Hathor Legacy: Burn (7 page)

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Authors: Deborah A Bailey

BOOK: Hathor Legacy: Burn
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Coming Clean

During the transport ride back to Nadira's apartment she could feel the tension in Jonathan. It felt so uncomfortable that it was impo
ssible to relax, and she fidgeted in her seat, unable to find a position where it didn't feel like she was being hit with his pings of emotion.

He'd only answered her in one-word replies since they'd left Dakar's home. Obviously their talk hadn't gone very well.

"Do you want to go to the plaza this evening? There's going to be a concert." She glanced over at him. "Remember you asked about it the other day?"

"Not tonight."

Well, he was up to two-word answers, at least. "We could go to the Entertainments District, then."


"Let's drop it."

"What did he say to you, Jon? Why don't you tell me?"

"I don't want to go into it."

"I want to go into it. What did he say?"

"He told me you met the Elders at a Gathering. That's where you went the other night, isn't it? You didn't meet Brant, did you?"

His emotions were barely under control, like hot water bu
bbling. Jon had never been good at holding them in. "No, I didn't meet him. I was at the Gathering."

"You should've told me."

"I know. But I thought it would be easier not to."

"Easier for who?" He turned his face back to the window. "You've got responsibilities. I get it. But when you lie, it makes me wonder what else you're not telling me."

"I wanted to protect you."

"That's not your job when it comes to us. I can handle the truth."

Well, that was that. Through their connection, she sensed his emotions calming down a bit, but he was still simmering.

They weren't at the point yet where they could communicate without speaking, but that would come eventually. When that kind of bond was created, it would be impossible to break without cau
sing emotional or mental damage.

As it was, her ability to separate her own emotions from his was weakening. The only way out was to release him permanently. It was all, or nothing. But she'd chosen who she wanted, and r
eleasing him now was not an option.


The emotional bond was a connection of the head and the heart, a sharing of consciousness that went beyond the physical. No matter where they were, no matter how many kilometers separated them, they would always be together.

When Nadira had been taken away from her mother, no one had given a thought to the broken bond between them. She'd never been taught how to heal the wound. But that would never happen again.

Dakar and the others couldn't force another partner on her as long as she was connected to Jon. Nadira had the advantage this time, and there was nothing anyone could do about it.

When they got to the apartment, she went to make a cup of tea for herself while Jonathan went into his office. He'd taken the spare room and turned it into a space for his work.

As she poured the steaming water over the fresh red leaves, she inhaled the aroma. It was earthy, smelling like the rich brown soil of the North Country after a rain. She'd spent time there with her mother so many years ago.

Jonathan came out of the spare room and, without a glance in her direction, went into the bath area, letting the door close behind him. A moment later she heard the shower running.

Knowing Jon, it was just his way of using his overflow of energy. Sitting still for him was impossible, especially if he was disturbed about something. Knowing him as she did, she knew exactly what to do to break through.

Nadira slid out of her chair and went to the closed door. It opened with a light touch of her fingers. As the door closed behind her, she stood there taking in the sight of Jonathan under the shower jets, his back to her as he rubbed the liquid soap over his muscular arms. No doubt he'd turn in a moment, and then she'd do what she came for.

Water washed over him, trailing down his back in rivulets, washing over his firm hips, splashing down his sinewy legs. She hadn't come here just to watch him, but she was enjoying the view.  Most of the company workers, who spent their time warehoused in cubicles that filled the office towers, were far from muscular.

But Jonathan stood out, not only for his build and height, but also for his insistence on wearing his dark brown hair shorter than the current shoulder-length fashion. Mikal's pearlized, plastic-looking appearance was as far away from Jon's, as night was to day. Jonathan's refusal to try to be impossibly perfect only made him more attractive.

After his time in the hot shower, his skin was flushed along his shoulders and back, and gradually paler across his hips and thighs. Continuing her gaze downward, she watched the water pool at his feet, forming a small stream that flowed to the drain. It was quite fortunate that her shower was large enough to fit at least four people, which meant they'd never had to restrict their movements when they'd decided to spend time in there together.

Finally, he slowly turned, stopping in mid scrub as he saw her there. His grey eyes wide at first, then inviting. Nadira removed her shirt, then her shoes and pants, leaving them in a pile on the floor next to his. She wanted to draw this out as long as possible, knowing the effect it was having on him. Yes, it was quite obvious what the effect was. Pulling on her bra top, she gently freed herself of the garment, dropping it to join the rest of her clothing. Yes, she had his attention now.  But she kept on the last item she was wea
ring, and joined him in the shower enclosure.

Taking her into his arms, he slipped his tongue between her lips, teasing and tasting her. She responded by running her hands over his back, then down over his hips, gripping them so that he was pressed into her hard. His groan was loud enough to be heard over the rushing water, and he rewarded her by gripping her hips as well, his larger hands squeezing in kind.

Breathless, she broke the kiss and looked into his eyes, seeing the hunger there for connection and the desire. Jonathan's emotions ignited her, turning her need for him into a fire that burned through her, making her ache for him.

Leaning her against the tiled wall, he caught the delicate strings that held her underwear in place and smoothed them down, down, down her legs, crouching as he went. Standing up again, he helped her to step out of them. She watched as he took a stream of soap out of the dispenser and rubbed it between his hands.

The aroma of spicy soap filled the air, so strong and pungent, she could taste the sweet, hot, and earthy blend on her tongue. He took her hand and led her under the ceiling jet; his fingers were slippery and covered with small soap bubbles. With water cascading over them both, he spread the soap over her skin. Closing her eyes, she concentrated on the pressure of his hands on her, his hands moving over her in circles around and around, leaving her gasping as his palms glided over her slick skin.

When she opened her eyes again, he was wiping her down, leaving trails of small bubbles on her arms and down across her stomach. Gliding his hands back up again, he teased his fingers over her breasts, then bent his head down to take one of her nipples into his mouth.

She gasped as his lips made contact, his teeth nipping her. Running her hands over his slick hair, she held him close as he continued to suckle. Heat seared her, burning a path down past her belly and into her center. Desperate to feel him inside her, she whimpered, unable to stop her body from trembling.

Meeting her eyes again, he kissed her, pressing her back against the tiles, rubbing himself against her as the water splashed over them, and the spicy, sweet scent of soap and steam filled the air.

His energy was flowing into her again, filling her, flowing over her, enveloping her with his urgency. Maintaining eye contact with her, Jonathan trailed his hand down and eased his fingers into her. She shuddered as he massaged the sensitive nub, driving her to distraction, craving release.

The tension within her continued to build, and she wanted to cry out, do anything she could to just let go. She'd initiated it, but he was in control now, taking his time, letting her need for him escalate, disabling any attempt she had at control. Though she had to temper her responses in her role as a Guardian, here with him, she didn't hold back. Instead,   she allowed herself to experience everything that he was igniting in her. 

Gently he pressed against her, positioning himself so that he could ease into her. Through her own energy she could feel his hunger, and his desire to be with her, to please her, to feel her responding to him. He gripped her forearms and lifted them up over her head, pinning her in place as he moved, insistently, taking possession of her.

He continued, his groans growing louder, his energy entwining with her own, driving them both harder and harder. Lo
sing herself in the flood of emotions, her body tensed; she was suspended, unable to breathe for a moment until finally she was overwhelmed by the release she'd been craving. He released her arms and she draped them over him as he continued to move within her, his rhythm increasing until he stiffened and let out a low growl as he emptied himself within her.

Leaning against him, under the water, her heart thundering in her chest, she felt his e
nergy, reassuring and loving, claiming her and connecting them both.




A few hours later Nadira was lying in bed, her attention on the dimmed ceiling lights above her. At least now she didn't have to continue to lie about the Gathering. It was a relief to have it out in the open.

It had galled her that she still had to submit to the whims of Dakar and the others. The only alternative would be to follow her mother's example and break away. Jon's mother had done the same thing. Dakar thought Jon was an outsider. Little did he know how much she and Jon had in common.


Maybe they should've had something to eat. But after their shower, neither one of them was thinking about dinner. Now that she was awake, she was hungry and cold.

Rubbing her grumbling stomach, she glanced out the doorway at the darkened living area. How late was it? She shifted so she could grab the edge of the coverlet. Unfortunately, most of it was bunched under Jon, who was sprawled out on his stomach next to her, lightly snoring. Oh, that's right, according to him, he didn't snore.

Was there a way to get it without waking him? She was about to find out. Securing as much of the edge as she could between her fingers, she yanked. The snoring stopped and he opened his eyes. With half his face buried in his pillow, she saw only one sleep-filled eye, and part of another.

"What is it?" he asked, drowsily. 

"You're on the covers. And you were snoring."

"Hmm." He pulled the blanket out from under him, arranged it over her and closed his eyes again.

That was better. "Jon, what did Dakar say to you?"


"What did Dakar say to you when you were alone?"

"He said I would get in the way of your duty…something like that." He yawned and his eyes snapped open again. "Does he know about our connection?"

"He thinks you won't be strong enough to maintain it." She bu
rrowed deeper under the coverlet.

"Because he doesn't know my mother was born on Hathor and had abilities."

"No, he doesn't know anything about that." And Nadira had no intention of him ever finding out. By escaping, Jon's mother had broken corporate laws, just like Nadira's mother. Had fate brought her and Jon together?

"Still cold?" he asked.

"I'm fine. You can go back to snoring now."

"Thanks." He closed his eyes. "And I don't snore."






When Brant asked Nadira to meet him in his office the next day, she didn't expect good news. And as usual, she was right.

He was sitting at his desk when she got there, his attention on the glass desktop. Whatever he was reading, he was so engrossed he didn't look up when she took the seat across from him.

The office didn't get much natural light, seeing how all the windows faced the wall of another building. It had a cave-like feel that Nadira never felt comfortable in.

"Dakar has asked that I train you as my replacement. Have you considered it?" Brant asked without looking up.

"Not yet," Nadira replied. "Why should you leave your position for me?"

"Because I've only been a placeholder. The Sentry Leader position is to be held by a Sentry. And since you are the only one…" He sat back in his chair and glanced out of the window. "I can't say I'll be sorry to leave this office."

So he didn't like being here either. "And where will you go?" she asked.

"That depends on what the Elders decide. I answer to them."

"And to Novacorp," she added. "I've always done my duty to the Guardians, but I'm no company bureaucrat."

"It might surprise you to know that neither was I when I began." Brant rubbed his forehead as though he was trying to rid himself of an ache. "But I learned to be in compliance, as we all have. The people who run this company will see to that."

Between the Elders and Novacorp, when would she be able to choose what she wanted? Probably never, if Dakar had his way. "But why is it so important to have me in this spot?"

"No doubt Elder Dakar will tell you when he's ready," Brant replied. "Most people are not so unhappy about being promoted."

"I thought Guardians weren't like everyone else. That we were above caring about promotions and status."

"Nadira if you believe that, you have a lot more to learn," Brant scratched his ear, and turned his gaze back to the desktop. "By the way, Lt. Lin contacted me yesterday evening. She said security believes the fire detection system had a malfunction. That's why it didn't put out the fire."

"The people at the house were purposely locked in. I felt it and so did you. Whatever happened there wasn't a malfunction," she insisted. "And it doesn't explain what started the fire in the first place."


"There has not been a case of arson in the city, much less the central part of the city, in decades. No one would purposely d
estroy company property."

"Whoever set it wanted to destroy the people in it, not the house," she said.

His bushy eyebrows rose like half moons over his heavy-lidded eyes. "Nadira, the Guardians have more important concerns right now. Nothing we do will change what happened to the people who died there."


Brant tapped his desktop to silence the alert. "What is it?" he asked.

"Sentry Leader, this is Lt. Lin."

"Yes, what is it Lieutenant?"

Nadira went over to stand behind Brant's chair so that she could see the desktop display. Lin's face was reflected through the grey-tinted glass.

"There's been another Service House fire." Lin said, her words tumbling out as though she were afraid to take a breath. "It was in the same district as the other one, but this time there's a survivor. She's been rushed to the medi-evac."

Brant glanced up at Nadira, his brow furrowed. "Give me the location."

"One moment, there's another call coming in," Lt. Lin replied.

"Nadira, I want you to go talk to the survivor," Brant said. "I'll meet the Lieutenant."

"I thought you said there wasn't anything we could do," Nadira said.

He sighed. "A moment ago I believed the first fire was an acc
ident. Now I know it's not."




"Jonathan, how did your meeting with Lani Zakry go?" Karin asked. "I hear she made you a very generous offer."

He hadn't expected to find Karin Luke waiting for him outside the Novacorp Entertainments office tower. Jon joined Karin at the curb where she was leaning against her bright blue ground tran
sport. "The word is out already, huh? Is that why you stopped by?"

"I knew you'd be here to meet with her today." She smiled, r
evealing her very perfect teeth. "I'm about to go over to the new complex. Would you like to see how things are coming along?"

"Sure." He also wanted to get a ride in her shiny, new transport.

She entered first, and slid over to leave room for Jon. He climbed in and settled himself on the plush seat as Karin gave instructions to the autodriver. Every surface was either padded in soft leather, or encrusted in sparkling crystals. When the transport headed into the traffic lanes, he barely felt any movement. That alone was a big improvement over the company vehicles.

"Were you the one who recommended me to Lani?" he asked. "She also mentioned Matt's name."

"Matt Bento is not a personal friend of mine." Karin flicked her long hair off her shoulders. "Knowing him doesn't hurt your standing, but my family has been here almost as long as the First Families. We don't associate with people like him."


There was a time when Jon would've defended his father's former friend, but now he agreed with her. "You know about the First Families? I thought it was just a Guardian thing."

She laughed. "Don't let your partner, Nadira hear you say that. 'Guardian thing?' It's more than that to them. Our family came here from Earth before the Novacorp takeover."

"You didn't answer my question. Did you put in a good word for me with Lani?"

Karin patted his knee. "What does it matter? Even though you're on Lani's team, we'll still get to work together. The most important thing is you have the contract. Don't be concerned about how it happened."

"And you don't care that I'm not investing with you and your brother?"

"Of course not. You took the better deal. By the way, what are you doing tomorrow evening? I'm having a reception. Why don't you bring Nadira?"

Jon had no idea why Karin seemed so interested in meeting her. "Why did you call her my partner? We're not in a contracted relationship."

"I know. But I'm not sure what else to call her. Mate sounds so provincial. And lover is too intimate for a Guardian." Karin squeezed his knee. "But I suppose being from the frontier, you wouldn't know these things."

"I'm from Astarte, remember?" Jonathan said. "It's just days away from here. We're not on the frontier."

"Anything that's not in Nova City is a bit rustic. At least I think so. All right. How about,

"What does that mean?"

"It means 'desired one' in the old language," she replied. "I don't know many of those words, though. Who really cares anymore?"

Jon chuckled to himself. Nadira certainly cared about those things. He'd heard her use words from the old language before, but never that one. Bringing the two of them together was going to be interesting.

"I'll ask Nadira if she's available to come. She's usually very busy."

"I'm sure she is. There are so many thieves on this planet, and so many of them work for Novacorp. I'm surprised she has time to come home at all."



By the time Nadira got to the medi-evac, Officer Tragg from Lt. Lin's team was waiting for her. The survivor, a young woman, was in one of the recovery rooms. Patches of yellow regenerating skin covered her hands, arms, and one side of her face. Most of her brown hair had been hacked off on the side where her face had been burned.

Sunlight poured through the large window across from the bed. The woman continued to stare out and didn't acknowledge Nadira and Tragg.

"I'm Nadira, a Guardian," she introduced herself. "What's your name?"

Finally, she turned her head, her gaze fixed on Nadira. "What do you want?"

"If you're up to it, we'd like to ask you what happened." As much as she wanted to wait, she had to question the woman now while her memory was fresh.

"Are you investigating?" she asked, her expression guarded.

"Yes," Nadira replied. She was so frail. And it was hard to ignore the rope-like scar on her left arm. Obviously an old injury. Perhaps caused by a stunner burn or a sharp implement. Between the pinkish blotches and the yellowish regen skin covering her, she looked like she'd been patched together.

Her brown eyes were bloodshot, with dark, purplish circles u
nderneath. "Why?"

"We want to know what happened to you and the others," Tragg said.

"You do?" the woman asked. "No one has helped us before."

"Do you know who started the fire?" Nadira asked.

"Yes, I do." She swallowed. "It was the Guardians."


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