Harper's Little Spitfire (Harper's Series) (4 page)

BOOK: Harper's Little Spitfire (Harper's Series)
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Both of them giggled as they made their way towards the dance floor, not caring who they ran into in the process.


ogan slammed the file against his desk, frustrated at what he read. Nothing made sense to him. It wasn’t just the files that did it, it was also the way he acted with Sage that afternoon.
Damn it!
Of all the times to show up on her doorstep, only to have her answering the door in a bloody towel.
Fuck, Fuck Fuck!
He needed to get the image of her standing in a towel out of his fucking head.

For the last two years, he had been holding himself back. Sage was like a sister to him.
What the hell would his brothers think if he ever voiced the thoughts he had been having of her?
Yeah, there’s something seriously wrong with me!
The way she looked at him, he knew there was something between them. The way her breathing picked up as his eyes glanced over her nearly-naked body. Slamming his fist against the desk, he stood up abruptly, pushing his chair against the wall. He couldn’t be having any kinds of thoughts of her.

Stomping over to his mini bar, he pulled out a bottle of bourbon and poured himself two nips on ice. Lifting it to his mouth, he threw it back and enjoyed the burn it sent down his throat. He needed to go out and get laid, taking his mind completely off the little temptation of Sage Mathews standing in a bloody towel.

Pouring another two nips, he placed the bottle back in the mini bar and leaned against the bookcase in his office.

“Well something must be up if you’re hitting the hard stuff now, bro.”

Zebastian walked in, making himself at home as he sat in Logan’s office chair and threw his legs up on his desk. Walking over towards him, Logan pushed his feet off the desk and shoved him out of his chair.

“Damn, Logan, what crawled up your ass?” Zeb growled as he moved to the chair in front of his desk.

“Nothing, okay. Just work stuff.”

“Sorry, not taking that excuse. It’s more than that, so fucking spill it.”

Breathing in, he couldn’t tell his brother what really was on his mind. He shouldn’t even have the thoughts that he was having at all; he was kicking his own damn ass inside, so he didn’t need one of his brothers doing it literally for him.

“I don’t want to talk about it. Fucking drop it, Zeb,” he gritted out.

“Fine, don’t give a shit anyway.”

They both sat, not a word mentioned between them. He hated the silence; that’s what got him in trouble before his brother walked in. He loved and hated the silence. The thoughts that he had on a regular basis, the many ways he wanted to have Sage, both scared and excited him. He couldn’t get the thoughts of her under him, over him, his cock deep inside her wet heat or sliding into her mouth out of his head. Groaning as images flashed before him, he mentally slapped himself, yet again, at the outrageous thoughts he was having of her. Something he shouldn’t be. She was family. His parents loved her like their own daughter.

Glancing over at his brother, he asked, “What are you doing here anyway? Didn’t you have a quote to give at the Watson household?”

“Yeah, already done that. They’ll give us a call back if they want the security system set up.”

“Have you heard from Mac or Caleb today?” He needed to keep up with everything with their business, but it was kind of hard when his mind wandered off in the completely wrong direction.
Fucking stop thinking about her, man!

“Caleb’s helping with security at that new club that opened up in town, Sway’s. And Mac, have no idea where he is.”

Harper Security had received the first ever application for Sway nightclub, when they first heard the old bank building was going to be turned into a club. Logan jumped on that offer to have his name as security there; it was going to be big crowds there from Friday night till early Sunday morning. Mac, Caleb and Zeb all signed up to be the VIP bouncers there, as well as a couple of their other employees they had with the company.

One of them had the Friday, and the Saturday went to one of the other crew members; he didn’t want to work himself or his brothers to the ground with the hours they would work, plus Sway’s nightclub wasn’t the only company they supplied the security for.

Glancing at the clock, he saw it was ticking close to 10 p.m., and he was still in his office. Standing up, he placed the files on his desk in his drawer, locked it, and moved towards the bathroom that joined to his office.

As he was taking a piss, he heard Zeb’s phone ring then his voice followed moments later.

“Talk to me.”

Flushing, he walked out closing the door.

“Really. That little liar. I knew something was up. Okay, I’ll let Logan know and meet you there.”

Logan watched as his brother disconnected his phone with a laugh. “What’s so funny?” Logan grabbed his bag and walked over towards the door, waiting for Zeb to follow.

“The little brat lied about what she was doing tonight.”

Well, that was nothing new. She constantly did that, not wanting them to know the truth of where she was going. He hated not knowing where she was. He had a fierce need to protect her. Not knowing where she was prevented him from doing this.

“Sage?” he clarified.

“The one and only.”

They walked out of the office and stood near the lift, waiting for it to arrive to their floor.

“When did you speak to her today?”

Stepping into the lift once it arrived, Logan hit the car park button and looked at Zeb as the doors closed, taking them to their cars.

“I called her after lunch, seeing what she had planned tonight. Was going to go over after we went to the club, but won’t have to worry about that,” he laughed again.

“Why? Where the hell is she if she isn’t at home?”

“At Sway’s with Bri and Lilly.”


“Agree with you there. She is going to get her little ass spanked for pulling this shit, I tell ya,” Zeb gritted out.

Logan raised his eyebrow at him, questioning what he meant by that exactly.

“Really? You honestly want me to explain what the hell is going on between her and all of us, now, bro? I’m not stupid. I know she does the same damn thing to you as she does to me, Caleb and Mac. Mac will never admit what she does to him. But I sure as hell will.”

Well, fuck me sideways!
He never thought that Zeb had the same kind of feelings towards Sage, the little spitfire, like he did, but all of his brothers? Jesus. What did he say to that? He was still dumbfounded by hearing the words come out of Zeb’s mouth.

“Are you just going to stand there and not say a word? You feeling absolutely nothing towards her at all?” Zeb asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Fuck, Zeb. I’ve been going over this shit in my head for the last two years about her. I shouldn’t be feeling anything towards her, let alone you and the others feeling the same way. She’s like our sister, in a sense. But Jesus Christ, the shit that she says and what she does, it’s driving me up the fucking wall. I have no idea if she is doing it on purpose or if she doesn’t know she is doing it. But I sure as hell can’t stay away from her any longer.”

The lift doors opened as they arrived to car park level. Walking out, he strolled over towards his bike.

“I agree with you, Logan. We need to get the other two and sit down, and have one hell of a chat about Sage. I doubt any of us, except Mac, will hold back much longer, and I don’t exactly want to scare her off either, so we need to come up with a plan or something.”

“Agreed. But first we need to get over to Sway’s and find out why she went there without telling us in the first place.”


age, Bri and Lilly giggled like school girls as they danced together at Sway’s. She was having way too much fun dancing seductively with her girls. Every time she turned from them, there was at least a guy or two trying to get in on dancing with them, but it wasn’t happening. Lilly was all over that shit. One guy in particular got in Lilly’s face, calling her a cock tease, which in fact she wasn’t doing at that point. She usually did, but would end up going home with the guy she was doing it to. But tonight was for
to get laid, apparently. It wasn’t that to Sage though; she simply wanted the three of them to have a little fun, on top of maybe hooking up with a random guy, and of course, getting Sage out of the house.

Staggering back to their table, Sage swiped the last shot left on the table as she fell into the booth. Bri and Lilly followed behind, laughing so hard that Bri fell on the floor. She hadn’t laughed so hard in her life. They were all plastered. She had taken her boots off an hour ago, since they were killing her, and Lilly was doing the same right now.

“I think we need more drinks,” Bri slurred.

Standing up, she wobbled a little and held on to the table as she waved for the waiter to come over.


“Can we get some Cock-sucking Cowboy shots please?” Sage asked.

Laughing, he said, “No worries, babe.”

“Oh, he called you babe. He wants in your pants, Sage.” All of them laughed. Seriously, she wasn’t even going there.

“I doubt that, Lilly.”

“I need to pee,” Bri screamed.

Standing the best she could, which wasn’t easy, they all helped each other to the bathroom behind the VIP section. The line was ridiculously long. Sage was so close to peeing her pants, she was ready to go into the men’s toilet. One of the doors opened and she pushed her way into the toilet without closing the door. She heard someone call out ‘bitch’ but didn’t care who it was for.

She sighed in relief as she relieved herself. Flushing, she pulled her skirt down and held on to the wall as she went to wash her hands. Bri bumped into her at the sink, as some stupid bitch pushed all of them together. Frowning, she turned around to see who it was and was getting a dirty look from some redhead standing at the door, looking back at them.

“What the fuck is your problem?” Sage growled out. Bri wrapped her arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer to the sink. She squinted her eyes trying to get a better look at the girl, but nothing registered in her brain as to who she was.

The girl leaned to the side and said something to her friend, and they both laughed as her friend pointed towards her.

Growling, she pushed away from Bri and stumbled over to her. Both girls backed up a little at her approach. Pointing her finger in the redhead’s fake-ass chest, she shot out, “Do you have a problem, bitch?” The alcohol fuelled her anger at their high school behaviour.

“Oh, look, Sage, has a backbone.” Both of them laughed at her.
Fucking dumbass stupid bitch!
Of course she had a fucking backbone, more than what she could say about the skinny-ass skank standing in front of her. Moving forward, she pushed the redhead against the wall, “Fucking oath I do, so what’s your problem?” she gritted out.

Redhead shoved her back out of the way, and stumbled into Bri. “I’m not even going to waste my time or breath on you.” Both of them turned to walk out, but not before Sage saw red, grabbed a handful of the redhead’s hair and reefed her back, her friend in tow.

“Get your hands off me, slut.”
Oh, no, she didn’t just call me that!

Her fist came up, and in a flash, connected to the side of her jaw. An almighty crack echoed through the bathroom as everyone in it froze.

The redhead’s screams shook her out of her daze as her eyes zeroed in on the bruise forming over her jaw.

The redhead’s friend grabbed her arm, pulling her through the door. “You’re going to regret doing that, you stupid fucking bitch!” she screamed towards her. Sage was ready to go after her, but Bri grabbed her arm stopping her from doing that.

“Jesus Christ, Sage. What the fuck was that?” Bri asked.

Lilly stood there shocked at the event that just happened; Sage was shocked as well.

“I don’t know. I just snapped with her calling me a slut.”

“Well, I’m never ever calling you that if you react that way.” They all looked at each other then burst out laughing.

“I really need that drink now,” Sage said as they helped her back to their table. Their drinks sat on their table waiting for them. She picked one of them up and swallowed the contents, slamming the glass down hard on the table, and slid into the booth. Her head was spinning with the room; she was unsure if it was actually her head or the room. Closing her eyes for a second and leaning her head against the table, Bri and Lilly spoke to her but she couldn’t make out the words. Lifting her head, she looked at both of them; their faces were blurry, going completely blank, then big and small. Giggling to herself, she couldn’t help it, their faces looked funny as shit, going from hourglass shape to two of them.

“Wow, I think it’s time to go home,” Lilly said.

Shaking her head, Sage didn’t want to; she was having way too much fun. Standing up, she tried to make her away from the table towards the dance floor, but ran into a brick wall. Side-stepping the wall, it followed.

“Oh, shit,” Lilly mumbled behind her.

She pushed against the wall, but it never moved. Then there were strong, thick arms wrapped around her and lifting her off the ground.

“Put me the fuck down, now,” she screamed, as she thumped on the back of whoever was carrying her.

She watched as both Bri and Lilly followed whoever was carrying her towards the back of the club, down a corridor and into a room. She started kicking and screamed for them to put her down, but no one answered her.

Both Bri and Lilly shook their heads at her.

“What?” she growled out.

The door behind them closed as she was placed on her feet in an office. Spinning around, her eyes went wide at who was standing right in front of her.

Oh, crap on a stick!

Bri and Lilly sat on the sofa in the room while Sage stood, sending daggers at Caleb as he crossed his arms over his chest, stretching the tight shirt with their company logo further over his fucking ripped chest.

“Care to tell me why you didn’t tell any of us you were coming here tonight, Sage?”

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