Harper's Little Spitfire (Harper's Series)

BOOK: Harper's Little Spitfire (Harper's Series)
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Harper’s Little Spitfir



No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any form, or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author, except by reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously and are coincidental. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

All products mentioned in this book belong to their rightful owners.

I do not claim any of these products to be my own.

Harper’s Little Spitfire

Copyright © 2014 Angel Steel

ISBN -10:1495972216

ISBN-13: 978-1495972218

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page

































would like to thank my husband, Gavin, who has stuck by me throughout this wonderful journey. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him. For his constant encouragement, throwing  ideas at me and listening to me bitch about why my characters won’t do as their told, and spending hours finding the right pictures for my teasers, to reading everything I give him, and giving me his honest opinion, even if it turns him on ;).

His is the only man I need in my life, my One and Only, forever and always, baby. You are my world and beyond, nothing but just us in this world, besides our beautiful children you gave me. I will always love you till my last breathe and beyond.

I thank you yet again for your patience, understanding, and trust. Thank you for being you!

To my editor, Becky, at Hot Tree Editing, thank you so much for the time and effort you put into editing, and making my work look as perfect as possible. Loved the comments you left in my MS, you crack me up woman and seriously cannot wait to meet you at the Gold Coast. Can’t wait for you to start on the next book and more to come, you rock babe!!! Love ya sweets!

To my amazing cover designer, Kelli, at Book Cover By Design, you are so amazing with the way you design covers sweetie, love working with you, you listen to exactly what is need, by shock me when you show me the super extraordinary talent you do transfer covers into a think of magic, never stop what you are doing, ever babe  You will forever be my one and only cover designer!!!!

A big thank you to my Old Cow, girl, Kristine. You know I couldn’t help myself. Thank you for being there to talk about my book and yours as well. Long ass nights on the phone talking maybe a small percentage about our books but we had fun. You’re an amazing friend to have, and so happy to call you one babe, love ya guts. Tell Dean I’m one up on him!

To my amazing poem chickie, Julie, babe you have such amazing talent writing what you feel in words, you feel every emotion you put into each poem, I am so proud of you getting your work out there, sweetie, for every single person to see . I’m so honored to have your poem in my book, so everyone can see how extraordinary you are with words, Love ya guts sweets, to the universe and back tenfold!!!!!

To my DIRTY BITCHES, Wendi, Tiff, Chelle, Julie, Layla, Clara and Laci ;) Look forward to our daily conversations whether it be bad or good. The Dirty ones are so much fun when they start. You have no idea what all of you mean to me and LOVE every single one of you, equally. Remember, nothing is more important than what you hold on the inside, don’t care what the color of your skin is or that you aren’t a skinny rake, I don’t care for that, it’s what you hold in your heart. Don’t listen to what others say, if you want to say or write or doing something, you go right ahead and do exactly what you want, screw everyone ;). You are all amazing women and so glad to all call you close friends. Love ya guts all of you, my sexy and very dirty bitches, to the universe and back tenfold!!!!!

Can’t forget my Book Whore’s street Team, you are all amazing in your own way, never forget that, and love every single one of you for you. Thank you all for what you have done.

To my beta readers – Gavin, Terry, Rosemarie, Wendi, Tiff, Chelle, Julie, Charlene, Kristine, Shala, Amanda, Ikelia, Kristen, Tianna and Christina, Lisa: Thank you all for what you have done; the feedback whether it small or large, the constant messages, good or bad, every bit helped throughout this process of this book and couldn’t ask for a better lot of readers. I couldn’t possibly thank you enough for all the help you gave me. If I have missed anyone that had beta read for me, I apologize, tried to remember everyone that joined me on this super amazing journey.


This book is dedicated to Rosemarie McKenzie. I can’t express enough of what you have done for me. You are one of the sweetest and most caring person I have ever met and would do anything for anyone. You have become a close friend, part of the family and so has yours. Thank you for being my P.A., the countless emails, the time spent on contacting bloggers, designing teasers and beta reading. Never change who you are, don’t listen to what others say, YOU ARE THE BOMB, WOMAN!

Love ya sweetheart!!!

Cover Art by-

Kellie @

Editing by-

Becky Johnson-

Proof read by-

Terry Trahan

Steam Rises 

By: Julie Mishler  

Steam rises

As the hot water pours down 

Candles burning bright 

Filling the misty room 

With the scent of strawberry 

Music whispering

A song of love 

I moan in satisfaction 

As the hot water pelts my skin  

Pouring over my body 

I close my eyes  

My mind racing

I can still feel your touch  

The taste of your kiss 

The laughter we shared 

The teasing and taunting  

Holding me close  

Caressing my skin 

Washing our bodies 

Never losing contact 

Vivid as the memory  

The water rains down  

Washing away all that was  

Of you and I  

And the time we spent 

Enjoying each other  

Slow nights of love  

Exploring each other  

Pouring over each other  

Like the hot water 

It ran cold 

I open my eyes  

Steam still rising  

The song now over  

The candles burned out 

But the memory of you 

Will always remain




age Mathews sat on her bed, fiddling with her fingers, as her three best girlfriends, Brianna, Lilly and Kaidence, all but agreed, over her, that she needed to get out on the town. This was code for letting loose and getting her freak on. Yes, she needed to get laid and badly. But the thing her girls didn’t know about her was she was still a virgin. It kind of sucked knowing she was probably the only twenty-five-year-old virgin left.

Her girls all lost theirs years ago. Hearing how they had lost theirs made her cringe; it hadn’t been pleasant for all of them. The loser of a guy, a name she refused to say out loud or even think, that Bri lost hers too, voiced it all over campus, saying it was easy for him to get into her pants. Plus, he said that she was an easy lay and that he did absurd things to her that Sage didn’t believe had happened. Some things, yes, as Bri had told her over the years about and never stopped telling her about them, but the others were so far-fetched it was ridiculous. Lilly’s was quite romantic with the way she lost hers. Her sweetheart boyfriend, Liam, had known from the start that she was a virgin and waited till the right time for her. He never once pushed it upon her in any way. The night it happened, it was at his parents’ cabin in the mountains, surrounded by snow. He had set candles all over the cabin, cooked a beautiful meal for the both of them, and without going into too much detail, he took his time ‘loving every bit of her’; Lilly’s exact words. It was quite beautiful to listen as she was told the story.

Kaidence, on the other hand, all she was told was that the night she lost hers wasn’t even worth mentioning about, so she never questioned it further.

As she sat there, all three of them were yelling at each other, more like bitching like a pack of whining dogs waiting for their food. She considered giving her sister, Skilyr, a call to see if she was up for going out. She’d help her get through this damn night, help keep her sane with the way her friends were acting about what they wanted her to wear. She hadn’t seen Skil for the last couple of months since she had been back home with their mother. Since their parents split, Sage stayed with their father, and their mother left town with Skil. They only saw each other at Christmas time or on each of their birthdays, but it wasn’t enough. She missed not having her little sister around.

When Skil turned eighteen, she began visiting more and more. Her gran got Skil back in contact with their father, since she wanted to see both him and Sage. Her mother tried several times to stop the visits, but she was legal to do what she wanted. Sage was shocked when Skil told her what their mother had said about their father. Sage had no idea how she could disrespect someone she once loved, who was also the father of her children. Once Sage heard this, she confronted her mother about it. It didn’t go too well and resulted in Sage leaving her mother’s home, not welcome anymore. She was fine with that; Sage never did get along with her that well. She favoured Skil more, and it didn’t bother her one bit. She had an amazing relationship with her father; he was the best she could ever ask for.

Shaking her head, Sage heard bits and pieces of the conversation between them, in between where her thoughts went, but nothing registered to her until she heard the words
Harper brothers,
being mentioned.

Her breath gushed from her mouth at the name, and she looked up as they were pushing and pulling each other in her room.

“Bitch, please, if she wears this, she will get noticed and there is no way she will look like a fuckin’ hooker!” Bri yelled.

“Um, yeah, she bloody will. She can’t wear that. If she does, it will draw the wrong people to her,” Lilly answered back.

Kaidence stood there laughing at them. She hated the idea that they were pretty much fighting over what she was going to wear for the night. She wanted to wear her normal clothing; jeans and a singlet, what she felt most comfortable and relaxed in. That’s all she wore when she went to a club, but that wasn’t enough for Lilly and Bri; no, she had to change her look completely.

Standing up, she walked out of her room and made her way towards her kitchen, needing that drink after all. Opening the fridge, she pulled out a can of Double Black vodka and popped the can. She gulped down half of it before the girls walked in after her.

“Why the hell did you leave, Sage?” Bri huffed as she fell onto the barstool at her kitchen island.

“Well, let’s see. One, you are all acting like a bunch of children over bloody candy, and two, I’m pretty sure I can pick something to wear myself. And three, really, it’s only a club that we’re going to tonight. The same one we always seem to go to and know everyone there,” she grumbled.

“Yeah, we know that, but tonight is different, Sage. You need to, how do I put this nicely?” Lilly said. Both Bri and Kaidence laughed at her words. Jesus, Sage was even close to doing the exact same thing.

“Just bloody say it, Lilly. Really no need to friggin’ sugar coat it for her. She knows full well what we are all like,” Bri ground out.

“Fine, you need to sex up your image. It’s all too boring. I have no idea how you got this far in life with the way you dress, and how the hell you even got laid these past several years. If I had a dick, and no offence, I wouldn’t even consider fucking you with half the clothing you wear.”

Well, that made her feel better, not. She sagged against the bench. Were her clothing choices really that bad? Did she really put that vibe out there, saying she wasn’t fuckable? God, she hoped not, well, not just to any guy. There were four guys in particular who she wanted to notice her. She groaned at her thoughts and wondered at the unfairness of it all. Why couldn’t it be just one? One person she dreamed about, but no, she didn’t want just one; Sage wanted all four of the Harper brothers. She was greedy that way. She questioned her sanity. What a twenty-five-year-old virgin in her right mind would want with those four brothers, the bad boys of Lakers, Lord only knew. Everyone had heard of them. Shit, they pretty much ran the damn town. Any woman with a working, pulsating vagina wanted either one or all of them between her legs. Who would blame them, really?

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