GRRR! (3 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Smith

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Chapter Five
A Misunderstanding


Rico stepped out of the shower and dried quickly, throwing the towel into the hamper as he went to his bedroom. That had to be the stupidest thing he’d ever done, he mused as he pulled on a pair of jeans and headed to the kitchen. He made a pot of coffee and while it brewed, he fried bacon and eggs, and put bread in the toaster.

He’d done some pretty stupid shit in his life, bu
t what he’d done at Katia’s had to be at the top of the list. Not to mention the fact that after he attacked her, he left exactly the way he’d come in—by stealth. So now, not only had he attacked the woman, he hadn’t even bothered to tell her he was sorry or say good-bye.

Transferring his breakfast from the pan to a plate, he poured a cup of coffee, and
buttered his toast. Sitting at the table eating, he thought of Katia and in his mind, he replayed the entire night over and over again. Each time the events came out exactly the same way. He was an asshole. Well, he thought as he put his dishes in the sink, even if he couldn’t undo the situation, he could apologize properly and hopefully, she would forgive him. Someday. Eventually. Then again, maybe not, he thought grimly.

Rico went back to his room to finish dressing.

Katia was all he’d thought of for days, and all he’d dreamed of. He’d had no idea she was a shape shifter, and worse, a cougar cat. They were the worst of the felines and taking one for a mate was to invite a life of misery. Cougar cats were unfaithful, and no matter how much they might say they loved someone, they were never satisfied with just one man, whether mortal or feline. They went after younger men and younger felines, causing them to fall madly in love, and then breaking their hearts. When a male was unfortunate enough to mate with one, he could always be assured if she wasn’t home, she was in the bed or den of another.

Shaking his head, he knew he definitely didn’t need the hassle. No one needed
the problems that came with a cougar cat, and yet, her scent still haunted him. The feel of her as she was the night they’d met—the warmth of her body, the heat of her pussy, and her tight ass—made his dick harden immediately. He squeezed his cock through his jeans and grabbed a pair of socks. First, he would apologize to her and then, he’d be done with her, he told himself as he put on his shoes. His twitching cock said otherwise.

Rico went shopping for a few groceries and other items he needed and took them
back home. He had a few chores to do around the house and the back yard needed mowing. Why he was procrastinating over apologizing to Katia wasn’t a subject he pondered, even though thoughts of her ran dizzyingly through his mind. After mowing the lawn, he did the laundry. After the laundry, he decided the windows needed to be washed. And the grout in the bathroom could use a good scrubbing. And the baseboards were unsightly. By the time he ran out of reasons to avoid the task of apologizing to Katia, the sun had begun to set. Rico took another shower and changed into informal eveningwear. With a quick look in the mirror, he grabbed his keys and headed for his car. Just one quick stop at the florist and then on to his doom, er, duty, he thought to himself and chuckled at the slip.

~ * ~

Pulling into Katia’s driveway, he killed the engine and sat staring at the house.

The garage door was down; he couldn’t tell if her car w
as there, so he inhaled deeply, using his feline senses and there she was—the scent of Katia. Soap. Shampoo. Clean.

Soft. Feminine. Pussy. Literally. Rico chuckled again a
s he got out of the car. That’s when he caught the other scent. Male. She was with someone else. Damn her. Jerking the car door open again, he slung the bouquet of roses onto the passenger seat, then slid angrily behind the wheel, turned the key and gunned the engine. He backed out of the driveway and squealed tire as he shoved the transmission into drive and sped down the street.

“You fucking bitch,” Rico said through clenched teeth. He knew better. A
fucking cougar cat was nothing but a whore on the prowl and especially now that he knew she was in heat, he also knew she’d be fucking anything that faintly resembled a cock. “What the hell was I thinking? And why the hell does she even matter?” he asked, and then immediately shoved the question from his mind.
Fuck it. Just fuck it.

~ * ~

Katia inhaled deeply and allowed her feline sense to take over. Rico. He'd been right outside. “To apologize?” she said.

“What?” Stefan asked.

Katia looked at her brother. “The jackass I was telling you about. I think he stopped by to apologize.”

Stefan came to his feet. “He’s here? I’ll rip that bastard a new one!”

Katia smiled slightly, and purred. “Don’t worry, he’s gone.”

“You sound disappointed,” Stefan said as he looked at her.

Katia turned her face away. She didn’t want her brother reading her face. “No, of course not,” she said.

Stefan continued to stare at her for a moment. “You like this one, don’t you?”

With a slight shrug, Katia walked into the den and took a seat in the overstuffed corner chair near the window. “Not any more than anyone else,” she said, refusing to look Stefan in the eye.

“Why are you lying to me?” He caught her chin with one finger and lifted her
face to meet his gaze.

Katia blew out a breath and brushed his hand away. “Don’t worry about me. He
means nothing. Less than nothing, if you must know.”

Stefan chuckled. “I’ll let it go. For now. But if that sonofabitch comes sneaking
back here, you better call me. Understand?”

“Sure,” she replied, non-committal.

Stefan shook his head and leaned in to give her a quick peck on the cheek. “I’ll see you Sunday, right?”

“Of course. Mother would never forgive me if I missed a Sunday brunch.


Chapter Six
A Room For A View


Rico checked his look in the mirror. Very
he decided and grinned at himself. Tonight, he was on the prowl and in a big way. Katia was a thing of the past and he wasn’t about to let the bitch interfere with his life one more minute. Locking the door as he left the house, he hit the button on the key ring, unlocking the door of the

Porsche. He jumped in, and less than ten minutes later, he pulled into the parking lot of

Meow Mix and killed the engine. He adjusted his coat as he walked to the door and pulled out a ten spot for the cover charge.

“Hey, Rico,” the doorman said as he took the money. “Haven’t seen you in a

“How you doing, Ralph?” Rico grinned as he shook the man’s hand.

Ralph leaned in and whispered, “Check out the sweet little piece of ass at the end of the bar. I think she’s just what you’re looking for.”

“Thanks. You take it easy,” Rico said and went inside.

The music was loud but the room wasn’t overly crowded yet. Still early, Rico thought and checked his watch. He took a stool at the bar and waited for the bartender to notice him.

“Rico, what can I get you, man?”

“Grey Goose martini, dirty. How you been doing, Luis?”

“Can’t complain,” Luis replied as he mixed the drink, then set the glass on a
napkin on the bar. "Nobody'd listen."

Rico nodded, took a sip of his cocktail and looked up and down the long, curved
bar. There she was, the girl Ralph had mentioned. Long brown hair with dark eyes that flashed good humor, and a top cut so low he could almost see her nipples. “Barely even legal,” he mumbled.

“What’s that?” Luis asked as he poured a beer.

“Nothing,” Rico said with a shake of his head. “See that girl at the end of the bar?

What’s she drinking?”

Luis turned his head to look and then smiled. “Mojito,” he said. “She’s new here, or at least I’ve never seen her before. And believe me, something like that walks in, I’d remember.”

“Send her a drink from me, will you?”

“Sure,” Luis replied as Rico dropped cash on the bar. “I’ll be in the back.”

Luis chuckled as he began mixing the drink. “You got it, Rico.”

Rico picked up his drink and made his way to the back room, a members only area with a locked door and a bouncer who made sure only those who belonged in got in.

“Dave, what’s up?” Rico offered his hand.

“Not much, Rico.” He shook hands. “You alone tonight?”

“Only for a few minutes,” he said with a grin. “See that little girl at the end of the
bar? When she works up the balls, let her in and point her at me.”

Dave chuckled. “No problem, dude.” He opened the locked door and Rico went

Furnished in expensive burgundy leather and teakwood tables, thick carpeting
and crystal chandeliers, the room felt luxurious, with dark honeyed wood walls and a fireplace that crackled with faux flames. The wait staff back here dressed in crisp tuxedoes, as did the bartender. The atmosphere inside was completely the opposite of that in the club. A baby grand piano sat on a small stage at one end and the house musician played old Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin tunes, interspersed with hits from

the 80’s and 90’s.

Making himself at home, Rico sat back on a leather couch and placed his drink
on the table next to him. He glanced at his watch once more and smiled. “Any moment now,” he said confidently. And as if on cue, the door opened and the girl walked inside.

She looked embarrassed and expectant all at once, and Rico rose to his feet and smiled.

“Hello,” he said as he walked toward her. He extended his hand and said, “I’m

Rico Trevia.”

“Angela Weston,” she said softly and shook his hand. “Thank you for the drink.”

“You’re welcome, Angela. Would you care to sit?”

“Yes, thank you.”

Rico took her gently by the arm and escorted her to the couch. “May I get you a
fresh drink?” He sat next to her, but made sure there were several inches between them.

“No, thank you. This one is fine.”

“I’ve never seen you here before, Angela.”

She sucked on the straw in her drink, and then set the glass on a coaster on the
table in front of them. “No, this is my first time here. I came with friends.”

“And where are your friends now?”

“On the dance floor, I guess.”

“You don’t dance?”

She smiled shyly and Rico caught the faint blush on her cheeks. “I do, but I didn’t feel like dancing right away.”

“Why not?”

She blushed even more and Rico almost couldn’t resist reaching out to brush her cheek. “I’m a little self-conscious, I guess. It usually helps if I’ve had a couple of drinks first.”

“Then I got here just in time,” Rico said with a wink.

“You did?”

He nodded. “If I had been any later, you would’ve had your second drink and
been on the dance floor with someone else. I would have missed the pleasure of your company.

~ * ~

Angela wasn’t as green as she was young, Rico thought as he made a right turn and her head bobbed on his dick as she sucked him. They’d barely gotten out of the club and into his car before she’d had his pants unzipped and her hand wrapped around his cock, massaging him up and down. He maneuvered the Porsche into the driveway without banging his elbow against Angela’s head.

“This is my house. Let’s go inside,” he told her. Angela didn’t let up. She
impaled her mouth with his cock and took the entire length of him down her throat. He gripped the steering wheel with both hands as his body stiffened and his balls tightened. “Angela, darlin’, you should really…

The words wouldn’t form as his head fell back against the seat and his eyes shut
tightly. Breathing rapidly, in time to the motion of Angela’s head, Rico no longer cared they were in his car in the driveway in front of his house. His stomach muscles contracted and his ass muscles clenched, and then he took a deep breath and almost ripped the steering wheel from the column as he shot his hot load into Angela’s mouth.

As her head continued to bob up and down and
his cock continued to throb and convulse, Rico caught a whiff of something. A scent that brought his senses reeling back to reality.


He opened his eyes and blinked hard. The cougar sat on the hood of his

Porsche; her golden eyes unblinking as she licked one paw and watched him.

Rico’s heart leaped to his throat as he grasped Angela by the back of the head and held her. He shook his head back and forth and silently mouthed the word, “No.” The cougar tilted its head to one side and then leaped gracefully to the ground and walked off into the darkness, her tail twitching from side to side.

“Angela,” Rico said as he exhaled the breath he’d been holding. “I think it’s time
to get you home.”

She sat up and wiped her mouth on the back of her hand. Rico leaned over,
opened the glove box and took out a travel pack of Kleenex and handed her one. She wiped her face then said, “You don’t want to do more stuff?”

Rico smiled and shook his head. “I’d love to, but not tonight. I’m sorry but I
completely forgot about something I have to do. I’m really very sorry.”

~ * ~

After dropping Angela off, Rico cruised on back home keeping an eye out for any movement in the shadows as he drove down his street. When he pulled into his driveway and opened the garage door, he caught Katia’s scent once again. Smiling to himself as he carefully parked the Porsche, he knew he was probably in for a fight. But for some reason, he relished the idea.

Pushing the car door back as far as he could, Rico carefully stepped out of the
vehicle with his ears perked, listening for any sound of Katia. Her scent wrapped around him and his cock twitched in response. Damn it, he hated it when that happened!

Shutting the car door gently, he walked to the back door and went inside the
house. Katia’s scent grew stronger and he knew she was inside. His grin widened, as his heart rate increased and a tingle of excitement shot up his spine.

“Here kitty, kitty, kitty,” he called in a high-pitched voice and then chuckled
when there was no reply.

Kicking off his shoes, he walked across the floor in his stocking feet without
turning on the lights. As he went into the living room, her scent grew even stronger so he knew he was getting closer, however, that meant she could also scent him. Now he had to be even more cautious as he moved into the hallway.

“Here kitty. Come here, my pretty kitty,” he said. “I know you’re here, Kitty-


Moving down the corridor, he passed the guest room and just as he came to the
bathroom, a fist connected with his jaw, sending him reeling into the wall. Touching his hand to his lip, he caught the taste of blood. “You bitch,” he muttered.

“Bastard,” she shouted and kicked him in the stomach.

He made a grab for her as he doubled over, but she was faster and slid out of reach. Catching himself before he fell flat on his face, Rico came to his feet and chased her into the living room.

She whirled around as he closed in and connected a flying kick to his jaw,
knocking him backward two steps. Balancing himself, he sprang forward and caught her by one arm. He jerked her toward him and punched her in the mouth. Her head flew back and then righted, and he saw her eyes flash red.

Bringing her knee up, she connected with his groin and when he bent forward,
she caught a handful of hair and brought his face down against her other knee. He grabbed her by the foot and jerked as she stood upright, sending her crashing flat on her back.

“Fuck you,” she screamed.

He chuckled. “Fuck me? Oh no, baby.
Fuck you
!” He landed on top of her, knocking the breath from her lungs, and grabbed her by both wrists. Holding her arms on the floor above her head, he leaned in, his face a breath away from hers. “Now,” he said, “are you finished?” Katia glared at him. “First one to draw blood gets the top,” he told her.

Her lip curled as she bucked her hips hard and caught him under one arm with
her foot. The hold was enough to knock him off balance so she could roll to the right, and with a backward kick, she caught him in the rib cage and sent him sprawling, then landed on top of him.

“That means I get top,” she said, her chest heaving from the exertion.

Leaning into him, she flicked a tongue over his cut lip and licked the blood off.

Rico grinned. “I guess you’re right. Fuck
. You did draw first blood.”

Katia smiled and her fangs descended. She licked a line up his neck to his
shoulder then sank her teeth into his flesh. He yowled and grabbed her by the waist, sinking his claws into her as he shifted and became the panther once more.

Running her tongue over her lips, Katia smiled and shifted to cougar form.

Lifting one great paw, she swiped at him and caught his face, then took off running. In the kitchen she leaped through a window with Rico right behind her. They raced across the backyard, leaped the fence and ran across the field into the woods beyond.

Catching her at the edge of the lake, Rico held her in both paws as he shoved his
cock inside her. She fought and clawed, twisted and turned, as they rolled over and over until he came and they landed in the water.

“Pussy.” She shifted back to her human form and landed on top of him once

Rico laughed as the shallow water lapped around them. “You win,” he said.

“Take me.”

“I intend to.” She bent her head and swallowed his flaccid dick. She sucked the
length of him into her mouth then pulled back so only the head remained, and sucked vigorously until he began to moan and his cock began to harden. Then she straddled him and sheathed him inside her slick pussy and rode him hard.

He rolled her nipples between his thumb and fingers, pinching them hard as he
watched her use his cock. Every expression on her face excited him and when her fangs slid down, he grasped her by the hips and held tight. Bucking into her with each movement of her body, Rico felt her pussy contract around his dick as her claws drew blood on his chest and his cock spasmed inside her.

She fell against him, spent and breathing hard. He wrapped his arms around her,
holding her tight. What was he going to do with her? A cougar cat couldn’t be tamed.

They were independent, hard headed, mouthy, and s
trong willed. Never faithful, a cougar cat could only break his heart.

Kissing her hair, Rico smiled. That was just a chance he was going to have to

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