Healing Promises (13 page)

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Authors: Joseph Prince

BOOK: Healing Promises
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Forgiveness of sins

as well as

are bound up in the atoning

sacrifice of Jesus.

He is still in the business of

forgiving and healing.



your healing today!


For I will be merciful to their
unrighteousness, and their sins and their
lawless deeds I will remember no more.


…He adds, “Their sins and their lawless
deeds I will remember no more.”

EBREWS 10:17

Your Sins He Remembers No More

“Why would God heal you? Have you forgotten what you’ve done?”

Have such thoughts crossed your mind and discouraged you from reaching out to God for your healing? My friend, such thoughts that condemn you aren’t from God or the Holy Spirit. They originate from the devil. The enemy wants you sin-conscious and will even tell you that it’s “godly” to be mindful of your failures.

But God doesn’t want you sin-conscious—that’s
honoring what His Son has done for you at the cross. In fact, He declares in His Word that your sins and lawless deeds
He remembers no more!
God’s not keeping an itemized account of your sins.
So why are you?

Beloved, don’t be sin-conscious today. Be Son-conscious, and watch your healing manifest!


As far as the east is from the west, so far has
He removed our transgressions from us.

SALM 103:12


Can you measure

how far the East is from

the West?

how far


has removed

sins from you!


As Jesus was walking along, He saw a man
who had been blind from birth. “Rabbi,” His
disciples asked Him, “why was this man born
blind? Was it because of his own sins or his
parents’ sins?” “It was not because of his sins or his
parents’ sins,” Jesus answered. “This
happened so the power of God could be seen
in him… Then He spit on the ground, made
mud with the saliva, and spread the mud over
the blind man’s eyes. He told him, “Go wash
yourself in the pool of Siloam” (Siloam
means “sent”). So the man went and
washed and came back seeing!

OHN 9:1–7, NLT

Jesus Is Your Solution

I love how our Lord Jesus is such a loving and
God. When there is a problem, He goes straight to the solution.

Before Jesus stepped in to heal the man born blind, His disciples were caught up in uncovering whose sin had made the man blind. Jesus, on the other hand, was interested only in using His power to give the poor man sight!

The same way Jesus didn’t get sucked into the “blame game” is the same way He doesn’t want you to. So don’t ask what or whose sin caused your sickness. Forget about what you should or shouldn’t have done or why it happened. Be preoccupied instead with your solution—Jesus Christ, who through the cross has removed every sin in your life and who wants to work a miracle in your body!


There is therefore now no condemnation
for those who are in Christ Jesus.


Who then will condemn us? No one—
for Christ Jesus died for us and was
raised to life for us, and He is sitting
in the place of honor at God’s
right hand, pleading for us.


No More Condemnation

Many people are sick today because of guilt and condemnation. Condemnation kills! People condemn themselves for their sins and failures, receive condemnation from others and even think that God is condemning them to a life of sickness.

The good news of the gospel is that there is ABSOLUTELY NO condemnation for us who are in Christ, because Christ has already been condemned in our place at Calvary!

Beloved, when you reach out now and receive God’s gift of no condemnation, you’ll receive your healing, fully paid for by the blood of His Son!


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