Hanging by a Moment (From this Moment Book 1) (21 page)

BOOK: Hanging by a Moment (From this Moment Book 1)
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I close the door and turn around to face her. She is snuggled inside her pink blanket with a book balanced on her raised knees.

The smile from her face disappears when she sees my face. “What happened?” she asks with concern in her voice, immediately yanking off her blanket. She jumps off her bed and makes her way over to me and engulfs me in a big bear hug. Brit has known me my entire life and can read me like an open book. She can sense I am upset and assume my parents are to blame. Surprisingly, it is not their fault... this time, well not entirely. Tugging me, she walks me over to my bed.

I sit down next to her, my head falling limply onto her shoulder.

“Shh.” She whispers, her hand wrapping around my back.

“Ethan is back.” I blurt out in a weak voice.

I feel her body instantly tense next to me. She shifts slightly so she is facing me. “What. The. Hell?” Her large blue eyes pop out of their sockets.

“And that isn’t even the worst part. My crazy-so-called-parents think we should get back together.” I shake my head at her, still unable to believe all the craziness.

Her nostrils flair and she flags her finger in front of my face. “They lost the right to tell you what to do in your life when they left you at the front gate of Midland Falls Boarding School.” Her voice is laced with fury. Her hand goes to rub down my back. “And what the hell is Ethan’s problem? What the fuck does he want back here?”

“Me.” I squeak. Not happening. He is not getting me.

Her fingers grip into my shoulders. “Do you want him back?” she asks.

“No! I love Luke.” Oh God. I have to tell him. I do not want him finding out about Ethan’s visit from someone else.

Her head tilts to the side and she smiles. “And Luke loves you.” She jabs me with her slim finger in my arm. “But you need to tell Luke that Ethan is here... in Midland Falls.”

I sigh loudly. “I know.”

“It will be fine. Now that Luke knows how you feel about him.” She assures me.

“I will tell him tomorrow. I just want to sleep now.” I want to close my eyes and when I open them again, I want this bad dream to be over.

Brit helps me change into my pyjamas and get into my bed. As I lay my heavy head onto my pillow, trying to close my eyes to shut out the world, my mind keeps drifting off to the nightmare I’m currently living.


Chapter Twenty One

The white glass bowl of steaming creamy oats is shoved back in front of me again, and I move it back to the side, away from me.  And of course, Brit just shoves the bowl back in front of me clearly ignoring my pleas that I am not hungry. “You have to eat. Come on, chickie. Just eat a little.”

I’m not hungry. My eyes hurt like hell and the bright white fluorescent lights in the cafeteria are not helping. I hardly got much slept much last night. I kept thinking about how Luke will react to the news that Ethan is back in New York. And wants back into my life. No... Ethan wants to be back in
lives – Luke’s and mine. Because this is my life... with Luke... forever.

Looking at the white glass bowl in front of me, I know Brit is too stubborn for her own good and is not going to quit. I exhale in frustration and give up, taking a spoonful of the creamy oats into my mouth. She gently strokes me on my back, pleased that I am eating.

I’m startled when Brit’s hand grips my thigh, letting me know that Luke has just walked in. My eyes find him immediately. He is strolling into the cafeteria, looking all sexy and handsome in his white T-shirt and faded blue jeans that are sitting low on his sexy hips. He looks utterly edible this morning and I would rather be having him for breakfast than the oats I’m struggling to eat.

I’m rewarded with a sexy grin when he catches me admiring him. He places his tray down in front of me and walks over to my side of the table to give me a soft gentle kiss on my lips.

“Hey, princess. I missed waking up with you this morning.” He runs his knuckles affectionately across my cheeks.
Me too!

“Hi.” I smile while swallowing the lump in my throat as he walks back to claim his seat opposite me. Taking my hand in his, threading our fingers - as he does every day - he starts to eat his oats.

Looking at my beautiful man, I lick my lips. “I missed you too.” So much. I would have wanted nothing more than to cuddle up with him last night, hearing him tell me everything is going to be okay and that this will all blow. Ethan will realise I have moved on and his visit back here was a waste of time.

Luke puts his spoon down and I see the frown on his face. “Hey, what’s wrong?” His fingers clench tighter around mine. “Talk to me.”

If there ever was an awkward moment in my life, this had to top it. Brit’s hand goes to my thigh again - something she normally does when she wants my immediate my attention.

Before I look up, I hear a commotion at our table.

“Fuck! Lockwood! Man, what are you doing here?” Travis’s loud excited voice cuts through the noise in the cafeteria. He flies off his chair and makes his way to hug one of his best friends. “Shit. I don’t fucking believe this!”

My gray eyes widen as I take in the scene playing out in front of me… everything is in slow motion.  I can feel my head getting ready to explode.
No, this is not happening!
I shift my gaze to Luke. He is staring at me, his blue eyes looking confused at the expression on my face.

I keep my eyes pinned on Luke and before I can tell him who
is, I hear Brad speak. “Ethan. Buddy, it is good to see you.”

This is not how I imagined Luke to find out. His blue eyes darken and he clenches his jaws tightly. He releases my hand as he speaks softly so only I am able to hear him. Not that anyone is paying us much attention, everyone is engrossed with Ethan.  “Tell me that is not who I think it is?”

Biting my lower lip, I nod at him. “It is.” I whisper.

Travis, Brad and Ethan are standing at the head of the table, doing their fist bump guy hug thing and all eyes are focused on Ethan, so Luke and I have a few minutes to ourselves.

“Did you know he was back?” Luke’s voice is cold as ice, sending shivers racing down my spine.

“Found out last night when I met up with my parents.”

He nods at me but shifts his dark eyes towards Ethan and glares at him, scrutinizing him.

I have no idea what Luke is thinking and I wish there was some way I could reassure him that all is fine between us. Ethan’s return makes no difference to me.

Ethan’s voice reaches me and his next words shock me. “Hey guys, I have moved back here and enrolled at MFU so we have plenty of time to catch up later. First, I need to greet my girl.” And he walks over to me. Standing behind me, he places his hands on either side of the table, caging me in.

I don’t turn around even though he is standing right behind me. My skin prickles as he gets closer to me, lowering his head to peck me on my cheek. I clench my eyes shut as his breath falls on my face. My brain is screaming at me to move... to get away from him but my body refuses to cooperate.
What the hell is wrong with me?
My mind flashes to last night – when he tried to kiss me and I shiver.

A loud scraping sound gets my attention and I open my eyes. Luke’s chair is pushed away from the table and... he is not on it. I hear him before I see him.

“Get the fuck away from
my girl
.” Luke’s cold hard threatening voice cuts across the hall. I turn around slowly and see Luke standing a few steps from my side.

Ethan straightens up as he turns to face Luke. “Who the fuck are you?” He asks in an irritated tone.

From some unknown planet, a lightning bolt hits me between the eyes and all my energy is restored into my body, kick starting my useless limbs. And my voice is the first to react. “He is my boyfriend.” I answer Ethan. My voice is surprisingly calm as I stand up facing the two warriors who look set to clash.

Ethan’s brown eyes narrow as he looks at Luke. “Funny. I don’t remember her mentioning a boyfriend last night.” He turns his attention to look at me, his lips tight.

“She’s letting you know... now.” Luke’s voice is whipped with anger and I can see the vessels on his neck bulge as he glares angrily at Ethan.

Travis moves over to stand next to Ethan, tapping him gently on his wide shoulders. “Bud. Let it go, man.”

Brad is also standing, as if on guard, waiting to pull these two apart should they start throwing punches.

Ethan turns from facing Luke, to look at me. “It is not over.” He raises his hand towards my face and runs his knuckles down the side of my cheek.

I flinch from his touch. One second his hand is on my face and in the next second it is removed when Luke grabs Ethan by the collar and shoves him up against the wall.

“Touch her again and I’ll fucking kill you.” His voice is low and raspy and filled with warning. I have seen Luke angry when he confronted Mason at the charity ball but that was nothing compared to the blinding rage I see in him now. Ethan better just shut the hell up and leave... while he can still walk.

Ethan sneers at him. “I’ve touched her many times before.”

Oh shit!

Luke’s entire face changes... he looks like a man possessed. His face, his body language all screams violence. I see a glimpse of something dark and dangerous flicker in his eyes just before he raises his fist landing a heavy punch across Ethan’s jaw. Ethan is fast to retaliate by punching Luke in the chest.

I know this can only end badly... for Ethan. Luke is a few inches taller than Ethan and has more muscle on his body. He manages to grip Ethan and shove him against the cafeteria wall and knees him in the groin, just as Travis and Brad manage to pull them apart.

“Enough! Lockwood! What the fuck is you case, man?” Travis screams at Ethan as he holds him against the wall. “Move on, damn it.”

I have never seen Travis lose his cool before. He must be really pissed off with his long lost friend.

Luke brushes aside Brad’s grip on him. When he looks at me, I see the hurt and anger dripping off him. His grabs a hold of my hand, threading our fingers together and drags me out of the now silent cafeteria. He does not say anything as we walk out through the glass double doors of the cafeteria and across the sprawling green lawn that leads us into the parking lot towards the black Range Rover. Opening the passenger side door for me, I don’t question him... I just climb into the luxurious vehicle. I watch him walk over to the driver’s side before he gets in.

Turning on the ignition, the haunting sounds of Love Hurts blasts through the car’s stereo system - how apt to our situation?

“Fuck!” He slams his fist into the steering wheel and curses.


“Fuck! I don’t want to hear a word from you!”

That shuts me up.

Within seconds we are moving out of the parking lot, making our way to the campus exit. The Range Rover’s tyres screech as Luke pulls away into traffic, driving so fast you would think he is being chased by werewolves.

I look over at him. His jaws are still tightly clenched and his knuckles are white as he grips the steering wheel manoeuvring the powerful car expertly. His steel blue eyes are fixed on the road ahead. I silently will for him to say something but he remains quiet.

The greenery passes us by in a green blur as he speeds across the city to whatever destination he’s taking us to. I don’t question him.


Chapter Twenty Two

I’m surprised when he pulls into the driveway of the Cavendish Hotel where we spent our first night together. Not waiting for the valet to come around the Range Rover to collect the keys, he stalks over, wrenching my door open and helping me out. Tense hands grip into my waist as he collects a key card before we enter the plush interior of the elevator.

I’m reminded of our last time here. I can still remember feeling how the air crackled between us as we made our way to the suite. That same intense feeling is present now between us in the small space of the elevator and a sliver of excitement shoots through me.

Luke removes his hand from my waist and he turns to face me. Using his body weight to move me until my back is pressed into the cold hard mirrored wall of the elevator. His blue eyes are dark with something I don’t recognise. His face is inches from mine and I feel his hot heavy breath on me.

Even though I can feel the rage dripping from his body, I’m not afraid. Instead I am turned on... very turned on.

He looks at me with such intensity that causes my quivering body to combust, feeling all hot and damp between my thighs. His strong powerful hands grip both my wrists, raising it above my head, holding it in place against the mirror. Grinds his hips into me, I’m pressed flush against the mirrored wall of the elevator. His hard muscled thigh pushes between my denim clad legs and soft lips bruise mine in a smouldering kiss. His warm tongue slides into my mouth, hungry to taste me and I’m as hungry for him.

I moan softly into his mouth as his kiss becomes more frenzied. Holding my wrists with one hand, his free hand moves behind my thigh, raising it up to wrap against his waist, burying his erection deeper into me.

His lips move down my neck leaving a trail of burning kisses until they reach between my breasts where he sucks on my skin. Every part of me is drenched in desire and I whimper.

He curses under his breath as the elevator doors open. He releases me and tugs on my hand, dragging me into the now familiar carpeted hallway towards the penthouse. The very same room we lavished each other in not so long ago.

Sliding the key card into the slot, he pulls me inside before kicking the door shut with his booted foot.

He doesn’t wait to reach the bedroom as he grips me behind my neck, pulling my lips toward his, losing me in his kiss. My entire body goes lax and I willingly submit to him. Releasing me only to yank my sweater up and over my head along with his white T-shirt, throwing our clothes onto the plush carpet where they land in a crumpled mess. His lips crush mine and his hands cup my ass prompting me to wrap my legs around his waist. We make our way into the beautiful elegant bedroom with its four poster king size bed draped in its luxurious cream quilt with delicate gold embroidery.

He releases my legs and I am left standing at the corner of the massive bed next to one of the wooden frames. His fingers tug at my jeans as he unfastens it, hastily dragging it down my legs. He taps each of my ankles to remove my Converse before removing my jeans along with my black silk panties. Standing in front of me, his erection pushes against his faded blue jeans begging to be released. Quickly he unclasps the hook of my bra, sliding the silk straps down my hands, discarding it on the carpeted floor.

His voice is husky and laced with desire. “Turn around and face the bedpost. Wrap your hands around the frame. Tight. And spread your legs. Don’t let go until I tell you too.”

My body is shaking in anticipation and I do as I say, feeling the wetness between my legs. My heart is beating so fast and my blood is rushing through my veins. My body is drunk on Luke and my brain feels like scrambled eggs.

“Don’t let go.” He barks just before I hear him pull down the zipper of his jeans. He positions himself close behind me and I can feel his hard muscled thighs against my soft thighs... his hard damp back crushed against my sweaty back.

His hands grip my waist tight, his fingers digging into my skin. And without any warning he slams into me.

“Oh fuck!” I cry out in both pleasure and pain as he fills me completely with his hot hard erection. He has never been this deep and I feel totally consumed by him. And it has never felt so good before. The hot silky smooth combination of his rock hard length wrapped by my softness has me spinning out of control and I never want to let him go. My insides clench around him like a thirsty man clenches a bottle of water in the desert. And I know in this moment he is mine... I will never tire of wanting him. Nor can I ever let him go. I know I sound possessive but he belongs to me and I to him. Forever.

His head falls to my neck and he sucks on the skin below my ear. He is panting as hard as I am. “You. Feel. So. Fucking. Good. I’ve never felt... this fucking amazing.” He struggles to get the words out. “So soft and warm. Fuck!” He shifts in me.

“Tell me you love me forever.” Pulling out slowly only to slam back into me with such force my body surges forward, almost toppling me over onto the mattress. His fingers grip me tighter around the waist.

And this time I know exactly what he means. Why he needs to hear the words from me. I’m experiencing delicious mind blowing sensations. And my insides are screaming to hold onto him. Forever.

“I love you Luke, forever. And ever. Oh!” I breathe out as he continues to ram into me with powerful thrusts grunting every time he plunges.

“Tell me you never going to leave me.”

“No... I’ll never... leave...you.” I force the words he craves to hear, reassuring him of my love and commitment. I should be put in a straitjacket if I ever leave him.

My body cries out for release as sweat drips down my temples onto my neck, between the valley of my breasts. He pulls me back into him as he stretches me with each thrust, his own sweat drenched body sliding over my back.

“Come for me, baby.” He cries out, panting for breath as our bodies slap noisily against each other.

And I come, the hardest I have ever come, yelling out his name. And I give a royal fuck who hears me. He thrusts into me a few more times before he releases his sweet hot cum into me, filling me and warming me at the same time.

My body is limp as I fall back onto him, leaving him to carry both our weight. Releasing my hands from around the bed post, he pushes us down onto the bed, still twitching the last of his release inside me as he crushes me with his weight. Not that I mind.

Sliding out of me, he flips me over onto my back. Trailing his fingers down my sweat damp cheeks, he speaks. His voice is soft and tender. “Did I hurt you?”

I cup his face with my hands. “No.” I whisper.

He frowns as he shakes his head suddenly looking worried. “Fuck, baby. Fuck shit... I didn’t use a condom.

“It is okay. I’m on the pill.” I reassure him.

His fingers brush a damp lock of hair away from my face. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking. I got so carried away. But I’m clean. I’ve always used a condom. Except with you.” He smiles at me with his blue eyes twinkling. “I’ve never fucked a girl without a condom before.” He kisses me on the corner of my mouth.

“Neither have I.” I whisper.

He looks at me with a naughty grin. “What you never fucked a girl without a condom?” He teases.

I laugh as I shove his shoulder. “Shut up. I meant I’ve never fucked a guy without a condom before.”

“Thank fuck... that is what you meant.” He chuckles.

We hold on to each other, our bodies drenched in sweat as we kiss and cuddle. He rolls over, taking me with him until he is cradling me in his strong arms, moving us upward so his head is resting on the gray pillow. He tucks me into his side and rests my head on his chest.

I run my finger tips across his still damp pecs and feel the heavy beat of his heart. I place a gentle kiss there, right over his heart.

“Tell me what happened at dinner yesterday? His voice sounds strained.

I know what he means. He wants to know what happened with Ethan yesterday. “He just showed up a few minutes after I arrived. I found out my parents met up with him at the airport during a stopover in Switzerland. And together with Ethan, they decided to set me up.”

He sounds surprised. “After knowing you guys were broken up?”

“I didn’t tell them about the break up. But Ethan did. And he made it seem like it was only a temporary thing.”

His body tenses beside me. I continue. “My relationship with my parents, if you could call it a relationship, is pretty much based on two visits a year and a few emails. I never had the family you had growing up.”

He shifts so he can look at me. “Every family has its ups and down.” He kisses my cheek.

I shake my head at him. “Not my family. We never had any ups or downs because they never had any time for me. My parents preferred their globetrotting lifestyle to spending time with their only child. My first couple of years was spent in the company of nannies, then with my teachers at boarding school. If it wasn’t for Brit and her folks, I would never have even understood the concept of family. They are the closest I have to a real family.”

His hand gently rubs up and down my arm as I snuggle closer to him. “And they never cared about any of my friends or boyfriends before. I’m surprised they even remembered Ethan, having met him only once.”

He exhales. “So they obviously have no idea about me.” His response is more a statement than a question.

“I was going to tell them yesterday. But I left before I had a chance.” I confess.

“Did Ethan try anything?”

He wants to know if Ethan tried to kiss me. And I want to tell him but I’m worried over his response... especially after this morning. But I don’t want Luke to find out from Ethan. And I know Ethan well enough to know he will throw the kiss in Luke’s face... leaving out the part where I didn’t respond to his kiss. I don’t want to keep anything from Luke so I decide to tell him.

I take a deep breath. “After exchanging words with my parents, I left the restaurant. Ethan followed me outside. He
to kiss-”

Luke bolts upright in bed, jerking me along with him and cuts me off. “I’m going to fucking kill him.”

My hands fly to his chest. I see murder reflected in his dark blue eyes and I need to calm him down. I rub my palms soothingly over his warm chest.

“He tried to.” I stress the word tried. “But I wouldn’t let him.” I place a soft kiss on his hard sculptured chest. “I’m not going to let anyone else kiss me. I’m yours.”

His hand grips the back of my head and he looks intensely into my eyes. “You got that fucking right.” He scowls. His lips crush mine in a hard kiss, leaving me breathless. Kissing him back calms him down as he lies back onto the pillow making us comfortable. “Then what happened?” He growls.

“Then I left. I was going to tell you this morning at breakfast. But then he showed up...” I wave my hands in front of me.

“Was Ethan the first guy you slept with?”

“No, he was the second. I lost my virginity at sixteen when I was in high school. Some guy I dated. You?” Though I am not sure I even want to know.

He laughs but I detect a hint of sadness in his voice. “I was fifteen. She was not someone special.”

What?! So he just had random sex with some girl.
He cuts into my thoughts with his next question. “So Ethan was not your first?”

I notice he does not answer my question. “No, guess not.”

“That is good to know.”

What that Ethan was not my first?

“Because he is an asshole.”

“What about the guy from high school?”

“He just got lucky but was stupid to let you go.”

I grin at him. “And Ethan?”

“He is a fucked up asshole.”

I laugh. “How is he a fucked up asshole? You do not even know him.”

I feel his body tense next to me. “He hurt you.”

Before I can response he strokes the side of my face. “I love you, Emma. And I’m not prepared to lose you.” His voice is tender as he reinforces his words with a soft kiss on my lips.

Breaking the kiss, I look up at him. “I love you, Luke. Forever.”

He smiles. I let him kiss me again, feeling his body drip with desire.


“Hungry, princess?” Luke’s smiley eyes question me as I gulp down my late breakfast of grilled bacon, sunny side eggs and pancakes – all drenched in syrup.

“Starving. Considering some people never let me finish my oats this morning. Opting to man handle me to have their way with me.” I smile coyly at him, batting my eyelashes.

“Sorry about that.” He reaches out to hold my hand from across the table. “No. Fuck that. I’m not sorry.” He winks.

My insides turn to mush.

I grit my teeth when my phone buzzes from inside my jeans pocket. Groaning out loud, I pull it out assuming its Brit. She’s probably wondering what is going on with Luke and me... the worry wart that she is. Bless her soul!

I screw up my face, when I read the name on the display. It is my mom.

“Yes, mother?” I answer curtly; not masking the fact that I’m still mad with my parent’s uncalled for pathetic interference in my life.

BOOK: Hanging by a Moment (From this Moment Book 1)
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