Guardian Angel Academy (8 page)

BOOK: Guardian Angel Academy
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Chapter 13


Angel Jeremiah greeted the class.  “Today we will talk about when you will need to glow and we will take a glowing quiz.  First of all who can tell me, from your reading, when glowing is required.

One of the students answered.  “If you are sent as a messenger to someone, then you will glow, so that the person knows that you are an angel.”

“Okay, that is correct.  Rarely you will need to tell something to someone and appear to them.  Other times you can send the person the message by way of thought instillation or a dream.”

“What other times will you need to use your glowing skills?”

“When you are among an angel choir come to the earth.”

“This is true.  Also,when fending off evil spirits. It helps send them away as glowing thwarts them and their powers.  I would now like to have each one of you come to the front of the room and show us your glow.”

One by one we each came up to the front and the lights were turned off and we showed Jeremiah our glowing abilities.  Everyone, except Bertrand was able to glow.

“Very good,” said Angel Jeremiah.  “In such a short time you have learned to glow.  Practice some more tonight and tomorrow will be our final exam.  Those who pass the final will not need to take this course next week.  You can choose an elective to take in its place.  We have some fine electives to choose from.  Also, as guardian angels, I expect that you are compassionate, and not competitive.  Therefore, I expect that one of you will help Bertrand so that he can pass also.  You are excused.”

We walked out of our class.  I wanted to go up and tell Bertrand I would help him, but Journey beat me to it.  Oh well, she was better at glowing than I and would be the better teacher.  

“I hope I pass glowing,” I said, while we floated out the door.  “There are some electives I'm interested in.”

“Oh, yeah,” said Kevin.  “What are they?”

“Either linguistics or Telepathy,” I answered.

“Yes, I heard that to pass and become a guardian angel we have to be able to speak many languages and to use telepathy when communicating with other guardian angels on a job.  You don't want to speak out loud when you're invisible.”

“What classes are you guys interested in?” I asked.

“I'd like to take the angel characteristics class,” said Felix.  “I used to be a boy scout.  In fact I just got my Eagle a month before...well you know, before I died.  Anyway, there are certain characteristics we need to develop to become a guardian angel.  It's like the Boy Scout Law only the Angel law:  An angel is wise, intelligent, patient, meek, joyful, modest, holy, glorious, mighty, and obedient.  I would like to work on those traits.”

“Yes, so would I,” I said.

We floated to Suicide Prevention class.  Angel Agnes hobbled to the front of the room.  It seems her floating skills were slowing down due to the aging that her position brought on.  “Today, for fun, we will watch a movie,” she announced in a gruff, lack-luster voice. 

We watched the movie It's a Wonderful Life.  Afterward, Professor Agnes said, “This is a fictional movie made by humans about how they perceive a guardian angel and the methods the angel uses to influence the human to change his mind about committing suicide and helps him to see how important his life is and all of the good that he has done in his life.  As guardian angels how can we help prevent a suicide?”

A freshman raised his hand.

“Yes, Grazita?”

“Sometimes we can make the attempt unsuccessful and then the person will have time to think about what they did and they will not attempt it again if they are wise, at least not for awhile.”  Grazita spoke with a European accent, obviously her sojourn on earth was European.

“Yes, we can make the attempt unsuccessful by saving them from themselves.”

Another student raised his hand.

“Yes, Jerry.”

“We can try to work through others, having others help to save them.”

“Yes, that may work.”

Another student raised her hand. “We can try to instill a feeling inside of them to stop doing what they are doing.”

“Yes, a dark foreboding feeling may help, or in some cases a joyful feeling, one that takes away the pain and depression may help them save themselves,” said Angel Agnes. 

An angel raised his hand.


“How do we instill feelings?  So far, we've learned about thought instillation, but we haven't learned how to instill feelings.”

“Good question,” said Angel Agnes.  In your upcoming classes you will take Sensitivity Training.  You will learn how to instill feelings to your assignments.  This class is just as important as Thought instillation, but it is a little harder to do, so you take that one your second week.”

Just then, the bell chimed.  “We will discuss this more tomorrow,” said Angel Agnes.





Chapter 14


The four of us went to our usual table in the green lunch room. 

“What classes will we have next week?” I asked.

“Well,” said Felix.  “I think that we all have to take Controlling the Elements 201 and Thought instillation 202.  But if we pass glowing, then we can choose an elective to take in its place.”

“What about Suicide Prevention?” I asked.

“Yes, we have to take Suicide Prevention 201 next week, if you pass 101.  And we take Choir every week.  We take Floating 201 if we pass 101.  I think we will have to take Floating all eight weeks until we reach the point where we can float as quick as lightning,” said Journey.

“What about Invisibility?” I asked.

“It's one that if we pass it, we can choose an elective to replace it.” said Kevin.

“I don't think I'm ready to pass that yet,” said Journey.  “I think I can pass glowing though.”

“Me, too,” I said.

In our next classk,  Angel Anthony began after everyone was seated.

“Today we are going to watch a movie of an instance when evil spirit confrontation was needed.  This is a scene from one of your futures.” 

The lights were turned off and the room began to be filled with the vision.  A young man and woman were driving through a low income part of a large city.  The man stopped to get gas at the local gas station.  A scaring looking man with a gun stood in front of him and stuck it into his stomach.  “Give me your money,” he demanded in a gruff voice.

“Bruce!” the young lady screamed when she saw what was happening.  Bruce showed the criminal the contents of his wallet, where he had no money.  “Give me the keys to your car then,” the man said.

“No!” said Bruce.  Becky and the baby were in the car and Bruce didn't want them to be harmed.

“Then I'll have to kill you,” said the robber.

Just then a car drove next to the next gas station pump and the robber, distracted, moved the gun to the side of Bruce's stomach.  Bruce didn't think the robber wanted to kill him, but the gun could easily go off by accident if he wasn't careful.  When the gun was pointed away from him or anyone else for that split second, Bruce quickly grabbed the gun.  The robber started going toward Bruce's car.  Bruce feared that the robber would hurt Becky or the baby, and he felt a powerful urge to shoot the robber, but he didn't want to shoot the robber and have that man's blood on his conscience for the rest of his life.

Becky had been silently praying. Before the robber could get into the car, the car sped forward a few feet and knocked him to the ground.  Quickly Bruce got into the car and the car sped off.

Angel Anthony spoke after the lights came back on.

Unseen in this example was a confrontation between a guardian angel and an evil spirit.  We will watch it again to see what happened with the invisible entities present.

This time when the robber came, a guardian angel also came to Bruce's aid.  Before Bruce could be shot, the angel quickly maneuvered a distraction of another car to the area.  Then the evil spirit was trying to make Bruce shoot the robber by instilling those ideas into his head, just so that someone was killed, he didn't care.  But the guardian angel filled Bruce's mind with the wrongness of this action and then gave Becky the idea to put her foot on the gas to move it up a little, enough to knock down the robber.  Then Bruce quickly got in the car and away they went.

In this instance the evil spirit wanted someone to commit a sin.  He didn't care who did the murder or how.  There was a conflict between the evil spirit and the guardian angel, who was able to thwart the evil one.  As you can see, sometimes you have to act immediately without much time for thinking.  That's why we do these scenarios, to help us think of solutions so you'll be better prepared to think on your feet in situations.”

Cami raised her hand.

“Yes?” said Professor Anthony.

“Whose future was this?” she asked

“Oh, yes,” Anthony looked out upon the class.  “You are all wondering.  Do any of you know whose future it is?”

No one raised there hand.  I suppose none of us recognized Bruce or Becky as a family member.

“Very well, I will tell you.  This is an incident from your future, Cami.”  Cami had died at age twelve so she didn't have any chidren to watch over.  Perhaps it was an unrelated assignment.

“Are these any of my relations?” she asked.

'Yes, Becky will be your niece.”

“Oh,” she smiled.  “My sister will have a child.”

“Yes, apparently.  In the future.”

The bell chimed and we walked out of the classroom.

We went into the choir room.  Angel Crystal was director today.  When everyone was seated in the choir seats, Angel Crystal started.

“How many of you think that you are ready to float in the choir loft without seats tomorrow?

About half of the class raised their hands.

“Okay,” said Crystal.  “Those of you who can float will do so tomorrow instead of sitting or standing.”

“Today we will sing, “Amazing Grace,” and “Beautiful Savior,” said Angel Crystal.  “Also, today we are going to use instruments to accompany us.  Who can play the piano?”

Emma raised her hand.

“Emma, will you please accompany us on “Amazing Grace?”

“Sure,” she said.

“Who can play the harp?”

No one raised their hand.  “Oh, dear,” said Angel Crystal.  “We need a harp player.  Who would like to learn to play the harp?”

Journey raised her hand.

“Very well,” said Angel Crystal.  “Journey may take harp lessons as one of her electives next week.”

“Who would like to play the cornet?”

Five boys raised their hands.  “Very well,” said Angel Crystal.  “We will have a tryout to see who will be the cornet player, please stay after class, I'll let the rest of the class out early.”

Crystal chose a violinist as well, then distributed the sheet music. “Please practice playing or singing your parts this evening so that we can practice as a class tomorrow, except for Journey who needs to learn her instrument first.  “You are excused to leave,” she said, “except for those who are trying out for cornet player.”

We went to floating class.  Professor Heather greeted the class.  “Tomorrow will be our final exam.  Those who pass will be able to go on to Floating 201.  Those who fail, will retake Floating 101.  To pass the final you will need to float-sit for 5 minutes straight, float a mile in less than 5 minutes, and  stay float-standing for 5 minutes.  Today we will go to the field and practice floating our mile.  I will time you.”

We got to the starting line.  At the sound of the trumpet blast we all began floating around the track.  I was surprised at how much easier it was to float around the track than run around.  In life, I had enjoyed track in high school.  Now I was floating around the track and it was easy.  I knew that in the future, though, I would need to float even faster, almost so fast that I couldn't be seen with the naked eye.





Chapter 15


Professor Occult greeted the class as we entered the room.  This time he was not invisible. 

“Today I started out visible because I would like to talk about Visibility today.  Most of the time as a guardian angel you will be doing your work under the guise of invisibility.  For the most part, humans will not know you are there.  That's as it should be.  However, there are occasions when guardian angels do show themselves in human form for brief visits.  Sometimes angels come to earth in all their glory, floating and glowing to deliver their messages.  However, there are times when you may need to come to Earth in human form and present yourself as a human.  This is rare and you may never need to do this, however,  I would like you to learn how to do this in case you find it necessary.”

“First I would like to show a movie of an instance of this.”

The lights were turned off and the movie began.

Two college-age girls sat together on a bus.  Kerry was with her college roommate and friend.  Some of the guys on the bus started to get rowdy and threatening.  The girls were concerned about what they may do to them, so they decided to get off the bus even though it was not their stop.  They got off the bus in an area they had never seen before.  It was a dark area and some of the characters standing around the bars in the streets were eyeing the girls.  As if out of nowhere, a woman came up to the girls and asked them if they would like directions to the next bus stop.  The girls said yes and the lady led the way, passing by some shady looking characters who seemed to not even see them.  As they followed this woman, they were invisible to others.  They came to a bus stop and looked back to thank the woman, who was nowhere in sight.

The lights came back on.  Professor Occult spoke to the class.  “The woman in this example was a guardian angel.  She chose to show herself in the form of a human.  She helped the girls to get where they were going safely and then she disappeared.  This is a way you can do your job while being seen yet not discovered as an angel.  You must make yourself appear and act human.  Instances like this are pretty rare.  We will practice making ourselves invisible and making ourselves appear human for the rest of this hour.  Tomorrow will be the final exam.

As we floated back to our rooms to get ready for dinner, we thought about the week.  “It seems like we've been here longer than four days,” Journey said.  “We've learned so much.”

“I know what you mean,” said Kevin.  “Tomorrow will be the last day of our first week.  Three more weeks to go and then we are officially guardian angels.”

“I really miss my husband and kids,” I said, “but we are so busy here we hardly have time to think about that.  What are you guys' plans for the weekend?”

“The directors said that on Saturday they will have some fun activities for us to do and we can practice any of our skills we'd like to.  We are allowed a short visit to our relatives.   Sunday, of course, will be church,” said Kevin.

Journey and I went to our room and freshened up for dinner.  The other girls were doing the same and getting ready to go to the cafeteria.

“Are you going to study for finals tonight?” I asked.

“Yes,” said Journey.  “I'd like to be sure to pass Invisibility and Glowing.  Then I can fill those spots with electives.”

“What electives do you want to take?” I asked.

“I'd like to take Harp lessons and Telepathy.”

“Yes, I'd like to take Telepathy and Angel Characteristics.  Tonight I want to practice that music for choir and study for finals.”

We woke up to the sound of the many alarms.  One at a time, each girl got up when her alarm rang.  My alarm was the third of the six to ring.  So, I knew after the second alarm going off, my turn would be next.  Immediately after hearing my alarm go off, I got dressed in my gown for the day and freshened up. 

Journey and I headed out for breakfast at the same time.  Her alarm rang just before mine because it took her a little longer to do her hair.  We floated toward the freshman breakfast room.  “Only a few more days of this green room and we get to move up,” I sighed.

“Yes, that will be nice,” said Journey.

“Do you feel ready for finals?” I asked Journey.

“I think so,” she said.

Just then Kevin and Felix arrived at our table.  “So, what are your plans for next week?” I asked Felix.

“Didn't you hear, I'm flunking out.  I have to go back to the Spirit World.”  Felix opened his juice container.

“What?” I asked.

“Just kidding,” said Felix between sips.  “I'd like to take Mind instillation,  Controlling the Elements, Suicide Prevention, Evil Spirit Confrontation, Choir, Floating, Invisibility, and Intangibility.  I have a feeling that I'm going to need a full two weeks of Invisibility.  I have trouble making myself invisible.”

“No problem.  It was meant to be a two week class anyway,” chimed in Kevin.  “I don't have any problem making myself invisible, but I think I'm going to have to take the full two weeks of glowing.  I just can't keep my glow up for long.  How about you girls.”

“We think we'll be able to take two electives, but after today we'll see for sure,” said Journey.  “Josie wants to take Telepathy and Angel Characteristics and I want to take Harp lessons and Telepathy.  By the way, what is Intangibility?”

“Intangibility is like walking through walls, you know.  Being able to be intangible,-also vaporous, filmy, gossamer.”

“That could really come in handy,” I said.  “Being able to walk through objects or even people.  I will definitely take that course.”

“Sounds great,” said Kevin.  “Well, let's meet in here for dinner and see how we all did.”  We headed to our first hour class.


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