Hands on Justice [The Service Club 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (5 page)

BOOK: Hands on Justice [The Service Club 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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The anticipation was killing her. Claws of desire raked down her slit, slicing a fiery path in her sensitive flesh from her engorging clit to her virgin anus. “Why don’t you find out for yourself?”

Grant squeezed her inner thigh, drawing a sound that was half whimper and half moan from low in her throat. “I will when I’m ready. I’ve asked you twice. If you make me ask a third time, I’ll make you wait longer.”

She couldn’t stand it. She had waited so long for their touch. Waiting another heartbeat would shatter her. “Yes.”


Her eyes popped open at Cade’s question. She stared at him, confusion penetrating the sexual fog in her head. “Why what?”

“Why do you shave your pussy?” Cade pulled his finger from her blouse and flattened his large hand over her right breast through her shirt and bra, fisted it, and squeezed. Her back arched as the pressure of his grip on her tit sent a delicious zing straight to her weeping pussy. “Did someone order you to do it?”

“No.” She had done it because she wanted to, because she had instinctively known they would want her pussy bare and smooth for them. “I like it.”

“Why do you like it?” Grant dragged the tip of his finger down the crease of her inner thigh, lightly touching the outer edge of her pussy lip, spiraling her torment to mind-altering elevations.

“It feels good.” She could barely whisper the words around the moans bubbling in her throat. “Especially when I’m wet.”

“You like the way your pussy lips glide together when you’re horny, like wet silk stretched between your legs.” Grant traced her slit with the tip of his finger, and her lips parted for him, beckoning his finger between them.

“Yes. Touch me, Grant. Please.”

“Does this pussy belong to us?”

“Yes.” Every part of her body, her mind, her very soul belonged to them.

“Then we’ll touch it when we’re ready.”

She gasped when Grant pulled his hand from beneath her skirt. Cade released her breast and took the keys out of the ignition. The sudden loss of their touch threatened to bring tears to her eyes. Damn them for teasing her this way. She wanted to slap them, wanted to grab their hands and force them over her breasts and inside her pussy.

“It’s time to eat.” Cade palmed the keys and slid her a look of pure hardened arrogance that had her demon prancing in its cage before he got out of the truck.


* * * *


a virtue, but Cade figured he and Grant had been pushed to their limits. It was payback time. She needed to be taught that their touch came when they decided it would. She needed to learn to let go, to stop hiding her deepest, darkest desires behind the wall she had built inside herself and let them see to her pleasure. She would obey easily enough or they would punish her. The idea of bending her over his knee and spanking her tantalizing ass until it reddened, until cum dripped from her pussy, sent his cock through a whirlwind of calisthenics in his jeans.

Teaching her to come to terms with those deepest, darkest desires once she set them free wouldn’t be so easy. That task would take a pair of much softer hands, ones he wasn’t sure he possessed. He was a tough man. His needs shattered propriety, breached the barrier of malevolence. She could handle him and the things he would do to her. He didn’t doubt that. What she couldn’t yet handle were the things it would do to herself. Physically, he and Grant couldn’t hurt her, at least not in any way that didn’t deliver her insurmountable pleasure. Mentally, if they weren’t careful, they could destroy her.

Cade rounded the truck, waited and watched as Grant helped her out of the cab. Grant’s needs mirrored his own, but the other man wielded a tenderness stronger than any Cade had been able to find in himself. It was the reason he and Grant made such a good team with a woman, why their relationship with Justice would work and last until the end of time.

Justice sent him a scathing look that, even dripping with venom, was sultry as hell, as they walked to the door of the restaurant. Cade swallowed a chuckle and allowed her and Grant to take the lead, preferring to hang back to watch her walk. The woman’s shapely legs were off the charts, but on a pair of four-inch stilettos, those amazing stems sent his hormones rocketing to the moon. Her slender hips swayed like a well-oiled metronome as she walked, her long ebony hair flirting with the small of her back and making his hands tingle with the need to fist and tug.

“Good evening, counselors,” the hostess greeted them as they stepped into the restaurant. “Are we here for a business meeting tonight or a casual dinner?”

“Business,” Justice answered.

“Both,” Grant countered, and Cade watched Justice’s head whip toward him, her eyes narrowing.

Yeah, the rumors would start to spread fast now, but it was time for her to realize if she truly belonged to them, they would damn well make sure the whole town knew it.

The hostess nodded and led them to the dining room. “How about a quiet table?” she asked over her shoulder and then laughed. “Although, business is light tonight so any table in the house would likely do.”

“How about that booth over there,” Cade suggested, spotting a circular booth in the far corner that faced the dining room. A white cloth covered the round table and stretched to the floor. Candles sat in the center, the flames flickering, adding a bit of a romantic glow to the dimly lit room.

The hostess nodded again and stepped aside, gesturing toward the table with a flourish of her arm. Grant slid into the booth first, leaving just enough space for Justice and Cade to sit beside him.

Cade reached for Justice’s waist, sliding his hand along the small of her back as he steered her into the booth. The moments of relaxation she had allowed herself in the truck were gone, replaced by a tension and irritation that made her movements jerky and her posture stiff.

Cade waved off the menus the hostess attempted to place on the table. “We won’t be needing those.”

“Very well. Your waitress will be right with you.”

Cade waited until the hostess disappeared back to her station before turning to Justice. “Is something wrong, darlin’?”

a business meeting.” She spoke softly, but the annoyance he saw in her spilled in her voice. “You lead anyone to believe anything different, especially when we’re both working opposite sides of a case, and it could be seen by the court as a conflict of interest.”

Cade pursed his lips. “I suppose it could be, but it won’t.”

Justice folded her arms and glared at him. “Is there anything that gets to you? Anything that breaks that almighty confident shell?”

“Yeah, you get to me.” He waited a beat, let the admission sink in, then added, “But I’m confident that’s not going to be a problem for either of us.”

Her chin rose defiantly. “This case against Thomas Waverly is going to be fought in the courtroom. I’m not backing down on that.”

“When it comes to our careers, darlin’, you have your orders and I have mine. I enjoy going to blows with you in a courtroom. Watching you prosecute a case gives me one hell of a hard-on.”

One perfect brow winged up. “And does losing against me make your dick hard, too?”

Cade pretended to think about that for a moment. “As a matter of fact, it does.” He shrugged, leaned closer, and lowered his voice as he saw the waitress approaching out of the corner of his eye. “Don’t worry, sweet thing. I’ll take out my frustrations in the bedroom after the verdict is rendered.” He heard her quick intake of breath, saw her shiver at his words, and bit back a grin as the waitress reached their table.

“Good evening,” the waitress greeted. “What can I get for you this evening?”

Cade held up a finger to the waitress, not looking away from Justice. “How do you like your steak?”

“Medium well.”

“Do you like sour cream or chives?”

“Chives, no sour cream.”

“I’ll have my usual,” Cade told the waitress. “Double Grant’s usual and we’ll each have unsweet tea to drink.”

“What is the usual?” Justice asked as the waitress walked away.

“Steak, baked potato, and whatever vegetable is on tonight’s menu. I like mine rare, no chives. Grant prefers his the way you do.”

“I wasn’t aware pre-stuffed potatoes were on the menu here.”

“For Grant and I, they are.”

“Unsweet tea? Won’t that be a bit bland for your tastes?”

Cade flashed her a grin. “Darlin’, I’m sweet enough already.”

That got him a short chuckle out of her, but she sobered instantly. “You’re planning to present a plea bargain, aren’t you?”

Cade reached for the glass of water the waitress had brought to the table and took a long swallow. “I haven’t made up my mind yet. Nor have I discussed that with my client. If I do, you would be wise to take it.”

“I doubt that. There’s too much evidence against your client. Your best defense would be a guilty plea in exchange for a lesser sentence.”

Cade nodded slowly. He knew she would have to do some wheeling and dealing to get Parker Ferrell to even agree to that, if for no other reason than his intense dislike for Cade.

“Maybe. That’s likely not the offer I’ll be putting on the table, though.”

“Then we’ll see what offer you
put on the table and I’ll decide if it’s wise for myself and the county to accept.”

“Fair enough.” The waitress returned with three glasses and a pitcher of unsweet tea. He waited until the waitress filled the glasses and left the table before he spoke again. “How about we put the conversation under the table and move on with our night?” Talk about the case wasn’t the only thing he intended to have under the table as the night progressed, but he would let her figure that out as time went on.

Chapter Three


Justice’s heart tripped. After the things Cade and Grant had already told her tonight, after the things they had already managed to get her to confess, moving on with their night both terrified and thrilled her. She belonged to them. Cade had flat out told her that in the truck. He had made it clear he fully expected her to follow whatever orders they gave her tonight.

But what about tomorrow?

The way both men had talked, they had made it sound like their possession of her wouldn’t end with the sunrise. Then again, her interpretation could be far from the truth. She stared at Cade and imagined she could see softness and love in the depths of his rich brown eyes. She looked at Grant, saw the softness there, but imagined deeper emotions, too. In that moment, she came to a decision. If tonight was all she got, all they truly wanted, she would give it to them and hope like hell it got them out of her system.

And if they truly want more?

She didn’t dare to hope, yet she knew the answer to that, too. If her interpretations were right, she would keep her innermost demon in line and work like the dickens to prove her love to them.

Her mouth dry, she sipped her glass of tea. “All right, I suppose there isn’t really anything more to discuss about the case at this point.” She put down her glass, willing her hand not to shake. She looked around the dining room at the scattering of tables and booths, noting only a few of them were occupied. The ones closest to their booth were vacant. Still, when she spoke, she kept her voice low despite her confidence their conversation wouldn’t be overheard. “Tell me about the Service Club.”

Grant lifted a brow, surprise flickering through his handsome face. “What do you want to know?”

Justice shrugged and forced herself to relax in the booth. “Whatever you’re at liberty to tell me.”

Cade chuckled. “It’s not like we’re under some secret code of confidentiality, darlin’. We’re just a bunch of friends who find pleasure in similar acts that get together and shoot the shit now and then.”

Shoot the shit? Is that really all they do at their meetings?
Though she didn’t know of any concrete evidence to dispute the claim, the rumors that abounded around town had to have stemmed from somewhere.

“No club rules or mottos?” Suddenly enjoying herself, Justice glanced from Grant to Cade, not even noticing when the waitress returned to the booth with their orders. “Did you have to make some kind of vow and be sworn in or anything?”

Cade reached for a roll in the basket the waitress set in the center of the table. “The club isn’t a frat boy fraternity.”

“No, word has it that all the men are public servants of some sort. Firefighters, cops, military…” She ticked them off on her fingers as Cade buttered the roll and set it on the edge of her plate.

“Public defenders,” Grant added, unwrapping her silverware from the cloth napkin for her.

Amused, Justice took another sip of her tea, wondering if one of them intended to cut her steak into bite-size pieces for her, too. “Yes, public defenders. All of you guys have taken some sort of vow to protect and serve the public in your career. It just seems logical you would have a vow to make for the club, too.”

“Protect, serve, and pleasure our woman to ultimate fulfillment.” Grant picked up his knife and fork, sliced off a bite of his steak, and spoke around it. “It’s not a spoken vow, but it’s implied and understood.”

BOOK: Hands on Justice [The Service Club 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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