Healing Their Mate (The Love of a Shifter) (5 page)

BOOK: Healing Their Mate (The Love of a Shifter)
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Yes, I think that would be a good idea,” said Larsen, then he smiled as Reece held up his glass.  “Now let's make a toast to Jonas on his retirement, new job, and new adventures.”  Everyone raised his or her glasses toasting Jonas. 

Chapter Five



Paddock Reed glared at the vampire who shook with fear as he stood before him.  “You didn’t find anything.  No trace.  Nobody who even knew her or anybody who looked like her?” Paddock demanded.

No, Master.  Nobody seemed to know her or even heard of her.  The last place she was seen was in that little diner.  I killed the bitch that lied for her while she was really in the kitchen picking up her check.”

Paddock continued to get angrier as the vampire spoke. 
“Do I have to do everything for you idiots?  You are worthless.  You had a chance to get her and you failed me.  Then you brought attention to yourselves by killing the women and draining them of all their blood.  Did you think the humans would just overlook that?  You have not done one simple thing that I told you to do and that…will be the last time you disappoint me.”  Paddock launched himself at the vampire, grabbing the vampire around the neck then slicing it open with his claws.  He then proceeded to rip into the rest of the vampire’s neck with his fangs.  He sucked his blood until the vampire fell to the ground dead. 

Rick Johnson smiled as he watched as his Pr
ime killed the man.  All the vampires watched as their leader slaughtered the vampire for his failure.  They growled as his blood flowed on the floor.  Their eyes turned red as the bloodlust started to grow in each of them.  Paddock had three more men strapped to the wall in chains.  They watched in horror as their business partner’s neck was ripped open by Paddock.  They knew vampires existed but never had they seen anything like this.  Now all the vampires were looking at them like they were dinner. 

Paddock growled then threw his head back and screamed at the top of his lungs.  He was pissed because River was special; her blood would make him stronger than anyone.  He needed to get her back so he could defeat the one vampire who would put him on top of the food chain.  Reece Ramsey was going down and he was going to enjoy doing it.  He hated the vampire and all he wanted to do was drain him of his precious autocratic blood.  He knew he wasn
’t strong enough to defeat him yet but with River’s blood—he would be unstoppable. 

’s bloody gaze fell to the other men.  “Dinner is served, boys.”


River opened her eyes to the sun coming in through the window.  She was feeling pretty good.  Her belly wasn’t growling or upset.  Her head wasn’t fuzzy anymore.  She stretched then pushed the covers off her and got up out of bed.  River picked out some blue jeans and a sweater from her to-go bag then went into the bathroom and took a much-needed shower.  She knew she probably smelled pretty stinky since she hadn’t taken a shower in a few days. 

Damn, look at this shit.  Hell yeah!”  River started doing a small dance in the shower.  She stopped and looked at the knobs and buttons on the wall.  “Hmm, wonder what this does.”  River turned the knob as water fell from the ceiling of the shower.  She allowed her body to stand under it and enjoy the moment for the first time in her life.  The water cascaded down from the ceiling as if she was under a waterfall and it felt wonderful.  She stayed in the shower until the water started to turn cold then reluctantly got out to get ready for the day.

She couldn
’t believe these people.  How would she ever repay them for all their generosity?  The fact she needed to impress Ash was an understatement.  She was ready to do whatever the woman needed from her.  She needed this job and the money.  After dressing, she looked at herself in the mirror and applied some mascara and lip gloss.  She didn’t need much makeup and didn’t like to use it.  But she was trying to impress Ash. 

As River opened the bathroom door, Ash was sitting at the table waiting for her.  River jumped back not expecting anyone to be in her room. 

Ash could see the fear in her eyes.  She was upset with herself knowing she scared River.  Even though this was her room, River was using it.  She should have knocked on the door like a normal person instead of using her key.  Putting her hands up showing River she didn’t mean her any harm.  Ash smiled at River as she walked out of the bathroom. 

Sorry, River.  I should have knocked on the door, that was pretty rude of me to just walk in.  Hey how did you sleep?”  She could see how much it frightened River as she watched her put her dirty clothes in her bag.  Her hands were shaking as she placed them inside. 

River wanted to be mad but she knew Ash and her family had been too kind to her
, she didn’t want to be like that with Ash.  Technically it was Ash's room she was staying in.  Knowing she needed to let Ash know she was okay, River walked over and sat in the chair across from Ash.  “It’s okay.  It is your room actually.  You just scared me a little.  I didn’t hear you come in.  But to answer your question, I slept like a queen.  I can’t thank you and the Sheriff enough for helping me out.  I plan on working very hard for you and paying you back for the food and room.”

You will not pay me one red scent back.  I’m helping you out and unless you want to insult me then you will take it.”  Ash tried to act serious but the curve of her mouth going up let River know she was just joking.  At least she hoped she was.

Really, River, just help me out and do a good job.  This will be your room until we can find you a place to stay.  So don’t say no,” Ash concluded as she shifted and put one of her legs underneath the other one.  Ash waited for River to answer her.  She needed to hear her agree to it.  She stared at River, which made River just a little bit nervous.  “River, okay?”

Oh, sure I guess…okay,” River responded, not wanting to piss Ash off on her first day of work.  By the looks of Ash, she could be a hard person to deal with.  She needed to make some money and move on.  That was the plan.  Just enough time to replenish the funds and get some good rest before she left again.

Great, because I really need your help.  Now I need to talk to you about something else.”  Ash looked at her wondering if she had really done some damage when she hit her head.  River was staring off in space.  “Umm, River, you with me, girl?”

Yes, ma’am.  Sorry, I’m with you.  Just a lot to take in, but I’m up for it.”  This shouldn’t be too bad a gig.  She could do this.  Ash and the Sheriff seem to be good people.  River needed to stay focused on the job.

Okay good.  I want to introduce you to my uncle.  He is a great guy and I do some stuff…umm…for his business so you may have to drop some paperwork off at his house.  Come on, we can talk as we walk downstairs.” 

Ash got up and River followed her as they walked out the door.  Ash continued to talk to River about the things she wanted her to do so she wouldn
’t get suspicious when they walked into one of the private dining rooms.  She was in front of River as they walked toward a table where Larsen, Larken, Reece, and Jonas were sitting. 

As River approached, the vampire and wolf stood, both men having caught her scent when she entered the dining room.  Once River saw Reece, she stopped dead in her tracks. 
“Vampire,” River whispered, but everyone in the room was a shifter or vampire and could hear what she said.  She watched as the two men stared at her.  One was a vampire and the other one had a wolf inside him.  The wolf’s eyes narrowed, his nostrils flared, smelling her scent.  She stopped—her eyes were filled with fear.  Her body went rigid as she searched for an exit. 

Jonas could see the deer in headlights look.  He had seen it many times when he hunted in wolf form.  The deer would stop as fear raked over them,
disenabling them to move.  This was the same look the woman had.  He felt sorry for her as she struggled with what to do.  She was beautiful without little makeup and long brown hair.  Jonas knew at that moment she was his mate.  Nobody had ever smelled like her or made his body react the way she did.  She didn’t speak one word to him and he already knew he wouldn’t be able to stop wanting her.  Her fear brought him out of the haze he was in.  All he wanted to do was get her to love him, but the anguish she was feeling made him stop from running over to her. 

Reece listened as his mate whispered,
“Vampire.”  He could tell she was about to bolt from the room when Ash rushed to her side.  His body reacted to her and all he wanted to do was dive in deep and stay there forever.  He could smell her blood from across the room.  It was a heavenly scent that made him stand up.  He was going to run over to her but the look of fear in her eyes stopped him.  Her eyes undid him as they stared at him.  She looked terrified and when she said ‘Vampire’, he could tell now that the vampires were after her.  The thought of anyone touching her or making her run made him want to kill.  She was beautiful and all his.  Trying to get control of his emotions, Reece shook with anger.

Ash waved her hands in front of River trying to get her attention.  River was focused on Reece. 
“Listen…he is a good vampire not a bad one.  Trust me please.” 

’s heart was about to burst out of her chest it was beating so fast.  She looked up at Ash and couldn’t seem to catch her breath.  She watched the vampire as stood there.  Scared that she had fell into another trap.  Her breathing became erratic.  Magic swelled in the air as her face paled, her eyes widened, trying to suck in more air.  

Everyone could tell that River wasn
’t just a human.  She was something special and different.  She wasn’t a witch but she did possess magic of some kind.  They couldn’t figure it out yet what she was. 

All Jonas and Reece could do was stare at River.  They didn
’t want to scare her.  Neither one of them realized the other was her mate too.  They were too involve with watching her to realize what was going on with each other. 

Placing her hands on her arm, Ash tried to calm the girl down before she hyperventilate
d and passed out again.  “Nobody will hurt you, River.  I promise,” Ash pleaded with River. 

’s body was rigid as she looked around for another exit.
Look for it…Look for it.
  She knew to look for every avenue of escape.  The exit to another door was behind the vampire and River couldn’t chance it.  Jacky Boy explained to her that vampires were faster than anything she had ever seen.

Larsen got up and slowly walked to River.  She watched him as he walked.  Before she knew what she was doing, River whispered,
“Wolf.”  She had gotten used to doing it when she saw it in people.  River thought she was crazy and was just seeing things, but in reality she could see animals as they lay inside them. 

Shocked at what she heard, Ash leaned over to River. 
“Did you just say wolf?” Ash asked. 

Larsen was standing in front of River, blocking her view but she leaned around Larsen so she could keep her eyes on the vampire.  She ignored Ash
—her whole body was in tune to what the vampire was doing.  She couldn’t think of anything other than getting away from him.  Her to-go bag was still upstairs along with her keys and pocketbook.  She couldn’t think because the vampire and the other man were staring at her.  They were so good-looking that River was having a hard time concentrating on an exit plan.  But she remembered that Paddock was a good-looking man too and look where that got her.

Larken leaned over so Jonas and Reece could hear him. 
“You are scaring her.  You two look like you’re going to attack her.  Sit down so she can relax a little.  She looks like a little deer in head lights so slowly sit down.”  Jonas and Reece slowly sat down as Larken instructed but kept their eyes trained on their mate. 

Ash noticed that her breathing was starting to slow down some. 
“River, honey, look at me.  I promise you he won’t hurt you or come after you.  The vampire is my uncle.  You see that man is still a man too, and he is my kin.  I wouldn’t let anyone hurt you.”  River glanced up at Ash and saw the honest in her eyes.  “Can you see the wolf inside Larsen?” she asked, her voice still soft, trying not to scare her anymore than she already was. 

River slowly looked up at Ash, surprised that she would ask about that.  Her comment surprised her as she continued to glance back at the vampire.  She didn
’t want to take her eyes off him in case he tried to get to her, but did Ash say the vampire was her kin?

What?” River whispered.

No reason to beat around the bush so Ash came out and just asked,
“Can you see Larsen’s wolf?” 

River could feel it coming on.  She felt her eyes bug out of her head. 
“Oh my God.  It is true.  Werewolves, vampires, and you are a tiger.” 

And bears,” Larsen muttered, trying to lighten the mood. 

River started to panic as she realized they were really shifters. 
Oh fuck, Oh fuck. Find an exit, River, Find an exit
.  Feverishly, she looked around the room for the exit away from the vampire.  She wanted to run but found herself helplessly frozen.  As she saw the vampire getting up, fear attacked River’s body, shutting her mind off as she passed out, falling to the ground.  Larsen was standing next to her catching her before she hit the floor.  Reece and Jonas jumped out of their seats so quickly that Ash jerked as they came to Larsen’s side while he held on to their mate.

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