Havoc (Storm MC #8) (16 page)

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Authors: Nina Levine

BOOK: Havoc (Storm MC #8)
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o they’re letting
you out today?” Scott said as he settled himself on the end of my hospital bed. He, J and Nash had arrived five minutes earlier and they’d all made themselves at home in the tiny room I’d called home for far too many days.

“Yeah, thank fuck,” I muttered. If I’d had to spend one more night in the hospital I would have gone crazy. Being cooped up in one place for any length of time tended to do that to me.

“I’m gonna drop in on your Dad this afternoon,” J said. “Make sure he’s doing okay.”

I had to give them credit, Storm had really come through for me and my family since I’d been in hospital. They’d checked up on not only me each day, but also Dad, and they’d gotten him home yesterday. Yvette had been called out of town for work so J had helped out.

“Thanks, brother,” I replied.

“Nothing you wouldn’t do for me,” he said. I wasn’t sure of that though. A few years ago I would have agreed, but I’d changed since then. Maybe not for the better.

I eyed Nash who stood at the end of the bed scowling. He hadn’t said a word since arriving. Hell, he’d hardly spoken to me since I’d regained consciousness days ago except to express his anger again over the fact I’d put Carla in danger.

“I heard from King this morning,” Scott said, dragging my attention from Nash. “He said to tell you to get better fast, he’s got more work coming up for you soon.”

Nash rested his hands on the bed and bent forward. “You planning on sticking around or are you gonna do what you do best and walk away from everything and everyone?” His hard voice vibrated around the room as he glared at me waiting for my answer.

I shifted in the bed and winced at the pain that shot through my body. “Do I look like I’m able to leave anytime soon?” I threw back, my voice just as harsh as his.

“I’m thinking long-term and I’m wondering just how long you plan on letting Carla think you’re gonna stay.”

“And I’m just thinking about getting through my recovery,” I snapped. My chest tightened at the same time my pulse quickened.

I don’t want to think about this.

“Let’s just take one thing at a time,” Scott suggested, his forehead creasing in a frown as he looked at Nash.

Nash pushed off from the end of the bed and took a step back, still glaring at me. “You need to get your shit figured out, Havoc, and fast because Carla’s investing herself in you now. She’s been at this fuckin’ hospital day in and day out, and she’s put her new job on hold all that time.” He raked his fingers through his hair before adding, “I knew this would fuckin’ happen!”

“Nothing has happened, Nash,” J said.

Nash threw his hand out in the air, gesturing at me while staring wildly at J. “Did you not see the way he wouldn’t commit to staying? That tells you every-fuckin-thing.”

“Coffee anyone?” We all turned to find Madison standing in the doorway holding four coffees.

“Thank fuck,” Scott muttered as he stalked to her.

Nash didn’t move. He remained at the end of the bed, his glare never leaving mine. No more words were exchanged but it was clear where we both stood.

The step forward we’d taken before I was stabbed had been erased and a step back had replaced it.

As much as he pissed me off, I knew he was right.

Carla was invested.

And I had to figure out my next move.

I wanted her in my life.

I just had to find out a way to make that work for both of us.

there and don’t move!”

I quirked a brow at Carla. “Bossy is fuckin’ hot on you, darlin’, but don’t get too used to it. Give me a week and I’ll be back to full strength.”

She placed her hand on her hip and hit me with a look that screamed her doubt. “Oh, really, Mr I’ve-Got-No-Fucking-Idea? The doctor said it will be around four weeks before you can even contemplate getting back on your bike, maybe longer. So I’m not sure how you think you’ll be back to your normal self in one week.”

I’d come home from hospital two days ago, a day after my father had also come home. Yvette had to go away for a week for work, so Carla had taken it upon herself to move in for the week to help Dad and me while we recovered. I hadn’t argued. The thought of having her with me twenty-four seven made me happy.

We were battling over my desire to help her cook dinner. I didn’t want her doing everything around the house, but that was exactly what she’d been doing for the past forty-eight hours.

I slid my hand around her waist and tried to pull her to me. Pain shot through my body and I did my best not to show it. When she moved closer, I said, “Do you really think it’s gonna take me that long to recover? Not fuckin’ likely.”

She placed her hands on my chest, being careful not to touch my wound and to only touch me very gently.

Fuck, she’s treating me with fucking kid gloves.

I hated that.

“Havoc, you’re not invincible. You have to let me help you for awhile.” Her voice was soft and reminded me that she was going through this too. I might have suffered the pain and would be the one to do the physical recovery, but she’d suffered the mental and emotional turmoil that went with it.

I dropped a kiss onto her lips. “Okay.”

Her eyes widened. “Why was that so easy?”

I chuckled. “Fuck knows.”

Dad entered the kitchen. “Is he giving you shit, sweetheart?”

Carla grinned. She and Dad hit it off the minute they met. They’d bonded over their mutual goal of making my life hell during my recovery. “He’s always giving me shit, Al.”

Dad nodded as he reached into the fridge for some juice. “Sounds like my son.”

I sat at the table where she’d told me to. “Pass me the potatoes. I’ll peel and chop them.”

“I’ve got this,” Carla said, clearly exasperated with me. “You just sit there and rest.”

I decided to give her that even though it went against every one of my instincts.

Dad sat with me because she’d made it clear to both of us that she didn’t want our help around the house while we recovered. The doctors had sent him home with instructions to improve his eating and exercise. He’d stopped caring about either of those things over the past couple of months. A psychologist had spent some time with him while in hospital. She confirmed my fears that he’d given up on life. I’d expected him to come home in a cranky mood, and he had, but it hadn’t lasted long. Carla had snapped him out of it pretty fast while I’d sat in awe of her skills.

“Heard that bed creakin’ last night,” he said. “Pretty sure the doc wouldn’t be too happy about that.” The old man always tried to stir shit up.

Carla threw me a wink and replied, “Al, for an old man you’ve got good hearing, but I can assure you Havoc wasn’t doing any of the work.”

“There was no fuckin’ work going on, darlin’, and that was the only problem about last night,” I grumbled. The doctor had given me strict instructions for no sex until at least my next appointment, which was in five days. They’d discuss it then and see how I was. I’d tried to talk Carla into a little action, but she was strictly following his orders.

“She’s just like your mother, son. No way would she go near my dick if the doctor told her not to. Bloody women.”

Carla laughed while I shook my head. “Dad, I’m all for sex and shit, but hearing about you and mum and your dick isn’t on my list of things I ever need to know.”

He shrugged. “Carla doesn’t seem to mind.”

“Nope, you talk about whatever you want, Al. I’m actually a bit surprised at your son. For a man who has the dirtiest mouth I’ve ever heard and all the right moves, you’d think he could talk about dicks till the cows come home.”

Dad grinned at me. Jerking his thumb at her, he said, “She’s a keeper, boy. You need a woman like her to keep you in line.”

I watched the smile spread across her face while Dad sat in front of me with a grin on his. For the first time in fuck knew how long, a sense of peace settled over me.

This was what happiness looked like.

I’d forgotten that somewhere along the way.

!” Carla pushed my hands away. “No sex!”

I groaned. “You got any idea how hard my dick has been for days?” It had been four days since I’d come home and she’d pushed me away every fucking night. My cock had been permanently hard the whole time. I’d whacked off in the shower that morning after she’d refused me again.

We were lying in bed and at my question, she sat and faced me. She eyed the bandages over my wound before giving me her gaze. “I’m lucky to even have the possibility of your dick, Havoc. You nearly died on me and that was one of the scariest things I’ve ever lived through. And up until that point, I hadn’t realised how much I wanted you in my life. You’re a closed-off, moody, bossy man who doesn’t fit into any life plan I’ve ever made for myself, but fuck, I realised I want to throw all those plans out the window and make
my new plan. And as for your complaints about no sex, I don’t care how much you grumble. I’m not going anywhere near your dick until the doctor tells you it's completely safe for me to do so.”

I soaked her words in.

Hell, she was fucking spectacular. And as much as I grumbled and carried on during my recovery at her tendency to fight me at every turn, I loved the shit out of the way she stood up to me.

A piece of her hair had fallen across her face so I pushed it behind her ear. “Who fuckin’ knew I’d love a bossy woman? I’m not down with a permanent hard-on that you won’t touch, but I love everything else you just said.”

A smile slowly worked its way across her face and she bit her lip. A moment ago, she’d passionately stood up to me and now she looked at me with a vulnerability that made me want her more than I already did.

“You do?”

Fuck, her doubt slayed me.

I ignored the pain it caused and moved to a sitting position. Jerking my chin, I indicated for her to straddle my lap, which she did, with reluctance. Running my finger down her cheek, I said, “I do. I know I can be a pain in the ass most days, but I want to be in any life plan you make. I’m figuring my shit out as we go but I want to be the man you need by your side while you’re out there kicking ass. I never saw this thing between us coming, but I’m sure as shit gonna do everything I can to keep it.”

She took hold of my hand that was near her cheek. “Me too,” she whispered.

I brushed a kiss across her lips. Her mouth opened and let me in. God, this had to be one of the best places in the world to be. Kissing Carla was almost as good for me as burying my dick in her. I loved the connection I felt when our lips joined.

She pulled away, breathless. “We need to stop or else neither of us are going to be able to.”

I grinned. “That was kinda my intention, angel.”

“I know.”

“Next time I’ll make sure my injury doesn’t prevent me from fucking you.”

Her body shook with laughter. “I’m pretty sure you think about your cock for about twenty-three hours of a day.”

“I’m pretty sure my cock is all
think about for those twenty-three hours too.”

“And why are you so sure about that? What proof do you have?”

I threaded my fingers through her hair. “I’m sure about that because you have the dirtiest mouth and mind of any woman I’ve ever met. It’s like you were made for me and if that’s the case, then I know the shit that runs through your mind.”

Her eyes searched mine. “Soul mates,” she whispered.

I’d never believed in soul mates, but I figured if there was ever a woman who’d been made as mine, it had to be her.

Carla close to lay a kiss on her before she left for the day. Cupping her pussy, I growled, “Tonight, angel. This is mine.” Fuck, it couldn’t come fast enough. I had my post-op ten-day follow up that day and the doctor would be giving her the permission she’d been holding out for.

Her eyes glazed over with the same desire I felt. “Havoc, he might say no.”

“I don’t give a flying fuck what he says. Tonight, I
be fucking my woman.”

She didn’t argue with me. Instead, she gave me another kiss and said, “I’ll be back by three to take you to your appointment. Don’t kill your father in the meantime.”

“Smartass.” I smacked her butt on her way out and then headed into the kitchen to see how Dad was going with his breakfast.

He looked up as I entered. “Carla gone?”

I nodded. “Yeah. What plans have you got for the day?”

“Nothing planned, son.”

I nodded towards his bowl of cereal that Carla had gotten him. “You gonna eat that?” His eating habits had improved but he still didn’t eat enough as far as I was concerned.

“I’m not hungry.” He pushed the bowl away.

I pushed it back towards him. “Dad, you need to eat.”

He scowled. “I’ll eat later.”

Frustration caused me to lose my shit. I slammed my hand down on the kitchen table. “Why have you given up?”

He didn’t even flinch. He just stared at me through sad eyes. Silence filled the room for a few minutes while we sat and watched each other. Eventually he said, “I miss her, Havoc.”


His words were honest and raw and I couldn’t fault him for his feelings.

I nodded. “I know. I miss her, too. But Yvette and I are still here and we need you.”

“No you don’t. You left and made a new life. Yvette’s got her woman and is making a life with her. You don’t need me.”

I rubbed the back of my neck. “Jesus, Dad, that’s not true.”

“Isn’t it? You left, Havoc. Without a backwards glance. That’s true.”

The resentment his words carried hit me in the gut. I’d never stopped to think about anyone when I left. My pain had been too great. “There was so much going on back then. Losing my business because my best friend screwed me over and stole from me was a kick in the guts I never thought I’d recover from, especially when I had to file for bankruptcy. I thought I had Kelly to fall back on, but then she walked away. That shit fucked with my mind, Dad. When Mum died, it killed me. I wanted to die. I wanted to give up, just like you are, but that’s not in me to do, so I gave up in every other way. I’m sorry I didn’t come to you and ask for the help I needed to get through that.”

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