Hathor Legacy: Burn (12 page)

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Authors: Deborah A Bailey

BOOK: Hathor Legacy: Burn
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Trust Me

Nadira hadn't been able to sleep, and she knew why. Her mind was still on her earlier conversation with Zina. Her former mentor's words had stung and made her doubt herself in ways she'd never expected. Minona had made her own decisions and had accepted the consequences of her actions. That's how Nadira saw herself and she wasn't going to let Zina take that away.

Leaning her head against Jonathan's chest, she felt the vibration of his steady heartbeat. Being with him had changed everything in her life. Though when she'd met him, she'd never dreamed things would end up this way. To her, he'd been just another spoiled company CEO's son.

Jon stirred and opened his eyes. "What time is it?"


"I'm not sure." She lifted her head and glanced out the open doorway. "Can't be too late. It's still light outside."

"What time is it?" Jon called out.

"What are you doing? You must think you're back home in your modern apartment," Nadira teased. "The only thing voice activated are the lights."

"Oh." He closed his eyes again.

"I talked to Zina today."

"Hmmm? Why?"

"I went to see Brant and she was in his office."

"Where was he?" Jonathan yawned.

"I don't know. There's something else," she said. "Zina said I was her creation. Do you agree with that?"


His eyes were still closed. If he went back to sleep while she was trying to talk to him…

"I jumped out of an aircar today."

"Really?" he mumbled.

What was the point? He wasn't even awake yet. Talking to him right now would be a complete waste of time. She couldn't sleep. Might as well get up and get some work done. Maybe she could check in with Lt. Lin.

Nadira eased herself out of Jon's embrace, or rather she was almost out when he pulled her back.

"Where are you going?" He reached over and positioned her on top of him, his hands grasping her hips.

"Oh, now you're awake."


"I was awake before." He kissed her, his hands running up and down her body.

She broke the kiss. "Then tell me what I said before."

A smile spread across his lips. "You don't have a voice-activated clock."

"After that." Talking to him like this was not going to work. Between the feeling of his hands on her and the kisses he was continuing to give her, she was quickly losing interest in having a conversation.

"You saw Zina. Then you jumped out of an aircar." He grasped her hips again, slowly kneading them with his firm hands.

"You heard that and didn't say anything."

He responded with another kiss, this time his tongue probed deep into her mouth while his hands continued their explorations elsewhere.

"Jonathan." She broke away again. But this time was much harder. "Answer me. Do you agree with her?"

"Zina killed someone right in front of us. Why would you listen to anything she says?"

"Because she trained me. I was in her hands from eight years old, Jon."

"You're not like her. You could never be like her." He rolled her over on her back, and splayed himself across her body.

She was about to say something else when his mouth covered her own, his movements becoming more demanding. Trailing his lips along her cheek, her neck and down between her breasts.

Gasping, she arched her back as he took one of her nipples into his mouth. His energy flowed into her, searing through her and leaving her tingling. Through their connection she felt his arousal, and his need.

He was right. She was nothing like Zina. It was a waste of time to even consider it.

His fingers found her center, leaving her trembling as she forced her former mentor from her mind. Instead, she opened he
rself to the sensations rippling through her.

Continuing to trail kisses further down her body, he left fire where his lips touched her skin, his hands gripping her thighs. Desperate for him, she was torn between letting him continue and wanting to feel him inside her.

"Jon," she said.

He looked up at her. Without saying a word, he moved back up and positioned his body over hers. "Just tell me what you want." He kissed her.

"I want you. Right now."

Lowering his head for a lingering kiss, he slid his hand under her hips. As she ran her hands up his back, he entered her, filling her, then slowly pulled back. Torturing her, he kept his own pace, as her body shuddered beneath him.

Unable to hold back, she released herself, her energy flooding into his. For a moment she was weightless, disconnected from everything except the sensations coursing through her. Then she was back again, feeling his insistent movements within her, the build up of his energy and his desire for release.

She felt it coming, building, intensifying as he moved faster now, his groans grew louder with each thrust. Easing her hands over the small of his back, she braced herself. His responses flowed back to her, lighting up her nerve endings and sending her back to the brink. Nestling his head against her neck, he let himself go with a long growl, his body shaking as he lowered himself against her.

Energy pings continued to hit her, her body jerking in response. As she held him, she felt Jon's body shudder as the energy flowed back into him. Back and forth, until it dissipated. 

Moments later, she didn't know how many, Jon rolled over on his side. Clutching her to him, he kissed the side of her face. "Ashira," he whispered.

Had she heard him correctly? It sounded like one of the words from the North Country dialect, but she'd never heard if before. "What does that mean?"

"Lover or desired one."

"Where did you learn it?"

"Does it matter?" he asked. "Let me hear you say it."

Was he really asking her to say it to him? But it was appropriate, wasn't it? "Ashira," she said.

"That's better." He closed his eyes. "Can't wait until we go to Astarte."


"Home. When we go back home
to visit," he replied.

He was expecting her to go with him. But she still had the i
nvestigation. Even a couple of weeks away would disrupt everything going on in her life right now.

And there was the problem with her losing her abilities once she left Hathor. What would it be like to be limited to five senses like everyone else?

But he wanted her to go. Even as she felt him drift off to sleep, she could feel how much he desired it.

As much as she wanted to relax, she couldn't. Not with her mind racing. Good thing she didn't need much sleep. She wasn't going to get any for a while.




A few hours later, Jonathan sat at the dining counter picking at his salad. He would've preferred some meat with all these greens. But Nadira had done the ordering before he could suggest an
ything. What made things worse, she'd been very quiet since he mentioned Matt's message.

Even though she was sitting next to him, he was having trouble picking up on her feelings. Their connection wasn't based on pro
ximity, though. They were usually able to pick up on each other even when they were separated. Unless one or both of them were annoyed with the other. Anger and hurt could build walls between them that were hard to get through.

"I don't know why you have to go see Matt." Nadira speared a piece of fruit with her fork. "Your father could've been sentenced to the mines because of him."

"I know that." Jon pushed his plate away. He was quickly losing his appetite. She was right, of course. Matt's betrayal could've cost his father his freedom, and destroyed the lives of his mother and sisters. "But I've known him most of my life."

"So you'll walk into another trap? You can't trust him."

The last time he and Nadira had gone to Matt's place, they'd been ambushed by Ilana Travac. They both could've been killed. Jon had believed Matt when he'd claimed not to know what Ilana was going to do. "He has no reason to try anything."

"He's jealous of your father, Jonathan. He has every reason." Nadira dropped her utensil on her plate. "I don't understand your loyalty to him."

"And you have no loyalty to Zina?"

"Of course not. After everything that happened when she was trying to take you to detention, if she called for a private meeting I'd refuse."

Jon felt her emotions bombarding him, like punches landing over his body. She was worried about him and yet annoyed at him too. "Just trust that I know what I'm doing. Okay?"

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her lips tighten. It was quiet for a few moments. He could feel her energy withdrawing from him, as she started to close herself off.

He slid off the chair and walked over to her. With a slight tug of the chair, he positioned it so she was facing him. "Don't be worried about me. It'll be okay. I promise you I'll be back without getting blasted or shot by a stunner."

"Jon. I don't trust him."

"I don't trust him either."

"Then why go to his apartment?" Nadira asked.

He stepped back so he could look into her eyes. "Come over here." She got off the chair and he led her over to the couch.

They sat down on the middle of the couch, where the cushions were the thickest.

Wrapping his arms around her, he leaned his head against her shoulder. "I'll go see Matt tomorrow. After that, I won't have a reason to see him again. It'll be done between us."

"We haven't had time like this since everything started. The fires and you working on the complex," she said. "It's like ever
ything is going so fast around us. And we're being pulled along."

"With everyone else doing the pulling," Jon remarked.

"Seems like that."

"Well, the hell with them." They hadn't had much time together over the past few weeks. Somehow they'd have to maneuver through it all and not lose themselves along the way.




On the Inside

The next day when Nadira got to the medi-evac, she found O
fficer Tragg waiting by the door to Varyn's room. Built like a wall of granite, his broad shoulders appeared to strain against his security uniform.

When she'd first seen him at the fire scene, he'd been no-nonsense.  She had to admit he looked intimidating at first glance, but she was used to dealing with security officers.

As though to dispel her doubts, he smiled when she walked up. "Do you think she'll be able to tell you anything?" he asked. "So far she's refused to talk to any of the security officers."

"I hope I can get through to her. Has your team turned up any leads?"

Not yet. Nothing out of the ordinary on the city cams either. It's strange."

"Maybe the arsonists are good at blending in," Nadira r

"They're using facial recognition to match people against the database. And they're checking records to see who's travelled to Hathor in the past month or so. Somebody's got to pop up. Unless…" Tragg hooked his fingers into his utility belt.

"Unless what?"

"Well, unless the arsonists are insiders. People in the company who aren't in the criminal activity database." He gave her a kno
wing smile, like he expected her to get his meaning.

"Do you mean, Guardians?" she asked.

"Personally I think she made a mistake about what she saw." Tragg inclined his head towards Varyn's room. "But until we prove her wrong, it's a possibility."

"Let's go then."

Varyn was awake when they walked in. She pulled the covers up to her neck as Nadira and Tragg approached her bedside.

"You came back," she addressed Nadira.

"I told you I would. How are you feeling?"

"Better, I guess." She scratched a patch of regen skin on the side of her face. "When can I leave?"

"Not yet. You're still healing," Nadira said. "Would you like to contact your family? How about your parents?"

"What do I say? I can't tell them what happened."

"Then tell me."

Varyn looked her up and down. "I can't talk about it."

"I can read your thoughts. It won't hurt you, I promise."

The young woman nodded, her fingers clutching the edge of the blanket.

"You just need to focus. Just let the thoughts come to you. Don't force anything." Nadira looked over at Tragg, who'd stationed himself by the door. "Can you leave us alone for a moment?"

"No, sorry. New orders came down a few hours ago. I'm not to leave her alone with anyone. No exceptions."

It wasn't lost on her that they weren't making exceptions for Guardians. Even if Tragg had his doubts about Guardian involvement, obviously someone in security didn't want to take chances.

Keeping her movements slow and deliberate, she touched Varyn's hand. Physical connection wasn't necessary for what she was about to do, but she wanted to reassure her. It was important to make contact, and let her know she mattered.

Nadira kept her breathing shallow, not daring to show any change in her composure. Focusing on the stark white wall in front of her, she cleared her mind. Connecting to the young woman's energy was easy. She had no emotional shields, nothing to impede Nadira from reaching as far into her mind as she desired. But she wasn't here to violate Varyn as others had.

Images formed. Nadira was no longer reading Varyn's thoughts, she would now be able to experience what Varyn had experienced. The room dissolved and she was no longer in the medi-evac, but in a smaller room lit only by three spotlights that h
overed over her head.

Standing directly in front of her, a woman with long, blonde braids was holding a white tubular object. Bluish sparks shot out of the end. Was it a weapon? Maybe a security-issued stunner? They were larger than the hand-held ones. But dressed in a silver, one-piece outfit, the woman certainly wasn't security.

Vibrations came through the floor, a steady thumping like the beat of a heart. They were probably in an entertainment club. Back behind the woman in silver, another one was watching. Her corporate brown suit was trimmed with gold threads. Her small, round face was flawlessly perfect, her blue eyes twinkling as she laughed. The woman in silver reached out with the tube. At the end of it, blue sparks popped and crackled.

Suddenly, hands gripped her from behind. A hairy arm slid across her neck and yanked her back. Her body jerked as she fought to get free. Warm breath tickled her ear, and wet lips co
vered her earlobe.

"I think she'll stop resisting now," the woman in the suit said.

The woman in silver smiled. She held the stunner closer and closer. Nadira felt the sting of the blue sparks against her bare midriff, burning her skin where they touched. Gritting her teeth, she pulled against the hands that held her. But she couldn't break free. She wanted to scream, but no sound came.

Laughter filled the room. "You're enjoying it, aren't you?" A man's voice hissed in her ear. With one arm still around her neck, he groped her body with his free hand.

"You were right," the woman in the brown suit said. "This was worth taking the chance." She came forward, her arms at her sides. "I'll never go to a company-run Service House again."

"Just as I promised you, Manager Taylor. We have the best to choose from. And they'll do whatever you want," the man said.

"I have friends who will pay a lot of credits for diversions like this. But if it gets out that I was here--"

"No madam," the man replied. "Our Houses are exclusive for company executives only. No one will ever find out who our cl
ients are."

"Good. When I bring my friends, I think they'll enjoy those men you showed me earlier." The manager smiled as she folded her arms across her chest. "Well, go ahead. I have a meeting in an hour. At least I'll have some entertainment before I have to deal with business."

"Yes, madam." The woman in silver nodded. She flicked the stunner and the blue sparks disappeared. "Tiven, you heard Manager Taylor. She has an appointment. Don't keep her waiting."

Fingers dug into Varyn's flesh, pulling her, lifting her off her feet. Still fighting to pull away, she gripped the larger, hairy hands, but they didn't budge. For a moment she was weightless, flying in the air. Landing on a bed she bounced and was pressed down under the weight of the man's body. His tangy sweat filled her nostrils as he held her down.

"No!" Nadira screamed, she launched herself forward, hitting the stone floor. Scampering to her knees, she crawled, struggling to get back to her feet.

"Guardian! What is it?" Officer Tragg's voice boomed, his heavy boots tramped across the tiles. "What happened?"

He lifted her up, and helped her to a nearby chair. Shivering, she wrapped her arms across her chest, and fought to disengage herself from Varyn's mind. Rocking back and forth, she took deep, rattling breaths, greedily taking in as much of the clean air as she could.

"What's wrong with her?" Varyn cried out.

"Silence!" Tragg yelled. "Guardian, did that girl do something to you?"

"Don't blame her," Nadira replied, as she gripped the chair rests. "I didn't take precautions. I'll be all right." She hadn't e
xpected to be pulled in so deeply. Instead of protecting herself with her emotional shields, she'd exposed herself completely. In her haste to get answers, she'd rushed in.

Tragg stood over her, his expression skeptical. "I'll get a medic."

"No, just give me a minute."

"Guardian, I--" Tragg's com beeped and flashed red. He patted it with the flat of his hand. "Tragg here."

"Dax here. Lt. Lin's on the move. Warehouse in the Entertainments District. You copy?"

"Hold up." Tragg pointed to the door and addressed Nadira. "I'll be right out here." He headed out into the corridor.

"You saw it, didn't you?" Varyn asked, tears streaming down her cheeks. "What they did to me when I first got here."

"The man and woman at the club. Were they the ones who brought you here?"

"It wasn't them," she replied. "The ones who brought us here said they'd go back to my town and kill my family. I can't tell you anything." She closed her eyes and turned to face the window.

What now? If she pushed anymore, it would make things worse. If they could get any worse.

Out in the corridor, Tragg was ending his call when she approached. "Lt. Lin got a tip on the arsons. The team's on the way over to a warehouse."

"Who gave her the tip?"

"The LT got it from one of the Guardians. Someone named Mikal called her. How would he know?"

"Mikal?" Good question. How would he know? And why wouldn't he have shared the information with her? "Are you going over there?"

"I've got to wait here until they send someone to relieve me," Tragg said.

"Sergeant, give me the details. If Lt. Lin locates the arsonists, I want to be there."

"That's not a good idea. You don't know what's going on. And you've got no weapon or protection if they decide to get nasty," he warned.

"I can take care of myself." Though she had to admit it didn't seem that way a few moments ago. "Just give me the location."

Shifting from one foot to the other, he hitched his fingers into his utility belt. "I don't recommend it, but I know I can't stop you."

"Good. Tell me where they went."




Less than ten minutes later Nadira was on a transport headed for the Entertainments District. The streets were filled with tourists dressed in colorful clothing, streaming into the district to sample the shops, restaurants, and private clubs.  At this time of day there were fewer company people in the area. So she only spotted the occasional grey or brown suited worker as she passed.

The transport turned off the main boulevard and down one of the side streets. On either side the slate grey buildings were three to four levels, with no windows. Up ahead, the narrow street ended at a metal barricade, and Nadira could see the sea beyond it. She'd never been down here before.

The vehicle went down to the end of the street, made a semi-circle, and headed back up the opposite side. It stopped in the mi
ddle of the block, in front of a set of black double-doors. Next to the doors was a sign: Montaigne Holdings.

This had to be the place. The vehicle door slid back and imm
ediately Nadira's nerve endings were on fire. Pings of energy hit her like feedback from a stunner blast.

Nadira stepped out of the vehicle, scanning the street around her. On one end was the waterfront, at the other end the bustling main boulevard of the Entertainments District.

Adrenaline coursing through her body, Nadira touched the rusted metal fingerpad below the sign. She didn't know what she'd find inside, but she was about to find out.

With a series of clicks the lock disengaged, and then one of the doors swung open. Inside she saw a faint light in the distance.

This was her duty. If Lt. Lin needed her help, she had do something.

She stepped inside and the door slammed shut behind her.



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