Healing Hands (13 page)

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Authors: E.S Hoy

BOOK: Healing Hands
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Monday dawned Marcus had left already after a little more snogging, Sophie showered and threw
on jeans and a t shirt her converse pumps and brushed her tangled hair into a ponytail, she
grabbed her mobile and noticed four missed calls and a message, a journalist by the sounds of it
he had texted her his name asking her to contact him a Jake Saunders, she rang her mum to check

him out “Sophie he is the worst kind of hack don't give him the time of day, I can't think why he
would be bothering you, how the hell did he get your number, sweetie don't respond I will try and
get rid of him for you” Sophie thought her mum had over reacted but she deleted the message
Sophie loved her office the view was distracting but the peace and quiet was fab, she had felt a bit
panicky walking there on her own but she did it and felt proud. Marcus texted her a few times
checking she was OK, and Jake Saunders tried her another twelve times, it was starting to annoy
her so she put it on silent, she worked through until 5pm and John was thrilled with her first day’s
work and had put her on to another business in the Holyhead area who was keen on making
contact with her too. A good days work, she put her mobile in her pocket and walked back to the
house Marcus would be home soon, she was aware of the phone vibrating and yanked it out Jake
again, she decided words were required “ Will you stop calling Jake I have nothing to say please
leave me alone” Sophie was halted by Jakes voice “well I have plenty to say to you I have been
handed an envelope for you, they were delivered by courier this morning with strict instructions
from an anonymous person to deliver them to you by tonight” Sophie froze shit it must be to do
with photo's she needed to think, Marcus had been through enough because of her she needed to
sort this out herself “ where and when ?” “I like your style miss Merchant tonight outside your
gates I will be waiting there 10pm make your excuses come alone” he hung up, how the hell
would she be able to get out at that time of night without Marcus knowing.

Chapter 26

Luckily for Sophie Marcus was called back to work much to his disgust at seven, he had only been
home an hour, he thought Sophie looked a bit pale tonight but after insisting she was fine he put it
down to her being down at the summer house for the day, maybe it was still early days, he hated
leaving her again but it was an emergency and he should be back before midnight. She promised to
entertain herself with a bath and her kindle so he left her to it.
Florence had retired for the night and Samuel had left so the house was empty, she knew there
was CCTV at the gates so if anything happened she would have evidence if she needed it. Sophie
grabbed her jacket as the evenings were always cool living this close to the sea, she was really
nervous had he brought the pictures or was he trying to get a story or would he just black mail her
for as long as she coughed up the cash, she knew Don and her mother would be furious but she
wanted to sort this out for herself.
She had opened the gates and saw a man she presumed was Jake smoking standing in the trees
outside the gates,
Jake was nervous this was not his kind of thing, he had covered the Jasper Bonavia murder and
was sympathetic with Miss Merchant but his orders had been meet her and give her the envelope
and Dictaphone, he didn’t feel like he had an option and although he was a ruthless guy, scaring
women wasn't his forte' but there could be a story in it, she was a pin up for the press at the
moment so any exclusives were worth a fortune, he saw her come to the gates she was a stunner
the pictures didn't do her any justice, she looked so tiny he knew this was going to be tough on her.
“Miss Merchant thanks for meeting me” Sophie looked him over he was around five foot eight
short buzz cut hair cheap suit and stank of old beer and fags. “tell me what you want I don't want
to be here for long people will notice I am missing”
“I have only been instructed to hand these over to you that is all” Sophie grabbed his arm “who
sent them did you see him?” he shoved a Dictaphone in her hand “that’s all I was told to do, so I
am done” he started to walk away but Sophie grabbed his shoulder “wait don't just walk away who
is he I need to Know?” he looked at her and felt terrible “sorry that is all I know but I think it’s only
the beginning I am expecting more of these to arrive” Sophie ran back to the house and closed the
gates she didn't want to hang around. She took the file and recording device up stairs. She decide
to wait for Marcus before she listened to it she was out of her depth now, this wasn't blackmail this
felt like something far more sinister.
Sophie sat on the bed dressed in her comfy pyjamas, she didn't feel sexy tonight she felt tired, the
stress of discovering what was on the tape was beginning to make her feel dizzy. Hurry home
Marcus she thought, she crawled under the duvet leaving the lamps on and curled into a ball to
Marcus was home about 1am, he was shattered but the little boy who had come in with a spine
injury was making good progress now so he felt his tiredness had been worth it, the hospital had
given him a late start tomorrow so he could catch up on sleep. He saw the lights were still on
upstairs and hoped she hadn't kept herself awake for him, he didn’t want her sleep deprived
because of him, he locked the front door took off his shoes and tiptoed in his socks up the stairs.
Sophie was asleep but had left the lights on, he walked over and turned her lamp off, she looked so
frail tonight, he wondered fleetingly why she was in her old pyjama's, she wore those when he first
met her but they seemed to be a comfort blanket to her, what had upset her to make her put them
on? He thought perhaps it was just him not being there, he kissed her on the head and then saw
she was clutching an envelope in her hand, he didn't want to disturb her but he slid it out of her
grasp and took it into the bathroom with him, he stripped off and had a quick wash, the shower
may wake her up so he would grab one in the morning, he took the envelope back to bed and sat
on his side looking at it. The envelope just said Miss S Merchant Urgent, and that was all, Sophie
hadn't unsealed it so he wasn't sure whether he should look at the contents when he was
interrupted “Marcus I am so glad you are home I can't believe I fell asleep I need to talk to you” He
turned round got under the covers and pulled her towards him, she looked broken and he was
terrified of what she was going to say, she snuggled into him wrapping her arms around his chest
and resting her face on his shoulder.
Sophie filled him in the nights events, Marcus was furious she had met with the reporter alone, but
he was glad she had waited for him to get back before doing anything else, he understood her
reasoning for trying to deal with it alone but it was his job to take care of her now and that what
he would do. Sophie asked him to open the envelope, he had seen most of the photos and knew
sort of what to expect but this one was very different it was a photo of Sophie blindfolded as usual
shackled to hooks in the ceiling, her back was bleeding from fresh slashes as a masked man in
black leather was raising a cane to strike her, he heaved as he saw the look on Sophie’s face as she
looked down at the image, the pictures were taken by a built in camera this one had been printed
in black and white as though it was a movie set, what caught Sophie’s eye was the masked man in
the corner smoking a cigarette enjoying the show, she shuddered as she memories started to
flood back he had watched a few times she had no idea who he was but each time Jasper finished
and ejaculated himself all over her, he would come over and burn her once on each thigh with his
cigarette to leave his own mark, then kiss her back and lick a few of the wounds, he never spoke
apart from to say thank you princess, the memory of this she had suppressed until today it all had
been such a horrific experience the details had been blocked out for her own safety, she knew now
who the message was from she played the tape.

“Thank you princess” there was a long pause Sophie crawled back to the headboard Marcus
listened intently watching each of her reactions, he was confused now.
“you finally got rid of the one thing that has stood between us, you destroyed the monster I wish
I could have watched you cave in his skull I hated him, he wouldn't share you, I can take good
care of you now, I realise we have never truly met but I have an advantage as I watched you
often and I have collected every report and photo our good friend the reporter has published of
you he has done an excellent job of providing me with a taste of your current life, but soon you
will want for nothing I will come for you, soon princess .”

Marcus helped Sophie to the bathroom where she emptied the contents of her stomach violently,
she was ashen and shaking, Marcus decided no talking tonight she needed rest and they both
needed to digest this latest assault and involve the police first thing, he stroked her hair then
carried her back to bed fetched her 2 sleeping pills, she had not spoken a word yet, he crawled in
bed behind her and wrapped himself entirely around her body and held her as tightly as he could
and they slept that way until the sun rose the next morning.
Marcus woke up first the tablets still in effect on Sophie, he kissed her head and started planning
the day he had until mid-day to get extra security in, deal with the police and speak to Don and
Diane, he slipped out from under her and made some calls from the bathroom so not to disturb
her, he was aware there were things she hadn't told him as he didn't know the burns were from a
different man, she may have forgotten or was just too ashamed to speak of it, he would be patient
and hear her story before making any assumptions.
The police assigned a detective Collins to come straight over, he had sorted the mess at the
boathouse and was extremely sympathetic to Sophie’s predicament, no details were given over the
phone but they would be here in an hour, Don was sending Griffin and Hobbs back immediately to
be extra bodies at the house, Diane was straight on to the airline to get a flight to Liverpool,
Samuel would go and fetch her, she wanted to stay until this person was out of the way. Calls made
he dressed in jeans and a shirt, Florence knocked on their bedroom door with a coffee each, he
alerted her to their forthcoming visitors and told her to be prepared, she was distraught but went
down to sort things out for the police arriving. Sophie started whimpering in her sleep her face
creased up into a frown she was trying to curl up inside herself, his heart was aching his beautiful
girl had made such a recovery this was like being back to square one but without any clue as to
who they were dealing with.

Sophie heard him coming he was smacking the cane against his hand rattling the shackles so she
could hear him, the door burst open she saw nothing he always blindfolded her first and tied her
wrists, he pulled her up by her hair and untied her hands replacing the ropes with the shackles,
she was yanked upwards arms stretched out as wide as they would go her legs only just reaching
the floor, she was naked apart from the blindfold, the door opened again and a man entered he
stood in the corner saying nothing, then the cane was brought down sharply on her back, it was so
sudden the next blow came and she could hear screaming and realised it was her, she could also
smell cigarette smoke it made her gag then 3 further blows had her back feeling like it had been
ripped apart, she felt Jasper ram his cock inside her she was tight and dry and it was a new pain to
deal with, she blacked out for a moment when she resurfaced Jasper was ejaculating all over her
legs then he left the room, the second man walked up behind her and knelt down she thought he
was going to rape her but she felt a sharp sting on each leg, she could smell his cigarette smoke
and it dawned on her he had just used it on her legs, she wriggled away from him the burns
seemed to sting more than her back, the man stood then and licked her back a few times he leant
in to her neck and licked behind her ear “thank you princess” the blackness swallowed her

Sophie screamed and struggled to wake “baby it’s OK I am here it’s just me you were dreaming
Sophie wake up” she opened her eyes tears streaming down her face and looked into the blue eyes
of her angel she held up her arms to him and he yanked her into his chest.
Sophie was drenched with sweat Marcus felt helpless he just rubbed her back calming her down
but she was sobbing uncontrollably, he lifted her gently and took her to the bathroom, he set her
on the stool and put the shower on, she was still sobbing, he stripped off and picked her back up
removing her pyjamas he walked her into the shower and they stood there together under the
warm water until her crying eased. Sophie had calmed down and Marcus set to washing her all
over he was so sweet and gentle, there was nothing sexual in his actions he dried her off after with
a towel and carried her back to the bed, he grabbed her underwear and joggers and fleece hoody
so she would feel comfortable, he dressed her like he would a child, explaining to her the police
were on their way and her mum was coming to stay, Griffin and Hodge would be back on duty as
security. Sophie was listening but couldn't take it all in, she was thinking back to her dream this
morning and realised it was a flashback but one she had never had before it was important she
kept the memory of the man there to try and think of any clues he had given as to age or height,
but all she could think of was the voice, she shuddered Marcus was brushing her hair for her and
trying to put it in a ponytail as he had made it go all frizzy with the brush, she smiled at him and
took the hair tie off him and quickly braided it out of the way, she held his face and kissed him
softly “I love you” Marcus closed his eyes and relished the feel of her hands and her voice as this
was the first time she had spoken, he breathed a sigh of relief she croaked out shakily “well last
time I had someone wanting to kill me this one is in love with me I suppose that's a step in the
right direction” she laughed mirthlessly, but at least the old Sophie appeared to be creeping back.
They stood up and went downstairs holding hands Marcus had the envelope and recorder, as they
got to the bottom step the doorbell sounded, “you go and get comfortable in the lounge baby I will
bring them through” Florence stepped out of the kitchen to open the door only to find Dr Taylor
was already there she smiled at Sophie “Florence could you take Sophie to the lounge please and
then fetch a pot of coffee for us all, thanks”
Marcus opened the door to Detective Collins and a second female officer that he recognised from
that fatal night she had been very good with Sophie and he was glad the detective had thought to
bring her today. “We are both intrigued and saddened to be here Dr Taylor, we had hoped to close
this unsavoury case for all our sakes” the two men shook hands and the other officer was
introduced as Sargent Freeman, Marcus led them through to Sophie.
The de brief didn't take too long, Don was on link with Skype so Sophie didn't have to go over it all
again, they were sending a copy of the tape to him to have it analysed Detective Collins was
pleased to liaise with Dons company as their resources would be useful because without a direct
threat to Sophie’s person they couldn't do much until he made his move, they had absolutely
nothing to go on but the first job was to haul Jake in for questioning and see what he could come
up with. The atmosphere in the room after was sombre the other officer had moved to sit with
Sophie and had held her hand during the playing of the tape, she was holding up quite well, she
made a very sensible suggestion to try hypnotherapy for her memory it maybe something tiny it
throws up but worth a try, she recommend one they had used based in Bangor and she phoned
her then and there to arrange for her to go later on, Marcus would drop her there on his way to
work and Griffin would be here by then so would wait with her and bring her home. Plans in place
the officers left, they had 2 hours before they needed to go out Sophie had a couple of calls to
make to John so went down to the summerhouse, Marcus went upstairs to change and called his
dad again “what do you think dad what are we dealing with here?” Don cleared his throat “son this
guy in some ways is more dangerous than Jasper, he has a strange idea they should be together
and seems certain of it, he has not mentioned the fact she is with you so he doesn't appear to
acknowledge you as a threat, that could go in our favour as he may not see us as an adversary so
will just stick to his plan, whatever that may be, he gave us a clue that he can't do anything yet he
is waiting for something, perhaps he is abroad or in the public eye, we need to think about that
one. The only positive is he appears to love her so we know he doesn't want her dead.” Marcus
interrupted “He burned her with cigarettes and licked open wounds on her back dad so I don’t
think he will be buying her a box of chocolates and a bunch of roses” Marcus was boiling up inside
frustration burning in his gut, his girl was in trouble yet again and he had no way of helping her, it
made him feel so helpless. “son we can protect her none of us will rest until this is sorted and she
will not be left alone for a second” Marcus had just let her go to the summerhouse alone he got rid
of his dad quickly and suddenly felt panic he knew they had secured the water around the land
with chains and fences CCTV was pointed at the Straits in both directions, an alarm would trigger if
anything larger than a Pike got within 10 metres of their boundary but still he felt uneasy. Jogging
down the lawn he relaxed as he saw her walking back towards him, even in a hoody and jogger she
looked beautiful she could pass for 17 the way she looked at the moment, she smiled bravely at
him and they walked back together arm in arm.

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