Hat Trick (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (5 page)

Read Hat Trick (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Online

Authors: Lynn Tyler

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Hat Trick (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Rachel screamed and shoved her hips into his face. He let her pulsing flesh slip from his teeth but kept the suction steady as she rode out her orgasm. He concentrated on the tiny movements of Nathan’s hand moving against his chin and jaw as he pleasured his wife, continuing to suck on Rachel until Nathan slowed his fingers.

“Good job, Jer,” Nathan praised.

Jeremy pressed one last kiss to Rachel’s still twitching pussy and nodded his acknowledgement of Nathan’s words. He rested his head on the damp skin of his woman’s lower belly. His dick was so fucking hard he thought it might snap off if anything happened to brush against it.

Her fingers rifled softly through his hair, and he arched his neck to give her better access. Her touch was heavenly, soothing and arousing all at the same time.

“I think Jeremy needs us to take care of him, Nathan.”

A deep chuckle sounded from above, and Jeremy felt strong arms slip under his own and lift him to his feet. Nathan moved to stand behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist, holding Jeremy up. It was far too intimate, and Jeremy moved to free himself, but Nathan just tightened his hold. “Relax and let Rachel take care of you. Let both of us take care of you.”

He was just about to step away from the other man when Rachel closed her soft, warm hand around his cock. He had to lock his knees to keep from falling at her feet when she stroked him lightly, twisting her hand slightly under the throbbing head. She did it again, this time using her free hand to polish his knob.

This time his knees did give out, and he finally understood Nathan’s insistence at holding him up. If it hadn’t been for Nathan’s support, Jeremy would have melted in a puddle on the floor. He began panting and laid his head back against Nathan’s shoulder, letting the bigger man take the majority of his weight.

“Yeah,” Nathan whispered in his ear. “She’s got some mad skills.”

He couldn’t help swiveling his hips back and forth and raising his left arm to hook it around Nathan’s neck for more balance. Every time Jeremy rotated his hips, a hard length rubbed against his low back, just above his ass cheeks. It left a warm, wet trail every time it brushed against his skin, and Jeremy had a feeling he knew exactly what it was. Strangely, the idea that Nathan was so turned on didn’t turn
off. Instead it sent small fireworks up his spine. Normally the idea of another man’s hard cock grinding against him would have him running for the hills, but he was so far beyond caring right now he just went with the flow.

Nathan pushed against him more demandingly and pulled up Jeremy’s right arm so that both arms were wrapped around Nathan’s neck. “Hold yourself up,” he growled in Jeremy’s ear.

He did as he was told, and Nathan gripped his hips, pulling his pelvis back and fixing him in place. A slight shift of Nathan’s wrists and strong thumbs were suddenly holding Jeremy’s ass cheeks apart. Jeremy stiffened and began to panic, despite the steady strokes on his cock. “Relax, Jer. I’m just gonna rub off on you.”

Taking Nathan at his word, he relaxed and focused on the sensations Rachel was drawing from his body. It was incredible. She was smearing the pre-cum leaking from the slit around his sensitive head and right down to the base of his cock, using it as a lubricant.

He jumped when he felt Nathan’s cock rub between his cheeks, but true to his word, the other man didn’t even attempt to enter him. He aimed his cock downward and thrust so that the head of his cock pounded against the back of Jeremy’s balls. Nathan let go of Jeremy’s ass and held him more firmly by his hips, anchoring him as his thrusts began to quicken.

Jeremy instinctively tightened his ass, loving the feel of the steely length pounding at him.

Nathan jerked at the sudden tightness and groaned loudly. “
Fuck, Jer

Jeremy would have smiled at Nathan’s outburst except he glanced down at Rachel, and every muscle in his body tensed at what he saw. Somewhere along the way, Rachel had stopped using both hands on him and had begun fingering her clit even as she jerked him. The sight of Rachel bringing herself off was enough to push him over the edge.

Jeremy cried out with the force of his climax, his cock exploding. Long, sticky streams of cum splattered across Rachel’s hand and stomach. She looked beautiful painted in his cum. He felt Nathan’s fingers flex on his hips and then a hot splash across his balls just as Rachel’s breath caught, and she moved her hand so he was treated to a view of her pulsing little clit.

Nathan looped his arms around Jeremy’s waist again, pulling him back so he supported most of Jeremy’s weight. Jeremy unwound his own arms from around Nathan’s neck and stood in the other man’s embrace, too shell-shocked to do anything else.

Rachel pressed against his chest and began peppering him with small, open-mouthed kisses. “You okay?” she asked between kisses.

He nodded, a sudden feeling of contentment rolling through him. Being sandwiched between their two warm bodies felt so right.


* * * *


Somehow, the three of them had ended up in Rachel and Nathan’s bed, where Rachel had promptly fallen asleep cuddled between the two men. Jeremy sighed and scooted closer to Rachel, looking up at Nathan for his approval. This need for another man’s approval confused him. It was almost like, by getting permission, he was letting go of the strict control he lived his life by, and it felt damn good.

He draped his arm around Rachel’s waist but was a little stymied by where to rest his hand. She was pressed right up against Nathan’s side and the only place to put his hand was on the other man’s abdomen.

“It’s okay,” Nathan whispered, clearing understanding Jeremy’s predicament.

Taking him at his word, Jeremy rested his palm on Nathan’s hard belly, ignoring the flutter in his chest. He was simply thrilled to be cuddled up close to such a damn fine woman, that was all. It had absolutely nothing to do with the rigid muscles he could feel rippling under his palm.

He was almost asleep when Nathan spoke again. “You sure know a lot about computers.”

Jeremy looked up from where he’d buried his head in Rachel’s hair and frowned. He really didn’t want to wake the woman sleeping in his arms.

Nathan chuckled softly and trailed a single finger down the back of Jeremy’s hand. “Don’t worry. She sleeps like the dead. Rachel won’t hear a word we say.” He looked at Jeremy expectantly, obviously waiting for his response.

“Yeah, I know my way around a computer. I have a degree in software engineering.”

Nathan let out a low whistle, never stopping his soft caress across Jeremy’s hand. “Impressive. Good for you,” Nathan said. “I never even finished high school. I started playing for the Maple Leafs as soon as I was drafted. I thought Rachel was going to kill me for missing our senior formal, but luckily for me, she understood. Up until very recently, high school was five years here in Ontario, so I basically missed our senior year.”

Jeremy nodded, well aware of Nathan’s story. The man had been drafted from the Ontario Hockey League at eighteen and had started playing in the big leagues the following season, not even spending a month on the farm team. He’d had the distinction of being one of the NHL’s youngest players. He really was a remarkable player. Nathan started talking again.

“What made you go for a degree in software engineering?”

Jeremy felt the blush begin to creep up his neck and flush his cheeks, and he was grateful for the darkness of the bedroom. He resisted the urge to clear his throat, a nervous habit he’d always had. “Um, well, I actually wanted to create video games when I was younger.”

“Yeah?” Nathan asked, sounding impressed. “Have you ever made one before?”

Jeremy nodded, forgetting for a moment that Nathan probably couldn’t see him. “Yep, I’ve made a few actually. I’ve even sold some to some of the bigger gaming companies.”

The mattress shifted as Nathan sat up in the bed. Rachel grumbled in her sleep and flipped around so that her face was nestled in Jeremy’s throat. “No shit!” Nathan breathed. “That’s so awesome.”

Nathan settled back into the bed, lying on his side so that he faced Jeremy. The position put them so close Jeremy could feel Nathan’s warm breath bathing his face. “How’d you get into hockey?” Nathan whispered as he laid his arm across Rachel’s waist. This time it was Nathan’s turn to rest his hand on Jeremy’s body. Unlike him though, Nathan didn’t ask for Jeremy’s permission, he just plopped his hand where it was most comfortable, and since Jeremy was still on his side, Nathan’s hand landed on his hip.

The action soothed and calmed Jeremy like nothing else ever had. “My dad. He put me in hockey when I was eight to try and help me work off some energy. I was really good, even though it wasn’t something I absolutely loved. It just sort of evolved from there. But video games have always been my first love.”

Nathan’s fingers began the soft caressing again, dipping down to stroke the sensitive area where his leg and hip met. Amazingly, his cock started to stir, trying valiantly to rise again. They had drained him though. He’d come more today than he had since he’d been a teenager beating off to the Playboys hidden under his mattress. Actually, he’d probably come more today than he ever had before.

Once again, he was on the very edge of sleep when Nathan started speaking again. “Why didn’t you go work for one of the gaming companies? I mean, if you’ve already sold some of your games to them, they’d probably snap you up in a minute.”

The man had switched his stroking from his groin to his ribs, the action becoming more soothing than arousing. Jeremy yawned and reached up to rub his eyes. “Who turns down an offer to play professional hockey? I was already pushing it when I asked for a chance to finish my degree. Besides, my dad would have had his heart attack years earlier if I had turned down the offer. He told me that software engineers were pansies and he would be damned if he had a pansy in the family.” He yawned again and reluctantly pulled away from the warm, feminine body and the rough, gently stroking palm. “I should get going.”

Nathan seized his wrist and pulled him back down. “Where do you think you’re going?” he demanded.

“To bed,” Jeremy answered even though he allowed Nathan to pull him back in the bed. “If I stay here much longer, I’ll fall asleep.”

Nathan snorted and resumed stroking Jeremy’s ribs once he’d stopped wriggling around. “Did you really think we’d make love with you and then send you away? No, Jer, you’ll stay right where you are.”

It was on the tip of his tongue to argue with him. He was a grown man, after all, not some child Nathan could order around. He kept his mouth shut though when he realized he liked Nathan telling him what to do. Besides, he really didn’t want to leave the warm bed and silky skin pressed against his front only to crawl between cold sheets with nothing but a pillow to cuddle with. “Don’t think so hard, Jeremy,” Nathan crooned in the darkness, still petting him gently. “Get some rest. Everything will still be here in the morning.”

Sighing with contentment, Jeremy allowed the bigger man’s soft words and stroking hand to lull him to sleep.

Chapter 5


Nathan leaned against the boards, taking a quick moment to catch his breath as he watched Jeremy zip down the ice in hot pursuit of the puck. That boy was a damn good left wing. It surprised him how good the kid was. He’d always found that, if a player wasn’t completely in love with the sport, they might be good but would never great. Jeremy had proved him wrong.

He guzzled some water, swishing it around his mouth before spitting it out. It was a habit that completely disgusted Rachel, and many other women he suspected, but it quenched his thirst somewhat without giving him crippling cramps. He almost didn’t need the drink since his mouth watered so much at the sight of Jeremy’s tearing across the arena. The man gave everything he had to whatever he was doing, whether it was a game, dry land training, playing a video game, or making love.

The last couple of months had flown by in a blur of pleasure. Jeremy had joined them every night in bed. He’d grown bolder in bed with Rachel, putting her pleasure first. At the same time, he’d grown more submissive where Nathan was concerned, throwing caution to the wind and letting Nathan direct their lovemaking. The only thing that Jeremy balked at was any form of man love. Nathan ached to sink into Jeremy’s tight, virgin ass as the other man plunged into his wife’s willing pussy. But aside from their first night together when Nathan had rubbed off to a spectacular orgasm on Jeremy’s ass, there had been nothing else remotely sexual between the two of them.

The general manager, Terry Ferguson, leaned his arms on the boards next to Nathan and watched Jeremy pull off a complicated play. “I hear Reiner is still staying with you and your wife. How’s that going?”

Nathan took another mouthful of water, swallowing it this time. It wouldn’t do to spit on his boss’s shoes, after all. “It’s great, actually. He’s a good kid, and I appreciate the company when Rachel is out for work.”

It wasn’t a lie either. Jeremy was a lot of fun to have around. He had a tendency to leave the room if a television show was getting too suspenseful, which Nathan found absolutely adorable. He played video games with his whole body. He was playful, affectionate, and sensual. A knuckle tap or a high five was never enough with Jeremy. He had to bump you with his hip or sling an arm around your shoulders. Nathan had even had those long fingers stroke absently over the back of his hand while they’d just sat and talked in front of the television late one night after Rachel had gone to bed. He didn’t think Jeremy had even noticed how he was touching him. He’d never mentioned it, not wanting Jeremy to stop the caress or be embarrassed about it.

Rachel enjoyed having him around, too. Jeremy had taken Rachel out on the town a few times. Once Jeremy had sat through a shopping trip where he’d allowed Rachel to pick out his entire wardrobe. Another time, Jeremy had taken her out for Chinese when Nathan had had a meeting with his agent and couldn’t make it back in time for dinner. He really was the whole package, and Nathan had the uncomfortable feeling he could very well be falling in love with the younger man.

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