Hands on Justice [The Service Club 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (3 page)

BOOK: Hands on Justice [The Service Club 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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She knew they had been patient with her in their relentless pursuit. In truth, she had expected them to give up a long time ago. Cade had made their intentions clear that night in his bedroom. When she found herself there again, she would belong to them. But what part of her did they really want? Were they only looking to fuck her blind or did they wish to claim her forever?

She pushed the questions from her mind and cocked a brow at Grant, letting her gaze slide over him. Though he wasn’t wearing his cowboy hat, a permanent crease flattened his sandy-blond hair above his forehead where his Stetson usually sat. The potent look in his hazel eyes brought goose bumps to her flesh. Those goose bumps started to dance as she drank in the easy curve of his lips, the hard-toned body ripe with corded muscles and mouthwatering sinews that promised long, sweaty nights full of dangerous, seedy pleasures.

He still wore a suit, likely the same one he had worn to the office that day. Standing beside Cade, the duo brought to mind the old television show
Simon & Simon
, only the private detectives had been replaced with public defenders and the sex appeal had been ratcheted through the roof.

“Isn’t patience supposed to be a virtue?”

“I believe we’ve proved to possess that in spades.” Grant’s tone was conversational enough, but the meaning behind his words told her the thread on their patience had finally snapped. Forget being done for if she allowed her defenses to drop. She was toast regardless, and they weren’t wasting any time in letting her know it.

Justice glanced between the men to the cherry-red Chevy Silverado parked behind her BMW in the driveway. “You brought the truck?”

Both men owned sleek sports cars. Grant drove a silver Chevy Corvette convertible, while Cade preferred a more practical, but no less flashy, imperial-blue Chevy Camaro. Given the difference in the men’s personalities, she would have expected it to be the other way around.

“We figured it would be easier,” Grant said. “That way neither of us has to sit in the backseat while we attempt to talk about the case.”

“I thought we were discussing the case over dinner.” She doubted there was much they could talk about the case. Depending on where they intended to take her, the conversation could be over before they even reached the restaurant. Then what would they do?

The corners of Grant’s lips twitched. “Hungry, sweetheart?”

Yes, but not for food.

Dammit, she was starving to taste him. Her gaze dropped to his mouth, to the moisture on his lips she wanted to lick clean. She wrenched her attention away, lowering her eyes only to have her focus latch on his cock. Like Cade’s jeans, the slacks Grant wore did nothing to hide the impressive bulge. Her belly grumbled so loudly she wondered they didn’t hear it as the craving to clamp her lips around his shaft, to suck his length down her throat, to swallow his cum as it jutted from his cockhead intensified.

told this would be a business meeting.” Strange how she could sound so cool when everything inside her was boiling hot.

Grant exchanged a look with Cade that sent slivers of need-laced trepidation careening down her spine. “Yes, you were and we wouldn’t want you to think Cade lied about that.”

Uh-oh. Danger, Will Robinson.
Though Grant’s words and tone had been sweet enough, something in his expression had her internal alarm cutting loose with an earsplitting shrill.

“The way I figure it,” Cade began, hooking his thumbs in the pockets of his jeans and drawing her attention right back down to his cock where it so didn’t need to be. She jerked her gaze back up only to find his lips tilting in a grin of cocky confidence that drove her hormones dangerously close to overload. “We can proceed with tonight one of two ways. We can enjoy our little drive to our destination, holding off the business talk until we get there. Or we can get the business talk out of the way in the truck and enjoy our dinner. We’ll leave that choice to you.”

In other words, there wasn’t a chance in hell that they planned to let tonight be all about business. She had expected that. Hell, deep down she had wanted that. She simply didn’t know what to do about it. She didn’t how to handle it now that the truth was on the proverbial table.

Justice laughed, a quick burst of air that sounded half amused and half resigned even to her own ears. “I can’t win for losing with you two, can I?” She put voice to her earlier revelation, knowing it fit just as much now as it did when she had said it to herself in the bedroom minutes before they arrived.

“Of course you can, sweet thing.” Cade closed the distance between them in a single, short step that brought his rock-solid body pressing against hers.

She sucked in a breath and her chest expanded, her breasts jutting out to push at his six-pack abdomen. Her nipples beaded to hardened points at the contact, sending darts of acute desire shooting straight to her already slickened pussy lips. The innate male scent of spice and sheer confidence surrounding him made her synapses misfire. She suddenly couldn’t think. She could barely breathe as everything inside her body went all wonky on her.

She didn’t have to be looking at Grant to see him step closer, too. He moved into her peripheral vision, stopping so close she felt the heat radiating off him in waves of erotic assurance. She heard him take a deep breath, saw the wickedly slow rise of his left brow as her scent permeated his senses.

Cade’s eyes glinted in recognition, and damn if he didn’t have to call her on it. “I’ve always loved the way you smell when you’re around us, sweet, hot, horny. You’re creaming now, aren’t you, darlin’?”

Justice swallowed hard and held his unwavering gaze, but she didn’t speak. She couldn’t through the thick river of lust clogging her throat.

“When was the last time you fingered your cunt?”

The blunt question surprised a snappy comeback out of her. “That’s none of your business.”

“I believe it is.” The calm inflection in his tone told her she better believe it, too. “When was the last time you lay back on your bed with your vibrator and pleasured that dripping pussy?”

Justice felt her cheeks flame. She glanced away from him and her gaze collided with Grant’s.

“There’s no need to be ashamed,” Grant told her, his tone gentle even as it held an unyielding power that threatened to possess her very soul. “It’s only natural for a single woman to pleasure herself.”

“It will stop, of course,” Cade added, drawing her attention back to him. “Unless we’re present to give you permission otherwise.”

“I don’t need your permission,” Justice snapped. Dear God, she wanted their permission. She wanted to have to ask for it, to be made to beg for it. They knew it, too. The bastards.

“Yes, you do,” Cade said simply. “One day soon you’re going to tell us what you think about that gets you so hot and bothered. You’re going to describe to us in vivid detail the images you picture when you spread those incredible legs wide, open that pussy to your vibrator, and sink it in deep.”

No. No way.
She couldn’t do that. She
do that. The things she fantasized about when she masturbated would put triple-X porn videos to shame.

“You.” She didn’t lie. Cade and Grant were always there in her fantasies. They had been for years. “You already know that.” Which was why she dared to admit that much. It wouldn’t do her any good to attempt to hide that truth when they could see the evidence of it written all over her face, smell it in the juices seeping from between her pussy lips.

“Yeah, we do.” Cade lifted a hand and touched her for the first time, the lightest graze of one fingertip across her forehead. “Do you remember the things I showed you in my bedroom, the things I told you that night?”

God, yes.
She hadn’t been able to get that room or his words out of her thoughts since. She wanted to be chained naked to the wall in his room, wanted her legs force-spread open, wanted to be whipped and pleasurably tortured until she begged them to fuck her.

He had promised to do all of that and so much more. The need to experience it, to be at his and Grant’s command, to become their sexual servant kept her burning, on the edge, feeling empty, and completely unsatisfied.

Unable to speak, Justice nodded.

“Then you know what kind of men we are. You know what we expect from our woman and the things we will do to her. We know you want to be that woman, but you’re fighting it. I should turn you over my knee right now and spank that amazing ass until cum streams down your legs for that.”

Justice gasped even as tingles of need danced across her butt cheeks.

Cade didn’t let up, didn’t give her a nanosecond to absorb his words before he continued with more that shocked her to her core. “I’ll tell you what else we know. Ours aren’t the only hands you think about touching you.”

Her eyes widened before she could stop them, and she knew she had just given herself away.
Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God. How could they know? How can they still want me?

“There’s something you still haven’t figured out.” His hand dropped to the side of her face, and he skimmed the backs of his knuckles down her cheek. Fiery embers rained through her. A whimper bubbled in her throat even as her head leaned involuntarily into his touch. When he spoke again, the huskiness in his tone sent whips of dark longing slashing through her womb. “You don’t have anything to lose with us, darlin’, and everything to gain. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved.”

Chapter Two


Grant wanted to win and he was determined to make it happen tonight. His prize stood before him now, and mere seconds ago, she had finally put voice to the admission he had needed to hear. She fantasized about them. Yeah, he’d already known that. She might be a master at concealing her emotions in a courtroom, but he had never needed to dig very deep to find the evidence of her true desires in the depths of her arresting blue eyes. That confession coupled with her reactions to Cade’s words had been the first step to her total surrender.

Time for step two.

He hooked an arm around her waist, pulled her out of the doorway, and held her against him. The woman was wound tight. Alarm collided with desire in her expression as she lifted her chin and stared at him. The mixed signals of submission and defiance drove him nuts.

“Relax, sweetheart. We aren’t the bad guys here.”

She scoffed, but she did relax, nearly melting against him as she wound her arms around his neck. “Spoken like a true defense attorney.”

Grant’s lips twitched. “Just stating the facts of our case. Do you need anything from the house? Your purse? You keys?”

She lifted her brows and countered with her own suggestion. “My pistol?”

Cade chuckled. “Now, darlin’, surely you don’t think you need protection from us.”

She didn’t turn to look at Cade, but when she spoke, her words were obviously meant for both of them. “Something tells me a team of Navy SEALs couldn’t save me from you two tonight.”

“We know a couple of SEALs,” Grant reminded her. “We can call them if you want to find out.”

“Diek and Gunner Rylon.” Even as she whispered their names, heat sparked in her gaze. It didn’t hold the same intensity as the fire that burned there for Grant and Cade. This heat was more primal, simple, pure lust laced with the dark desire to play.

Or rather to be played with.
Grant knew that was exactly where her thoughts had gone, and he figured his fellow club members would be up for delivering the pleasure. God, this woman would rip his heart out if he let her. The vixen slut dying to burst free from its cage was one of the many things he loved about her. That part of her would enable him and Cade to show her ecstasy in ways far beyond her naughtiest imaginings.

She slapped his shoulder, her eyes narrowing to slits filled with sexy venom. “No, I certainly do not want you to call them.”

Grant knew better, but he let her get away with the lie for now. She had already admitted far more in the last few minutes than he had expected. A light breeze blew her ebony hair into her face, and he pushed it back behind her ear. “Your keys?”

“They’re on the table inside the door next to my purse.” She started to turn, but he tightened his hold on her waist.

“Cade will get them.”

Irritation etched itself between her brows. “Fine, then Cade can make sure the door is locked, too.”

“Yes, ma’am, I can.” Cade moved in behind her, sandwiching her between his body and Grant’s. He pushed her long hair to one side and leaned in to talk softly in her ear. “And Grant can make sure you get in the truck.”

Justice’s lips unfolded in a wicked grin that shot straight to Grant’s cock. “The PD back there thinks I’m going to run.”

Grant lifted a brow. “Are you?”

She pursed her lips. “I probably should if I knew what was good for me.” Her shoulders rose and fell in a heavy sigh. “Trouble is, I’m having a problem figuring out exactly what
good for me these days.”

Grant slowly nodded. “I’d say the PD is just making sure the ADA gets right where we want her. At the moment, that place is the truck.” He eased away, slid his hand to the small of her back, and steered her to the passenger side of the truck. Behind them, Cade closed the front door with an audible thud, and she shivered as if the sound symbolized the final nail being hammered into her coffin of fate.

BOOK: Hands on Justice [The Service Club 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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