Hawk (14 page)

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Authors: Patricia A. Rasey

BOOK: Hawk
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“And now?”

“I was so wrong. Had it not been for you, I would’ve never met Kane.” Cara smiled, a wicked gleam in her eye. “And I plan to pay you back. I’m going to help you get Kaleb. After what I witnessed last night, you had him tied in knots. I am positive he didn’t hook up with some willing club raver. You definitely pushed his buttons. Now, tell me about you and Ion.”

Toying with the cardboard sleeve on her cup, Suzi knew it was time to let the past go. “Ion was gay, Cara.”

“So? I’m not sure what that has to do with anything other than answer the question of whether the two of you dated.”

“Kane and Kaleb didn’t know. None of the Sons did. He didn’t want them to. He feared what they might think.”

“He didn’t even try to tell his father?”

“No. And he thought by hanging with me, then his secret would be safe.”

“What did Kane think about you dating Ion?”

“I’m not even sure he knew. To be honest, I don’t think Kane really knew I existed at all until the day at the Rave when I tried to sleep with him, the night we saw you when we came out of the Rave.”

Cara grimaced. “I remember. I was pretty jealous of you being with Kane.”

Suzi laughed. “Well, that was certainly unfounded. By then, Kane was already yours. He just didn’t know it.”

“He needed a little convincing.” She chuckled.

“Anyway, Kaleb did know I was with Ion. Only he thought I was Ion’s girlfriend. I never bothered correcting him because Ion wanted his secret kept. So when Ion went off to see his boyfriend, he probably just told his uncle he was going to see me. When Ion died, Kaleb took it upon himself to give me the bad news.”

“How’d that go?”

“That’s when he figured me to be a cold-hearted bitch. I didn’t cry, and he’s held that against me. Hell, I was so stunned I didn’t know how to react, so I just left. I had to be the one to tell Ion’s boyfriend. It killed me to have to deliver that kind of news. Kaleb never talked to me again and avoided me when we happened to be at the Blood ‘n’ Rave at the same time.”

Suzi took a shuttering breath. “I had to watch him parade woman after woman in front of me. I learned the easiest way to protect myself from the hurt was to hate him.”

“And now?”

A tear slipped past her lash. “I realize how much of a liar I’ve been.”

“You like him?”

“I think it’s much worse than that, Cara.” She smiled weakly, her lower lip trembling. “God help me, I think I’m in love with him. I’m afraid I always have been.”

Cara sat forward, holding her cup between her hands as her elbows rested on her knees. “Then, girlfriend, we’re about to teach Kaleb a lesson in Love 101. Besides, I still owe him for the way he’s treated me in the past. This should be fun watching him squirm. When we’re through, he’ll be begging for mercy.”









Chapter 14


The sound of a couple of V-Twin engines cut short, just before a knock sounded on the door. Cara had left the clubhouse a few hours earlier, giving them the privacy they needed to meet with the Knights’ president and vice president. Kane had messaged Cara, telling her to take the day out, not to return too soon as they had important club business to attend to. Not that women didn’t have their place with the Sons, but the MC was comprised of only men. When it came to club politics, then the women were to make themselves scarce. Besides, he had heard that Cara took her job back at the Sheriff’s Office. He knew because of her love for Kane that she would never jeopardize the MC, but he wasn’t about to take a chance that something might accidentally slip from her lips or put her in a situation where her ethics would be compromised.

Kaleb walked over to the old oak door and swung it inward. Red and Bird stood alone, as requested, on the stoop. He stepped back and invited them in. Grayson sat on the sofa, booted feet kicked up on the scarred coffee table, long arms outstretched along the back of the fabric sofa. His sunglasses perched on his head, holding back his overlong rich brown hair, his bright blue eyes undoubtedly not missing a thing. After their last meeting, Kaleb got the idea that there was no love lost between the once rival VPs. He couldn’t help wonder about the story behind it, or if Grayson simply did not like the man for any other reason than a conflict of personalities.

No matter, they had a deal with the Knights, and as such, Grayson would have to learn to tolerate the VP of their puppet club. There might come a day when the Sons would need to rely on their fellow bikers and Kaleb couldn’t allow the fragile bond to be broken over some personal shit Grayson had with Bird.

“Have a seat.” Kaleb indicated the unoccupied sofa.

As they did so, Kane skirted the bar and met them in the living area, taking his seat next to Grayson, who kept his icy-blue glare on Bird. To his credit, the man actually squirmed. He’d do well to remember Grayson would be a dangerous opponent, one who shouldn’t be fucked with. Though Grayson had an outward cavalier attitude, when provoked, he was one of the more dangerous Sons. The man was daring and feared no one. Grayson would never back down from a good fight. And as a matter of fact, Grayson always seemed to pick the biggest man in the fight, even if he wasn’t the largest of the Sons at his six-foot height.

“Thank you for coming by on such short notice, Red,” Kane said. “We certainly appreciate you keeping the rest of your men in the dark about this … due to the delicate subject.”

Red nodded. His beady-eyed gaze swept the room, stopping briefly on Grayson. He glanced back up at Kaleb. “According to Kane’s phone call, you somehow think the Knights are involved in a plot to take your life.”

Kaleb walked around the leather chair and sat on one of the arms, bracing his hands on his knees. “We have our suspicions.”

The pres looked at Kaleb, narrowing his gaze. “Care to elaborate why you think our word is not good enough, that we wouldn’t take this unification seriously?”

“There is no union, Red. You agreed to be our ally. That’s it.”

Kaleb paused, waiting for Red to respond. Other than his cheeks mottling red above the roughness of his beard, the Knights’ pres said nothing.

“You know that I was almost beheaded along with one of my men on a bogus run just over a week ago. Instead of it being me, we had two other fallen brothers to bury.”

“I’m aware of that.” He stroked the length of his red beard. “I thought we agreed that wasn’t the Knights’ doing.”

Kaleb’s gaze heated as he bit back his rising ire. His anger would gain them nothing. He knew the Knights were somehow involved. He felt it clear to his marrow. But that didn’t mean Red was aware of a rat within his MC as a member could easily have acted on his own. Rosalee always seemed to involve others in her machinations. First she had caused the death of Ion, followed by Alec Funar falling victim to her scheming. So the question was which of the Knights was guilty of helping Kane’s bitch of an ex and who would fall next due to her wrongdoing?

“We had another incident last night on this latest run. One that nearly cost me a couple more of my men. Luckily, Blondy saw the steel cable stretched across the back road beforehand and was able to warn Xander, who laid down his bike to avoid decapitation.” Kaleb steeled his jaw and grit his teeth to stave off the lengthening of his canines. “To say I’m pissed is putting it mildly.”

“What evidence do you have that it points to the Knights? What would we gain by taking your life?”

“Last night’s run was last minute, Red. No one else knew about it. We barely had time to contact the law to keep them across town,” Kaleb said. “Kane wasn’t even made aware of the run until later that evening when Xander and Blondy returned to the clubhouse, Xander sporting the rash from the road.”

“We have reason to believe the target is Hawk, Red,” Kane added. “No one knew that Hawk and Gypsy wouldn’t be riding out front … not even you. Only the Sons were informed right before they left the clubhouse to meet up with you. So whoever had the knowledge of the run, wouldn’t have known about the pres not being out front.”

Kaleb glanced to his right at Grayson, who still sat unmoving on the sofa, his eyes on Bird. To the Knights’ VP’s credit, he completely ignored Grayson’s antagonistic behavior. Kaleb meant to ask Grayson about it once the clubhouse cleared.

“Are you sure it isn’t one of your own?” Red looked to Kaleb, the slit in his beard inching up on the sides, the only indication that Red smiled and mocked Kaleb’s accusations.

Kaleb suddenly understood Grayson’s feelings toward the VP. He wasn’t liking the president of the rival group at the moment and wanted nothing more than to place his fist in the center of that bushy-ass beard of his and knock his smug block clean off his shoulders. No one ridiculed him. If the Knights’ president continued to scoff at Kaleb’s authority, then all of Kane’s work to get into bed with the MC would be for nothing. Although lucrative, they didn’t need the money from the guns or the puppet club in his opinion. For that matter, Kaleb could take over the guns and cut the Knights out completely if he so chose to. He didn’t need the Knights and wasn’t a fan of the pres or the VP at this point, no matter what Kane had to say about it.

“My men, aside from Kane, knew I wasn’t going to be there before the run even started, asshole,” Kaleb said, barely keeping his anger in check.

Kane cleared his throat, a good indication he didn’t like Kaleb’s behavior. Screw him. He may still be part of the Sons, but he had no voting rights. He loved his twin, trusted his opinion, but in this, he wasn’t so sure he agreed with Kane.

“The steel cable appeared after your boys crossed the state line and my two men had turned back. Who of your men were missing from the run, Red?”

He shook his head. “No one. All of them were accounted for that night. No one missed that run.”

“Then who left your side once you left Oregon and crossed the state line?” Kane asked.

Red looked at Kane. “Once we hit Washington, we spread out. My men, those without the guns, are instructed to fan out and keep the law off our backs.”

“So you would have no idea if all of your men followed instructions. In fact, it would be easy for any one of them to double back?” Kaleb asked.

“I suppose.” A muscle in Red’s cheek ticked. “But if your men turned at the border, how does my man get back down the road before your guys and find time to string steel cable across the road before they arrive?”

Kaleb supposed Red battled not wanting to believe his men could be capable of betraying the Sons, and in turn breaking his trust. It certainly was possible that someone within their ranks might not be happy going to bed with their one-time rival MC.

“We don’t believe your man is acting alone,” Kaleb said. “He has a partner. That person was waiting at a designated point. If your man drove faster than my men, it was easy enough for him to arrive before my men got there.”

“Again,” Red asked, “what proof do you offer? If I’m to accuse one of my men, then I need solid proof. So far you haven’t shown me anything but your assumptions.”

“If you ask me, I say this is bullshit.” Bird spoke up for the first time. “It’s also possible that you arrogant asses are too fucking blind to see the deception within your own ranks.”

Grayson sat forward, baring his teeth. Thankfully his fangs were retracted. “Why the hell would we want to see any of our own men dead, you son of a bitch? You best be careful with your accusations, asshole, or I might be affronted.”

Bird actually smiled, undoubtedly knowing he baited Grayson. “I don’t know, Gypsy. You not happy with Viper’s decision to bring the Knights on as a fucking puppet club? You want to take the hierarchy out of the equation? Chase the Knights back across the border? I don’t recall your neck ever being at jeopardy. Aren’t you supposed to have Hawk’s back?”

Grayson leapt over the coffee table effortlessly and wrapped the fingers of one hand around Bird’s scrawny neck, pinning him against the far wall. Red turned to see Bird hanging by his neck, the toes of his boots not quite touching the floor, gasping for air. Kaleb was damn close to allowing Grayson the pleasure. At the moment, though, Bird’s death wouldn’t do them well while wanting Red’s cooperation.

“Gypsy, release Bird,” Kaleb said.

The muscles in Grayson’s arms tightened. “No.”

“It wasn’t a suggestion, Gypsy. Release. Bird. Now.”

His broad back expanded with his deep intake of breath before he finally did as ordered. Bird dropped to the floor, his hand covering his throat as he wheezed for air. Kaleb figured he’d be hoarse for a few days, but otherwise unharmed.

Red’s eyes became angry slits as he turned back to Kaleb and Kane. “You get me proof that one of my men is a rat and I’ll personally take him out. In the meantime, I’ll feel out my men. See if any of them may have an ax to grind with the Sons.”

“Fuck,” Bird started before Red interrupted.

“Shut the hell up, Bird..” He didn’t once take his eyes from Kaleb’s. “If this turns out to be nothing more than empty accusations, you owe me.”

“I’ll owe you nothing, Red. You work for us, not the other way around.”

Kane stood and approached Red as the man stood. “If the shoe was on the other foot, Red, I’d personally take a look at my men. That’s all we’re asking. But if one of your men disrespects mine again, I’ll let him rip your man’s fucking head off. Now get the fuck out and call me when you have information.”

Red glared at him. “This isn’t over, Viper.”

“No, Red, not by a long shot.”

Red turned, collected Bird from his position by the wall, then slapped him behind the head as they left the clubhouse. “Show some fucking respect,” he grumbled at his VP, just before Kaleb shut the door on them.

He turned to Kane, anger radiating from him in waves. “Your men? Did you forget you’re no longer the president, brother?”

“Oh for crying out loud, Hawk, I meant nothing by it. Don’t let your ego outshine what’s important here.”

“And what’s that, Viper? Care to enlighten me?”

“We’re on very shaky ground here with the Knights.”

Kaleb’s brow furrowed. “You think I care? This gun run was your idea because you thought you might need help keeping an eye on your—”

“Careful, brother,” his twin warned. “She’s my mate.”

“So fucking sensitive.” He rolled his eyes. “When you thought Cara might be in danger. The threat is dead. The Knights are no longer needed.”

Kane pointed a forefinger at the floor. “The money is lucrative.”

“We make plenty at K&K with motorcycle sales and repairs.”

Grayson stood, walked over to the two brothers and smiled. They turned their heated gazes on the shorter man. “What?” they asked in unison.

“Why don’t you both shut the fuck up and let’s go get some tail?”

Kane smiled at Grayson’s well-timed interruption. “Cara would have your head, Gypsy, for even suggesting as much.”

He shrugged, unscathed. “Fine, you wait here for your little mate. Kaleb?”

He rubbed his brow. Hell, he hadn’t been laid in over a week. And after last night’s fiasco with Suzi, he certainly could use a good piece of ass. The problem? He wasn’t sure just any old bitch would do when all he could think about was getting inside a pretty little brunette. He best be careful, or he’d wind up exactly in the same position as his twin … whipped.

Kaleb sighed heavily. “What the hell, Gypsy. Let’s get out of here. I could use a good fucking.”

Grayson’s smile widened, his hand indicating the front of the clubhouse. “After you, brother.”

Kaleb grabbed his skull cap from a hook by the door and headed into the parking lot. Kane’s laughter followed him to his bike until he turned the key and started the engine, thankfully cutting off his brother’s mockery. Yeah, he needed to get laid in a bad way. Not waiting for Grayson, he kicked up his center stand and headed off down the road, the wind whipping his motorcycle cut behind him.

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