Read Hart Online

Authors: Jayme L Townsend

Hart (16 page)

BOOK: Hart
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Chapter 38


The next two weeks drag by as we work long hours to finish the film. I speak to Cam twice every day and to Will and James who are helping put my plan together. I have told Cam I will be back on Saturday but I actually fly in Thursday night that gives me a day and a bit to make everything right. I have tasked Will the job of finding her ring size and Nikki had the jeweller come to me so I could pick out a ring in private, everything is set and I just need to get to England.

I arrive at Heathrow airport close to midnight, there is hardly anybody around, I must thank Nikki it was her idea, I wear a cap and hope nobody recognises me. I go through customs and out into the airport I spot Will waiting for me. I walk up to him and embrace him in a man hug

“Will good to see you, how’s Cam?”

“Grey, good to see you too, yeah she is fine, looking forward to seeing you”

“You got my email with the plan?”

“Yeah, she thinks I’m in London with James”

“Cool, where is James?”

“He was working late today so he could take tomorrow off”

“Ok great, where are we staying?”

“At James’ house, Suzie is away this week with her man”

“Oh ok”


We arrive at the house, it is massive, surrounded in its own land and in the middle of London, “Wow” I say as Will pulls up to the gate and punches a number in, I watch as the gates open and we pull up the drive way,  James is stood in the doorway.  We get out the car and I walk to James and again give him a man hug “Good to see you James”

“You too Grey, good journey I hope.”

“Not bad, although I am really nervous about asking Cam”

“Don’t be”

Will walks past me and hugs James, it’s the first time I have seen them touch each other. I follow them into the house and on into the kitchen “Amazing house James”

“Thank you it was my parents’ home”

We reach the kitchen and he has a feast set out for us. We eat, chat and drink. I eventually tell them I need to go to bed, James takes me to my room, I open the door and walk in as I turn to shut the door I watch them disappear into a room down the hall, I smile and shut the door, I drop my bag and strip my clothes off and slip into bed.


I come to with someone banging on the door, I quickly pull the sheets over me and shout “come in” the door flies open and two screaming girls race into the room, the stop dead at the end of the bed, I slowly sit up taking the sheets with me “Hello?”

“Hello” they say together

“I’m Grey and you are?”

“I’m Victoria and this is Elizabeth” the taller one says “Are you going to marry Auntie Camilla?”

I smile “I would like too but I have to ask her first” they start jumping up and down shouting they are going to be bridesmaids

“Quick lets tell Daddy and Uncle Will” they race out the room and straight into Will on the landing, I smile as I listen to them tell Will they are going to be bridesmaid. It takes Will a couple of minutes before I hear the girls run off and Will appears at the door.

“Morning Grey, still looking good” he nods his head towards my chest

“Morning Will, thank you I work hard to achieve this”

“I would love to watch you one day”

I start laughing then see James stood behind him “You are such a flirt Will” James says

I watch as they both laugh and as James stands next to him their fingers touch.

“You met my girls then?” James smiles

“Yes they are a bit excited”

“Yes they are, they love Cam”

I smile thinking about Cam

“Oh look how sweet he looks thinking about her James” Will says laughing at me

“Fuck off Will, is everybody ready to start at ten?”

“We are all ready and waiting for you to get up” says Will

“I will when you two leave”

James grabs Will and pulls him from the room; he closes the door on his way out. I jump out of bed and into the shower. I walk into the kitchen half an hour later; everyone is sat at the table eating breakfast, James invites me to sit down, as soon as my ass hits the chair one of the girls lands on my lap “Hi” I say

“If Auntie Cam says yes and I am a bridesmaid does that mean you will be Uncle Grey?”

“I suppose it does, is that alright?”

“That is perfect” she smiles at me

We spend the rest of the day filming out and about in London. We arrive home just after six, I excuse myself to ring Cam who thinks that I’m about to fly out.

Chapter 39


I’ve rushed around all week getting ready for Grey to come home, I’m so excited, I have even started decorating the nursery. It’s Friday night and he is due back around lunch time tomorrow, I’m just having a bath and shaving my legs when my phone rings, I quickly grab it and see its Grey, I swipe “Hey”

“Hey Cam”

“All ready to get your ass back here?”

“Yeah about that, I’m a bit delayed with the film and won’t be back tomorrow”

I feel the tears start to appear “When will you be back?”

“I’m not sure, I’m really sorry”

“What’s really going on Grey?”

“It’s the film its running over”

“Ok, why wait till now to tell me?”

“Christ Cam what’s wrong, I will finish up here then I will be there ASAP”

“Ok, call me when you know when” I cut the call and throw my phone down, I sink down under the water, I can’t believe he would do this, something has happened perhaps he’s having second thoughts about me and the baby, I come back up from under the water and wipe my eyes, I hear my phone ring but I’m not in the mood to answer it, it stops and then starts again, after the third time I get out the bath, dry myself off, grab my phone and walk back to the bedroom all the time the phone is ringing in my hand, I throw it on the bed and climb in, its early but I’ve had enough of today and cry myself to sleep.


I come to the next morning with shouting going on, my phone is ringing again, I sit up and try to find it in the bed sheets, I eventually find it only for it to stop, I look who was calling and notice I have about twenty five missed calls from Grey and about fifteen texts, I’m about to read them when it starts ringing again, this time it’s Will

“Hey Will”

“Thank Christ Cam, you ok?”


“We are knocking at the door”

“Who’s we?”

“James, me and the girls, they can’t wait to see you”

“Ok, give me five minutes” I cut the call and jump out of bed and race to the toilet in desperate need to pee, once that’s done I can now think straight, I bet Will has brought the girls down to meet Grey, then I remember last night and decide to put it out of my mind. I dress and wander downstairs, I can see the girls jumping on the spot as they see me coming, I unlock the door as Will grabs Victoria and James grabs Elizabeth both shouting at them to be careful, they let go and the girls run to me and then stop and gently throw their arms around me

“Hey girls”

“Hi Auntie Cam, can we see your bump?”

“Well you better come in first”

I turn and walk to the kitchen and lean my back against the worktop, I slowly lift my jumper and their hands are all over my tummy, the baby decide to kick, which makes them scream a bit, after about five minutes they start talking about other things and Will steps forward

“Cam, could I feel?”

“Of course” I watch as he slowly and very gently puts his hands on my tummy, he has never asked before, perhaps he’s wanted too but was embarrassed to ask

“Wow, that is amazing and you look so beautiful”

“Thank you, so how come you guys are here I thought you were spending the weekend in London?”

“Grey called said he had upset you, so we decided to come down here”

I watch as James makes his way to me, his eyes drop from mine to my belly “May I?”

“Of course”

Everybody stops and watches James touch my belly “You’re right Will, that’s so amazing”

“But James you have two babies you know what it’s like”

“No Susie would not let me near her, or see her…”

“That’s weird”

He just nods his head “Anyway, I’m going to get lunch then we have booked for the cinema this afternoon, there’s a film the girls want to see and Auntie Cam has to be there”

“That’s sound great, just what I need”

“Girls why don’t you go outside and play while I get lunch and talk to Auntie Cam”

We watch as the girl’s race outside, James turns and looks at me “So what happened last night?”

“Oh, Grey rang to say he would not be back today and that the film was running over, which I know is total bullshit because I spoke to Nikki yesterday and she said everything was finished and that I had Grey for one month until the next film starts here in England, the thing is I can’t deal with it, I cut him off and ignored his calls”

“Perhaps it’s something Nikki does not know about”

“Fuck off Will, she knows everything”

“Well until you let him explain you won’t know”

“I always thought you were MY friend Will”

“Shut up Cam you know I love you but your moods have been all over the place with the pregnancy”

I nod my head, it’s been hard trying to keep on a level, I sit thinking about it as James puts a big plate of sandwiches on the table and shouts for the girls.

The girls tell me all about school and their friends, as Will tidies up and says we have ten minutes until it’s time to leave “Cam, you going to change?”

I look down at what I’m wearing and slowly stand up, I need to change, I make my way upstairs and decide to wear a dress, once I have that on I decide to put my hair up and put some make up on, once I’ve finished I check myself out in the mirror, not too bad I think… I walk back to the kitchen where they are all waiting for, the girls clap their hands and race on out to the car, Will and James both tell me at the same time how beautiful I look, I thank them both with a hug and kiss.


We arrive at the cinema and its really quiet for a Saturday afternoon, I check with Will that they are open, he nods his head. We enter through the double doors at the front, I look around we are the only ones here

“Who wants popcorn?” Will asks

We all shout yes, and walk to the counter to choose what we want, after much arguing James eventually places the order and we walk to screen one, I check everybody is together and notice James talking to the manager “What’s wrong with him?” I say to Will, he just shrugs his shoulders and walks on in.

“Auntie Cam, where shall we sit?”

“How about right in the middle?”

The girls sit either side of me and Will and James take the seats right behind us, the lights start to dim, I turn and ask James what was the problem, he shakes his head and as I turn back I notice they’re holding hands, that brings a smile to my face. The trailers starts and the girls are almost jumping in their seats. We’ve been to the cinema loads of times and they have never been this excited before and nobody else has come in, it’s just us, never have I been to the cinema before and been the only ones there. I have a thought that it must be a really shit film if no one else wants to see it.

The trailers finish and I put my popcorn on the floor, just as I am coming back up I look at the screen, in big white letters it says LONDON TODAY – Starring GREYSON HART and a cast of …… I take a deep breath oh no I really didn’t need to see Grey today, I feel my eyes go glassy as he appears on the screen, wow he looks breath taking, he’s walking down a street and the way he’s walking I know his muscles are rolling under his clothes, hang on I know that street… it’s the street by my parents’ house. He stops at the gate and pressers the buzzer, my mouth drops open and I feel the girls squeezing my hand, I take a quick look at both of them and they have massive smiles on their faces, I quickly look back at the screen


“Hi James, its Grey”

“It’s open”

I watch as he walks up the drive, the door opens and the girls run out and run straight to Grey, Victoria reaches him first and almost jumps at him, he catches her and spins her round through the air, he then place her feet back on the ground and kisses her hand, he then repeats the move to Elizabeth, once she’s back on her feet she looks at him and says “Come on Grey, Daddy is waiting for you”

They make their way up the drive and to the front door where they are met by Will, they have a hug and all go inside, the door shuts leaving the camera outside. I quickly look at the girls then turn to Will and James and they too are smiling, I turn back to the screen which has cut to James’ study, he’s sat at his desk doing paperwork, the sound goes and is replaced by music, I watch as Grey talks to James then James nods his head and shakes his hand, then he comes out from behind the desk and gives him a hug, it’s most unlike James to be so touchy, he hands something to Grey, I can’t see what it is, but Grey shakes his hand again then leaves, he walks back out into the hallway and hugs Elizabeth then Victoria and then walks out the door and gets into a car, I love watching him drive. The camera is close to his face, I’m not sure what it is but he doesn’t look totally relaxed. He stops the car and gets out, the camera just follows him as he walks around the car, suddenly I know where he is. I now have a tight grip on the two hands I’m holding, as I watch Grey walk into the graveyard he’s carrying some flowers, he walks straight to my parents grave and kneels down, I watch as his finger traces their names

“Mr and Mrs Bartholomew, firstly I want to thank you both for bringing such a beautiful lady into this world, from the first moment I saw her I knew she was amazing, she is kind, beautiful and the only woman in the world for me” he places a flower on the grave then turns to Edwards grave “Edward, I’m so sorry your time with Cam was cut short but I know how lucky were to have her in your life” he places another flower down then stands “I have come here to tell you all that you don’t have to worry about her anymore because I’ve got her from here”

I swipe the tears rolling down my face, the picture fades and the song Unstoppable by Alex Goot comes on, the curtain drops and a red light shines on it, then out of the curtain is Grey, he looks gorgeous, he is wearing my favourite pair of jeans and a black t shirt, the music stops and Grey takes another step forward

“Cam, my beautiful girl, I haven’t thought of anything else but you since I first met you, I knew you were the one for me that very first time I laid my eyes on you. Cam I love you like I have never loved anyone before, please I beg you would you do me the honour of being my wife? I promise to love you with all of my heart and to be the husband you deserve and the best Father a child could ever wish for”

He takes a box from his pocket and lowers to one knee, the girls are pulling my hands to stand, my legs are shaking, the tears are rolling down my face as I make my way down the aisle to the stage, the girls help me up the steps, I stop in front of him, his blue eyes are filled with worry, I quickly drop to my knees and take his face in my hands and lower my lips to his, we eventually pull apart

“Cam you are killing me here”

“Grey, I love you too with all my heart it would be the greatest pleasure to be your wife, Yes, Yes, YES!!”

He opens the box, and takes my hand “I was going to design something but James insisted I had this ring”

“Oh my God, it was my mums”

He nods his heads and places it on my ring finger, then pulls me into a hug, I hear the screams, shouts and clapping from the others as we slowly pull apart, I slowly give everyone a hug, I wipe my face “Thank you everyone for making this so special and Grey I’m sorry for last night, do I get to keep the film?” he nods at me.


They have arranged everything, we all go for a meal to celebrate and then when we are ready to leave the rest of my family stay there, Grey is holding my hand as we walk out, we reach his car, as I go to get in he turns me so my back is against the car

“Fucking hell Cam, you had me worried at the cinema”

“I would never turn you down Grey, you know that”

“That’s good to know, I can’t wait to get you home”

BOOK: Hart
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