Hart's Desire (Pirates & Petticoats Book 1) (27 page)

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Authors: Chloe Flowers

Tags: #Historical Romance

BOOK: Hart's Desire (Pirates & Petticoats Book 1)
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Landon cocked his head. “So you are willing to take the chance—that it might not? Even though you just admitted your wish to be loved?”

Blast. She’d dug herself a hole. She couldn’t confirm his statement, because she didn’t believe it either. Her own words had sounded wooden and false, even to her ears.

What she needed was another change of topic. This conversation was dangerously close to revealing the plan she had recently set into motion. The grey and silver tones of the roses in twilight blurred as Landon and Keelan spun together. The heat from his hand began to burn into her waist like a red iron against flesh.

She had to get away from him. He made her feel like a flustered little girl. Keelan stopped dancing and tried to disengage her fingers from his, but he was not cooperating.

“Wouldn’t you rather be kissed every day by a man who passionately loves you…one who is
made of wood?” he said softly. “Rather than someone like Dr. Barn Door?”

“You are an arrogant…” she whispered firmly as she pried his fingers from her waist.

How much did Landon know? Or thought he knew? She spun away from him, away from those eyes that could read her mind easier than a children’s book. Away from the touch that left an imprint of every finger on her waist. Away from the scent of leather and brandy and the spicy soap he used to shave.

The thick, sweet fragrance of magnolia blossoms floated lazily in the night air. Nocturnal creatures of every sort added their song to the evening breeze, bringing the night in like a canopy. The moon was luminous, and her gown glimmered in its light. And she was still spinning.

Keelan inhaled deeply, swaying gently in the soft summer evening. Landon stood close behind her, waiting. His scent taunted her memories. Trapped together while the storm raged around them, he’d made her feel safe. Then. Now, he was only inches from her and the hair on the back of her neck was standing up.

“You are a vision,” he breathed. “Garrison is a dolt. He has no idea he is betrothed to a goddess. Your skin outshines the moonlight, and you smell sweeter than a jasmine blossom in full bloom.” Landon’s fingers traced a line up her arm, to her shoulder, making her shiver. She should protest such boldness, but couldn’t bring herself to speak.

“I would love you with the passion you deserve, Keelan. He would never worship you with the devotion that I would. He could never sate your hunger or feed your desires as well as I.” His fingers brushed along the back of her neck.

Landon’s touch created an eddy of sensations that trickled down to the center of her consciousness. Despite her desperate attempt to wield an emotional shield to protect herself, an overwhelming need enveloped her. It pulled at her.

His lips brushed her shoulder softly, leaving behind hot impressions on her bare skin. Gooseflesh rose on her arms. Yes, he spoke honeyed words and made promises she longed to hear, but what about when he boarded his ship and went back out to sea? What then? The caustic image of Landon dancing with Annette, her hand on his shoulder, leaning in to whisper in his ear pushed itself to the forefront of her mind in a bitter rush. Landon was too handsome, too desirable, too charming. What woman on this earth could ever resist him?

How could a man possibly stay faithful when beautiful women practically fell at his feet everywhere he went? How could she live that kind of life…living alone wondering if her husband was remaining faithful during the months he was at sea?

It was then she realized it wasn’t that she didn’t believe he could love her more than someone like Annette. There was something else standing between them, glaring like a red-eyed demon.

She didn’t trust him.

She didn’t trust him to stay faithful. She didn’t believe him when he said he thought she was beautiful. She didn’t think for a moment that once he seduced her into his bed he would want her again.

The craziest thing about it all was that…she was in love with him.

Hysterical laughter bubbled in her throat and threatened to escape. All she’d ever be to Captain Landon Hart was a light of love he had one summer in Charleston. He would sail off to the next port and to the next woman to catch his eye and she’d still be here. And her heart would still be irreparably damaged beyond all hope of repair.

Don’t just stand here. Walk away from him. Walk away.

“Yield to me one last kiss, Keelan,” he whispered.

The moon could have fallen from the sky and she would have been less shocked. She couldn’t kiss him, she’d loose whatever tiny bit of control she still had. She swayed slightly, turning unsteadily to face him again. It was, in light of everything else, a small price to pay. Was it not it? Was she ready to abandon her pride completely and allow him to see that she’d fallen in love with him? Could she stand to give him the satisfaction that he’d won his stupid game?

“One kiss for your silence?” Did she just say that?

“My silence concerning what, exactly, love?” He raised a quizzical brow. “Would it be regarding your habit of sparring in boy’s clothes in the early morning hours?” He paused and appeared to be pondering a very important thought.

“I already paid for that one.”

“So you did.” He tilted his head. “Or maybe, ‘tis the more treacherous game you play with Dr. Garrison’s affections.” His lips were moving against her ear. “Or Pratt’s runaways… Which secret will you be silencing, dear, sweet Keelan?”

Was he actually attempting to blackmail her? Her heart began to beat furiously. She took an unsteady breath. How could he betray Simon and his friends? How could he betray her? Her heart pounded in her ears so loudly they went numb. It truly is all a game to him. He has no care for whom it destroys. Would he truly reveal her secrets, or was this simply another ploy? She was tempted to call his bluff and make him admit he wouldn’t, but it didn’t matter now. It was a ploy, a game. She no longer cared.

Why couldn’t he be honorable, loving, and passionate toward her rather than a treacherous, scheming scoundrel trying to goad her into a kiss? Both versions of Landon Hart warred with each other in her mind. She desperately wanted him to be the former, but was terrified that in reality, he was the latter.

In fact, she was convinced of it.

“All of them,” she sighed in defeat. “I wish to silence them all.”

A victorious light gleamed in Landon’s eyes. “Then pay the price, my sweet. A kiss.” He stepped away and clasped his hands behind his back. “Whenever you are ready, then.”

The conceited lout deliberately moved so she would have to approach
! Well, she could be just as sly. He asked for a kiss, but didn’t specify the kind of kiss he required.

She would beat him at his own game.

She closed the distance between them, placed her hands on his shoulders, rose up on her toes and placed a quick kiss on his cheek.

He lowered his eyebrows. “That was not a kiss. It was a re-enactment of a chicken pecking corn.”

She smirked and arched a brow. “You said to yield you a kiss and I have done so.”

“Is that why Garrison desires to take you to wife?” He smirked. “I imagine he must be a simple man with simple desires to require no more than that simple version of a kiss. If it’s the best you can do, then you are his perfect match.”

She bristled at the insult and angrily shushed the voice in her head. Stepping forward, she threw her arms around his neck and crushed her lips to his, curving her body against his hard, muscular one. In response, Landon’s arms slid down over her waist with a feather light touch. It wasn’t enough. His heady scent threatened to drive away any sanity she had left. She moved one hand down over his chest and around his ribcage, before sliding it up his back to his nape to join her other hand entwined in his hair. Using both arms, she pulled him closer until her breasts lightly pressed against his chest.

His lips began to move more insistently against hers. Her heart pounded erratically. Her fingers dug into the skin atop his shoulders, and she slipped her tongue tentatively into his mouth. With a soft groan, he crushed her to him.

A white-hot bolt shot through her body as his tongue responded to hers.

Tasting. Exploring. Beckoning.

His hand moved up over her ribs and cupped her breast; his thumb gently rubbed over the peak until it hardened, making her moan softly. The late spring night, leather; blackberry wine, the whisper of fingertips brushing silk, the velvety heat of his lips on hers…all assaulted her senses and weakened her knees. Her thoughts swirled into a reckless whirlwind. The rigid shield of indifference she had fought so hard to place between them this evening suddenly clattered at her feet, useless and spent.

All the warnings and rules she had given herself, regarding this particular sea captain, had been drowned by a tidal wave too powerful to stop. Her fears, that he would woo her until she succumbed, only to have him leave her behind and disgraced, were no match for the physical lure of the man himself. She had been captured by his seductive charm. Tormented by his hot fiery kisses. Enslaved by the heat and desire his presence stirred in her.

Captured, tormented, enslaved…but not loved.

An angry shriek broke through the haze. “Keelan!”

The undercurrent in her cousin’s voice hit Keelan like an icy torrent. Startled, she gasped and opened her eyes in time to see Doreen whirl and run back toward the ballroom. Worse still, standing there staring with a stony expression on her beautiful face was none other than Annette Camsby.

She shoved against Landon’s chest and to her surprise, he immediately released her. Appalled, she pressed her trembling fingers against her swollen lips and glanced at him. His expression made her face burn with embarrassment and humiliation.

It was a look of triumph.

He’d won.


Something was still not right.

Everett Garrison’s pain and anger should’ve diminished somewhat when Keelan had agreed to marry him.

Her presence at his side should be giving him peace.

Taking the commodore’s daughter should be giving him peace.

Knowing that soon he’ll take the commodore’s money in the form of Keelan’s dowry should be giving him peace.

He’d expected it to be easy to help Keelan conform, to be more like Rachel.

More docile.

More pliable.

But instead, Keelan had become more distant over the last few days. She’d taken to spending time in the kitchen house or on rides around the grounds with her maid. He was never able to get her alone.

He searched the area near the veranda, peeking into corners, and peering at silhouettes in the semi-dark of the moonlight, but didn’t see her anywhere. He headed toward the garden. Had she already fled to her chamber?

The iron bench wasn’t visible from here, but she seemed to favor that spot. Perhaps she was still there. He reached into his pocket and caressed Rachel’s letter.

Soft, sweet Rachel.

So demure, so willing to please him.

Keelan would learn. He’d help her become the wife Rachel would have been.

He headed toward the steps leading down to the stone path, which meandered its way across the back lawn, into the garden and toward the iron bench.

Choking back a sob, Keelan whirled away from Landon Hart and his victorious smirk and ran.

Arrogant, conceited horse’s ass!

Angry tears threatened to spill down her cheeks.

She was an idiot. She’d known from the very beginning that he’d do this to her.

Landon Hart toyed with her emotions like a sated cat. Hadn't she predicted it? She’d done her best to guard herself against him, tried to discourage him, but her best was as flimsy as ash. He was much more experienced at this game. No doubt, he had played it many times before with other less gullible maidens. The anger welled inside her, along with the ever-present embarrassment and humiliation that always followed an encounter with Landon Hart. Even the cicadas taunted her with their chatter.

Fool! Fool! Fool! Fool!

Under the moonlight, the hedges and shrubs shone a silvery-green, casting ebony shadows into the garden. She stopped and sat down hard on the iron bench hidden by the wisteria vines and rubbed her temples, willing her heart to slow and her stomach to settle.

She had no one to blame but herself. She had been naive. Landon had goaded her into that kiss, and she had played right into his game. The embarrassment made her cheeks burn and her stomach clench.

“Miss Keelan! Are you all right?” Everett stepped into view.

“I’m fine. Although I think I drank too much wine,” she said lamely, waving the hand in the general direction of the ballroom.

“Apparently, so.” There was an icy edge to his voice, “Miss Doreen sought me out with this ridiculous story about you and Hart…”

Oh no, there would be no discussing Landon Hart. In fact, she would not even utter his name. Her humiliation had reached its zenith, and she was unwilling to revisit it further. Yet, for some odd reason, a giggle escaped and she batted the air as if swatting a giant fly. “Oh Everett, it was only a stupid kiss. He did not think I knew how, you see, so I showed him I could. It was nothing.” Oh dear, why had she said that?

Everett’s jaw dropped. “Nothing
” He sputtered like a soup pot left to boil too long with its lid on. “Do…do you realize…what you have
? It’s not decent. You have compromised your reputation! Again! I chose to put aside the ignominious circumstances between yourself and Hart after the storm because your safety and well-being had been my foremost concern at the time. But I will tolerate no more of it. Your cousin is already telling anyone who will listen that you were acting like some sort of…of…
.” His voice echoed sharply throughout the garden. “What will people think? We are engaged to be married, and you are kissing another man like a common

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