HauntMe (8 page)

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Authors: Lena Loneson

BOOK: HauntMe
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Chapter Thirteen



Minerva awoke to Detective Andrews’ kindly, concerned face
peering at hers.

He rode with her in the ambulance, a friendly hand to hold
on to. She couldn’t tell him much about what had happened or how she’d wound up
with three dead men in and around her house, including one television
assistant, one petty thug and one of California’s most wanted.

Andrews wasn’t too concerned about how it had happened. He
was pretty pleased himself and she heard him muse out loud that who knew, maybe
the nice lady whose cold case he’d been trying to close all these years really
did have some psychic powers. It would be a great story to tell his wife, who
loved her show—in fact they’d learned a few things in the bedroom from some of
Minerva Silence’s ghostly clients.

He blushed at that last part when he realized she’d heard

He thought she might have temporary amnesia but they could
tell her more at the hospital. Minerva thought about telling him of a crazy
memory she had, an image she could almost reach just through the fog of her
mind. She could swear she’d seen her husband again. Done more than seen
him—touched him, tasted him, fucked him.

The ambulance should have smelled like antiseptic and blood.
Instead Minerva caught the faint scent of Earl Grey tea.

She smiled and wondered how she would sleep in the hospital
bed. She suspected she wouldn’t be alone.


About Lena Loneson


Lena Loneson is pretty much a Canadian cliché: she complains
when the temperature rises above zero, says “Eh?” far too often, and loves her
beer and poutine. However, she somehow missed the memo on learning to play
hockey, so she constantly lives in fear of deportation. Please don’t report her
to the Mounties so she can continue to write stories about love and sex in
snowbanks, forests, canoes, and maybe one day (if she gets a chance) atop the
CN Tower.

Lena’s favorite erotic romance stories are those with a bit
of the unusual: you’ll see her reading and writing a lot of paranormal, sci-fi,
fantasy, and horror. Other hobbies include playing piano, walking large dogs,
searching the forests for unicorns (they *must* exist!) and anything outdoorsy.

Lena loves to hear from readers, so please check out her
website or drop her an email!



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website and email addresses on her
author bio page




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Ellora’s Cave Publishing








Haunt Me


ISBN 9781419945014


Haunt Me Copyright © 2013 Lena Loneson


Edited by Rebecca Hill

Cover design by Caitlin Fry

Cover photography by Andreas Gradin, ensuper/shutterstock.com


Electronic book publication August 2013


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