Haunted (28 page)

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Authors: R.L. Merrill

BOOK: Haunted
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“Vous etes belle madame,” he said in a low voice.

Her eyelashes fluttered in surprise. “You speak French?”  

He smiled at her and I was tickled to see just how much she affected him. He took her hand and led her over to our little group. I took that opportunity to introduce her to Sherry.

“Sherry, this is Mackenzie MacGowan, my shop mate and best friend.”

She and Sherry shook hands.

“I’m the manager of this rag tag group of hooligans.”

They both laughed and Mackenzie looked around.

“Do I offer condolences or congratulations?”  

The guys all groaned and she winked at Sherry and I.

Jade clapped his hands together loudly to get our attention. “Hey, how about we take this party upstairs? I set up Trivial Pursuit! We can play teams!”

Jade was so excited and we all agreed.

Sherry and Marcus headed over to the kitchen to grab some snacks and the rest of us headed up the stairs, Mackenzie and Star taking up the rear, still looking at each other that way that people do when they are completely undone over the other person. I kinda knew how that felt now.

Devon led me over to a corner of the couch and pulled me down onto his lap, wrapping his arms around me and resting his head on my shoulder.

I turned and asked him quietly, “I’m not too heavy for you?”  

He balked at that. “Chère, you really don’t have any idea how tiny you are, do you? ‘Cause you weigh nothing and you fit here just perfect. So quit worrying. It makes you frown.”

He touched my forehead right between my eyes and I blew up my bangs at him in frustration. That got a groan out of him and he shifted a little underneath me.

“Good, now behave.” I winked at him.

He slid his finger up under the strap of my halter. “Do I have to,” he whispered.

“Yes, you do, for now. If you’re good maybe I’ll let you take this off later.”

His face flushed and he squeezed my hip tight. Between clenched teeth, he said, “You really can’t say things to me like that right now and don’t even think about getting up.”

I bit my lip to keep from bursting out laughing.

“Ok, obviously Jaylene and Devon are on a team together and me and Mage will be on a team. Who else is on the two teams?” Jade was hopping between two feet he was so excited.

Little did he know that he didn’t have a chance. Nerds like me spend a lot of time racking up useless trivia for just these opportunities.

Mackenzie and Star joined us, and Marcus and Sherry joined Jade and Mage. Jade pulled out a beat up 80’s version that looked well used. We played for a couple of hours and I was delighted to see that while Jade’s team did respectably well, we kind of crushed them. I was able to answer all of the history and science questions. The music questions were a draw because both teams knew them all. The film questions Sherry and Mackenzie really battled over. It was so much fun!

“I still say it’s not fair because Jaylene has a freakin’ Master’s degree and Devon went to college, too.” Jade was trying unsuccessfully not to pout.

“You could go to college, too, you know,” I pointed out to him.

He looked at me, puzzled. “I never thought about that. It’s always just been the band. I’ll admit when Devon went I was kind of jealous but I never really cared much about homework and stuff in high school. I barely graduated.”

“A lot of people who wait to go until they are older do better in school because they appreciate it. It’s just a thought, Jade. I only mentioned it because you seem to have a lot of knowledge already and I think college classes just might be something you’d enjoy.” He smiled and had a thoughtful look on his face.

“I will think about it, thanks. But for now, my loser ass is going to bed. G’nite.” We all wished him sweet dreams and Mage followed close behind. That left the six of us. It was late, we had all been laughing a lot during the game, and now it was just chitchat.

Marcus whispered something to Sherry and she nodded. “Guys, I’m going to turn in. I’ve got a long flight tomorrow and I still have some reports to work on in the morning. Thanks for a fun night.” We all said our goodnights, assuming Marcus would be going with, which he did.

Mackenzie and Star were talking quietly together, her legs were drawn up under her and Star was sitting next to her on the couch with his arm around the back behind her.

“Kenz, do you want us to call you a cab or are you staying.” She looked to me and then at Star who was waiting anxiously to see what her answer would be.

“I can’t stay, I’ve got appointments in the morning. Star, would you walk me home?”  

He nodded enthusiastically. “Sure, let me just grab us a couple of sweatshirts and I’ll be right back.” He ran to his room and Kenzie watched him go, her eyes flaring.

“Mm mm mmm...Thank you guys for inviting me.” I knew she was thinking of what she could do to my poor friend when she got him to her place. I raised an eyebrow at her and she said, “Don’t wait up for him.”

Devon snickered behind me. Star was back and held out his hand to help her up from the couch.

“I’ll see you guys in a few,” he said excitedly.

Kenz bent down and kissed me on the cheek.

“Thanks, Star,” I said. “Just text Devon when you are on your way back so we don’t worry.”

He nodded and they were off. I turned to look at Devon and he was studying my sleeve, tracing my tattoos with his fingers. Goosebumps appeared instantly and I shivered, nothing to do with the temperature.

“It seems my bed is still occupied.” He was looking down at my arm, still tracing and his bottom lip was pursed out.

“It does seem that way. I can’t say I’m disappointed.”

His gaze flickered up to mine for a second before resuming his perusal of my arm. He lifted it out to the side so he could see the designs underneath.

In a low voice I said, “I was kind of hoping for another sleepover.”

His hands gripped me tighter at that and I saw his eyes flare again. “I love your tattoos, chère. I love the way the colors look on your skin.” He held up my hand and looked at the Celtic knot I had tattooed on my index finger of my left hand. “What does this mean?”

“It’s a wisdom knot. I figured I could use all the wisdom I could get.”

He held my hand up to his lips, closed his eyes, and pressed them against my finger. A sigh escaped me and he turned his blue gaze on me.

“I would love to share your bed tonight. But before we go, I just want us to set some limits.” He was so serious.

“I can appreciate that,” I said softly.

He still had my left hand in his and he turned it over, gently kissing my palm. “If we don’t decide here, when I get you in your room I’m afraid I won’t be able to hold back. And I meant what I said before. I want it to be special when we make love the first time.”

I reached across with my free hand and smoothed his hair back from his forehead. He closed his eyes and his head fell back.

“How specific do we need to be about those limits?”  

He smirked and opened his eyes. “Specific. Mmmmm, this could be fun. Tell me, chère, what did you like about this morning?”

I felt my face flush. I couldn’t believe we were going to talk about this. “Um, well. Besides waking up next to you? I loved feeling your hands on me, I loved being close to you.”

I felt shy. I didn’t know what to say to him. His gaze on me felt so intimate. I was still sitting on his lap, but my shoulder was pressed against the back of the couch so we were face to face, our chests only inches apart.

“I loved that, too. I want to touch more of you. Would you let me, Jaylene?”  

I nodded, biting on my lower lip, feeling my chest tighten with excitement. I pressed my thighs together and moved just a little. Devon’s eyelids fluttered and when they opened again they were heavy.

“That’s good. Will you let me take your clothes off to touch you?”  

My breathing was becoming labored and I nodded again. He groaned quietly.

With his left hand he touched my chest and ran his fingers down my breastbone, over my stomach and then gently grazed the tender spot between my thighs. I sucked in a breath and felt things getting very hot.

His breath was very husky when he spoke again. “Is there anyplace you don’t want me to touch you?”

I was starting to tremble and feel that tightness low in my belly again. I shook my head, licking my lips. This elicited another groan from him and he let his hand continue down my thigh and over my knee, down my calf and to the instep of my foot.

“Good, that’s good Jaylene. Because I really want to touch you.”

I placed my hand against his chest and he covered it with his hand. I could feel his heart pounding and felt better knowing he was just as aroused as me. “But only if I get to touch you, too.”

His eyes rolled back in his head and he gripped my hips tightly. “God, you can touch me to a point, chère, but I don’t know how much I can take.”

I cupped his face in my hands and made him look at me. “Thank you, Devon. For being so patient with me.”

His eyes softened and he smiled at me, pulling me in for a gentle kiss. “It’s got nothing to do with patience. It’s just about making sure you’re totally with me, because it’ll only be good if you are totally with me.”

I kissed him again and pulled back with a devious grin. “I’m so with you. Can we go now?”  

He nodded quickly and slid his arm under my knees and around my back. “Hang on, beautiful.”

He stood, picking me up and carried me effortlessly to my door. I reached down and turned the knob, he pushed the door open and then I reached over to close it and lock the knob. He smiled, took me over to the bathroom door to do the same and then placed me gently on the bed. I reached over and turned on the lamp next to the bed. He leaned down close to my face with his fists resting on the bed on either side of me. Then he knelt down in front of me. We looked into each other’s eyes for what felt like forever. I think he was just making sure I was ok and it made me that much hotter and that much more ready to explore him.

He kissed me for a long time before gently removing my sandals, one at a time. He even massaged my feet. There was so much love in the way he was touching me. He ran his hands up my calves. Thank goodness I’d shaved! He stopped on the outside of my thighs for a moment before sitting back on his heels to look up at me.

“Stand up, chère.” I placed my hands on his shoulders and did what he asked.

Our eyes locked as I rose above him. He smiled reverently at me before closing his eyes and rubbing his face gently against my stomach. When he looked up again, I felt lost in the blue of his gaze. My heart was bursting for this man kneeling before me and before I knew it, I was tearing up.

“Hey, hey. Why the tears?” The concern in his voice made it crack and I was quick to reassure him.

“Just feeling so much right now. Devon, I...”

He squeezed my waist with his hands. “I know, beautiful. Me too.”

I ran my fingers through his hair, then placed my hands on his. I moved his thumbs to hook over the top of my skirt and started to move his hands down. His eyes widened as if to make sure I was ok. I smiled down at him and nodded.

I saw him swallow and then his eyes followed his hands as he pulled my skirt down to the floor. I stepped out of it and he laid it carefully to the side. He smiled at the tattoos on my thighs, caressing each one and kissing them both.

“I’m going to want to know about these later.”

I giggled and he looked up at me and smiled. But then his eyes got serious and his gaze lowered to my plain white cotton panties. He toyed with the elastic on my hips and around my thigh before placing a kiss right below the waistband.

“Oh,” I whispered and felt my knees start to buckle, but he was there to catch me.

I was watching him through hooded eyes and his gaze drifted up to check on me. He continued placing gentle kisses over the top of my panties. It was intense and I felt the heat throbbing just below where his lips were travelling.

When he looked up again and saw that I was so moved by his touch, he took pity on me and gently pushed me back to sit on the bed. He stood next to the bed and placed his hands on my shoulders.

“Is this the part where we, uh, you know...”

I smiled and got exactly where he was going. “I show you mine and you show me yours?”  

He rubbed at his soul patch, which sent jolts down to my lower belly and below. Things were getting critical and he still had all his clothes on.

“I think so, but since I’ve already lost my skirt, I think it’s your turn.”

He smirked at me. “Is that right? So what should I lose first?”  

My eyes immediately went to his waist. I’d seen him with no shirt on and I knew how erotic that sight was. I wanted to see more of him, but I wanted to feel his skin against mine.

“I can’t decide. I want it all gone.”

He laughed and tilted my head up to look at him.

“Give and take here. How 'bout my jeans join your skirt first.”

I nodded, reaching for his button fly. His hands stopped mine.

“Careful, chère. I’m trying to stay in control, but this is torture. Just, be careful.” His voice was so tight when he spoke I could feel the tension.

I smiled up at him and undid the first button. His eyes closed and his hands fisted at his sides. The second and third buttons went quickly and revealed to me was the waistband of black boxer briefs and a further hint of where that light covering of hair he had covering his abs disappeared to.

I looked up at him to find him breathing fast and looking a little pained. I hoped it was good pain. I watched his face as I undid the last two buttons and placed my hands on his hips. He sucked in a harsh breath and a small sound escaped him. I ran my hands down his hips, slowly lowering his jeans past them and then they slid the rest of the way down themselves.

His erection was massive and pressing firmly against his boxer briefs. My eyes must have gone wide when I got a look at what he’d been working on because he chuckled low.

“Yeah, told you so.”

I blushed and smiled up at him. He raised me to my feet and switched places with me on the bed, turning my back to face him. He murmured his praise of the tattoos running up the back of my thighs and ran his fingers lightly over them before cupping my ass and kneading it gently.

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