Harnessed Passions (54 page)

Read Harnessed Passions Online

Authors: Dee Jones

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #mystery, #historical, #ghost, #bdsm

BOOK: Harnessed Passions
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Julia smiled giggling softly; she had never
seen this side of animal behavior and found it quite amusing as
well as intriguing. Daniel looked mad as hell, his already large
muscles bulging to the point of injury, his taunt thighs straining
the seams of his breeches. His arms and legs shook with his effort,
aching from the fight of the powerful beasts. His anger rose each
time the mare rejected the mate chosen for her, yet he continued to
struggle along with the rest of the men to make a union. One look
at the stallion's underside made Julia vividly aware of the horse's
powerful interest and immediate intentions for the mare and the
near insane fever driving him onward.

At last Biscuit neared surrender, her games
became too much even for her to bear. Roustabout thrust up on his
hind legs coming down on the mare's rump and crumpling her nearly
to her knees. He tried several times to make his mount, but with
little success. His first attempt was unwelcome as Biscuit bucked
and kicked, knocking him off her. Two more attempts were made with
similar results, with the third finally succeeding in tying them
together. The two horses whined, screeching and pawing as they
joyously rallied in their connection. Their heat and powerful
thrusts filled the air with the event.

Julia's face turned a deep shade of red as
her eyes fused with the sight of the horses’ actions. She never
stayed this long before, she had never seen the actual mating and
although she felt the heat of embarrassment she also felt the heat
of an intent stare. Somewhere between Roustabout's success and the
relaxing of his grip on the ropes Daniel had spotted her quietly
watching the show. He stared at her for several long seconds before
she noticed him surveying her, causing her blush to deepen. Julia
locked her emerald gaze with that of turquoise heat, smiling shyly
when she heard his soft chuckle; his eyes blazing with

He was hot and sweaty, his hair hung loose
about his shoulders moist with his labors. His massive chest was
bare of clothing and the beads of sweat twinkled like small
diamonds in the afternoon sun, but this was not what caught her
interest. She took particular notice of the way his breeches seemed
to fit him, hugging his exquisite long legs snugly, especially
around the bulge centering in the middle of his blue jeans. She
knew in an instant Daniel's thoughts were on the same track as her
own, but here and now wasn't exactly the most convenient of places
to act on those desires. The burning heat that grew between them
moistened her desire and she felt the throbbing need to feel him
inside her flare to life. For the first time since gaining
possession of her, Julia found herself relating with Biscuit's
needs; feeling her own teasing and lustful desires crackle to a
heated level of urgency.

Daniel could read his wife's thoughts, his
attentions diverted from the mating horses he helped to control, to
the thoughts of the woman he longed to mate himself. She was
beautiful, her chest heaving with the strain to breathe, her face a
brilliant shade of magenta. Julia's hands clasped the fence post
while he watched her caress the wood; her fingers curled around the
top rail and he could feel his lust rising, imagining her hand
wrapping about him in the same manner. She was a dangerous
distraction to his thoughts and a passionate diversion to his
surroundings; he was determined to show her just how aroused she
made him - the very minute these damned horses were finished!

He glanced at Roustabout's hard thrusting,
hearing the stud's deep snorts and knew the end was near. He turned
back in time to see Julia walking briskly back toward the house;
her small firm hips accented to perfection in the tight riding
habit. The urge to run after her was strong; he wanted to carry her
up to the hayloft and have his way with her. Daniel felt as
unsatisfied at that particular moment, as his horse had been a
short time before, and like his horse, he too would revel in his
own satisfaction in the end.

The morning's events were vivid in her mind,
as Julia mounted the stairs to her room. She felt the heat of the
day and the burn of desire growing hotter inside her; forcing her
to strip from her heavy riding habit and petticoats. She walked
naked into her wash closet, sponging off her damp skin with the
water from the basin. It was cool and refreshing against her hot
skin, though it seemed to add to the discomfort building inside

Julia stepped back into her room and sat on
the edge of the bed, contemplating whether to call Bridget to fill
her tub, when the door to her room opened and Daniel stepped

He smiled at her seductively, taking in her
lack of attire. He slammed the door closed behind him turning the
key, locking them inside and the rest of the world out. He crooked
his finger at her motioning for her to come to him as he approached
her. When she didn't he reached out and grabbed her by the wrist
pulling her off the bed and against his denied arousal.

"Enjoy the show, princess?" he teased, aware
of the effects the horses’ mating had on her. Julia lowered her
eyes; the color stealing into her cheeks again.

"I didn't mean to interrupt," she said, her
tone husky and soft. Daniel chuckled, turning her around and
pushing her against the closed door. He covered her mouth with the
hard pressure of his, teasing and tasting her shocked gasp before
he moved her hand between them. He guided her fingers to the
buttons on his breeches and urged her to unfasten them as his lips
moved down her neck to her exposed breasts.

"You asked me once what the word horny
meant, remember?" his breath warmed her skin and the tip of his
tongue burned a hot path across her hardened nipples. Julia
couldn't speak, she could only nod, her hands tugging the
restraints of his pants open. He quickly pushed them across his
hips, lifting her higher on the door's barrier. He eased her knees
around his waist, his fingers touching and teasing her swollen

"Let me demonstrate the meaning, Princess,"
he whispered, seconds before he thrust deep inside her. Julia
gasped, feeling the heat of his penis plunge inside her with hard,
urgent movements. He lifted her higher, supporting her hips with
his hands, his thighs anchoring her to their wooden support.

"Wrap your legs around me tight, princess,"
he commanded. Julia did as ordered, arching closer to him.

Daniel drove into her with the heat of his
burning desire as his fingers continued to play with her clitoris;
pinching, rubbing and pulling until a shutter of relief and the cry
of passion escaped from her throat. His thrusts deepened until he
spilled his seed into her, releasing both of them from the insanity
and torment of their passion; joining her in that small piece of
paradise they built for themselves. He pulled her tighter to him
pressing into her quivering warmth as he growled his release,
grinding his hips hard against her.

He laid his head against her shoulder a few
moments later; their breath coming in short pants. Julia chuckled
softly, causing his head to lift, his eyes staring into the emerald
depths of her delight.

"I never knew you could do this," she told
him softly, visibly aware of how it was possible for Dourn to have
made love to Sharon against the stable wall. Daniel raised a dark
brow at her and smiled.

"I thought I'd proven to you just how
versatile I could be."

"But never against a door. What if my mother
were to walk in? You'd fall on you naked butt and take me over with

"I locked it, besides your mother would
never come in without knocking especially after she heard you
scream my name."

"I never..."

"You did so; my ears are still ringing from
it. And from your tone, I'd say the entire household heard you as
well." Daniel laughed openly, as the color stole back into her

"It's not funny Daniel Browning. Put me down
at once!" Julia struggled to push him away, only to be pushed
harder to the door's wooden barrier.

"Why? There's nothing wrong with my making
love to you in the privacy of our own bedroom."

"But it's the middle of the day?"

"I'll make love to my wife anytime and
anyplace I choose. If you would have hung around the stables long
enough, I would have proven just how accessible the hayloft

"You wouldn't dare?"

"I would and I shall, just as soon as the
time is right. There's nothing wrong with it. You're my wife
remember? It's expected for newlyweds to be passionate."

"But it's not proper."

"Good God, don't tell me
you're turning into an old prude on me? I cannot imagine anything
we have done is
since I first took your virginity."

"Daniel Browning, don't you dare say another
word. Put me down at once or I'll...I'll scream."

"Again?" he teased, knowing he had her
cornered and enjoying every second of it. He planted his mouth
against hers to silence her as he allowed her to slowly slither
down the front of him until her feet touched the floor, only to
have her swept up in his arms as he carried her to the bed.

" No! Daniel, it's still daylight, we

"We have and we are, so be quite and enjoy
it." He lowered her gently to the covers and stretched out next to
her, pulling her against him. "I plan on making love to you until
you concede that the time and place doesn't matter."

"Alright, I concede. You're right and I'm
wrong now let me up from here."

"Sorry Princess, but I don't believe you,"
he held her down, kissing and tickling her until Julia was laughing
hysterically. Tears rolled down her cheeks when he pulled her
against him again tracing her passion filled lips with the tip of
his tongue.

"Tell me Princess," he whispered
breathlessly against her ear. "What do you think about mating

"Ours, or the horses?" she smiled.

Daniel growled, rolling her on top of him to
settle between his long legs, making her feel the hard throb of his
penis against her belly. "Daring now, aren't we?"

"I don't think I'm going to have a say in
the matter when you're concerned Mr. Browning."

"You're absolutely right. Now answer my
question. Do you still think it's so bad to mate your mare?"

"No; but I don't think Reverend Parker
wouldn’t approve of me mating my mare, or you either for that
matter." Daniel growled again, this time smacking her bottom hard
as he pushed himself off the bed, keeping Julia on his lap as he
rose. He sat on the edge of the mattress, her legs wrapped around
his waist and her breasts thrust upward beneath his chin.

"You just can't be serious for a moment
today, can you Mrs. Browning?" he asked; the moist tip of his penis
itching to reunite with its counterpart.

"Of course I can; just watch." Julia lowered
her mouth to Daniel’s; kissing him in the same erotic manner he had
kissed her. For the next two hours, Julia proved to her husband
just how serious she could be.

Louise glanced up from her needlepoint to
see Julia head up to her bedroom when she returned from the
stables; hot, sweaty and flustered. A short time later Daniel came
into the back door; he nearly ran up the winding staircase, taking
the steps three at a time. She frowned as the intent look on his
sweaty face and thought for a moment that there was trouble.
Several silent moments later and she smiled; hearing Julia scream
his name. Thompson stopped pouring the tea he had brought to her
and stared at the older woman with wide eyes. Louise couldn’t hold
back the girlish laugh that escaped her aging lips.

"I don't think my daughter or her husband
will be joining us for lunch today," she told the man. "Go ahead
and have Mrs. Lester serve me in here."

"Yes ma'am," he replied; amusement and
knowledge echoed in his tone.

Louise watched the older man leave the room
before she glanced up to Victor’s portrait hanging on the wall. He
had anticipated a much longer fight before Julia surrendered to
Daniel's sensuous power; but Louise had known better. She and her
late husband had both seen the effects Daniel had on women and knew
the moment he set eyes on their daughter; it would be a matter of
time before Julia accepted the more pleasant aspects of her
marriage. The girl was stubborn, of that there was no denying, but
Louise saw the attraction Julia held toward her now husband; an
attraction that had eventually proven champion over her
determination to remain celibate.

The sound of giggling filtered down the
hallway from the kitchen, bringing a frown to Louise’s delicate
features. The little red-haired maid was proving to be more of a
nuisance than an actual help. Her constant gossiping and insatiable
flirting with the hired hands was getting out of control.

Everything that happened,
either at the ranch or the main house, made a quick circle around
the area. Bridget had been eager to inform all who listened of
every event that took place at what was now being called
Browning Estates
. Her
biggest and juiciest tidbits were those of Daniel and Julia's
sleeping arrangements. The fact Daniel had occupied a separate room
on his wedding night had been the talk of the stables and barroom
corners for weeks.

Bridget made certain one and all to knew the
Turner secrets and Louise had no doubt the rumors spreading around
town had been initiated from her own household. The stained sheets
several days ago however, put a halt to the girl's gossiping; at
least on that subject and the events currently in place upstairs
would bring about a grandchild sooner than anyone had anticipated.
Perhaps that would curb the girl's activities; if not, she would be
in need of new employment before the first snowfall.

Louise's smile returned when she considered
Julia and Daniel having a child. She thought of what it would be
like to have a baby in the house again after so many years. She
thought too of how it would unite her torn family. One day soon,
Jeremy would be married and Daniel had told her of his proposition
to make him his partner at the stables, which meant there would be
another young couple living at home.

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