Hart's Desire (Pirates & Petticoats Book 1) (23 page)

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Authors: Chloe Flowers

Tags: #Historical Romance

BOOK: Hart's Desire (Pirates & Petticoats Book 1)
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Pratt shoved past the two men and strode down the steps without another glance in Keelan’s direction. After snatching his horse’s reins from the hitching post, he mounted and dug his heels into the gelding’s side. At his shout, two other figures near the stables jumped on their mounts and galloped to join him in his flight down the lane toward the mill. The family stood in horrified silence, with the exception of Keelan, who almost laughed with relief, but didn’t dare try to appear anything but grim, and Doreen, who had clapped a hand over her mouth. Although, by the gleam in her eyes, she had to assume her cousin enjoyed the situation immensely.

Her father drew his eyebrows together. “What have you to say for your actions, Captain Hart?”

Keelan went from sudden elation to instant shock. Her chest turned to hard, jagged stone, weighing her down and making it difficult to draw an even breath. What had she done? How much had they heard?

“My intentions, I assure you, were honorable, sir.” Landon answered smoothly, unruffled. “After meeting with Mr. Grey at the mill, I took his advice and followed the path around the plantation.” He gestured to Keelan. “I came upon Miss Grey and offered to escort her back to the house. We were unable to make it back before the storm hit, so we sought shelter and waited for it to pass. Unfortunately, the storm frightened off her mount. I did my best to return her to you, unharmed in every way.”

Should she correct him? Should she tell her father Hart had saved her from a runaway horse in addition to the fury of the violent storm? Would her father think it a ploy to show Captain Hart in a more positive light than what he deserved? Regrettably, the damage had already been done thanks to her earlier tirade. As hard was it was for her to do so, she remained silent.

“According to my daughter’s recent words, your actions were most definitely
honorable,” her father growled, leaning heavily on the arms of the wheeled chair. “I assure you, knowing Pratt, the sun will barely rise on the morrow, ’ere the rest of the county will be buzzing with the news you have taken advantage!” His last words ended in a near shout, causing Keelan and Aunt Sarah to cringe.

Landon didn’t flinch. In fact, his face showed no emotion at all. “I have no desire to see your daughter’s reputation tarnished beyond repair, Commodore. As amends, I offer her my hand in marriage, sir, if that will remedy the situation.”

“It would certainly help,” Jared interjected. “And sooner rather than later.”

“Wait!” Everett stepped forward, tripping over Ruth’s foot as he squeezed between her and Joseph. “I…I also offer my hand in marriage. I have already spoken to both the commodore and Miss Grey, concerning a betrothal. Keelan and I are in love and wish to be married.”

She could only stare at the doctor in shock. What had he just said?

In love?


She opened her mouth to interject, but all that would come out was an odd squeaking noise.

The memory of Everett’s proposal in the garden created a thick murky sensation in her stomach. The beautiful plan that started out as a delaying tactic had turned on her full force. Worse, her charade had given Everett cause to believe she loved him. What had she been thinking? The situation was now completely out of her control. And she didn't do well when she had no control.

Papa raised an eyebrow, then glanced at Uncle Jared, who shrugged. Her mind worked furiously, tossing away one idea after another, but she could find no quick way out of the situation.

Her father crossed his arms. “Keelan will decide which of the two she will marry.”

Marry Landon Hart or Everett Garrison? Choose between a debaucher like Landon who flirted with the strings of her heart better than the highest trained violinist, and a benevolent but meek man like Everett, who while compassionate, stirred no passion in her soul at all.

Dear Lord, she lived a nightmare!

She finally found her voice. “Papa, can we not take some time to discuss—”

Her father swiftly raised his hand and stopped her. “I need no time. My decision stands. You will marry right away. The only question you must answer is, which man would you prefer to take as a husband?”

She could only gape at her father. Her heart screamed Landon’s name, but her voice would not. Her body ached for Landon’s touch, but her heart feared he’d feed it lust rather than love. Then her mind reminded her of an image of her swollen belly and the women of Charleston talking behind their fans about her husband, who left his naive little wife behind while bedding every arduous beauty between here and China.

Everett had a growing practice in Charleston. It was likely he would return to it when he was no longer needed at Twin Pines. Already, he’d made several trips back and forth each month. The fastest way to see her dream of owning her own shop fulfilled, would be to bind herself to Everett. Better to marry the one she didn’t love, than the one who would certainly break her heart and leave her bitter and lonely. It would be safer, less painful.

She lifted her chin and stared at her father. “Fine then. I choose Dr. Garrison.”

Doreen inhaled sharply before she whirled, yanked open the door, and ran into the house.

Next to her, she heard the slightest expulsion of breath from Landon. A sigh of relief no doubt. She’d made the right choice after all. The right choice, not the happiest one. Not her heart’s choice.

Now that the decision was made, she hated herself for allowing Landon Hart to seduce her mind and rip her tender heart. How dare her father force her choose now, in front of everyone, especially Doreen? Everett should have stayed silent, or stayed inside the house. She couldn’t stand there a moment longer. When she started for the steps, Landon touched her elbow.


She reacted instinctively with a fury fed by regret and humiliation. In one smooth motion, she jerked her elbow away and with her other hand, landed a slap on his cheek that could be heard all the way to Jamaica. Whirling back toward the house, she again grabbed her torn skirt and stomped up the stairs, people parting a path for her like the red sea.

Damn that man!

And damn her silly, foolish, foolish heart.

Landon adjusted Orion’s reins and prepared to mount. He’d probably dodged a bullet, both literally and figuratively. Grey would have been perfectly in his rights to demand he marry Keelan today, and at gunpoint. He lifted his sleeve and wiped the small beads of sweat from his hairline. If he
married, it would be too soon. His line of work didn’t accommodate wives very well. And he enjoyed his freedom.


He turned toward Commodore Grey, who now stood alone with Jared on the porch. His pallor was more pronounced, now that his anger had diminished. The veins in his hands stood out like blue ink on white parchment.

“Yes, Commodore?”

Sighing heavily, the old man cleared his throat. “Thank you for taking Keelan under your protection and seeing her home. We’ve been sick with worry over her welfare.”

He gave the Commodore a slight nod, thinking back to his earlier blunder that made Sham bolt away with Keelan on his back. “I’m glad I was able to help, sir. However, I have a distinct feeling that even if I hadn’t been there, your daughter would have managed well enough on her own. She appears to be most resilient.”

The commodore gave him a wry smile. “Indeed.”

“Godspeed in finding the missing boy and your stolen property,” Jared said.

“Thank you. I appreciate the information you shared with me earlier. Our search will continue until we find both.” With that, he swung a leg over Orion’s back. “Good day, gentlemen.”

As he rode back to Charleston, it was easy to explain away the dull ache in his gut to hunger. That fiery-haired forest imp of a young woman was better off married to a dull man like Garrison. The man might be able to rein her in a bit and settle down that wild spirit of hers.

The chit was reckless.

She took risks without considering the impending consequences.

She was fearless.

What would it be like to have her with him? Would her fire consume him like a paper to embers?

He shook his head. It did no good to ruminate over it; she and Garrison were
in love

He was better off sailing solo with the wind at his back and the world at his feet.

Keelan leaned over her father’s shoulder as he sat at the desk in the study, perusing the figures she’d prepared. She spent the entire day yesterday studying the ledgers and writing down her proposal for Twin Pines based on her engagement to Dr. Garrison.

It had been a daunting task. Not so much because of the complexity of the financial aspects, but because her mind kept drifting to the memory of Landon’s mouth curving up at the corners in that sensual knowing smile. The press of his body on hers. His palm on her thigh as it traveled up to that sensitive spot which sent her crashing through wave after wave of pleasure. She had made the right choice. Right? Yes, of course she had. Yet, the base instincts driving the woman in her to deeply desire Landon Hart were crying foul. And would not shut up.

Her father glanced up at Uncle Jared who was sitting in a chair. “What do you think, Jared?”

“I think leasing Twin Pines to Pratt is a sound idea. The fact that after five years, he’ll have an option to buy it will appeal to him.” He ticked off his observations on his fingers. “It’ll allow him to generate revenue for the purchase. It will give Keelan and Garrison time to establish the business, and expand his practice. The regular revenue from Pratt’s lease payment will give you enough monthly income to live in Charleston, as well as enable you to garner a line of credit to provide them the funding to open and stock the store.”

George Grey sat back in his chair. She placed her hand on his shoulder. “Papa, you know there isn’t anything like this in town. Not the way I envision it. I know it will be a success.” She could visualize it in her head. Bolts of colorful fabric, lining the walls near the ceiling, would draw a patron’s gaze from across the street. Shelves of jars filled with exotic spices and teas would provide an aroma just as exotic. Beautiful pottery and china would glitter brightly in the front window on a bed of luxurious, deeply hued silk.

He reached up and patted her hand then gave it a squeeze. “I believe you. If anyone can do it, it’s you, my dear.”

Uncle Jared had suddenly become her grudging ally. “Between Keelan’s knowledge of your late wife’s business and my connections on the waterfront, we should have no trouble getting things underway in town. Our entire family would be able to reside and conduct business in Charleston. I’ll always be close by to help Keelan, should she need it, George.”

Jared paced the study. “Garrison can focus on his practice as well. I concur with Keelan’s reasoning. Pratt has been coveting Twin Pines since you arrived. I think he’ll agree to a lease, contingent upon an outright purchase in five years.” Jared rocked back on his heels. “When I met with Captain Hart and Mr. O'Brien, regarding the rental of one of my warehouses, I had an opportunity to review their inventory list. I have to say, George, it was quite impressive. It contained rare items which would have the people of the Low Country clamoring for them.”

George stiffened. “There are many reliable shipping companies to choose from. I’m sure we can find someone similar.”

Jared sighed. “You must admit the men have very good business sense. The shipping company is sound, even after losing part of their cargo. Although, they probably couldn’t recuperate from another loss, and the chances of that happening are quite small. They only have to sail along the coast and deliver goods to their buyers. It’s not as if they’re heading to the Caribbean or South America with it.”

Although she was leery of Captain Landon Hart when it came to his personal intentions, he would indeed be the perfect supplier of the out-of-the-ordinary items she’d want to sell. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to tolerate any kind of business arrangement with him. It would be too awkward.

And it would remind me of what I gave up when I chose Everett Garrison instead.

“Papa’s right. I’m sure we can find another shipping company to deal with,” she said, hoping she sounded as certain as her words. If her father would allow her to enjoy a long engagement to the doctor, rather than insist on a hasty wedding, she’d have the opportunity to show him she could take care of both of them without a husband taking care of her.

Without a husband to disrupt things. And kiss her with his teeth.

She’d already succeeded in moving the wedding date to five months hence. If she postponed it enough, surely Dr. Garrison would lose interest and break their engagement.

After all, she had no desire to marry, especially now. She wasn’t sure she could stand to have an intimate relationship with someone who could never arouse her passions in the way Landon Hart could do with a single kiss. Anything less was bound to be a tremendous disappointment.

“It’s settled then,” her father replied. “I’ll pen a letter to Pratt to include with the proposal.”

She faced the window and allowed herself a victorious smile.

She should feel relieved.

She did feel

But there was a nagging sensation deep in her belly. Something still wasn’t quite right, like a table with one short leg that wasn’t noticeable until you leaned an elbow on it…


“Quit yer fidgeting lass, or I’ll never get this right!” said Slaney, exasperated. “Ye be squirmin’ like a wee minnow in a child’s fist.” For the second time, the maid tried to pin a wayward strand of Keelan’s hair.

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