Havoc (Storm MC #8) (12 page)

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Authors: Nina Levine

BOOK: Havoc (Storm MC #8)
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To our sanctuary.

To the place where we’d begun to strip back our layers of hurt and rejection and damage.

The place where we’d finally shown each other our need for love and acceptance.




I eyed Jackson as he processed the information King and I had just shared with him. Discovering the cousin you’d always supported and looked out for was robbing you couldn’t be easy.

He slammed his hand down onto the office desk in between us. “I’ll fucking kill both of them!”

“So where does Storm stand now with that delivery?” King asked.

Jackson’s furious gaze landed on him. “That’s the last thing on my mind!”

King snarled. “Well, you need to move that up on your list of priorities. I need that delivery and I need it fucking fast.”

“I couldn’t give a shit about your delivery.”

King’s carefully controlled anger erupted and he finally lost his shit. I’d been waiting for it and had been surprised as hell when he'd treaded with care over this problem with Jackson. But I figured he had his reasons. King always did.

With one swift movement, he cleared Jackson’s table of all its contents before jumping up onto the desk. Bending, he reached for Jackson’s throat and wrapped his hand around it, squeezing tight until Jackson’s face was red and he was struggling for breath.

As Jackson desperately fought King off, King bellowed, “I’ve been playing nice with you, motherfucker, trying to keep peace on the street, but I’ve come to the end of my patience. You
make that delivery to us this week or else I will make you regret that decision deeply.” He squeezed Jackson’s throat again. “And when I say deeply, I mean from deep in the fucking ground.” He let Jackson go and planted his boot against his chest so he could shove him backwards onto the floor. Jumping off the desk, he squatted next to him. “And if you think I don’t have the ability to take you on, you’d be seriously underestimating me.”

Jackson glared at King before finally nodding. “I’ll make the delivery,” he spat out. “Now get the fuck off my property.”

King’s lips spread out into an evil grin that matched his crazy eyes. Standing, he said, “It’d be my fucking pleasure.” With that, he turned and jerked his chin at me. “Looks like today’s gonna be a good fucking day after all, Havoc.”

As I followed him out to our bikes, I said, “Not really sure why you bothered asking for my help. Seems to me you’ve got a handle on things without me.”

He turned to me with another grin. “Never can be sure when I’ll need help. Besides, you were the one who worked out Davey was stealing from him. That was what saved us, brother.”

I shook my head. “You didn’t need that information, King. Although I’m still not sure why you held back from taking Jackson on yourself. That bullshit about keeping peace on the streets doesn’t even sound like something you’d say.”

“Yeah well, let’s just say that Storm doesn’t need any complications at the moment. Lotta shit going down and we need to keep as many people on our side as possible. You coming back to the clubhouse or are you heading out of Sydney now this shit is dealt with?”

I grinned. “I’ll see you next time I’m in town. I’ve got shit to do now.”

He returned my grin. “You’ve got a woman? That’s the kind of look a man gets on his face when he’s thinking about pussy.”

Reaching my bike, I replied, “Let’s just say that if you call me today, don’t expect an answer.”

He raised his chin at me. “Go and eat, my friend. I’ll see you next time we need you.”

Five minutes later, I was on my way back to the motel. I planned to shut the world out for the next twenty-four hours and have Carla every fucking way possible.

down at the text that had just hit my phone.

: Dad’s not doing well. You need to come home ASAP.

: Has he had another heart attack?

: The doctors aren’t sure yet. Come home, Havoc.

: I’ll be there.

“Is everything okay?” Carla asked, dragging my attention back to her.

I’d arrived back at the motel three hours ago and my focus had been on her ever since. She’d wanted coffee so I’d headed out to the café to get some and had just returned when the text arrived.

“We’ve gotta go home, darlin’. My dad’s not well.”

She moved off the bed, her beautiful face lined with worry. “What’s wrong with him?”

I passed her the coffee. “It’s his heart. He’s had problems with it for years and may have just had another heart attack.”

“I can be ready in ten minutes if that’s okay. I’ll just have a quick shower and throw my stuff in my bag.”

Her concern and readiness to leave at the drop of a hat warmed my cold heart. Pulling her to me, I murmured, “Ten minutes, huh?”

She placed her hands against my chest, gently pushing me away. “What? You don’t think I can get ready that fast?” I loved the look of indignation that crossed her face. She could be feisty as fuck and that shit turned me on.

“Well, for a woman who can take forever in the bathroom—”

She cut me off as she moved out of my hold. “I wouldn’t continue that sentence. Not if you want my body again.”

I snagged her around the waist and yanked her back to me. “Babe, if you think I can’t find a way to have what I want, you are underestimating my abilities.”

“And if you think
abilities are any match for mine,
are fooling yourself.”

Christ, my dick was hard as hell. Groaning, I let her go and muttered, “Go. You’ve got ten minutes.”

She stepped close again and ran her hand over my crotch. “I think we’d better take care of this first. No way in hell can you ride for as long as we have to with a hard-on.”

A woman after my own heart.

I wasn’t sure what I’d ever done to deserve an angel. She’d been right when she’d said we all needed connection. I’d just forgotten that somewhere along the way. Who knew where this would all end up, but I was gonna take everything she wanted to give me.



through the front door to my home with some disappointment. The last few days away with Havoc had been an escape from my life. Being back home meant I had to begin dealing with the fallout of my job loss and subject failure. It also signalled another fork in my journey with Havoc. He’d just begun opening up to me. Coming back to Brisbane and going our separate ways could mean the end of that.

“Carla!” My mother greeted me when I entered the kitchen.

Havoc was right behind me, his hand on the small of my back, and I saw my mother’s gaze move swiftly from me to him. As she hugged me, she murmured, “So this is the man causing Nash to go off the deep end.”

I pulled out of her hold and stepped back into Havoc’s space. When his hand slid around my waist, I smiled. I loved his need for touch. I had that same need. Placing my hand over his, I replied, “Mum, this is Havoc. Havoc, my mother, Linda.”

He reached his free hand out to Mum and she shook it. “Good to meet you, Linda.”

Although my mother was a woman who treated everyone equally, I wasn’t sure how she’d react to Havoc considering he’d stirred Nash’s anger. However, I needn’t have worried. A brilliant smile touched her lips. “Come in, sit down. You must be so tired after that long trip.”

“Mum, Havoc probably just wants to get home to his f—”

His hand tightened around my waist as he cut me off, “I’m not in a rush. Yvette has everything under control at the moment.”

Well, shit.

I hadn’t expected that.

Mum made coffee while we sat at the kitchen table. Havoc appeared calm, while I sat bouncing my leg, more nervous than I’d ever been when Mum met a guy I was seeing.

“So Nash tells me you’re a club member,” she said as she placed mugs in front of us.

He nodded. “Thank you, and yes. I grew up around the club and have been a member for thirteen years.”

“But you don’t stick to the Brisbane club?”

“Two years ago I chose to become a nomad. I tend to go wherever I’m needed now.”

Frown lines wrinkled her forehead. I loved that she was trying to get to know him and understand how the club worked. “So you travel all over Australia? What do you do to help?”

I almost choked on my drink.

In true Havoc form, her questions didn’t ruffle him. “Yeah, all over the country. The clubs call on me to help sort out membership issues or supplier issues for their businesses. Things like that mostly.”

Catching his eye, I attempted to cover my smirk.

He ignored me.

“Oh, okay, so you must be good at your job then, if they call on you from all over,” Mum said.

I coughed. Needing to change the subject, I said, “Have you heard any more from Dad?”

Sadness clouded her eyes. “Not since he dropped by the other day.”


“He dropped by? I thought he phoned you.”

“No, he came here to talk to me. I told you that on the phone.”

Anger bubbled up and I was helpless to control it. “No! He can’t come here! I hope you told him to never come back.”

She reached across the table to place her hand gently on my arm. “I did. I told him we would contact him if and when we were ready.”

Havoc’s hand landed on my knee under the table and he squeezed my leg. I turned and found him watching me with eyes full of concern. Taking a deep breath, I took hold of his hand on my leg and squeezed it back. His support calmed me.

Looking back at mum, I nodded. “Good. And for the record, I will never be ready to contact him.”

Mum nodded her understanding. “I know, baby. But if you ever change your mind, I want you to know I will support you fully and be there for you however you need.”

The front door slammed, jolting our attention from the conversation.

“Havoc!” Nash’s voice boomed through the house as he made his way to the kitchen.

His furious eyes met mine a moment later, only holding my gaze briefly before turning his full attention to Havoc.

“Nash,” Havoc said as he stood to meet my brother. His always-on-alert body tensed more than it usually did and the vein in his neck pulsed.

Oh, shit.

“What the fuck are you doing sitting in my mother’s kitchen drinking coffee?” Nash demanded.

Mum interrupted. “Nash—” but he cut her off.

“No!” he bellowed. “He has no right to be in this house.”

I stood. “Jesus, Nash, what century do you live in? I’m a grown woman who makes her own decisions and Havoc has every right to be in this house because he’s with me and this is

Nash’s eyes widened. “What the hell do you mean he’s with you? Last you told me, this was just some fun. I didn’t think you two were actually together.”

Havoc’s deep voice crashed over all of ours. “Nash, let’s take this outside. This is between you and me.”

I swung my angry gaze to him. “No, this is between all three of us, Havoc!”

His dark eyes met mine and he shook his head. “Yeah, it is, but for now, Nash and I need to get some shit sorted. Alone.” He used the tone he took when what he was saying was final. I knew better than to argue so I let them go.

And I prayed they both walked away from this unharmed.



e barely made
it out the front door before Nash’s fist landed on my cheek. I gave him that one, but it would be the last one he’d have.

“I don’t want you anywhere near Carla!” he thundered, veins bulging and fists clenched ready to attack again.

I’d seen Nash in fight mode and he was lethal. I didn’t get my name for nothing though, and he should have remembered that. However, there were two things holding me back—the brotherhood of the club and Carla.

“It’s too late, Nash. And besides, she’s right when she says she’s old enough to make up her own mind.” I focused on my breathing and keeping my natural fight instincts under control.

“I don’t fuckin’ need
coming into my family and telling me how it should be run.” His eyes held the wild look I’d seen many times in him and I knew his first punch was only a warm-up. Nash was just getting started.

“I’m just trying to be honest with you here. And what I’m saying is that I thought this thing between me and Carla would be done by now, but it’s not. It’s far from done. Do whatever you feel you need to do, but if I were you, I would take into account your sister’s feelings on this. Fighting her will only push her away.”

He threw another punch, but I blocked him and punched him in the stomach. As he recovered from that, I moved so I could grab him in a headlock. He was quick though, and knifed his elbow back into my gut. Winded, I stumbled back, attempting to work out my next move.

Nash didn’t ease up. He came at me, fists flying. I avoided each one, ducking and weaving, until finally I managed to punch him hard in the face, dropping him to the ground. He didn’t stay down though. Within a couple of moments, he was back on his feet ready to keep going.

Any other fight and I’d be all in and loving the fuck out of it. Nash was a worthy opponent. But I didn’t want to fight him. He, on the other hand, was intent on making his point.

He kept coming at me with punch after punch. Some, he got in and some, I managed to block. We must have kept going for a good ten minutes until we found ourselves sweaty, bloody and battered. But neither was backing down.

And then my phone rang. It was Yvette’s ring tone and it distracted me for long enough to allow Nash to land one final punch, almost knocking me out completely. As I lay sprawled out on the grass with a bloody nose and pain radiating through my body, he glared down at me. “Leave my sister the fuck alone or else you and I are gonna have problems you don’t want.”

I sat up and watched him leave. As he stalked through the front door of his mother’s house, Carla attempted to exit.

“You’re not fuckin’ going out there,” Nash bossed her.

“Move out of my goddamn way, Nash! You can’t stop me from doing what I want.” They had a standoff for a few moments before she eventually pushed past him. I couldn’t see his face, but I could hear his grunts of disapproval before he continued on inside.

Carla came to me with a look of horror. “Fuck, your face is a mess. I’m gonna go back inside and get some tissues or something for your nosebleed.”

I reached out and grabbed her wrist. Shaking my head, I said, “No, I’ll just use my shirt.” Before she could argue, I stood and ripped my shirt off so I could use it to stop blood going everywhere.

“Did you let him win?”

I chuckled. “No. My phone distracted me. Probably a good thing, otherwise I reckon we’d still be here going at it.” I grabbed my phone from my pocket and listened to the voice message Yvette had left.

Carla frowned. “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, I don’t think she meant to call me. There was all this garbled talking and I don’t think it was directed at me.”

“Why do you look so weird about it?”

With my one free hand, I pulled her to me. “When your sister is on the end of the phone talking about pussy she wants to eat, it’s kinda weird.”

Her eyes sparkled with mischievousness and she laughed. “Must be a Caldwell thing, this love of pussy.”

My body was in a world of hurt. Blood ran from my nose and I could feel parts of my face beginning to swell. I had a sick father to get to, but in that moment all I saw and heard was Carla. Once again, I was struck by the realisation that she lit up my fucking world when it had been grey for so long.

I almost forgot about my problems with Nash and the club.


ou took your time
,” Yvette muttered when I joined her in Dad’s kitchen a little while later. “And what the hell happened to your face?”

The bleeding had stopped but I knew I had dried blood on my face. I probably had bruising as well, to go with the swelling. “A difference of opinion.”

“Jesus. What kind of opinion is worth that kind of fight?” As the words came out of her mouth, understanding dawned on her face and she added, “Shit, was this about a woman?”

Wanting to avoid this conversation, because my sister could be a pain in my ass, I moved to the fridge and grabbed ice out of the freezer. I then wrapped the ice in a towel and placed it against my cheek.

“Holy shit, it is!” she carried on. “Please tell me this woman lives in Brisbane and you’re going to stick around.”

I raised my hand and shook my head to indicate she should stop. “Can we just talk about Dad? How is he?”

She narrowed her eyes at me. “Don’t think this is the last about that. Dad’s been having a lot of chest pain and his blood pressure has been scary. I’m really worried, but he just seems so blasé about it all.”

“In what way?”

“He’s refusing to go to the doctor and get checked. Keeps grumbling that he’s spent enough time in hospital to last a lifetime. I need you to talk some sense into him or failing that, put him in the damn car and take him because he won’t listen to me.”

I was contemplating what she said when there was a knock at the front door followed by, “Yvette, you said you’d be like ten minutes max, babe” as the woman who owned the voice walked down the hallway and into the kitchen. When her eyes met mine, they widened. “Oh sorry, I didn’t realise you had company.”

I settled my ass against the kitchen counter and crossed one ankle over the other. “Knock yourself out. I can wait,” I said as I eyed her. She was a gorgeous woman with long brunette hair, killer curves, pouty lips and a feminine air that I would never have picked my sister to be attracted to. However, if the way they were looking at each other was any indication, they were hooking up. Yvette had embraced her sexuality at a young age and was a loud and proud lesbian who didn’t scream femininity. She had packed muscle onto her frame and her hair was cut short and spiky. Her favourite things to do were work on her car and try any kind of extreme sport out there. The woman who’d just barged into the house wore a flowy red dress and looked like she’d just stepped out of a fashion magazine with her makeup and hair. Definitely not Yvette’s type, but the thing I’d learnt was sometimes our ‘type’ was not at all what we thought.

She blasted me with a smile, which was another key difference between her and Yvette. My sister smiled at no one most of the time. Reaching for my hand, she said, “Hi, I’m Gillian.”

I shook her hand, liking her instantly. She was a breath of fresh air for Yvette and maybe she’d soften her rough edges. “Havoc.”

If I thought she’d hit me with a smile before, her face lit up more at the mention of my name. “Yvette’s brother!” she exclaimed. “I’ve been wanting to meet you for ages.”

“How long have you two been going at it?”

Yvette scowled. “Havoc,” she chastised. “Watch your mouth.”

Well, fuck me, Gillian had already changed her. She’d never had a problem with my mouth before. My sister’s mouth was as dirty as mine most days.

Gillian ignored her. “We’ve been seeing each other for about a month now. We met at a race.”

“A race?” I couldn’t picture the woman standing in front of me at any kind of race.

“V8s, Havoc,” Yvette answered me in her short voice. Her eyes had the look in them that told me she wanted no arguments from me when she said, “Can you give us a minute?”

I pushed off from where I stood. “It would seem I’m not the only one who likes privacy when it comes to women,” I muttered as I left them to head into the bathroom and clean up. As I was about to round the corner into the hallway, I turned and threw back, “You should be careful who you butt dial, sis. I got an earful of something about pussies earlier and as much as I love pussy, I don’t love hearing about you eating someone out.”

Gillian slapped a hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle while Yvette glared at me. She mouthed
at me and I shrugged. In this family you had to give as good as you got, and I copped a lot from her. It was only fair I took a shot when I could.

hy won’t
you go to the doctor, Dad?” I asked my father after I showered and cleaned up my face. Nash had gotten some decent punches in and one of my eyes was black and swollen. Dad was used to seeing me with black eyes so he didn’t flinch or question me about it.

I’d found him sitting in his armchair in the lounge room watching television. The blank expression on his face jolted fear through me. I wasn’t scared of much, but Dad checking out was one of them. As much as we irritated the other, we had always been close. He’d shared his love of bikes with me. He might not have been a biker, but he’d been a mechanic and had loved restoring old bikes. Dad had taught me everything I knew about bikes, and my love for them had led me to set up my own bike restoration business. I had good memories of him dropping by my work and spending hours with me.

“I don’t need a doctor, Havoc.” His blank expression remained and he didn’t give me his attention for long. Instead, he turned back to the television and resumed watching the crime show he had on.

Frustrated, I moved to the television and switched it off. “Yvette seems to think differently so I want to know why you don’t want to go.”

He scowled, but answered me. “I’ve got my spray for any chest pain I have and as far as the blood pressure is concerned, it’s been high for awhile now. I’m on medication for it. Nothing else they can do for me, son.”

“If the medication isn’t working, I’d say there probably
something else they can do for you. Humour me—let me take you to see Dr Bennett this afternoon.”




He cut me off as he stood, “I said no. You need to respect my decision.”

I pulled out my phone as he left the room. If he refused to go to the doctor, I’d bring the damn doctor to him.

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