Hawk (15 page)

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Authors: Patricia A. Rasey

BOOK: Hawk
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Chapter 15


Kaleb stood by the bar, his back to the club ravers. Nine Inch Nails blared through the speakers, the heavy music fueling his dark mood. The night sure as shit hadn’t turned out how he had envisioned. He had wanted to let off steam, get away from the MC, let loose, party with some women.

Jesus! What the hell was wrong with him?

Grayson had no troubles at all getting busy. They had arrived at the club a few hours earlier. His VP spent little time finding a woman for each of them, not that Kaleb needed help. But Grayson knew Kaleb all too well, and the fact that a little brunette had him all tangled up inside. He couldn’t think straight with his dick pointing in one direction. The problem wasn’t that Grayson couldn’t find a passel of gorgeous women. Hell no—the two that Grayson had brought around were model material. But after about five minutes, Kaleb found himself uninterested and unmoved in the nether regions.

What was Suzi? Some sort of witch?

She certainly had cast a spell on him, no doubt about it. Kaleb had one of two choices, just as he had all those years ago after the first time he had fucked her. He knew then if he didn’t forget about her, act as if the night they shared had not happened, then he’d fall … and fall hard. Something about her tripped his every trigger. Kaleb knew what Kane must certainly feel for Cara, because he imagined it being the same for him if he ever allowed himself to care for Suzi. The way he looked at it, he had one of two choices. He either gave in, fucked her, and no doubt ruin his desire for any other woman. Or turn her loose and attempt to fuck her memory away between the thighs of any other willing woman.

Kaleb couldn’t keep feeding from her and keep his head about him.

It was that simple. Kaleb knew what he had to do. He wasn’t about to wind up like Kane. Not that Cara was that bad, if he were truly being honest. She worked well with his twin, complimented him even. She was his perfect other half. But he’d be damned if he ever told her that. He’d rather let her think he hated the ground she walked on, though at one point he certainly did. But times had changed and Kaleb was starting to warm up to her brassiness. After all, she was his brother’s mate and he could respect that. Kane deserved happiness, especially considering all he had gone through with Rosalee and losing Ion. One day he’d kill that bitch. He knew Kane wanted the honors. Nevertheless, his brother had too much to lose, now that he had the love of a good woman … and though he hated to admit as much, Cara was. He, on the other hand, had nothing to lose.

Kaleb tipped back his drink, draining the contents. Just as he set the glass back on the bar’s surface, Draven exited the storage room, skirted his bartender, and headed for Kaleb. He took off his top hat and set it on the bar.

“You need another drink?” Without waiting for an answer, he waved the bartender down, who quickly handed Kaleb another tumbler of Gentleman Jack. “You look like you could use it. Why aren’t you using the office upstairs instead of Gypsy?”

Kaleb’s gaze traveled to the curtained doorway that hid the stairwell. “I wasn’t in the mood.”

Draven toyed with the brim of his hat. “You weren’t in the mood,” he repeated, then looked up. “Since when? That damn office has been a revolving door between you and Kane for years. Now that Kane no longer needs it, seems Gypsy’s making himself at home up there.”

Kaleb chuckled. “I hope we aren’t cramping your style. You ever get to use your own office?”

The barkeep laughed with him. “When is it ever free to use? You guys seem like a permanent fixture. But no, it’s not a problem.”

Kaleb grinned. “Sorry, man. Didn’t mean to be a cock block.”

“Not at all. I have another office back in the storeroom.”


Draven shrugged. “Once Kane started using my office for his personal fuck space, I knew I needed my own place to … relax. So, I built another office off the backroom. That’s where I take my ladies.”

“Anyone special?” Kaleb couldn’t remember a time he had seen Draven with anyone.

“Oh, hell no. Variety’s my thing.”

Kaleb looked down at his glass and swirled the amber liquid. “Yeah. I used to think that myself.”

“What the hell happened to you, man?”

Scratching his nape, Kaleb winced. “I’m afraid it’s a little brunette I need to distance myself from.”

“Suzi Stevens?”

“You know her?” Kaleb’s heated gaze went to the barkeep. “How well?”

Draven laughed, holding up his hands. “Down, fang boy. I know all of the donors. But she is a cute little thing.”

His grip tightened on the glass, not acknowledging how incredibly hot he really thought she was. But since Draven brought her up, he’d bet the barkeep already knew his feelings on the matter. Not much seemed to slip by Draven.

“I take it you aren’t too happy about having a hard-on for her. She’s got you acting all out of character. I think you got more than your dick involved with this one.”

“No feelings involved, man,” Kaleb said, knowing full-well it was a lie.

He was in way too deep. He should be the one upstairs right now, relieving some tension. Instead, he stood here with the long-haired, brown-eyed barkeep who wore round, blue-tinted sunglasses perched on his nose and a soul-patch just beneath his lower lip, playing Dracula for heaven’s sake. Tonight, he must have decided to forgo the creepy red contacts.

Kaleb looked back to his whiskey. “I want to fuck her. No secret there.”

“If that was all there was to it, then you would. Why abstain? I’m thinking you have feelings for her. You know she’ll give you a run for your money, Hawk.”

“How so?” Kaleb asked, his chin coming back up.

“I’ve known Suzi for many years, my friend. Where a lot of these donors give you boys everything you’re looking for, Suzi doesn’t. Most of the Sons know that if they want to be fed, Suzi’s more than willing. Anything else … they look up another donor.”

His gaze narrowed. “Other club goers?”

Draven shrugged again. “I can’t be sure what happens outside of here, but Suzi… She’s a good girl.”


“I don’t normally fraternize with the donors.”

Kaleb let the fact slide that Draven hadn’t actually answered his question. “What about Ion?”

One of Draven’s brows rose. “Kane’s son? They hung together.”

“She fuck him?”

Draven shook his head, then chuckled. “Jesus, Hawk. You got it bad. Why not ask her yourself? I’ve already said too much. I need to protect my donors’ right to privacy as well.”

Kaleb motioned for the bartender to pour him a couple more fingers of the whiskey.

“All I’m saying, Hawk, is if you want that pretty little brunette, you best snatch her up before someone else does.”

“She already has a fiancé.” He sipped from his glass. “I’d say that’s pretty taken to me.”

“Lyle?” Draven laughed. “You aren’t too bright now are you?”

Kaleb’s gums ached as his fangs started to elongate. He tamped down his growing anger, knowing it wouldn’t do him any good to harm the barkeep for his insult. Draven was only calling them as he saw them, and at the moment Kaleb wasn’t exactly firing on all cylinders. Suzi Stevens had him so messed up, he couldn’t even keep his head on club business. He should be out there looking for the son of a bitch helping Rosalee, who was trying her damnedest to take his head. If he didn’t rid himself of the bitch soon, he might as well hand Rosalee his fucking head on a silver platter.

Draven picked up his hat from the bar. “Look, you do what you want, Hawk. No disrespect meant, but Lyle Murphy ain’t that girl’s type. She’s yours already. Anyone can see it in the way she looks at you. All you have to do is open up that stubborn heart of yours and take her.”

“What if I don’t want her?”

“Then let her go, man. Don’t string her along. She’s too sweet of a girl for that.”

Kaleb took another swallow from his glass. “She’s a cold-hearted bitch,” he mumbled more in an effort to convince himself.

“Says you.” Draven placed the hat on his head. “Enjoy your evening, Hawk.”

The barkeep disappeared through the backroom swinging doors, leaving Kaleb to his misery. He tapped the bar for another drink. When the bartender brought the Gentleman Jack over to pour him another half glass, Kaleb took the bottle from him.

“Leave it, man. I’m going to need it.”


* * *


Kaleb dragged his tired ass back to the clubhouse. He had left a message with the bartender to let Grayson know that he had called it a night. It probably wasn’t smart to be traveling by himself knowing that not only did Rosalee want his head separated from his shoulders, but a good possibility that one of the Knights did too. He pulled his chopper into the gravel parking lot, kicked down the center stand and sat on his bike, staring at the clubhouse entrance.

Hanging his skull cap on the handle bars of his bike, he dragged a hand through his hair and expelled the breath he held. What the hell was he waiting for? Hoping no doubt that Cara and Kane had made themselves scarce so he could have a moment’s peace and quiet. Christ, he didn’t think he could handle listening to those two going at it until the wee hours of the morning. Truth be told, he was still horny as fuck and hearing their pleasure would only heighten what he felt. Kaleb stepped over the seat of his bike, suddenly wishing he had taken Grayson up on the model material he had presented. Hell, he could’ve just closed his eyes.

A flash of red caught his eye. Kaleb turned to see a small red Neon parked adjacent to the building. “Ah hell!” he exclaimed.

His night had just taken a turn for the worse, if that were indeed possible. If he got through the remainder of his night without having Suzi Stevens horizontal beneath him, while he pumped into her like a crazed vampire, it would be nothing short of a miracle. Kane and Cara needed to get their own digs. If listening to their nightly screwing wasn’t enough, bringing her best friend into his home certainly proved they needed to move. He had half a mind to turn his bike back around and head the hell for the hills. He needed to clear his thoughts before seeing Suzi, no doubt about it. But the threat of losing his head had him moving toward the clubhouse instead. Maybe, with any luck, they’d ignore him. He could take an ice cold shower and hit his bed with a pair of Bose headphones and his music cranked to drown out the sound of her voice.

That would certainly work, but how the hell was he going to stop her scent from driving him to the brink of insanity?

Kaleb took in a deep breath and continued toward the entrance, his boots crunching across the gravel. He could hear the muted conversation through the door, and if he really tried, he could actually pick up every word. The fear of not liking what might be said behind his back had him swinging the door inward and ceasing all conversation as he stepped into the room.

A large smile he did not feel curved his cheeks, though he’d much rather go postal on Cara for bringing Suzi into his home. What the hell was she thinking?

“Waiting on me?” Kaleb asked. “I could use a couple more fifths of whiskey. Who’s with me?”

“Hawk,” Kane warned, from his position beside Cara on the sofa.

Suzi sat across from them, her feet tucked beneath her, making her appear even smaller than her five-foot-two self. Her fingers toyed with a strand of dark hair by her ear, twirling it around her index finger, looking as nervous as a whore in church. Rather than approach the three of them, Kaleb walked behind the bar and grabbed a fifth of whiskey. Having his blood regenerate at such a rapid rate that he couldn’t feel more than a slight buzz at any given time normally served him well. This wasn’t one of those times. How he wished he could drink himself into a stupor.

“Where’s Gypsy?” Kane asked.

Kaleb knocked back two fingers, then wiped the back of his hand across his mouth. “I left him at the Rave. Last I saw he was headed up to Draven’s office with a blonde on one arm and a brunette on the other.”

Kane baited him. “And you came home?”

Kaleb’s gaze went to Suzi’s, pinning her to the sofa. He could hear her slight intake of air. “I wasn’t interested.”

“Really? Going soft, little brother?”

“Not a chance, Viper. Just wasn’t anyone there I was interested in fucking,” he said, not taking his eyes off Suzi’s. To her credit, she held his stare.

If Suzi intended on visiting her high school classmate here, then she better develop thick skin because he wasn’t about to go easy on her. The last vision he had of her was on her knees. By the look on her face, he’d bet her own thoughts traveled to the previous night and how she left him in a very high state of arousal. His nostrils flared. In fact, he knew damn well the thoughts running through her mind, if her scent was any indication. Kane and Cara no doubt picked up on the fact that Kaleb easily affected the little brunette as well. If Cara was smart, she’d get her friend the hell out of the clubhouse and as far away from him as possible.


* * *

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