Hanging by a Moment (From this Moment Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Hanging by a Moment (From this Moment Book 1)
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“Oh.” I gasp.

He is still, his damp forehead resting on mine, his dark blue eyes looking deeply into my grays.

He pulls out slowly, leaving me empty. Looking up at him, I see his jaws clench and I feel his abs tighten just before he slams forward into me.

I cry out loud. He makes a low primitive sound each time he fills me with delicious waves of sweet pleasure. I grip his shoulders, my nails digging into his biceps certain I’m drawing blood as he moves faster and harder into me, pounding me with powerful thrusts, each one increasing the size of the storm that is brewing inside of me.

His mouth finds mine again, plunging his tongue inside, working at the same fast tempo as our joined bodies.

My thighs clench around him trying to hold on.

“Wait for me.” He pants against my mouth.

He shoves one hand behind my hip, gripping my ass higher so I’m closer to him as he pounds harder and faster. I can’t hold on any longer as my hands slip all over his sweat drenched back. My head rolls back on the pillow and I close my eyes, squeezing him with everything I’ve got.

“Look at me.” He orders.

Opening my eyes, I see dark intense eyes burning into me, wrinkling at the edges each time he slams into me.

Just when I think I cannot hold on any longer, his wet body shudders against me.

“Come for me, baby. Give it to me.” He grates out through his clenched teeth.

I hold him tight, my voice barely recognisable as I scream out his name and I come harder than I ever have in my entire life.
Holy fucking shit!
Free falling down to earth as his hips continue to pump into me long and hard until he comes.

He falls heavily onto me, his weight crushing me. The only sound is our hot heavy breathing. Holding me tight against him as his mouth slides over my neck, throat and shoulders, soothing me as he continues to jerk inside of me.

Lifting his head up, he looks at me with sweet tenderness in his eyes. “You are mine. Forever.”

My subconscious, now fully sated looks at me with confusion in her eyes.

He slides out of me. Kissing me softly on my lips before turning me onto my side, he spoons me from behind. He places a soft kiss on my shoulders. “Did I hurt you?”

I melt against him. “No. You were perfect.”

“You are perfect, princess. I want you to stay the night with me.” I realise it is not a question when his hand slides over my hips wrapping me tight against his body. “Sleep.” He commands.


Chapter Eleven

I wake the way I fell asleep. With Luke draped over my lower body, enclosing me with his strong hands around my hips and his long lean legs around mine. I’m on cloud nine and I don’t want this feeling to go away. I could get used to this. Last night was the most memorable night of my life and I’m looking forward to an encore.

Which I receive the minute my eyelids flutter open.

Luke is sitting astride my thighs, dropping soft kisses on my exposed tummy as he moves lower down me.

He stops when I sigh. Delicious ripples of pleasure gather in my lower body.

Looking up at me, he grins. “Good morning, sleepy head.” His blue eyes twinkling as he raises his head from my tummy.

I smile at him. Amazed at how incredible I am feeling. “Good morning.” I greet him all cheerful. I pray to wake up this way for the rest of my life.

“Hope you like my version of an alarm.” He grins mischievously at me. “I couldn’t resist.”

“I’m hitting the snooze button.”

He laughs as he slides back up my body, resting his elbows on either side of me. He kisses me on my mouth clearly not having a thing about morning breath.

Oh shit.
I push against him to make him stop.

“What the fuck?” He growls, clearly not happy to be denied.

“I didn’t brush my teeth.” I remind him.

“Neither did I. Now let me kiss you.” Pulling me back under him.

Oh what the hell!

Lowering his head, he kisses me until we are breathless, pushing my legs apart with his knee until I feel his rock hard erection brushing my thighs.

I groan as his lips find the tender spot behind my ears, sucking me. His warm smooth fingers travel down my waist to my clit stroking me tenderly. I arch my back and spread my legs further apart.

His hand shuffles with something on the bedside drawer. Removing his lips off me, he tears open the foil packet, rolling the condom onto himself.

Covering me with his warmth, he laces his fingers through mine, sliding our hands above my head as he thrusts into me. Each stroke hard and deep.

Lifting my head slightly, I find his lips and drive my tongue into his mouth, pulling my knees up and arching my back to push my body closer into him, clenching his hard length inside of me, staking my claim. He groans in my mouth, working me into a frenzy as I feel my climax building.

Luke slips his hand down between us and using his thumb to rub against my aching throb, making me cry out as the first tremor jolts through me. I shatter into a million sparkles as I climax.

His lets out a roar... then pauses... going still and then pumps into me with one hard thrust.

His solid wet chest crushes me deeper into the soft bed as he lays panting over me, his breath hot and heavy on my neck.

I feel like I am drowning in a wonderful sea of colourful erotic emotions and I hold on to him as tight as I can, not wanting this moment to end.

I am lavished with sweet kisses on my face and beautiful blue eyes are smiling at me. “Hungry?”

“Starving.” I could eat a horse!

I happily hop into the shower while he orders us room service. Using the soft thick white towel to dry myself, I wrap myself in the towel before I enter the bedroom.

Luke is waiting for me in the bedroom... gloriously naked. What a sight? I will never get tired of looking at him. The sight of him has me licking my lips. Smiling at me as he walks towards me, he drops a quick kiss on my lips before stepping into the bathroom. “Breakfast will be here in fifteen minutes.”

My blue wrap dress is neatly placed on the back of the wingback chair along with my bra and panties. My shoes are on the floor below.

After dressing and quickly combing my hair which I tie up into a messy bun, I apply gloss onto my lips. Happy with my appearance, I make my way to the living room. I am still in awe of this suite when Luke joins me a few minutes later, dressed in the same clothes from last night. Wrapping his arms tight around me, he kisses me. “I missed you in the shower. Next time we shower together.”

Next time...
yes there will be a next time.
I can’t wait. A knock on the door brings me out of my stupor.

A smartly dressed waiter enters with a shiny silver trolley laden with food. He goes about setting the dining table by placing two white glass plates and cutlery followed by tea cups, coffee mugs and glasses. Within a few minutes he has expertly arranged a number of items, filling up the table. I notice there is a bit of everything - grilled bacon, sausage, eggs and pancakes. A bowl of cut up fruit, yogurt and granola along with toast, butter and jam, a coffee pot, tea pot and freshly squeezed orange juice completes the line up. And of course a glass vase with a single white calla lily is placed on the middle of the table.
Of course!

I look at Luke shocked. “Are we expecting guests?”

“I didn’t know what you wanted to eat so I ordered a selection.” He answers me with a smile on his handsome face.

I shake my head. I indulge in the bacon, eggs and pancakes

“Sorry for starving you.” He chuckles.

“You don’t look it.”

He smirks. “I guess that is because I’m not. What do you have planned for today?” he asks as he takes a sip of his coffee.

Putting down my fork, I answer. “Nothing much apart from the usual.”

“Can I take you out for lunch?”

“I would love that, Mr Greyson.” I sip my coffee.

“Then its settled, Miss Horton.”


“It was out of this fucking world! Oh Brit!” The goofy grin is back on my face as I feel my cheeks heat up recalling the last few hours I spent with Luke. The way he makes me feel... like I’m a delicate flower... precious. The way he touches me... gliding his fingers over my skin setting them alight. The way his blue eyes look into mine... burning me with his gaze. I’ve never experienced that kind of sex before. All consuming, mind blowing and out-of-this-fucking-world sex.

Brit sighs as she tucks her calves under her thighs. We are sitting in our dorm room playing catch up. She fans her face, smiling. “Damn, Em. You got it bad for Luke. I’ve never seen you like this before. Not even with-”

She stops abruptly and I know what she was going to say.

“Not even with Ethan?” I complete her sentence.

“Yeah, that was what I was going to say.”

True, I never experienced this all consuming feeling before. Every time Luke looks at me, I feel like all the air gets sucked right out of me. As much as I loved Ethan, loving Luke is on a whole different level. “Luke is different. He makes me feel things I’ve never felt before.” I tell her. “He is more experienced for sure. The way he touches me. And the way he looks at me. I can come just by that.”

Brit reminds me of her initial reaction to Luke that very first morning we spotted him in the cafeteria when she said something similar. And we end up giggling like two school girls.

“Well I’m happy for you. Trav told him he’ll beat him up if he breaks your heart.”

I sit up straighter. “
Why do you think Luke will break my heart?” I ask her clearly intrigued about her remark.

Now Brit looks uncomfortable as she looks everywhere but at me. I know she is hiding something. Snapping my fingers in front of her nervous face, I urge her to go on. “Spill it. What are you talking about?”

“Oh, you know how Trav is... so over protective over you. Like you are his little sister.”

I nod. Ever since we first met, Travis has always watched out for me. Acting like my don’t-mess-with my little sister big brother.

“And he likes the idea of being your big brother. You know he always has your back.” Brit’s slim fingers twirl a lock of her long blonde hair. She is the worst liar I’ve ever come across.

I know she is hiding something but before I can squeeze the truth out of her it is time for our first class. So I let it slide for now as we walk out of our room heading for class.


A few minutes before lunch my phone chimes in my pocket. Pulling it out I see a text from Luke. I am crushed when I read his message.

Sorry can’t make it for lunch today. Meeting up with my folks

Disappointment gathers like a small whirlpool in my tummy. I missed him this morning when we had to separate to attend our different classes and now I’m going to miss him for lunch too.

Crazy thoughts start creeping into my head. Try as I might, they refuse to go away.

Maybe he made a mistake with me last night and regrets the entire thing. Or I was not good enough. I must have done something wrong. Or maybe I was not able to give him what he wanted. Unable to satisfy him in the way he expected.

Or even worse... he just wanted to get me into bed and now that he accomplished that, he has no further need for me. I try to stop these haunting thoughts but they seem to want to play havoc with my mind. My subconscious is banging her head on the floor crying her eyes out.

In no mood for the happy chattering of my friends, I decide to hide out during lunch in the kitchen where it is quiet and peaceful. I need to be alone to drown my sorrows.


The minute he walks into the kitchen, I get that hot heavy feeling in my tummy. Like something is wrong.

I remember experiencing this unsettling feeling every time my parents sat me down, explaining to me that they were leaving for another shoot. And even though I was used to their travelling it never stopped this hot heavy feeling from settling deep inside my tummy. It continued until I got to boarding school. And here it is again. Hot... heavy... and there is nothing I can do about it except to hear him say that it is over. Last night was a mistake never to be repeated.

From somewhere deep inside my head I hear a small nervous voice. I wish it would just shut the hell up. But the voice presses on and brings with it a dreadful realisation -
Luke is planning on leaving me. Like everyone else in my life. No!
I mentally brush that thought away.

I will myself to remain cool. I watch him as he makes his way from the entrance to the chair beside me. He keeps his eyes pinned to mine the entire time.

He slips his jean clad bottom onto the wooden chair next to me. There is no mistake; his blue eyes are looking troubled. “Hi.”

I notice even his voice sounds off. I mentally pray. Not again. Not after what we shared last night.

“Hi.” I greet him nervously.

Breaking eye contact with him, I look away and try to concentrate on my food. I have no intention of eating and end up moving the chicken pieces around on my plate. I’m not hungry and have no idea why I have this plate of food in front of me.

“How are you?”

I look up at him. Gray eyes into beautiful blue eyes. Clear sky blue eyes that I can so easily get lost into if I’m not careful.
Too late,
I remind myself. He steeples his slim fingers under his chin, resting his elbows on the counter top as he waits for my reply.

“Good. And you?”

We are talking to each other like strangers and not like a couple that were intimate with each other last night... and during the early hours of this morning. A couple that enjoyed truly amazing sex.

That voice rears its ugly head again, pushing awful thoughts at me -
maybe it was not as amazing for him
. And it dawns on me that he did not even kiss me when he walked into the kitchen. The first time we are together after he dropped me off at my dorm. And that was less than eight hours ago. Now he treats me like a complete stranger. Is he regretting what happened?

Oh God.
I groan inwardly.

“Fine.” He replies in his usual cool calm voice. He runs his hand through his hair before letting them rest on his hips.

I mentally remind myself I’m a big girl and I’ve been through this before. I survived then and I’ll survive again. It may take more time than before but I’ll make it.

He lets out a loud exhale. Chewing his bottom lip, he frowns. “We still on for tonight?”

His question stuns me. I was not prepared for that.

Yesterday we made plans to hang out at the cottage and watch a movie. Just the two of us. His blue gaze is still fixed on me. I search his face trying to figure him out. His face looks tired and withdrawn. He doesn’t look like he wants to meet up later. It feels like he is trying to let me down easy.

I close my eyes for a second. There really is no point in us dragging this out further. If he doesn’t want to be with me, then we should not suffer for the sake of kindness. I don’t want to force him into doing something he is not into. All that crap about he is just not that into me creep into my mind. So I give him a way out. Better admit we made a mistake and move on.
Damn, I sound like Dr Phil.

I open my mouth to speak and the words struggle as they slip through my lips. “Actually I’ve got to study for a test.” I lie. “Maybe I can take a rain check.” I add just in case… I still have hope in my heart. I let out a breath. There now it is done... I have given him his way out.

BOOK: Hanging by a Moment (From this Moment Book 1)
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