Hay and Heartbreak (10 page)

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Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Hay and Heartbreak
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Dan sucked on Hector’s tongue and rubbed his cock against Hector’s thick thigh, which was once again pushed between Dan’s legs. It felt amazing to be able to chase after his own pleasure with another man, while also seeking to bring pleasure.

Dan’s entire body buzzed with need. He kept making guttural, needy noises, ones that tore up from the core of him and exposed his aching desire as surely as if he’d described it in written word.

Hector used the hand on Dan’s ass to push and encourage him to rut, and Dan didn’t hesitate. He moved his hips faster, enjoying the friction against his cock and balls. It wasn’t enough to make him come, not yet at least, but it was damned good.

He wanted, needed, as he’d never believed possible. Dan nipped at Hector’s tongue, then his lips, not seeking to cause any pain, only trying to convey the growing urgency for something

Hector cupped the back of Dan’s head and held him still for a deep, demanding kiss, his tongue mapping out every bit of Dan’s mouth. He pressed Dan’s tongue down and tugged on Dan’s hair, tipping his head to the left.

Dan gave him complete control. He wanted Hector to lead, to show him how it worked between two men who wanted each other equally. Mosh had been about protection and control, showing everyone that Dan was his property, not a lover. It’d kept Dan safe from others, and before Mosh there had only been a couple of boys Dan had experimented with.

But this thing with Hector was about raw, unerring desire burning bright and hot, shared between them. Never before had anything felt so right to Dan.

Hector sucked on Dan’s bottom lip then began kissing and licking his jawline—and possibly leaving a love bite here and there. Dan didn’t care. He wouldn’t have given two shits if everyone in the world saw that Hector had marked him up. It was good and true—passion left to run wild.

“I wanna suck you,” Hector said, his voice as rough as gravel. “Can I?”

Dan’s eyes would have crossed had he not closed them. “I—I want to—” He had to ask for what he wanted. He
to. “I want to suck you, too.”

“That’s not something I’ll ever say no to.” Hector stepped back. “Strip for me, sweetheart.”

“Sweetheart?” Dan’s heart fluttered much like his belly had minutes earlier.

Hector glanced down right at him. “Yeah. Fits you, so sweet, Dan.”

Dan thought Hector’s cheeks were a little ruddy. Maybe he hadn’t intended to admit to the endearment holding any meaning. That little thing Dan recognized as hope joined his heart in a sweet, rhythmic beat. He didn’t examine what it was he hoped for, only enjoyed the sensation of believing in something intangible.

And he didn’t have time to dwell on it because Hector kissed him again then pulled Dan’s shirt off.

“Gotta touch you,” Hector said.

Dan tugged on Hector’s shirt. “This needs to go. All of it needs to go.”

Hector moved back again. “I’ve got a blanket here.” He turned and a moment later, had a blanket in hand. “Tied it behind my saddle.”

Dan hadn’t even noticed the rolled up material until then.

Hector walked away from the horse. “Over here. I don’t want Vil sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong.”

“Me neither,” Dan muttered. That didn’t even bear thinking about.

Hector stopped and spread the blanket out on the grass. The sun was still out, and the idea of making love outside in the open, in such a beautiful setting, thrilled Dan.

Not making love. Shit. What am I thinking?
Before he could dwell on it, Hector sat down and began taking his boots off.

Dan tucked aside any worries. He sat and removed his boots and socks. He and Hector skimmed off their jeans and briefs. Dan licked his lips as he studied Hector’s long, thick cock and his plump balls.

“Come over here,” Hector said, lying back and holding one arm out toward Dan.

Dan didn’t hesitate. He crawled over to Hector, their gazes locked together. It was almost chilly now that Dan was naked, but the instant he touched Hector, warmth chased off any hint of cold. “I want—” Dan began, only to stop because he wanted so many things, he couldn’t choose just one.

Hector pulled Dan down into his arms, wiggling a little until Dan was lying on top of him. “Whatever you want, you got it.”

Dan wanted a kiss. He was quickly learning that he couldn’t get enough of them. His lips felt swollen and hot, almost chapped, and yet he craved more kisses.

So that was where he started, pressing his lips to Hector’s.

Hector placed his hands on Dan’s ass and began to knead his cheeks.

Dan’s cock let loose a dribble of pre-cum as his excitement increased. Hector made that wonderful rumbling sound again, then he rolled them over.

Dan parted his legs. His hole ached to be filled, and he clenched his ass.

Hector still had his hands on Dan’s butt. He squeezed it, and Dan arched, wanting
more, harder,
proof of Hector’s possession in fingerprint bruises left behind.

Hector nipped at Dan’s neck, then said, “Tell me if I’m too rough.”

Dan doubted that was possible. Speaking was beyond him, however. He bit his lips to keep back a moan as Hector sucked a spot up on his neck. Then Hector slid down and raked his teeth over Dan’s left nipple.

Dan almost came up to a sitting position, he was so shocked by the pleasure that jetted out from that.

“Sensitive,” Hector observed before bringing his hands up to Dan’s tits, where he began pinching and tweaking his nipples.

“God! Shit,” Dan ground out, eyes rolling before he closed them completely. He held on to Hector, one hand in his hair, the other on his arm, and Dan was certain he’d have floated off on a glorious cloud of bliss had Hector not been pressing on his tits, working the little nubs into stiffer, harder peaks.

Dan moaned, the sound torn from him when Hector lapped at first the left then the right one. He bent his legs and planted his heels close to his butt so he could thrust against Hector’s groin.

Hector flicked Dan’s nipples again then licked a straight line to his belly, not stopping until he’d slid all the way down and propped Dan’s legs on his shoulders.

Dan gasped for air and opened his eyes just as he felt Hector once again cupping his ass. Then Hector spread Dan’s cheeks.

“What—” was all Dan managed to say before he yelped as Hector licked from beneath his balls to his hole.

Dan’s head spun and he clutched at the blanket, uncertain what to do.

Then Hector told him, “Relax. Enjoy it. I’m sure as fuck going to.”

Dan stopped holding himself so tightly. Every lick over his pucker relaxed him even more. Hector prodded that opening with his tongue until it gave way, and Dan moaned again, wishing he could see Hector rimming him.

Hector did it with enthusiasm, not bothering to be quiet. He moaned and cursed, praised Dan’s ass, how tight and hot and perfect it was. He licked and sucked on the skin above Dan’s hole until Dan cried out and grabbed the base of his cock, afraid he was about to come.

Then Hector pushed his tongue into Dan’s ass and fucked him with it for several long minutes.

When he stopped, Dan couldn’t even protest, he was so weak from the pleasure of it. Hector’s mouth around the tip of his dick sent a jolt through Dan that curled in his balls and had them drawing up tight.

“Hec—Hector,” Dan whispered, tossing his head as he reached for down to touch the man sucking his cock.

Hector hummed and brushed his tongue over Dan’s slit.

“Oh God!” Dan pressed his butt against the blanket, trying not to thrust.

Hector pulled off with a slurp. “Do it. I can take whatever you wanna give me.”

Dan didn’t know what he wanted. He’d had his dick sucked exactly once before, before he’d been arrested.

This was nothing like that. Hector swooped down, his hot, wet mouth and the suction from it shattering Dan like nothing ever had. He shouted as he grabbed onto Hector’s shoulder and thrust.

Hector swallowed and Dan couldn’t hold back his climax any more than he could turn into a bird and fly away. He came and came until he thought he was going to pass out while Hector hummed and licked and sucked him dry.

It could have been seconds or minutes later that Dan was able to think. The first thing he did was trying to sit up. “Let me—”

Hector was on him in an instant, straddling his chest. “Like this okay?”

Dan licked his lips, wetting them as he eyed Hector’s dick. It was uncut and thick, and gorgeous, with pre-cum glistening on the head. “Yeah. Give it to me.”

Hector groaned and used one hand to guide his cock to Dan’s mouth. With the other, he supported Dan’s neck, holding it from behind. Then Hector pushed in, slow and steady.

Dan watched Hector’s expression as he sucked and flicked his tongue around the tip of Hector’s shaft.

“Jesus, sweetheart,” Hector muttered before he panted. “Fuck. Oh my God!”

Sucking dick was something Dan had had plenty of practice at, and he knew he was good at it. He put everything he had into pleasing Hector—

Hector spread his legs wider, his knees beneath Dan’s arms, and he bowed his back, pressing his cock deeper into Dan’s mouth.

When it breached Dan’s throat, Dan swallowed rapidly, knowing the fluttering sensation would drive Hector wild.

It did. Hector bellowed and began to fuck Dan’s face like a man desperate for his orgasm.

It was perfection, being wanted so badly, knowing he’d pushed Hector to the brink of control, then right over that ledge into chaotic bliss.

Hector’s hand on Dan’s nape was something to be enjoyed, along with the slap of his balls against Dan’s chin and the string of curses falling from Hector’s mouth. He thrust in hard then withdrew only to push his shaft in a few inches and flood Dan’s tongue with spunk.

The bitter, salty taste was everything Dan craved. He swallowed eagerly, not wanting any to escape his mouth.

“Fuck,” Hector said. “Fuck, look at you.” He traced Dan’s top lip. “I could get used—” He stopped talking and pressed his lips together.

Dan soared on that almost-confession as much as he flew because of what had transpired between them. He felt the same way, too, and
could get used to having sex with Hector, watching his face as he came, listening to the sounds he made, feeling the ripple of muscle under smooth skin.

But Dan didn’t make that confession, and Hector didn’t finish what he’d been about to say.


Chapter Eight




Why in the world he felt like he was about to face a firing squad, Dan had no idea. It wasn’t like he and Hector had anything to be ashamed of. They were adults, and not the only ones in the bunkhouse hooking up.

Even so, he lay in bed and listened to everyone else moving around, getting ready to go to work. He and Hector had returned after dark, and there’d been some teasing, though not much, when they’d come into the bunkhouse.

Dan had showered off and fixed them a couple of sandwiches and some chips. After they’d eaten, they’d gone to their separate rooms.

That hadn’t lasted all night. Once he’d been certain everyone else was asleep or otherwise occupied, Dan had gotten up and crept to Hector’s room. He’d spent a few hours in Hector’s bed. They’d jacked each other off, and after a nap, they’d sucked each other off again. Afterward, he and Hector had curled up together in a way that was comforting to Dan.

Once Hector had started snoring softly, Dan had snuck back to his room. He hadn’t wanted to overstay his welcome, and that’s what he and Hector had agreed to anyways—Dan going back to his room, not sleeping all night with Hector.

But Dan had wanted to. He was growing attached to Hector at an alarming speed.

Might be wise to slow things down before I get hurt.
Groaning, Dan rolled to his side, facing the wall. His emotions were stunted, that’s what he concluded, stuck at a seventeen-year-old boy’s level. That was why he was falling so fast for Hector. If Hector had any idea how clingy Dan was feeling, he’d run for the hills.

“For the mountains,” Dan muttered.
God, get your shit together, moron.

A knock on the door had him debating the wisdom of playing possum and refusing to answer. He decided that would cause more talk or knocking, or both. “Just a sec,” he called out, resigning himself to getting up and facing the day. It was stupid to be embarrassed anyway, and that was part of his problem. He knew everyone in the bunkhouse would have figured out what he and Hector had been up to. Living in such close quarters, it was probably impossible to have secrets, especially sexual ones like who a person hooked up with.

“I’ve got you a cup of coffee.”

Hector’s deep voice had Dan’s cock perking up. “Th-thanks.” He swiped a hand over his face and winced. He hadn’t even brushed his teeth yet. Well, he doubted that Hector was going to kiss him anyway.

Dan got up and walked to the door. He unlocked the knob then let Hector in. “Hey.” The man was more attractive every time Dan saw him.

And Hector smelled like toothpaste and soap—and coffee, which he handed over.

Dan smelled like he’d been rolling around in bed with a lover. He took the coffee. “Thanks,” Dan said again. “Um. Come in?” He wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do or say, but he took a step back to make room.

Hector beamed at him and kissed Dan’s cheek when he strode past.

“Morning, sunshine,” Hector said, moving right behind Dan and wrapping his arms around Dan’s waist. “Thought you were going to try hiding out until after I left, and I really wanted to see you. I’ve got to ride out with Curt to check on one of the line shacks and do a little looking around. Rocky said she thought she saw unfamiliar tracks leading out that way, so I’ll be gone probably until tomorrow evening.”

Dan’s disappointment shouldn’t have been so keen.
It’ll be good for us to be apart. Give me time to get my head right.
“Is it safe to send just two people out there? What if someone’s squatting in that shack?” He didn’t know what a line shack was, he just wanted Hector to be safe.

Hector nuzzled the side of Dan’s neck. “Mmm, s’gonna be fine. I doubt anyone’s out there. Rocky isn’t the best tracker, and she could be wrong. Probably is.” He chuckled. “Don’t tell her I said that. She’ll beat the tar out of me.”

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