Read Harnessed Passions Online

Authors: Dee Jones

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #mystery, #historical, #ghost, #bdsm

Harnessed Passions (52 page)

BOOK: Harnessed Passions
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You mean you live at your
office?” she frowned again as he wrapped her hand inside his and
walked casually toward the door.

I don’t live in my office,
I live above it,” he chuckled. “I’ll have to arrange to lease it
out, or perhaps keep it for business; I haven’t decided yet. I
suppose we can make that choice later down the road.”

I don’t want you to have a
place in town,” she said suddenly. Memories of her father’s
extra-curricular activities came flooding back to her and she
lowered her eyes from her husband’s intent stare. Daniel paused by
the door and lifted her chin with his forefinger, looking deeply
into her eyes.

That’s not going to
happen,” he told her, making her aware of what she was thinking. “I
love you and the only place I will ever sleep is in your bed. If I
chose to stay over here, you’ll be with me, understand?” Julia
smiled shyly and accepted the brief kiss he offered her before
following him through the door and up the flight of stairs to the
third floor.

Daniel unlocked the door and pushed it open,
allowing Julia to precede him through the wooden barrier. He pushed
a small button beside the door as he closed it, illuminating the
room in light. Her eyes widened when she glanced around her
surroundings, surprised by the elegant decor. This was nothing what
she expected her husband’s taste would fall; it was very Victorian
in style, lavishly decorated in deep burgundies and wine colors
with heavy curtains that fell over the large front window that
looked out onto Mayfield.

His flat, as he called it, was roughly the
entire third floor of the building, save one small area on the
opposite side of the stairs that was used for storage. It had all
the modern conveniences of the time; kitchen large enough for Mrs.
Lester to find comfortable with stove, ice box, workspace,
cupboards and a sink with indoor water pump. The area was
completely open with several small areas set up to represent
individual spaces. There was a living area complete with sofa, two
wingback chairs, a fireplace and a large bookcase that went from
ceiling to floor, full of books. A dining area was across from the
kitchen with a table large and six chairs, a china hutch filled
with dishes, a buffet and a built-in display case holding framed
pictures, trophies from what appeared to be polo and an assortment
of knick-knacks.

There were two closed doors on the opposite
side of the room and Daniel led her to them, first opening the one
that held a small claw foot tub, wash basin and indoor plumbing.
She was amazed; her aunt and uncle had indoor plumbing back in
Boston, but her father refused to update the mansion; he claimed
that electricity and plumbing were just fads that would soon pass
and he didn’t want to waist his money on a fading notion.

The second door hid Daniel’s bedroom
complete with a double size bed, dresser, waist high bookcase
filled with books and two bedside tables. The room was dark with
only one small window next to the bed behind a heavy drape, but
spacious and comfortable. A nearby wardrobe held several suits,
white shirts, jeans and more than a dozen pair of dress shoes,
boots and slippers.

Like it?” he asked
watching her expression grow as she glanced to the dark burgundy
satin bedspread that covered the mattress.

Impressive,” she said,
smiling up at him. “I would never have taken you as the type of
person to go in for all of the elegant stuff.”

I like to be comfortable.
I can’t see facing the future and not have an open mind to the
modern conveniences.”

You are an amazing man,”
she added, watching as he stepped to the dresser and flipped on a
single light that waited to be used.

You have no idea,” he told
her with a wicked smile, walking over to her and wrapping her in
his arms around her waist, pulling her back against him as he
nuzzled her neck.

It’s getting late,” he
whispered next to her ear a few heated moments later. “Why don’t we
stay here the night and head back first thing in the

Is that what you told the
Ben?” she asked with a knowing smile. Daniel chuckled as he gently
tugged her earlobe between his teeth.

Smart girl,” he whispered.
“We haven’t had a proper honeymoon and I thought a night away from
prying eyes and ears might do us some good. Once the sales are
over, I plan on taking you on a proper honeymoon; someplace
romantic and warm, perhaps.”

What did mother say about
it?” Again he chuckled.

Am I that visible?” he
asked, turning her around to stand between his legs as he sat on
the edge of the bed.

Not really; but you are
detail oriented and I cannot imagine you would allow my mother to
wait up for us when you didn’t plan on going home.”

I wouldn’t be that
thoughtless. I sent a messenger to her earlier and she agreed that
some time alone would be a wonderful idea.”

So, Mr. Browning,” she
began, trying to push the thoughts of her mother from her mind.
“What wicked, and I’m sure illegal, ideas do you have in

Well, for beginners, what
exactly were you and Margie discussing when we arrived this
evening?” Julia blushed remembering his threat to spank her if she
said anything to his partner’s wife.

She was helping me
understand you,” she said briefly, receiving a narrowed glare from
her husband.

Liar,” he told her,
wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer to him.
“Tell me the truth – all of it, or I’ll put you over my knee,
regardless of my promise for pleasure.” She drew a deep breath,
thinking about what Margie had said; spanking was not painful but
very pleasurable.

She was helping me
understand sex and your strange cravings.”

How would she know
anything about my

She said Harold has
as well.” Daniel
nodded softly with a half-smile curving her lips.

I can see that; especially
since he’s the one who introduced me to the appetite I now

How did he introduce you?”
Daniel smiled up at her as he began unbuttoning the back of her

We were just boys when we
met, still in primary school; by the time we had reached
university, he had already had several lovers. Harold used to like
the women from the local pubs; they were easy and cheap, with no
commitment issues to contend with. Because they were accustomed to
a variety of men, sailors mainly, they knew a world of perversion
most women have never heard of.” Daniel removed her pants and was
working on the buttons lining the back of her bodice as he
continued his story.

Believe it or not, I was
still a virgin when I entered our first year at Oxford. Harold and
I were the best of friends, so it was only natural he would want me
to visit his favorite spots with him. A few weeks later, I knew
more about sex than I ever imagined and more than a few local
wenches who could teach me about bondage and pain. I found a
particular liking for spanking women and making them come across my
lap.” Julia stared at him with a curious frown. She wasn’t exactly
sure how to digest all he said, though the look in his eyes was
deep and sincere.

Are you afraid of me?” he
asked, sensing her apprehension.

No. I’m afraid of what you
could do to me.”

I won’t do anything that
would cause pain or misery, I promise. What I want to show you is
for pleasure and delight only.” Daniel removed her blouse and
smiled as she stood before him in only her knickers and thin
camisole which hid very little from his eager sight.

You are a delight to
envision,” he whispered as he slipped his hands inside the
waistband of her bottoms and slowly eased them down her

Julia stood before him in her stockings and
camisole, a scarlet red tinting her cheeks as he drank in every
detail of her slender frame. She liked how he stared at her; the
way his eyes seemed to burn a path across her delicate body. Her
nipples hardened when he stared at them and she bit her lip as he
slowly lifted the silky fabric up her torso and over her head.

I want to make love to you
until you can’t breathe,” he whispered, his strong hands gently
caressing her bare bottom as he pulled her slowly toward him.
Daniel latched his mouth across her breast, suckling her tender
nipple deep into his mouth as his tongue teased and played with it
until she moaned.

He smiled up into her eyes, his mouth moving
to the other breast where he again sucked her tender flesh hard
enough to extract a reaction of desire from her. His mouth moved to
the center of her large breasts, licking and tasting the sweet
flesh that covered her sternum as he cupped her curls in one hand,
squeezing her firm buttocks in the other.

Julia couldn’t think; she could barely
breathe as his mouth moved down her torso to the spot in which his
fingers played. She moaned deeply as he parted her labia, exposing
her throbbing clitoris to his inspection.

You’re very wet,” he
assured her as his fingers moved to the opening of her vagina. “I
could easily allow you to stand here the rest of the night until I
had my fill, but I desperately want you across my knee.”

I don’t like pain,” she
whispered; her tone shaking with need and emotion.

It will not hurt the way
you think. I will spank you, hard, but you will feel the pleasure
that goes along with the pain. By the time I’ve finished, you’ll
understand the deep need that comes from playing.” Without another
word spoken from either of them, Daniel positioned himself a little
more comfortably on the end of his mattress and eased her to his
side. Julia’s fears were beginning to mount, but she saw the look
of passion and urgency in the blue depths and drew a deep breath as
he patted his jean clad lap.

Lay across me,” he urged,
his hand still on her buttocks, caressing and kneading it until she
moved closer. She screwed her eyes shut as she lay awkwardly across
his legs, biting her lower lip.

There are so many things I
wish to show you,” he moaned as he gently massaged her bottom. He
moved her long hair aside so he could see her face, then lay one
hand across her shoulders to hold her in place.

Nothing Margie told you
could possibly prepare you for the orgasm you will give me.” With a
quick, sudden movement of his hand, he slapped her bare bottom with
a stinging sensation that caused her to tighten her cheeks as she

It was worse than she thought it would be.
She remembered her father spanking her just one time; it hurt but
nothing like a bare hand on her exposed bottom. The stinging shot
down her legs and when she tried to rise, he held her down with the
firm hand across her shoulders.

Instantly he began to massage her bottom,
taking the pain away in a few brief moments. It was such a
different array of sensations; she couldn’t possibly keep up with
them. Daniel’s hand slapped down again, followed by gentle massage
as his fingers moved between her legs and began playing with her
wet vagina.

Again she felt the stinging of his hand and
moaned when he slipped his middle finger into her vagina. The
torture continued for several long moments; slap, massage, slap,
caress, slap, insertion of his fingers. She felt mindless; she was
unable to keep up with the actions until at last she no longer
cared. She wanted to feel this; the erotic mixture of pain and
pleasure just as he had promised. When he stopped she moaned; she
didn’t want him to stop, she wanted more, she needed more.

Say please,” he demanded
in a hushed tone. “I know you want it; so tell me

Please,” she gasped,
shocking herself with her bravery.

Daniel slapped her again, harder than before
as his hand moved from her back to her bottom. His longer middle
finger inserted into her tight vagina as his hand slapped against
her delicate flesh. Another slap and two fingers went in, a third
and his thumb found her clitoris. One more and he began to thrust
his fingers in and out of her as his thumb caressed and played with
her swollen bud.

The torture continued as Daniel treated her
backside to a multitude of strikes. Her skin was a brilliant pink,
radiating through the dim light from the dresser. He knew she was
nearly there; he could feel her vaginal muscles tighten around his
fingers as her body grew moister with each moment. It took all of
three more strikes until she tensed against his lap and moaned

Her bottom lifted slightly as she called out
to him, begging him for more. He loved this woman; her bravery, her
curiosity, even her desire to explore her own body. He knew she
would be the perfect lover for him; one he could mold and train in
the ways of sexual foreplay that would stimulate them both.

As Julia’s climax slowly began to wane down,
Daniel found the need to explore her more thoroughly began to burn
inside him, but before he could form his next thought, she opened
her eyes and smiled at him.

Teach me more,” she
begged, watching the dark, excited smile cross his lips.

BOOK: Harnessed Passions
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