Haunted (38 page)

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Authors: R.L. Merrill

BOOK: Haunted
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I sighed dramatically. “I guess I could clear out a spot in the medicine cabinet for your toothbrush and razor.” I started to giggle and he turned me sharply to face him.

“I’m serious, Jaylene. I want you to be my home.”

My eyes widened and we just stared at each other. I couldn’t form a coherent sentence and I knew I shouldn’t joke right now.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. “You want me to be home?”  

He nodded, his eyes searching mine. “Yeah, Jaylene. I want you, I want to be with you however I can, don’t you get it? You’re home for me.”

A tear ran down my face and I brought his hand up to kiss his knuckles. He brushed the tear away. That pained look was still on his face.

When I spoke my voice was so quiet I wasn’t sure he could hear me. “I want to be with you however I can, too, Devon. I love the idea of coming to visit you. I really love the idea of you being here with me. But my shop is here, my work is here, and I’ve just gotten things running smooth. If you’re ok with that fact, that I won’t give this up, I’ll do whatever it takes to be with you.”

I would remember the smile that lit up his face right then anytime I ever wondered whether it was worth it, whether I could do this. His hands came up to my face and he pulled me into his waiting lips. His kiss was so tender, and there was a longing there I hadn’t felt before. There was hope, joy, fear of the unknown but determination to face it together all wrapped up in a single touch of his lips to mine. He pulled me onto his chest and looked deep into me.

“I love you so much, Jaylene. Being with you makes me feel like I can face it all, makes me want to be the best man I can. Hell, makes me want to climb mountains and scream at the top of my lungs! Is that too corny?”  

I giggled and snuggled closer to him. “Corny is good. I like corny. Bet I can out-corn you though.”

His chest rumbled with his laugh, tickling my ear and sending shivers down my back. “Oh, I don’t think so. I’m pretty corny.”

I looked up at him and thought long and hard. “Well, I would walk five hundred miles and I would walk five hundred more to be the one who walked a thousand miles for you!”  

He laughed and rolled me over underneath him, kissing me deeply. With his tongue caressing mine, it was hard to focus. I loved getting lost in him.

“Yeah? Well, you might be able to out-corn me with ‘80's songs, but I will annihilate you with cheesy show tunes to profess my love for you.”

“Oh yeah?” I was digging this game of one-upping each other. “I will totally slay you with Hair Metal innuendo!”  

He scoffed. “Please! Did you forget what it is I do for a living? There’s no way you can slay me with innuendo. Remember, I likely contributed lyrics to Sin on my Face.”

I was laughing hysterically now. I couldn’t help it. He went from being so serious to playful in an instant.

“Yeah, well, as long as that innuendo gets me a repeat performance you can Sin away.”

He groaned at that one and I laughed triumphantly. I rolled him over onto his back and straddled him, feeling things warming up again between us.

He stroked my hips with his thumbs and looked up at me, his lids heavy and his breathing sped up. “Was your first time really ok, chère?”  

I nodded. “You have to ask?”  

“I want you to tell me. Did you like it?”

I ran my hands over his perfect abs and pecs, lightly scratching him with my nails. He had just the barest covering of fine hair on him and it was soft as feathers.

“It felt really good. I was surprised, actually. So many women I know have said it was terrible their first time. I feel a little guilty that mine was so very good.”

I moved my hips a little, dragging my core over his waiting erection. He squeezed my hips and his eyelids got even heavier.

“I’m glad it was good, but I’m just not sure if, oh God that’s good, if I got it right. I might have to, hmmmmmm, oh shit, try again. Are you ready for me again, chère?”  

I nodded and licked my lips.

Round two was even more amazing since my nerves were gone. There could not be anything better in the human existence than the feel of his body on mine, our most private parts coming together in complete harmony. His eyes held mine and in them were all the love, hope and promise he’d shared with his words before. Now he was showing me with his touch, his kiss, and his penetration. It was just the two of us and I took it all in, knowing that it wouldn’t always be this blissful but I’d have these feelings, these memories to get me through.

Our first night in my apartment was full of promises and love and when I fell asleep nestled against him my heart was full to capacity. The next morning when I awoke and the first thing I saw was his sleepy profile I couldn’t help but giggle. I didn’t want to wake him, but I was so happy.

He opened one eye and smirked at me. “Why are you laughing?”  

I kissed his shoulder as I sat up, ready to face the day, feeling stronger and happier than ever. “Just giggling to myself, thinking that I have Devon Boudreaux lying fabulously naked in my bed under sheets with puffy clouds and rainbows on them.”

He looked around him and rubbed his hand over his face. “I’m surprised at you, Jaylene. I thought you’d have sheets with skulls on them.”

I laughed. “I do, but these were a gift from Mackenzie and they’re really soft, so I use them a lot.”

He ran his hands over them, sliding the sheet down to where the bottom of his v-shaped muscles were just showing. He saw where my eyes were headed and a sly smile broke over his lips. “If you look hard enough, you might find a pot of gold under these rainbows.”

I burst out laughing with him and said, “You know, you’re probably right about not being able to out-corn or out-innuendo you. I’m feeling pretty amateurish.”

I stood up and walked over to grab a pair of yoga pants and sports bra. He watched me intently as I went about my morning routine. I wrapped my hair back in a ponytail and moved to my yoga mat in front of the window. I did a few stretches, my back felt much better than the previous morning, but it was still a little stiff. I quickly realized that other parts of me were deliciously sore as well. I bent over to a downward facing dog pose and then arched up into cobra. I caught his eye and he was smiling.

“I didn’t think your body could be any more beautiful, but the way you move...Damn. The only thing that would be more erotic would be if you were naked.”

I shook my head and finished running through the basic poses. “Sorry, baby. Not ready to be that exposed in front of you yet. Needed to do that, can’t let my back get tight before going to work.”

He was tugging at his soul patch. I was wishing I had fewer clothes on. It was 9:00 and I had to be downstairs in an hour.

“I have an hour to get showered, dressed, and fed. Any idea how to fit in any extra-curricular activities?”

It turned out Devon had some great ideas which involved removing my yoga clothes from me, carrying me into the shower where he proceeded to wash every inch of me, including my hair, which felt fabulous. He paid particular attention to my sensitive spots and I assured him he was being very thorough. Condom number three was used in the bathroom up against the counter. For being a small apartment, there were sure a lot of creative spaces for us to explore.

By this time I was feeling very satisfied and was having a really hard time keeping my hands off of Devon. I loved that my apartment was small. and that when we moved around there were always reasons to touch. He seemed very comfortable here and that made my heart sing. I wanted the chance to get used to this. We wrapped up our hour by feeding each other fruit and granola for breakfast. About that time there was a knock on the door.

“Hello sleeping beauty, are you ready for wo- rk it girl!” Mackenzie opened the door as I was straddling Devon’s lap feeding him a grape.

Star was right behind her, rubbing his hair to full spike mode. He laughed. “I wondered what time you were coming over. What the hell did you do? Come at midnight?”

Devon and I laughed and he hugged me close, kissing my neck. “As a matter of fact I arrived at 12:02. I was fashionably late.”

He kissed me one more time before scooting me off his lap. “Had to make sure my girl got up in time for work.”

Mackenzie had her eyebrows raised at the possessive nature of Devon’s comment and was in full protective mode. “Then I’m also sure you made sure she got enough rest, right?”  

We both giggled guiltily and he turned to her and said, sheepishly, “Just how many hours of sleep counts as enough rest, boss?”  

She smirked. “Yeah, this is hopeless. All right. Devon did you need coffee? I know Jaylene doesn’t have any but I made some.”

He smiled and thanked her. “I’m ok. I’m kind of on a natural high right now.” He turned to me and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me close. I so didn’t want to leave this wonderful cocoon. “This is going to be fun. Star, what do you think? A day of watching them work without having to do anything?”  

Mackenzie’s arms crossed over her chest. “Did you really think you were going to be sitting on your fine asses today? I’ve got a whole list of chores I need help with.”

The guys looked at each other and acted shocked.

“You mean no drinking beer and making lewd comments all day,” Star asked.

She rolled her eyes. “You can make all the lewd comments you want, but no beer. Can’t risk a run in with the health department.”

Devon threw his arm around Star’s neck in a headlock. “We’re just messing with you. Star would be happy to do any chores you need him to do.”

She looked pointedly at him and he nodded.

“I would do anything for you, Mackenzie. You just say the words.”

I loved the way he got all puppy-dog cute with her.

Her stern looks gave way to a smoldering gaze. “Good, because I have an idea.”

We went downstairs and got ready to open up. Troy had left me a few notes and my station was in great condition. I appreciated him coming and knew I owed him.

My first appointment, Karen, was an old customer from back home who flew out just to see me and get tattooed. She had money to spare and I’d done a lot of work on her so we knew each other pretty well. I felt honored that she would make this much of a sacrifice to see me, although she explained she should be thanking me because she’d always wanted to come visit New Orleans. She had wanted a phoenix tattoo over a shoulder, bicep and down her back for a few years now so that’s what we were working on today. I’d at least get the outline done and then she’d come back in a couple of months to get the color done. It was going to be a marathon session. I figured her piece would take at least five to six hours.

My second client, Jonathan, was coming in tonight, driving down from Texas. I’d tattooed him shortly after opening my shop and he wanted more done. He was in the military so his only opportunity to get work done was at the beginning of a three-week leave.

My drawings were already done and agreed upon. After unpacking my machine and making sure everything was in working order I took a moment to look around the shop. I snickered as I watched Mackenzie put our two boys to work.

"I’ve wanted to hang these prints for a long time, but we needed someone tall to do it.”

She’d had the rest of her poppets framed and wanted to hang them in the waiting area. I noticed the new drawing was taking a place of honor.

“I take it you like the drawing?” She turned to me and gave me a huge hug.

“I love it,” she whispered.

I gave her a squeeze and we watched the boys using a level to make sure the pictures were done right. Devon looked awfully cute with a hammer in his hand.

“So what do you have on the books today?”  

She looked down at her appointment book. “Hmmm, just three piercing appointments and Sabrina is coming in for me to strip her hair so we can dye it blue next.”

I laughed. Those two were always having fun with color.

“I was planning to mostly work the counter today and handle any walk-ins we have.” Her eyes drifted to Star who was leaning over the counter, his jeans riding low. I saw her suck in a breath and smile.

“See something you like?” I was teasing her, but when she turned to me, her eyes were bright and a little teary.

“I really do,” she murmured. “I really like him, Jay.”

I knew this was hard for her and I hoped she didn’t run away from him.

“I know and I’m glad. He’s a really good guy.”

She nodded and bit nervously on one of her nails. “I just hope I don’t chase this one away.”

I held my hand up to her cheek. “Just go with your heart, dollface. That’s the only way to be with him. He’s very honest and will know if you aren’t. You’ll be great!”  

She nodded and kissed my cheek. “What about you and your tall drink of water?”  

I sighed. “It was perfect, Kenz. He says this is it for him.”

She must have sensed how surprised I was by that. “Well, let him prove it to you, baby girl. I think he’s a smart man.”

I squeezed her hand and she sighed. “How the hell are we supposed to work with them distracting us all day?”  

I sighed dramatically. “It will be difficult. But we must persevere.”

Karen arrived and we hugged. She was a high school administrator and this was her Spring Break coming up so she’d have time to heal. I always told her if she’d been my administrator I might have liked school better.

“Nah, you would have thought I was a bitch like the rest of the kids.”

We laughed about that. If they only knew that their uptight principal had some very large and very beautiful tattoos.

“You look absolutely stunning, Jaylene. I see the move has been good for you.”

Her eyes travelled between Devon and I and her eyebrow raised.

I rolled my eyes. “Karen Browning, this is my boyfriend, Devon Boudreaux.”

She nodded and extended her hand. He shook it and gave her a low-wattage smile, but it still affected her, I could tell.

“Very pleased to meet you Mrs. Browning.”

That freakin’ Cajun charm of his was unbelievable.

She raised an eyebrow. “You too, Mr. Boudreaux. I take it you’re from these parts?”  

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