Haunted Heart (11 page)

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Authors: Susan Laine

BOOK: Haunted Heart
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The airy caress of hot breath, the sound of a kiss, the wet lick across his slit.

Ruben moaned loudly, wantonly, and his hips bucked without his consent.

“Mmm” was Duncan’s pleased reply as he gently pressed Ruben back down.

This was immediately followed by another kiss over Ruben’s cockhead, open-mouthed and slippery, hot and wet. God, it felt so good. Nothing Ruben had ever done to himself measured up to the sensation of oral delight over his most sensitive, private part.

And then Duncan opened his mouth and softly suckled on the tip of Ruben’s penis.

“Oh God…,” Ruben cried out. His body, inside and out, was awash with emotions, and his head was humming and spinning. In fact, every part of him vibrated with a need for more,
. Duncan’s heavenly mouth continued with the pleasurable ministrations, and Ruben sighed, happy.

“I was right,” Duncan said, his voice husky. “You
taste delicious.”

As Ruben was busy reeling from the heady compliment, Duncan dipped down again and sucked, stronger this time, with more pressure and suction. Ruben felt his lover taking hold of his briefs and pushing them and the jeans down just enough to expose his groin, his cock and balls, in their entirety. But nothing more, so he clearly respected the boundaries Ruben had set.

.” Ruben was faintly aware of the noises coming out of him, but he couldn’t stop them any more than he could stop the tingling, heated weight growing in his balls, sending frissons of the same galvanizing feeling up his shaft, toward the head that Duncan apparently owned.

Looking up, Duncan asked, “You okay? Is this okay?”

Dizzy and groggy, Ruben lifted himself up on his elbows to meet his lover’s gaze, and he nodded. “Yes. It’s… wonderful.” He frowned, worried. “I-is it okay… for you?”

Duncan grinned, those pearly whites showing. “Oh, yeah. This is the best.”

Ruben nodded, though he still had doubts. “W-would you like me to…?”
Do the same to you
, he finished the thought in his head, unable to voice it.

Duncan shook his head. “No. This is just for you.” Then his smile grew borderline devilish. “Well,
of it’s for me.” He winked just as he bowed his head and took Ruben back in his mouth.

Ruben fell back on the blanket, not caring if the house was on fire as long as Duncan didn’t stop what he was doing. Ruben closed his eyes again, focusing on simply feeling his lover on him. Duncan kissed all over Ruben’s shaft, wetting the sensitive skin and simultaneously firing up every nerve ending. He had never felt so alive, so lit up from inside and out, ablaze.

Then Duncan’s probing tongue licked all over Ruben’s balls before pulling them in his mouth, swirling them around, softly suckling. Ruben’s eyes rolled to the back of his head, and again his hips jerked up. Duncan shoved him back down slowly, but his lips and tongue never ceased.

If anything, he increased his efforts, moving back up. Divine wet heat engulfed half of Ruben’s cock, taking him by surprise until he was floating high on a cloud of pleasure. Duncan tongued the slit, glided around the ridge of the crown, and tickled the sensitive spot underneath it, until Ruben was a quivering mass of need to get off.

“Oh God, please,” Ruben whimpered, intoxicated by the experience.

Duncan cupped Ruben’s balls gently with one hand, squeezing and tugging. Then he used his other hand, wrapped it around Ruben’s aching shaft and started a slow, steady stroke up and down. He matched the movements of his hands and mouth, so synchronized Ruben was out of his mind with sensation. Ruben wanted Duncan to continue into infinity—but he needed to come.

Every time Duncan went down on Ruben, he slid a bit more of his dick into his mouth. The suction was strong now, the pressure firm, the glorious wet heat enveloping Ruben entirely. It was heaven.

“Oh, s-so g-good…,” Ruben mumbled, incoherent with lust.

Duncan’s head bobbed up and down, the rhythm defined, the pace quickening, the grip growing in vigor. Ruben wasn’t aware he was touching Duncan until his brain registered the strands of hair threading through his trembling fingers. He wasn’t sure if he longed to pull Duncan closer or push him away.

But Duncan made up his own mind. He came up and off Ruben’s cock, breathless and flushed, his eyes dark as the dead of night, his lips red, swollen, and glistening. “Come in my mouth, Ruben. Please?”

The sweet request had Ruben all but plummeting off the precipice of pleasure already. He nodded frantically. “Yes. Yes.” He barely recognized his own voice, hoarse and pleading.

With a happy grin, Duncan returned to blowing Ruben, and he did it with gusto.

Ruben couldn’t take it anymore. “Please, Duncan. Oh God.”

Then Duncan did this thing with his hand—a twist at the base of Ruben’s shaft—
with his mouth—as though his nimble, snakelike tongue was everywhere at once. And that was it for Ruben.

With an inarticulate cry, he felt his balls hike up and explode, sending out fiery jets of come into Duncan’s eager, waiting mouth. Ruben’s hips bucked, his heart thudded until he was deaf and in danger of imminent heart attack, and every muscle in his body was strung taut. He felt like he was sweating by the bucketloads, and his body couldn’t stop shaking. His cock was soon so sensitive even Duncan’s soft tongue felt excruciating.

Just when Ruben was about to call the man off, Duncan pulled away, licking his lips, a sated look on his face. “Yum, delectable. Can’t wait to get another serving.” He chuckled enticingly and winked like a shameless rogue.

If Ruben hadn’t been so out of it, flying high on afterglow, he would have said or done something to acknowledge the miracle Duncan had given him. As it was, though, he could only offer a flicker of a smile, a drowsy “Mmm-hmm”, and half a thumbs-up.

“Glad you’re all right,” Duncan added after a while, sounding relieved.

Way better than all right,
Ruben thought, too tired to give voice to his contentment. He heard soft rustling and cracked an eyelid open a sliver.

What he saw made his eyes pop wide open.

Duncan was cleaning himself up with a napkin. Wiping come off his cock, to be exact. Ruben’s breath hitched in his throat as he stared at the savory piece of hung meat before him. Duncan was huge, dark-tinted, and beautiful. Duncan turned his face to Ruben when he heard him gasp.

“For you, Ruben. Whenever you want.” He smiled softly, tucked his spent, now-clean dick back in his pants, and zipped up. “No rush, though. Let’s get some rest, yeah?” He inched his body closer to Ruben, tenderly pulled up Ruben’s underwear and jeans to cover his licked-clean groin, and rested himself near Ruben, just shy of touching distance as they lay side by side on the blanket. “You okay?” Duncan studied Ruben’s face intently, leaning up on his elbow.

Ruben nodded. He was in a state beyond words, his experience unknown to his current vocabulary, his feelings and sensations all over the place, soaring and exalted.

Duncan smiled, seemingly understanding Ruben’s state of mind. “Good.” He brushed a stray lock of hair from Ruben’s forehead, caressing his skin briefly. “Great.” Then he nuzzled his neck, planting a chaste kiss there, below Ruben’s ear.

Ruben shivered. His heart flew free for the first time in his life. “T-thank you, Duncan, for everything. Just… thank you.”

Duncan gathered Ruben close until they were spooning, Ruben’s back to Duncan’s chest. “My pleasure.” Then he quieted, lying in peace. Ruben appreciated the privacy for reflection he was being given.

Ruben scooted closer to Duncan until there was no space between them. Though they were fully clothed, the embrace was mildly erotic and heavily emotionally charged. So much had happened between them; he could scarcely make sense of it all.

The one thing that came through the loudest out of the red fog still clouding his brain was the fact that Ruben had given Duncan his trust, and the man hadn’t failed or betrayed him. Not once had his fingers, tongue, even his breath so much as brushed against his hole. Yes, Ruben had been keenly aware how his hole twitched like mad, in anticipation of being pleasured. But… Duncan had steered clear, avoiding giving Ruben’s panic cause to rise and make trouble. Duncan had given Ruben everything, neither expecting nor demanding anything in return. His selflessness was a testament to Ruben’s leap of faith, how this time he had gotten it right.

And if this was what he had to look forward to in regards to sex? Awesome!

He allowed his fleeting thoughts and emotions to swirl around in a sea of sensations, his body still sending little lightning jolts of pleasure streaming through his awareness. His climax had been a cry of deliverance from all the shame, guilt, and pain that had weighed down on him for so long he barely knew how to exist beyond them.

Curiously, though, Ruben wasn’t plagued with a single doubt or regret.

Chapter 13



it again,” Maggie remarked from the seat across from Duncan’s desk. Humor colored her tone, if the wicked grin wasn’t hint enough.

Silently, Duncan cursed himself for being so obvious. At the oddest times of the day, he found himself grinning goofily, daydreaming with glazed eyes, even humming happily.

“Mind your own business, Mags,” he growled out, but without much vehemence. He was simply too blissed-out to care about her nosing in his private affairs.

“Your business
my business, boss man,” she retorted, not batting an eye.

Duncan sighed. He longed to tell her everything that had happened between him and Ruben, but a big part of him—his heart, namely—wished to keep recent events locked away from prying eyes a bit longer. It had only been a week since their monumentally successful date that had changed the game.

Only it wasn’t a game, Duncan knew. All too aware of what these signs indicated, he struggled to let his reason speak over his emotions. But he couldn’t.

I’m falling in love with Ruben

“Oh my God, really?” Maggie’s eyes widened in surprise.

Had he said that out loud? Probably. He was a mess, not knowing which way was up, which was down. “Yeah….”

Maggie waited a moment, nodding a bit, apparently digesting the news. “I take it something major happened the last time you two hooked up?”

Duncan frowned. “I don’t want to get into it. Private.”

“I’m not asking for details, boss man.” Maggie smiled in that understanding way some women did when they instinctively figured everything out. “Whatever did happen, it convinced you you’re in love with him?”

Duncan shrugged, feigning nonchalance. “I guess it’s been coming on so gradually I didn’t even realize until….” He swallowed hard, reining in his emotional response. “Until he let me see him for who he really is.”

“Uh-huh.” It seemed Maggie was a master when it came to reading between the lines. “If you’re worried about company policy, you know fraternization is not a problem for—”

“Yeah, I know that. Ruben’s a contractor, not a regular employee.” Duncan waved a hand dismissively. “It’s Ruben’s mental health I’m worried about. We crossed some lines last time. With his consent. But still….”

“You’re worried you may have gone too far,” Maggie finished the thought for him. “Did he say something to that effect?”

Duncan recalled the day with vivid clarity. After they had taken a wee nap, they had cleaned up and gone their separate ways. Ruben hadn’t asked Duncan to spend the night and neither had Duncan suggested he might like to. Their parting had been bittersweet, with lots of kissing in the front hall before Duncan had left. In all honesty, he wasn’t sure what Ruben’s true reaction had been. Or what it would be now, a week later.

“No.” He shook his head. “I don’t think so. He didn’t panic or anything. He didn’t yell or throw me out. We just… said good night.”

“Did he kiss you good night?”

Duncan stared at Maggie sharply. “What’s that got to do with anything?”

Maggie smiled. “If he did, you’re all right. If he didn’t, you’ve got your work cut out for yourself.” When Duncan reminisced on the passionate embrace that ended the evening, Maggie obviously read his mind. Or his reddened cheeks. “See? It’s fine.” Right away she hopped up on her feet. “It’s after five. Go. Meet your boyfriend. Make out some more. Find out where you stand. No need to be a tight-lipped caveman all the time, boss.”

Duncan rolled his eyes and waved her off. As usual, she got the message and left. She worked long hours, a dedicated and loyal assistant, and Duncan would happily let her leave early if she wanted to. Not that she often asked.

“Okay, I’m off. Call me on my cell if anything pressing comes up,” Duncan hollered after Maggie, getting up and shrugging on his jacket.

“Got it, boss man,” she called back, already at her desk where he couldn’t see her.

Well, Duncan surmised, it was time to confront Ruben and have a talk.



got one knock in before Ruben yanked the door wide open in haste. Duncan might have been worried about the rash reception had he not seen the wide grin plastered on Ruben’s face. His gray eyes twinkled as he beckoned Duncan inside.

“You’re here.” The eager enthusiasm shining in him made him, just as Duncan had described, incandescent. “Please, come in.”

“Thanks.” For a reason he didn’t wish to tackle at the moment, Duncan felt shy and out of place, but he stepped inside nonetheless, then took off his suit jacket and hung it from the coat rack by the door. “You’re all jazzed up. Something good happen today?”

“Nope. Not today. A week ago. And… I’m still buzzed.” A fierce blush crept up over Ruben’s cheeks and neck, and his smile was soft and tentative, as if unsure.

Duncan’s heart leaped at the words. It wasn’t like his condition was any different from Ruben’s. He was still feeling the hot weight of Ruben’s cock on his tongue, brushing against his palate, hitting the back of his throat. He could taste the briny come that had spilled out of Ruben when he orgasmed, like a drink of pure nectar. He recalled the loud moans from the trembling body in front of him and the sweet smells of male musk, fresh sweat, and sex permeating the air.

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