Read Healing Rain Online

Authors: Karen-Anne Stewart

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Mystery

Healing Rain (28 page)

BOOK: Healing Rain
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Raina’s cheeks flush scarlet, and Kas sees the flash of embarrassment in her eyes as she mumbles, “Nothing. I just didn’t like how she looked at you.”

“Why?” he barely suppresses his laugh at how his usually gentle, benign wife is having such a hard time admitting that she has fallen prey to the green-eyed monster.

Raina chews on her bottom lip and lowers her head. Kas tucks her auburn shield behind her ear, “I’m waiting, darlin’.”

She lets out a rushed breath, “How can you be so freakishly adept at reading people’s emotions, except when it comes to gorgeous girls flirting with you?”

“Are you jealous, Mrs. Pierce?”

She pouts, her bottom lip finally freed from her teeth’s grazing and sticking out a little, making Kas want to take over where her teeth left off. He can see how it is driving her crazy that she is letting herself be affected by the stinging emotion.

“Why, Mrs. Pierce, you are jealous!”

Raina smacks his arm, “What woman wouldn’t be if someone like her flirted with her husband?”

“Someone like her?” Kas asks, feeling a little guilty for torturing his wife, but enjoying himself way too much to stop.

“You know, long legs, killer body, gorgeous face.” Raina’s eyes shoot to his, widened with bewilderment. “You really didn’t pick up on her checking you out?”

Kas can’t suppress his laughter any longer, and he decides to give her a break. He shrugs off how she looked at him, not interested in the waitress, or any of the other numerous women who flirt with him. Raina’s mouth drops open when she sees that Kas knew all along how the shameless woman was devouring him with her eyes.

“You are in so much trouble,” she tells him, laughing at his expression when he looks at her and winks.

“Darlin’, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. I’m in love with only one long legged, gorgeous woman with a killer body.”

Kas takes Raina home after dinner and shows her exactly how much in love he is with her and only her.



The team is relentlessly working on tracking down Prizrak. Kas curls his fist when another dead body is found, this time from an overdose. Frustration gnaws at him as he reads the autopsy of the twenty-three-year-old only child who died from an intentional overdose, and Kas shakes his head, the probability of the overdose being what the girl sadly saw as her only means out of the slavery that was killing her too slowly.

Raina knocks on his office door, and Kas quickly closes the file as she walks into the room, a huge smile brightening her lovely face. “I have some very good news for you.”

Kas pushes away from his desk, in desperate need of some good news right now.

Raina takes his hands in hers and pulls him towards the elevator. “We found the host of the metal shavings forensics has been analyzing.” She turns towards him, determination and excitement making her eyes sparkle a brilliant jade. “There is a direct link to the Evan Parker being monitored and the shavings.

Kas grabs Raina, pulling her into him. “That is excellent news,” he praises her, picking up speed to Erik’s office. He has managed to keep Raina in the dark about the victims, not wanting to subject her to the sorrow and frustration. He had to be very careful when he asked her and Erik to help determine the metal shavings’ origin, not letting her know how they came into their possession.

Kas calls Dexter when he reads the information Raina found, getting the all-clear to finally order Mr. Parker to be brought in for questioning. Kas spins Raina around, “You did good, baby.”

He punches Erik on the shoulder, and Erik grunts, grabbing his arm. “She gets the fun spin around, and I get slugged.”

“Once we put Prizrak behind bars, I’ll spin you around until you’re dizzy,” he calls to Erik as he heads out the door.

Raina’s heart is in her chest as Kas leads her downstairs to get the room ready for the long-awaited interrogation.



It’s been six long hours since Evan Parker has been brought in, and he is thoroughly enjoying himself frustrating all of them by his refusal to talk. What puzzles Kas even more is his not yet requesting a lawyer. Kas carefully studies him, looking for any clue his body language might give them, but Parker seems to know their intentions and provides nothing, except his occasional arrogant, narcissistic smirk in the two-way mirror. Derrick and Kas both have tried to talk with him, but he just calmly smiled, leaned back in his chair, and stared at them, amusement dancing in his green eyes. When Dexter himself took a shot, it appeared to only stroke his ego instead of put him on edge and ready to start talking.

Raina studies Kas from her chair in the corner as he continues to study who she is sure is the Ghost. Frank is in the room with him now, opening the file Parker hasn’t touched, and flipping it to the information that got him landed in the spot he seems to be comfortably enjoying at the moment. Raina sees Kas’ jaw tighten as Parker casually leans on the table, looking bored as he reads through the file. Evan blinks, then slowly raises his gaze to the mirror, staring as if he can see straight through it. A small smile curves his lips, and Kas would swear he sees admiration gleaming in his eyes.

Evan leans back, his eyes never leaving the mirror as he finally speaks. “I will only speak with the person who found this,” he states, pushing the paper with the information Raina located about the shavings across the table.

Kas pushes out of his chair, raking his hands through his hair, agitation apparent on his fatigued face. Dexter glances at his best agent, knowing how exhausting it is doing what Kas does best, putting everything he has into searching every minute movement for some larger meaning. He’s been at it for hours, and it’s taking a toll on him. “Pierce, grab a cup of coffee.”

“I’m good, Dex,” Kas replies, rubbing his eyes and taking his seat again.

Dexter stands, “That wasn’t a request.”

Raina watches Kas’ shoulders stiffen before he stands. “Yes, sir.”

Dexter lets out a string of expletives at Parker’s aloofness before he follows Kas out the door. Derrick watches Parker for a few seconds before heading towards the door himself, ready to try to go another round with him.

Raina walks towards the mirror, staring at the eyes that seem to be staring right back at her. “Wait,” she calls to Derrick, her eyes glued to the gaze of the enigmatic predator, “I’ll talk with him.”

Derrick pauses, knowing Kas is going to kill him for even considering this. Raina turns to him, her eyes imploring his, needing to see if she can do anything to help put the ruthless trafficker behind bars. Images of Claudia, Jaio, Brooke, and all the other girls flash through her mind, and she steps in front of Derrick, raising herself to her full height, “You have to let me try. He’s not talking to anyone else.”

Derrick lets out a long breath and jerks his head towards the door. “Fine, but you’re not going in there without me.”

“I don’t think this is such a great idea,” Jake pipes up, stepping in front of the door.

“I didn’t say it was a great idea, but it’s our best option at the moment.”

Raina reaches around Jake and opens the door. Austin gives a quick nod to Jake, and he heads out the door to find Kas. Raina takes a deep breath to steady her nerves as Derrick opens the door to the room holding the elusive Ghost, relieving Frank. She tries to ignore the warning look in Frank’s eyes as she steps into the room he just left. Whispering a quick prayer, she maneuvers her gaze towards Parker, staring directly into the most evil eyes she’s ever seen.

Evan stands, and Derrick steps in front of Raina, which causes him to laugh, holding up his hands as he sits back down. Derrick steps to the side and gives Raina a silent warning not to get within an arm’s reach.

“Now, now,
can’t possibly be the one who is such a genius with computers who managed to put together such a complete file on this Prizrak person you are looking for,” Evan states, running his tongue over his lips as he leans forward, his eyes taking their time to greedily roam over her body, his obvious appreciation of what he sees in the wicked smile that spreads across his face.

Raina tries to calm her rapid pulse as she places her hands on the back of the chair across the table from Parker, trying to keep her fingers from trembling. She pulls on her inner strength and her adept ability at hiding her emotions as she returns his stare, her jade eyes unwavering to his piercing gaze.

“What’s your name, honey?”

Derrick steps beside her, “Her name’s not important for you to know right now.”

Evan never tears his eyes away from hers as he replies calmly, “It is if you want me to answer your questions.”

Derrick grabs Raina’s arm, ready to get her out of there, not liking how his carnivorous glare is plundering her body, but she pulls her arm away. She looks at Parker steadily, willing to play his game if it means it will save innocent women and children from his grasp. “Raina. My name is Raina.”


walking back towards the interrogation room, and he stops, opening his mouth, then closing it, not exactly sure how to go about telling his boss that his wife is in the same room with the most wanted trafficker in the country.

Kas sees Jake’s near panic. “What is it?” he demands.

Stumbling over his words, he tells him that Raina said she wanted to try to get Parker talking.

Kas lets out a loud expletive as he throws his coffee cup in the trash and storms towards interrogation. He bursts through the door to the viewing room and barks at Austin to get Raina out of there now, knowing he isn’t currently able to tame his emotions if he went in himself, and he’s not about to give Parker anything to use against them. Austin immediately obeys, giving one short knock before opening the door, his eyes landing on Raina’s.

“You’re needed elsewhere, right now,” Austin stammers quickly, taking her arm and pulling her out of the room.

Kas waits impatiently until she steps out of the room before grabbing her arm like a wayward child. His anger is palpable as he walks her to his office, his hand never leaving her arm. “You know to stay away from him, Raina!”

Angry and embarrassed by her humiliating march to her obvious scolding, she wraps her arms defiantly in front of her. “I never said I would stay away. He’s made this personal, he wants to play his sick game, and he’s made it very clear that he’s not talking unless it’s to me, so I’ll play his game if it means it will lead us to the girls.”

“No, you won’t!” he yells at her.

“He can’t hurt me here, Kas!” she yells back, exasperated by his over-protectiveness.

He pulls his chair out and guides her down into it as he grabs a file, placing it unopened in front of her. “You have no idea what he’s capable of,” his words ominous as his eyes darken. He opens the file and commands her to look.

Raina’s hand flies to her mouth trying to stop the bile that shoots up her throat from the sight of the gruesome photos in front of her.

Kas gently takes her chin, forcing her gaze back to the file. “This is the type of man he is, Raina. I doubt his hands caused these girl’s deaths, but it was his orders that executed them.”

He sits on the edge of the desk and pulls her gaze up to his as he commands her sternly, “You will not go near him again. Do not disobey me with this, Raina! If you even think of leaving this room, I swear I’ll handcuff your stubborn little ass to the chair.”

He slides off the desk, closing the file and locking it away before turning back to her, giving her one final warning with the seriousness behind his threat burning in his eyes.

Raina takes a shaky breath as she leans back in her chair. The images of the bloody dead bodies burn in her mind, and she wants to cry, but refuses to give the unseen satisfaction to the man she was mere inches away from less than five minutes ago. She wraps her arms around her middle, suddenly very cold.

Kas’ threat rings in her ears, and she’s a little afraid to move from her chair, never before seeing him so angry at her. She knows he wouldn’t hurt her, he’s only trying to protect her from the man that ordered the monstrosities of what happened to the girls in the photos, but she’s pretty sure he wouldn’t have any issues following through with what he said, if he thought it would keep her safe.

She hears a knock on the door, and she hesitates before leaving her appointed chair to open it.

Erik pulls her into a hug as he steps into the room, “Been sent to your room, huh?”

Raina bites her lip and shrugs, thoroughly embarrassed, “More like his room.”

“Yeah, I heard. The walls are like paper here.”

Raina scoffs, “So, I’ve heard.”

“You know he’s just scared for you, right?” Erik asks her, playfully chucking her under the chin, “he’ll cool off.”

“I know,” she tells him as he wraps his arm around her shoulders.

“Wanna order some Thai food and spill the sauce on his carpet?”

Raina laughs, appreciating Erik’s attempt to lighten the mood. “Sure, but you’re taking the blame if he finds the stains.”

Erik stays with Raina until Kas returns. He gives her one last chuck under her chin as he leaves, asking Kas not to be too hard on her.

“I guess I was pretty hard on you,” he admits, letting out a long breath when he looks at her. “It’s just that, with everything that’s happened lately, and with what Parker’s done to those girls, I can’t stand the thought of something happening to you.”

“I know,” she whispers, giving one last glimpse at the chair he had threatened to handcuff her to. “Did he talk?”

Kas grinds his teeth as he shakes his head, “No.”

Raina wants to ask him to reconsider letting her try again, but decides to wait until he’s calmed down and when his cuffs are nowhere near him.

“You hungry?” Kas asks, pulling her into his arms, feeling bad at how he yelled at her earlier.

She shakes her head, a small smile curving her lips, making Kas want to suckle her lip right then and there. “I ate with Erik,” she begins, then her worried eyes shoot to his, quickly clarifying that she didn’t leave the room, telling him they ordered in.

Kas sighs, wrapping his arms around her, happy she obeyed him, knowing how dangerous and powerful Prizrak is, but hating ordering her around.

Holding her hand as they walk to the jeep, he glances at her, a little worried about her reaction to his outburst. She leans into him, giving him some relief. He delivers a kiss full of everything he’s feeling at the moment, trying to let her know how much he loves her.

It’s past midnight when they get home, and they quickly get ready for bed. Raina snuggles up to Kas when he slides in bed beside her, laying her head on his chest, quiet for several minutes before finally asking, “Would you really have hand-cuffed me to the chair?”

He sighs, gently slipping out from under her head and sitting up, “Absolutely, darling.” He laughs at her puffed out lip and the indignation glaring in her eyes. “I would never hurt you, Rain, but I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe, even if that means temporarily restraining you for your own good.”

She studies his face, confusing thoughts run through her head as she processes his soft threat. “I don’t want you to handcuff me,” she whispers, the thought causing her obvious emotional turmoil.

“You might like it, they can be a lot of fun” he teases, trying to ease her.

She rolls her eyes, “I’m being serious, Kas.”

“I am too, darlin’,” he laughs.

Despite his trying to lighten the mood, he sees her worry, “Don’t look at me like that, sweetheart, I’m not trying to scare you.” He stops, choosing his next words carefully, “You do things sometimes without thinking of the consequences, and that can get you seriously hurt, or even dead, darlin’. I will do everything in my power to keep that from happening to you.”

“You put yourself in danger all the time, Kas, and you choose to do it, fully knowing the possible consequences. You have chosen to risk your life to save others, and that’s your choice to make.” She pauses, not wanting to start an all-out war with her next words, “We can’t just let people continue to die because I won’t talk to him, or because you won’t let me talk to him. My helping to find these girls, to play Prizrak’s game, that’s my choice to make. Besides, I have you to protect me.”

She feels him stiffen next to her, sees the fire rekindle in his eyes, and she braces herself for his tongue lashing, but he remains quiet. She watches and waits for him to go into his all hyper-protective mode but he doesn’t move. His silence unnerves her, and she sits up next to him, his unusual reaction making her nervous and fidgety, wondering what he is thinking right now.

“Say something” she whispers.

He lays his head back against the headboard as he stares at the ceiling, lost in deep thought. He sighs and runs his hands through his thick, dark curls, “You’re right.”

She stares at him vacantly, “What?”

He turns towards her and grabs her hands, “You’re right, the lives of these girls may very well depend on your playing his game as far as talking with him.”

She sees his eyes turn dark again as he plays with her fingers in his lap.

BOOK: Healing Rain
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