Hawk (4 page)

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Authors: Patricia A. Rasey

BOOK: Hawk
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“Aren’t you just a sexy thing,” she said as Kaleb noted the vial about her neck. She must’ve been fairly new to the society of donors as he didn’t recognize her from the club.

“Hit the road, darlin’. I’m really not in the mood for company right now.”

She approached Kaleb, her fingers trailing over his pecs and down his abs. “Are you sure? I could possibly assist you with your hunger … be it blood or something a bit more intimate.”

He gripped her fingers to keep them from sliding farther south. “Sorry, I’m not in the market for a donor.”

“How about friends with benefits?”

“First, I’m not your friend. And second, I don’t need a fuck buddy.”

“That’s too bad.” She smiled. “I would’ve liked to have had a little fun with you. Maybe another time?”

Grayson emerged from his room with a yawn. She looked back at his MC brother and winked. “See you later, sweets. Call me?”

“Go home, Shel. If I need you, I know where the hell to find you.”

Not in the least put off by his crude send-off, she walked to the door, then turned back and kissed the air. Kaleb shook his head. No ego issues that one.

Kaleb turned his attention to Grayson. “Where the hell do you find them?”

Grayson offered a sheepish grin, then headed for the bar and pulled down a bottle of Jack. “Shot?”

Kaleb shook his head. “Shower first, then you and I have a couple of bodies we need to prepare for a proper send-off.” Just before he shut the door, he looked back at Grayson. “By the way, Viper will soon be heading home.”

“Where the hell’s he been?”

“Italy. Went to see Mircea.”

“No shit?”

Kaleb shut the door, turned on the water and stepped beneath the steaming showerhead. He thought of the offer the little blonde had made. It’s not that he couldn’t have used the sexual release, but there was only one woman who had his attention at the moment, and he be damned if he knew what to do about it.









Chapter 4


Suzi stared at her reflection in the mirror. She looked like she had been run through hell and back. After returning from the Blood ‘n’ Rave following her confrontation with Kaleb, she hadn’t been able to get much, if any, sleep. She had found herself tossing and turning until the first rays of dawn peeked through the white wooden slats of her blinds. She really hadn’t thought about the light color before, but in hindsight, maybe she should’ve purchased room-darkening shades. So instead of sleeping until noon as she had desired, she crawled out of bed and started the coffee … fully leaded.

That was six hours ago.

Nearly a full pot later and she had finally decided to step under the shower. Standing in a black lace, matching bra and panty ensemble, Suzi stared her reflection and the twin holes marring her otherwise unblemished skin of her neck. The bastard could’ve aided in the healing by simply licking the wounds following the retraction of his teeth, leaving nothing more than faint red marks today. But no, he had felt the need to mark her, and in turn, cause her to suffer the irritation. And far worse, she knew he wanted her to think of him every time she looked in the mirror or rubbed the aching twin holes. His ego governed his actions. She’d have to wear a scarf wrapped about her neck when she made a much needed trip to the store. Thankfully, she had the day off from work. Try explaining away the telltale sign of vampires to her coworkers.

Really, anaconda bite. You should have seen the size of that sucker.

Disgusted with Kaleb and herself for being foolish enough to track him down, she stepped into a pair of dark blue, straight-legged jeans and pulled them over her slim hips, fastening the button. Suzi grabbed a maroon pullover from the hanger and slipped it over her drying hair. The blouse hung loose past her waist to cover her backside. Normally she preferred clothes with a bit more flash. Today, however, she preferred to grocery shop unnoticed. Had it not been for the lack of food in the house, she wouldn’t even leave the townhouse and sulk otherwise in private.

Hell, she had asked for this.

Whatever made her think she could go up against Kaleb Tepes and not get hurt in the process? Technically, other than the sting of the bite marks and her wounded pride, he hadn’t exactly caused her real pain. Though eventually, the son of a bitch would hurt her and no doubt break her heart if she were ever foolish enough to drop her guard. Kaleb was a selfish bastard who loved no one other than his family and MC. He went through women like water through a sieve. And for that reason alone, she had worked damn hard over the years to ignore his existence. Well, other than her one night of weakness when she thought to proposition his twin, Kane. What better way to make Kaleb seethe than to sleep with his brother? But Suzi’s plan hadn’t worked and Kane had turned her down flat. The vampire had not been available to her, or anyone for that matter, because he had actually been in love with her best friend from high school, Cara Brahnam, though at the time he hadn’t been aware of it.

When it came to Kaleb Tepes, Suzi was way out of her league. So keeping her distance had become a priority to protect her vulnerable heart. In the end, the one thing that had worked in her favor and earned her his scorn was his nephew Ion Tepes. Kaleb made it obvious he resented her affair with Ion and wanted nothing to do with her. And of course, she had never bothered to share what her true relationship with his brother’s son had been. Certainly, she had loved Ion the way a sister loved a brother. They spent a great deal of time together, giving her many wonderful memories following his death. She had been a donor for Ion on several occasions when a lover hadn’t been available to him, but the feeding had always been plutonic in nature. Suzi was of the wrong sex to entice Ion on any other level and Ion appreciated having Suzi as a buffer. As long as his father, mother, and uncle, not to mention the rest of the Sons thought that Suzi was his old lady, then no one would guess the real truth.

Suzi had taken his secret to the grave.

It had never been hers to tell in the first place.

The door to townhouse opened, then shut, indicating Tamera had probably finished her day at the
Florence Times
. Tamera started there as a journalist several months back, finally landing her dream job. Though now she spent her days covering social events about the city, and waiting for the day they actually gave her a juicy assignment worthy of the front page.

Grabbing her silk scarf from the bathroom doorknob, where she had hung it as she finished dressing, Suzi headed down the narrow staircase for the living area where she found Tamera putting on a new pot of coffee.

“Hey,” Suzi said as she dropped her scarf by her pocketbook on an end table next to the worn, brown leather sofa.

Tamera turned and smiled, her green eyes turning up at the corners. “How did last night go?”

Suzi pulled out a stool next to the center island and sat, leaning her chin onto her palm. “I’ll take one of those when you get the pot made.”

“Bad night?”

“First clue?”

Tamera laughed. “Your mood. I take it things didn’t go well with Hawk.”

“You would be correct.”

Her roommate’s gaze landed on the red wounds on Suzi’s neck. “Wow, I thought you’d given up on feeding those bloody vampires. Your words, not mine,” she quickly added.

“Yeah, well apparently Hawk decided to change my mind.”

“You okay with that?”

Suzi shook her head. “Not that he cares.”

“You want to talk about it?” Tamera took a seat beside Suzi, the coffeepot beginning to gurgle.

Coffee always seemed to perk her up. But after the pot she had already consumed, if she didn’t put something in her stomach, she’d wind up with caffeine shakes to rival all others. Suzi grabbed a banana from the basket on the island, peeled it and took a bite.

Finally she said, “Hawk decided I should be his personal donor.”

“Are you serious? You told him to go fly a kite, right?”

“I tried. But according to him, his desires trump mine.” Suzi took another bite of the banana.

“You think I should take this to Draven?”

Draven, the infamous owner of the Blood ‘n’ Rave, headed the donor society, put into place by the Sons themselves as someone who had their complete trust. It was his job to make sure all donors kept the rules without question, and his to hand out justice or discipline should he or the Sons see need. No one became a donor without Draven’s approval.

“Absolutely not,” Suzi said, tossing the banana peel into the trashcan behind her. “I’m not exactly on good terms with Draven. After I thought to retire myself six months ago, following the debacle with Viper, he’s hardly spoken to me. I know darn well he’d side with Hawk. After all, he answers to him. What do you think?”

“I’d say you’re right. Hawk wants you as a personal drinking fountain. You don’t have much of a choice in the matter.”

Tamera stood and walked back over to the coffeepot, pouring them each a cup. She carried them back to the island and placed Suzi’s in front of her before adding a heavy dose of cream and bit of sugar into her own. She then retook her seat and patted Suzi’s hand, noting the solitaire still present on Suzi’s ring finger.

“I take it the ring didn’t dissuade him?”

Suzi held out her left hand and looked at the sparkling carat, then groaned. “I completely forgot that I wore it and I don’t think Hawk noticed either. At least he didn’t mention it.” Her lips turned down. “I’m sure it wouldn’t have mattered much in his decision. But I’ll keep it on for the time being. He’s bound to notice it sooner or later. Maybe with luck on my side, it will have him recanting his demand.”

“I’m here for you, Suzi. Anytime you need someone to talk to. You know that.”

Suzi nodded, knowing the hopelessness of the situation. If the president of the Sons of Sangue wanted to feed from you, then you complied without question. She blew across the surface of the coffee, causing ripples to form before taking a sip.

“Excellent coffee.”

“Of course.” Tamera smiled again. “You make yours far too weak. So what’s on the agenda for today? You look like you were on your way out.”

“I was going to run to the store, stock up on some groceries. We’re running pretty low. Otherwise, I’m staying in. Not like I want to run around town with this.” Suzi indicated the twin marks on her neck.

Tamera grimaced. “So why did Hawk choose to leave them?”

“Undoubtedly his ego.”

“They look sore.”

“They hurt like hell … the bastard.”

“You want some salve?”

“No, unfortunately I’ll live. But I
make him regret his decision to claim me as his personal donor. I’ll make him so miserable he’ll beg me back to retirement.”

“That’s my girl. Don’t let him get away with being an ass.” Tamera winked. “Now, about those groceries. How about I go change into something a little more casual and go with you? We’ll buy some wine, rent a movie, and have a movie night. Spend the evening in with a huge bowl of popcorn. What do you say?”

“Sounds like an awesome idea.”

“I’ll only be a moment.” Tamera placed her coffee cup into the sink, then headed for the second story of the townhouse.

Spending the night watching movies and getting her mind off Kaleb seemed like a perfect way to lift her spirits and get her mind off one pig-headed vampire.

“Let’s rent
What’s Your Number?”
she called out so Tamera could hear her on the second floor. “I could stand to watch Chris Evans run around half nude for about an hour and a half. That man tickles my libido.”

And if she were perfectly honest with herself, so did Kaleb, but she’d be damned before she’d admit as much to him.

“Perfect.” Tamera laughed as she descended the stairs, handbag in her hand. “Love that movie. Chris Evans is the perfect distraction to an otherwise crummy day.”

Suzi wrapped her scarf about her neck and grabbed her own pocketbook. “Let’s go get us that movie and a very big bottle of wine,” she said with a smile as they headed out of the townhouse and down the front steps. Kaleb Tepes be damned.


* * *


Kaleb sat alone in the meeting room of the clubhouse at one end of the long table, his finger absently tracing a scar on the wood as he awaited the rest of the MCs arrival, and contemplated the previous evening and his foolhardy demand. Suzi had stood twenty feet in front of him like a fallen angel, a healing balm to the gaping wound left by the death of his two MC brothers. The concern lacing her vivid-blue eyes had the power to undo him, to unravel the carefully thatched barrier he had constructed to guard his heart. He had made a promise to himself years ago that no woman would ever hold the reins to his happiness. Kaleb had watched what Rosalee had done to his twin, nearly destroying Kane when her actions had caused the death of his only son and vowed that he’d never allow any woman to have that kind of power over him … ever.

His first instinct had been to leap across the bar, feed from her, taste the ambrosia of her blood, then fuck her until he no longer cared that she had once belonged to his late nephew. Kaleb had fought with every fiber of his being not to act on pure animal instinct. So instead of taking her against the bar as he desired, he set out to piss her off, to earn her scorn so that she would never again look upon him with pity, concern for his well-being. He needed her hatred to hold her at bay. Her anger he could handle in the worst of days, but her compassion and empathy were best left to someone else.

Oh, he detested Suzi all right, hated the space she took up in his universe. His nephew had died a horrible death and Kaleb had felt as if a part of him had died with Ion. He couldn’t imagine the anguish his brother felt, nor did he want to. He wasn’t even sure what he expected out of Suzi, but the blank, ice-filled stare wasn’t it. Not a single tear had been shed, as if Ion’s life had meant nothing to her. Kaleb had known then and there that Suzi Stevens’ was a cold-hearted bitch.

And although he had slept with her once, long before Ion, his dick never failed to remind him how damn much he wanted another taste. She was like nectar to a honeybee. Suzi had been a mere eighteen years old at the time. Young, impressionable and provocative as sin. He’d never forgotten how they had laid in each other’s arms, her dark hair bedridden and sexy as hell as she nipped his shoulder with her teeth and begged him to drink from her. Jesus, no woman had ever had that kind of affect on him. Suzi had a firm hold on his nuts and it scared the hell out of him. Women made you all stupid in the head. Kane and Cara lay proof to that. Kane broke all the rules because of the woman he loved. Hell no. He’d never give Suzi that kind of power over him. So instead, he’d set out to piss her off any chance he got.

His mind traveled back to the kiss they shared six months ago, the one that had him crawling on the back of his chopper and heading out in the middle of the night. Kane had promised to protect her and Cara from the primordial that had landed in Pleasant … but Kaleb hadn’t offered his services. And he’d be damned if he trusted himself enough to stay under the same roof with Suzi. So like the coward he was, Kaleb rode off into the night and prayed she’d be absent upon his return. Some higher power had been listening and granted him his wish. Suzi had been gone when he arrived back at the clubhouse long hours later. He hadn’t laid eyes on her again until last night … when he had been at his weakest. Now, he was strapped to her, forced to see her every few days because he was stupid enough to think that demanding she be his personal donor would be punishment for her. Kaleb ran a hand down his face. Punishment to her it might be … but for him it’d be pure torture.

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