pale. I couldn’t breathe, and seeing him there like that broke my heart. I rushed over and gripped his hand, inhaled a shallow breath, then struggled for another.

As I looked at the man I’d loved for all my life, so many memories flooded in. I remembered when he took me fishing, hiking, and camping. I remembered him trying to make breakfast for me when Mom wanted to sleep in; by the time he was done whipping my eggs that had shells in them, the kitchen looked like a tornado had gone through it. I remembered how he taught me to do belly flops in the pool, how to cross my eyes, whistle, and ride a bike. I remembered peppering him with butterfly kisses after bedtime stories, how the three of us used to make towering sundaes on Saturday nights, with tons and tons of whipped cream, whatever was left after he sprayed a bunch in my mouth, the two of us laughing and laughing. We always had fun vacations, whether it was at the beach or camping. I had so many great memories to cherish, and my father was at the center of them all. My dad was my hero, my rock, and he had taught me—more than anyone else in my life—about unconditional love.

He was always so supportive too. I recalled him helping me with my homework while Mom cleared the dishes: “Dad, if a car is going 105 miles an hour and left Cleveland at 9 a.m. and a car leaving Washington left at 10 a.m., when would they meet?”

“Too soon! Nobody should be driving 105!” He always made me laugh, even during algebra, which wasn’t funny at all. We figured out the problems together, and he had a gift for doodling, something I’d obviously inherited from him. When a similar question was asked, except this time with trains, I smiled as I thought of him drawing a train engine with swirling, billowing smoke coming from the smokestack. It was complete with a smiling, waving conductor and passengers peeking out the windows. I managed to get better grades in math because my daddy made it fun.

He never missed any of my dance recitals, and if I got nervous onstage, I only had to peek out at the front row and find him smiling at me, beaming with pride. He always showed up at my softball games, and he’d never missed even one of my plays. We had faced tragedies, sickness, and financial difficulty, not to mention the loss of my mom, but my father never gave up fighting. Always, he made sure our family had whatever we needed. He taught me about the best things in life, how to love, laugh, and really live. He always looked out for us, loved and cared about us like nobody else. He was the best dad in the entire universe, and now I was going to lose him. The doctors had told me I would have him for the remainder of the summer, but fate had stepped in to cut our time short. The last time I’d seen him awake was just a couple of days earlier, and I would never forget that precious smile. I only hoped I’d have a chance to see it again.

I can’t lose him yet, not now,
I thought, struggling to hold it together as I looked at the still, thin body lying there. “I’m right here, Daddy. Just hold on. Keep fighting.” I dabbed at my tears with a tissue from the hospital cart, and I sniffled and looked at the floor, unable to peer at him in that broken, sad condition.

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