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Authors: Jayme L Townsend

Hart (15 page)

BOOK: Hart
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Chapter 36


Oh my God as I look up and he’s stood in the doorway with just his boxers on, that body, what I want to do is run to him but instead I demand he comes to me, I watch as the boxers come off, and his hard cock bounces back up to his belly, I smile as he stands right in front of me but just not close enough, I smile and grab his ass hard and pull him forward into my open mouth “Hmm” is all I can manage with a mouthful of him. I suck and lick as I move up and down on his cock, while digging my nails in his ass, but he’s not doing anything other than standing still, I release his cock from my mouth “What’s wrong Grey?” I say looking up to his face

“I don’t want to hurt you or the baby Cam”

“You won’t hurt either of us Grey, I need you and I need you hard and fast, it’s been too long”

“Ok you sure?”

“Yes, now” I say as I release my towel and lie back on the bed. My breathe catches in my throat as I feel his tongue and not his hands on me “Grey”

“I need you too Cam, I’ve missed your taste”

He continues using his tongue expertly until I feel my orgasm coming “Grey” I moan as I grab his hair with both my hands, this I know makes him work harder and faster, I stiffen as my orgasm rips through me. Once I have recovered slightly I look down at Grey who is smiling at me “Fuck Cam I’ve missed seeing you like that” he says as he grabs my hands and pulls me to my feet, he must see the puzzled look on my face as to what’s he’s doing “Over here” he says pointing towards the table “I want to fuck but I want us both to watch” I follow him across the room and reach the table “Lean over Cam, put your hands on the table” I do as he says and bend over the table, with just the top half of my body resting down, my bump is free from the table, I watch in the mirror as Grey walks back across the room and returns with a pillow, he raises me up a little and puts the pillow underneath me, I watch him in the mirror as he walks behind me, his hands run up my back and tosses my hair over my shoulder and then very slowly places kisses all down my back, he stands tall again and slowly runs his cock through my wetness “ready” he asks I nod my head and he slowly enters me, I moan as he fills me completely and then slowly pulls back, he has carried the slow pace on for long enough so on the next pull back, I slam myself back onto his cock “Cam please, careful“ I wait while he slowly pulls back and repeat my move “Grey I need you to fuck me NOW” I quickly brace myself as he plunges forward, I scream as he continues the new pace it’s not long before I feel orgasm number two coming, I glance up into the mirror and the expression on his face throws me over the edge, Grey’s pace slows again as he moans “Fuck Cam the way your pussy grabs my cock, I have never felt anything like it”. Once I am in control of my body again we are on the move this time back to the bed, I watch as Grey spreads himself on the bed then holds out his hands for me to climb on top. I quickly take my position and am soon slamming down on him; his hands are now holding my belly

“You look beautiful Cam”

I smile down at him and dig my nails into his chest “Not so bad yourself Grey” I give him a small smile and I know he is going to take over, his hands move to my hips and he holds me down whilst bringing his hips up, I not sure I can stop number three happening very soon “Grey”

“Let me have it Cam, now” I love when he demands my orgasms, and with a further couple of thrusts from him I’m there, as my body spasms I hear Grey shout as he releases into me, I fall forward landing on his chest absolutely shattered. Grey holds me for a while but I can’t keep my eyes open any longer.


I come to the next morning to Grey stood over me with a tray in his hands and wearing an apron, I smile

“Breakfast for a beautiful Lady”

“Why thank you”

I sit up as he places the tray on my lap, he has cooked me a full English breakfast, I pick up the cutlery just as my stomach grumbles

“Eat Cam, my son is hungry”

I smile at him then tuck in

“I’m just going to shower, then I need to speak to Will, I will be back in an hour, I want to take you out, will you be ready?

“Of course, what do you need to talk to Will about?”

“Nothing just giving you time to get ready”

I watch as he turns and walks to the bathroom and can’t stop the laugh seeing his bare ass below the nicely tied bow of the apron.

I tuck into my breakfast and once I’ve finished I jump in the shower, I dress in a jumper and jeans. Dry my hair and walk to the kitchen to make a quick cup of tea before Grey comes back. As I enter the kitchen it’s like a bomb has exploded “What the Fuck?” I say out loud

“Sorry Cam I was just coming back to do it”

“Jesus Grey, you only made breakfast for two”

“I know, I got a bit carried away didn’t I”

“Ok you make the tea I will tidy up”


Half an hour later and we are ready to go, Grey insists on driving his hire car, I don’t really argue I like watching him drive. He drives down the hillside and through the town and parks by the beach

“Thought we could go for a walk and then grab some lunch”

“Sounds good, what time do you have to leave?”

“I need to leave here at eight”

“Ok” I think I’m going to cry

“Shit Cam don’t cry, I will be back in two weeks”

“It’s just my hormones, I’m fine, I know, I know… two weeks”

“You could come back with me”

“No you finish your film and then come back to us”

“I will be back as soon as I can”

We walk onto the sand and I stop to take my shoes off, Grey stops me and lowers in front of me and removes my shoes for me and places a kiss on each ankle, he then insists on carrying them, we walk off down the beach holding hands

“I remember watching you that first time, running down to the sea, and then stopping to remove your clothes”

“I know, you wanted me then”

“Yeah I did but so did Will”

“Thanks for that”

“Grey, look” I nod my head to a family sat on a blanket eating a picnic “That will be us soon” I watch him as he takes in the scene and the smile comes across his face

“I can’t wait Cam”

We walk along the beach holding hands and occasionally walking in the sea, we slowly make our way back to the car. Grey brushes the sand off my feet and helps put my shoes back on. I get in the car and watch as he walks around the front and gets in the driver’s side, he puts his seatbelt on and then looks at me and smiles “You ok Cam?”

“Never been happier”

“Good, I need to take you home and feed you then I’m going to take you to bed and make love to you”

“Sounds amazing”

“It does, I need to leave at eight”

“That’s not so good”

“No its not”

We arrive home and Grey helps me from the car, I wave to Will at his window and he gives me the thumbs up. Grey holds my hand and leads me to the front terrace, the table has been laid and there is a feast on it

“You arranged this?” I ask him

“Yes, come on I’m starving”

He helps me to the chair and then sits opposite me; we remove the domes from our plates and tuck into the delicious salad

“So tell me about your childhood Cam”

“You sure you want to know?”

“Yes I want to know everything about you”

I tell him my life story up until meeting Edward. I take a breath and look up at him “Say something “

“It sounds great better than mine; I’m not sure why you don’t like talking about it”

“I just get sad”

“When did you meet Edward?”

I go on and tell him all about the engagement and the wedding plans

“Do you think you would have been happy?”

“I’m not sure, now when I look back, probably not who knows… tell me about you?”

“Not sure where to start, I always felt I was in the way, not wanted, I could never do anything right, so as soon as I was old enough I left home, made money doing crappy jobs, got lucky one day when a photographer spotted me, I loved modelling then I met Nikki she signed me up and here I am”

“So what about girlfriends?”

“I’ve never really had a girlfriend, never liked anyone enough or perhaps I didn’t think I was worthy of love”

“That’s ridiculous Grey you are very easy to love”

“Yeah so are you, anyway enough talking, eat up I need to make love to you before I leave”

Chapter 37


I sit listening to Cam talk about her childhood, I envy hers mine was shit, I then ask about Edward, I listen as she tells me about him, I find myself getting jealous of him how he was her first, how she was going to marry him, how he had met her parents and James and they had all approved of him, I look up at her when she asks about my childhood I hope to God she doesn’t ask about girls but no she asks, I think I answer it ok not giving away the number of girls I have had sex with.

“Grey, do you do sex scenes in your films?” I look up at her

“No, not yet, I have had to kiss and cuddle”


“What does ‘oh’ mean Cam?”

“That Pearl, did you kiss her?”

“Yes but its only acting, it’s not real” I watch as she mulls through this, then she stands and walks off “Cam, where you going” I watch as she turns, I can see the anger on her face

“That’s the bitch that had your cock in her mouth”

“Cam, I’m sorry I explained that to you”

“FUCK OFF GREY” she screams at me

“Cam for Christ sake” I say pleading as I walk towards her

“I can deal with the lorry load of girls you fucked before me but I can’t get that vision out of my head, now leave me alone” she turns and runs into the house

I just stand in the same spot, what the hell, we had a lovely day and I didn’t do anything wrong, I start to run after her “CAM, CAM” I check the rooms as I run through the house and eventually find her in her bedroom

“Cam” she turns to look at me, I watch as the tears fall down her cheeks “Fucking hell Cam, apart from that moment, I haven’t looked at another woman, all I think about is you” now I’m starting to get mad, fucking Pearl, I feel the need to hit something, I look back over at Cam “Take your FUCKING clothes off Cam NOW” I watch as she wipes the tears from her face and slowly stands and starts to take her clothes off,  I watch as her naked body appears my cock is straining against my zipper, “Here’s what’s going to happen Cam, I am going to channel my anger into making you see how I worship you, first I am going to lick your sweet pussy while you suck my cock then I am going to fuck you hard from behind then we are going to shower then I will make love to you gently showing you how much I love you, are you ready for me Cam?” I watch as she nods her head and I strip my clothes off, I see the lust take over her, her eyes become glossy and her breathing has increased, I slowly walk to the bed and straddled her face and place myself at her mouth “open wide Cam” I lower my face to her pussy as I feel her lips wrap around me.


An hour later we are lead back on the bed, Cam is spread across me “You feeling better now”

“Yes, I’m sorry it must be my hormones”

“Well let’s hope they don’t take over again any time soon” I smile at her, I watch as her eyes turn sleepy and she drifts off to sleep. I just stay where I am watching her sleep, then an idea hits me, I need to talk to Will I will need his help. I gently place Cam on the bed and quickly pull my jeans on and a t shirt, I find a piece of paper and leave Cam a note saying I am with Will to ring when she wakes up.  I walk quickly through the house across the drive and knock on Will’s door.

“Hey Grey, everything ok”

“Will, everything is good, can I come in I need your help”

“Yeah sure, James is here”

I walk into the kitchen, James is sat at the table reading the newspaper, I walk towards him and shake his hand “James”

“Hey Grey, how’s it going?”

“Yeah good thanks, I need to ask you and Will something”

“What you want a threesome?” Will laughs

“No thank you, can I sit”

“Yeah sure, do you want a drink?” Will asks

“Please a coffee if you have one”

Once Will hands me my coffee and sits down I take a deep breath “So I wanted to ask you both, I want to ask Cam to marry me but I would like your consent first” I watch as Will jumps up from the table and throws his arms around me, James stands too but just to shake my hand

“Grey, I think you have guessed that we both give you our consent but let me warn you, you hurt her, we will find you and beat the shit out of you”

“I won’t hurt her she is the most precious thing in my world”

“Ok, so how are you going to ask her?” Will laughs

“I have a couple of ideas that I need to work out, I’m back in two weeks, I will call you and let you know what I have planned, if that’s ok?”

They both nod as my phone rings, I pull it from my pocket and see its Cam, I swipe across and answer it “Cam?” Will and James stop talking and I’m sure they hear Cam ask me to get my ass back to her bed and make sweet love to her before I leave “I will be there in a second”. I end the call and stand “Sorry guys, I have been ordered to return, I will call you later in the week with the plan” I shake their hands and hurry back to Cam.


After making slow love, we shower together and I pack my bag, we walk down to the kitchen and prepare to say goodbye

“I love you Cam and you Junior, be good, I will see you in two weeks, I will call you when I get in”

“We love you too Grey, have a safe journey”

I pull her into me and hold her tight, I feel her shake and I know she is crying “Please Cam don’t cry”

“I’m sorry I can’t help it”

I pull my phone from my pocket and text Will to come over, then I kiss her again and wipe the tears, I release her from my hold and pick my bag up, just as Will comes in “See you soon Cam, I love you” I turn and walk past Will “Thank you mate, speak to you soon and look after her won’t you” I slap him on the back and walk out to the car, I throw my bag in and start it up, I turn the car around and as I drive past the door Cam and Will are stood on the doorstep waving, I wave back and drive past, I grab one last look at her in the mirror as I drive through the gates. I wipe the tears that are now running down my face and say aloud “Pull yourself together Grey, you will be back in two weeks”.

I spend the rest of the journey home, planning my proposal. When I arrive back at the airport the cameras go mad, they are shouting questions, then one asks “Grey is it true you in a relationship with Pearl Clarke?” I stop dead in my tracks and stare at that one reporter, I take a deep breath and reply “There is no truth in that rumour, Pearl is a great actress but that’s as far as it goes” I quickly start walking again and spot Richard waiting for me, I approach him and shake his hand “Richard good to see you”

“You too Grey and how is the lovely Cam”

“Amazing, come on I will tell you in the car”

We reach the car and pull away “Richard, I love her”

“I know”


“I knew she was different and you have changed for the better Grey”

“We are having a baby”

“Grey that’s amazing, congratulations and pass that on to Cam when you speak to her”

“Will do, what’s been happening with you?”

I listen to Richard talk about his family and can hardly wait until I will have that too. I arrive at my apartment, switch the coffee machine on and ring Cam, I have to ring several times before she answers and when she does I can tell she was asleep, so I just tell her I’m home and that I miss her.

BOOK: Hart
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