Read Healing Their Mate (The Love of a Shifter) Online
Authors: Bryce Evans
WAVE Unit, which means Werewolf And Vampire Enforcement Unit,” Alpha Ronnie Johnson suggested.
Everyone seemed to disagree with all the names suggested.
“Remember, guys, that vampires, witches, wizards, and other shifters will be on this unit so we need to think about this more and come back to it later.” Larken went over the pay and the package deal that they had previously agreed to. He informed them that more members had been selected and some would be coming tomorrow and later in the week.
If everyone has their packets, look over them tonight and we will meet back tomorrow around nine in the morning. We have a lot to discuss so we can get the unit working. If nobody has any questions then we will adjourn this meeting and meet back here tomorrow,” Larken advised.
River sat quietly as the men moved out of the room. Jonas got up shaking the hands of the Alphas as they left. Ash came over and sat down beside River.
“Well how do you think the meeting went?”
I have nothing to judge it by but I think it went great. I didn’t know vampires would be on the unit too.”
Yep, we have picked some of the other members already and they should be coming in shortly. If you can think of any names for the unit just let us know. We need people who can brainstorm with us. This is what I’m looking for to help me with the unit. Plus we need to discuss your salary and insurance. I have already agreed to give you some money so you can get whatever supplies you need before you get your first paycheck,” Ash said as she patted River on the hand then dropped an envelope in her lap. Larken called for Ash as Jonas walked back in the room from talking to the Alphas.
River sat there in shock. She picked up the envelope and looked inside. River just about fell out because she counted out one thousand dollars in cash money.
“So…what did you think of our first meeting?” Jonas asked as he sat down beside her. He tried to get as close as he could without making her nervous.
River sat there in silence looking at the envelope. She didn
’t answer Jonas as he watched her.
You okay, River?”
Shaking her head, River finally looked up at him.
“Sorry, but Ash just gave me an advance on my first check and I…can’t believe it.”
Reaching back to get his wallet, Jonas started pulling out cash money.
“You need some money. Let me give you some. I should have figured you needed some.”
What? No! I don’t need your money. I didn’t need or ask for this.” Jonas stopped what he was doing and looked at River.
Put your money away. I earn my own money.” Jonas tried to give her the money but River put her hand over his hand. “I said put your money away.”
Jonas could see the fire in her eyes and now was not the time to give her money. He didn
’t want to piss her off before they even got started. So Jonas put the money back in his wallet.
Okay, but if you need anything. I…” The look she was giving him said enough so he dropped the money conversation. “So what did you think about the meeting?”
River smiled then blew out the breath she had been holding.
“I thought it went great. And congrats on getting the commander position. You seem to be well liked,” River added.
Jonas didn
’t say anything at first. “I would like to take you on a date tonight. Show you the lodge and have dinner with me?” Jonas asked as he picked up her hand and kissed it.
River sighed. She knew Jonas was trying but she didn
’t want to lead him on if she was going to have to leave soon. She turned and looked at him. “Jonas, I just started today with my new job and I don’t even have my clothes out of the car yet. Everything is happening so fast and I just…can’t.” River knew she was going to get an earful now. She braced herself, waiting for it. When nothing was said, she opened her eyes to a smiling Jonas.
Why are you smiling?” River muttered as she narrowed her eyes. She was confused now at Jonas’s reaction.
I can help you get your stuff out of your car. I can leave for an hour or two then come get you and we can go to dinner at the lodge because a girl has to eat and I don’t want to see you skipping meals. Then maybe if you are up to it I want to take you around the Lodge. You will need to know where everything is for your job,” said Jonas.
River smiled, she knew he had thought this out and she didn
’t have a good enough excuse not to go with him. “Okay you win this time.” River sighed, shaking her head at the smiling Alpha. River got up to talk to Ash when Reece came in the room with Levi.
Hey, darling. I want you to meet my second, Levi Turner,” said Reece.
River thought he was good
-looking but there were no sparks when she looked up at him. Jonas immediately came to River’s side frowning at Reece and Levi. River stuck her hand out for Levi to shake when Jonas grabbed her body, pulling her behind him.
Immediately Reece started growling and got up into Jonas
’s face. “You will not keep my mate from me or my clan.”
River peeked around Jonas wondering what had just happened.
They were good friends
, she thought.
What is going on here?” Larken moved to get between the two Alphas but couldn’t budge them. Jonas and Reece were growling like they hated each other.
River shrugged out from behind Jonas and inched her body in between them. They immediately pulled away from each other as she pushed Jonas backwards and then Reece.
“Now, boys, we are going to sit down and talk this out. I don’t know what is going on but if this is because of me then I will leave. I never meant for friendships to be broken up because of me. I need to go to my room. Will you excuse me?” Levi moved so River could walk out of the room. Reece and Jonas started to run after her, but Ash quickly closed the door so they couldn’t leave.
Move, Ashland. I can’t let my mate leave,” Reece sputtered. All he could see was his mate leaving.
I will move in a few minutes. She isn’t going anywhere. I had her car put in the shop for her today so she has no wheels even if she does try to leave, also the staff will inform me,” Ash informed them as she pointed to the table.
Now let’s find out what is going on so you can find your mate and apologize to her. Sit, now.” Ash put a little more behind her words so they knew she meant business.
Jonas moved around the table as Reece sat down on the other side.
“Now what is going on, Jonas? Why would you move River behind you like that? You know the fates have given you River to share. That means you get along with each other and share. So what the fuck is going on?” Surprised, Jonas and Reece looked up at Ash as she cussed them.
Jonas pointed at Reece.
“Why don’t you ask the vampire who wants to drain my mate’s blood.”
Levi growled as he started moving forward toward Jonas. Reece held out his hand, stopping Levi from attacking Jonas. Reece was smart enough to know that Jonas was a strong Alpha and Levi was younger, but he didn
’t want them going against each other.
There has been a misunderstanding between me and Jonas. Well actually he misunderstood what I meant,” Reece explained as he looked over at Jonas.
Then why don’t you explain it?” Larken asked. He didn’t like the sound of where this conversation was going.
I told Jonas that River’s blood called to me and that I can smell her blood. It’s very powerful to me. I didn’t mean that I wanted to drain her blood. I wouldn’t do that. My clan doesn’t do that. Were not killers, Jonas.” Jonas didn’t look convinced as he narrowed his eyes at Reece.
What does that mean exactly that you can smell her blood and it calls to you?” Larsen added.
Well, I told Jonas that I wanted Levi to get near River and see if it is a vampire thing or if it is just me. But you pulled her away so fast that I don’t know if he could get close enough.” Reece narrowed his eyes as he looked at Jonas.
I smelled her blood but not like what you are saying. Her blood did tingle my senses but not the way you feel. She smells good but most beautiful ladies smell good to me.” Reece narrowed his eyes at Levi as he started to say something but Levi held his finger up cutting him off.
Now I know she is your mate so I would never try anything and, Jonas, you should know Reece better than that and know he wouldn’t drain her blood. I became curious so I asked some of the mated couples in our clan and they are all vampires. They said their mates smell good to them, almost addicting even.” Jonas listened to what Levi told him but this was his mate and he would protect her even against her other mate.
Everyone was watching for Jonas to say something. They could tell he was thinking but Jonas was a smart man and he would think this through before he spoke.
“I’m scared that you will take too much of her blood and won’t be able to stop,” Jonas said as Reece’s eyebrows flew up.
I wouldn’t take too much… Damn, Jonas, why would you say that? Have you ever heard of me doing something like that? Hell no, because I wouldn’t do that,” Reece bristled out.
Whoa, guys. Stop this. The freaking ‘what ifs’ are going to drive you crazy and you know there is only one way to find out,” Ash suggested as she got up.
Now I’m not suggesting that you go upstairs and attack your mate but she needs to know you two are together in this. She is a fighter and she is going to fight this. I know you asked her out tonight, Jonas. Maybe you need to date for a while. Listen, she is human and doesn’t understand our ways. She isn’t the type of mate who is going to fall into your bed. She has to be shown romance and you have to show her she can trust you. Especially with you, Reece. I’m sorry, Uncle, but she doesn’t trust vampires and can you blame the girl? She has been running for over a year. It is time to let the woman breathe and live life for once. So both of you get your head out of your ass and help each other, because if one of you fails, both of you will fail.
Reece needs to be there too for the date tonight, so you can start getting her used to the both of you. Reece, if you think you are going to hurt her then Jonas will do what he has to do to stop you. I don’t think that will be a problem.” Ash looked back and forth at Jonas and Reece. “Deal? I mean that is the only way to get this relationship started. How does that sound to you two?”
Everyone stared at Jonas and Reece, waiting to see if these powerful leaders were going to agree.
Jonas looked down, thinking about it, then stuck his hand out to Reece. When Reece shook his hand, Jonas gripped it harder and got close to his face. “I won’t hesitate to hurt you if you attack my mate, whether she is yours too or not. Clear!”
Reece squeezed the Alpha
’s hand back and narrowed his eyes at the wolf. “Clear, wolf.”
River walked into her room closing the door then locking it behind her. She leaned against the door closing her eyes as she inhaled deep breaths.
What have I gotten myself into? Again!
River opened her eyes and all her stuff was in the room. She knew she didn’t bring it up from her car. She walked slowly to the closet where everything, including the boxes, were piled up. “What the hell is going on?” River picked up all the boxes looking at all of her stuff. She knew she needed to get everything loaded back into the car because she couldn’t stay here. The men were already fighting about her and they were supposed to be friends. She caused this and she knew that all of this was just too good to be.
Suddenly, she started to panic as the past came crawling back to her. She tried to push it away, but she knew he would find her and hurt them.
“Panic later,” she said as she grabbed her pocketbook then went out her door. She decided to go down the stairs instead of the elevator. She needed to find her car and get it packed without anyone seeing her. These men were special and wasting their time on her wasn’t going to happen. She knew how this worked. They would have some good times getting their jollies and then a beautiful wolf and vampire would come into their life then old River would be pushed to the side. She knew the routine. She would never fit in with a bunch of shifters. Jonas and Reece were men who grew up with families and never went hungry. Their families wouldn’t want them to mate with someone like her. Nope. This just won’t work. They would be grateful in time that she left. She would make it easy on them by disappearing.
Damn, I’m so sick of feeling like this. Why can’t I get it together?
River walked out the back door hurrying as she looked for her car. She turned around in circles. This couldn
’t be happening. Her car was gone. Who would want that car? I bet they towed it thinking it broke down. She could feel the tears as they dripped down her face. Now she had to pay a tow bill. First she had to find who towed it and that would bring attention to her. “What next?” she whispered as she looked up toward the sky then walked back into the Lodge.
Jonas and Reece knocked on River
’s door. Reece listened then looked at Jonas. “She’s not in there. I don’t hear her heartbeat,” Reece explained.
River walked up the stairs crying praying nobody would see her as she opened the door to her floor. She didn
’t see Reece and Jonas waiting at her door. They both turned when they heard the door opening. Her scent drifted to their nose as they watched a crying River walk to her door. She had her head down and didn’t notice the two Alphas waiting for her.
Why are you crying, baby?” Jonas asked as he came to stand in front of her. River’s head jerked up as she ran into the brick wall of Jonas’s stomach. She stared into his eyes and cried harder. She looked up at the ceiling then replied, “Dear God. I didn’t mean it when I asked what next.” River pushed through Jonas and Reece to get to her door.
What’s wrong?” Reece asked.
Nothing, nothing, nothing. It’s my problem not yours. You guys are sweet and all but I need to get going. I have overstayed my welcome.” River inserted her key and opened her door.
What do you mean you have overstayed your welcome? You’re not leaving, River,” Reece commanded.
River didn
’t even give him a second glance. She walked in and tried to slam the door but Reece grabbed the door so Jonas and he could walk in.
River, what is wrong, baby.” Tears continued to flow down her face as Jonas approached her.
Nothing for you to worry about,” River’s voice was smaller as she continued to put stuff in a black bag.
Reece felt he had enough of the silent treatment. He walked over
, grabbed her, and pushed her against the wall. He didn’t hurt her but he saw the fear in her eyes.
“This is how this is going to go. You will listen to us then you will answer our question. Do you understand?” growled Reece.
Jonas could see her body start to shake. She narrowed her eyes then with a quick pop from her hand
, she hit Reece square in the mouth. She didn’t stop at the one punch. River continued to hit Reece with everything she had. Jonas knew she was running on fear and that made people do stupid stuff. Reece’s lip busted open as he tried to grab her hands, but she was like a wild animal. He knew Reece didn’t want to hurt her so he grabbed one hand holding it behind her back as Reece brought the other one around for him to hold.
Stop, baby. Stop and just listen,” Jonas urged River to stop fighting before she got hurt.
She was scared and what Reece just did aggravated the situation to DEFCON 5. Instantly he was aroused by this ball of fire. He had to get her to stop so he grabbed her head and kissed her with everything he had. She continued to fight, but her body betrayed her again as she leaned toward him and kissed him back. Blood was being smeared on her mouth from the hit to Reece
’s lips she gave him. Finally, River pulled away from him, trying to get air in her lungs.
“I want you to leave. Both of you.” When she saw they weren’t making any moves to leave, River groaned out in frustration, “Why won't you leave me alone?”
Jonas knew he had to have her now so the mating pull would start with her. She would want them just as much as they wanted her so he pulled her hair to the side and started kissing up her neck.
“No fair, no fair,” she panted as Jonas continued to press kisses up and down her neck. Her eyes closed as the erotic feeling of being loved by two men came over her. She knew she was acting like a child but this was all new to River. She didn’t want to fight this, but her head kept telling her that Paddock would kill everyone. She liked these people and for once she found that they liked her. Bringing Paddock down on them was weighing heavily on her. All her life she was made to believe she was nothing. Her life was always rushed and in a panic. No family to depend on or to support her when she was down. Nobody helped her but Mary and she loved Mary for being so kind to her. These people wanted to help her, but when she always felt like this, it was easy to doubt herself and run. Running was always the norm for her. That way she didn’t hope for anything and couldn’t be disappointed when she didn’t get it and if she was honest with herself, she never got it.
Reece took the opportunity to continue his surprise invasion on her body. He started opening the buttons on her shirt then pushed his hands in holding her shirt open so he could see her beautiful breasts. Her bra was sexy and black in color. He loved how it opened in the front for easy access. He could tell the bra was worn out. First order of business he would buy his mate all new lingerie and clothes. She would never go without pretty clothes again.
Reece popped the closure open giving him the view of her heaving breasts. Her breasts heaved from the air she was taking in. Making her look erotic with lust. He gasped as the sight of her nipples that were already hard and standing out.
Perfect,” Reece whispered. He intended to stand back and look at her beauty but he didn’t have the time to relish in her beauty. Instead, he reached down and caressed the side of her nipples. Her moan of pleasure went straight to his cock. Her beauty was breathtaking. Her skin was delicate and pale as the moon. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. Reece could feel his fangs elongate as he leaned down and sucked her nipple into his mouth. The scents of their pheromones permeated the air making him grow wild with want. He wanted to taste her sweetness as he sucked her nipples and licked her skin. Her blood smelled heavenly sweet. Reece knew he couldn’t live without her now. Her scent was engrained in his mind.
River knew she was in trouble when she felt his fangs scrap over her nipple.
“Stop! Please stop,” River whispered. Both men stopped in their pursuit as they looked at her face. They could see the pain and strain of the past days in them. She was not the type of woman who could just have sex, especially with two men without getting to know them first. She wasn’t a shifter or a vampire. To have her would be to show her how much they wanted and needed her.
This has to slow down. I…just need to catch my breath. I…I’m not that type of girl. I know I have led you on and I’m so sorry. I can’t believe that I’ve done this two times. You must think…” Reece and Jonas could hear it in her voice as her pulse flared on the side of her neck. Now was not the right time. Reece and Jonas looked at each other as they listened to her heart beating faster. The message was clear. They needed to pull out all the stops with their mate. She deserved the royal treatment.
Reece placed his finger over her lips.
“Listen, you are a beautiful woman and we don’t think badly of you at all. You are precious to us and we won’t have you talking about yourself like that because we don’t think that at all.”
I’ve got an idea,” Jonas said as he kissed the top of her head. Reece reached over and pulled her bra back around to her breasts, closing the clasp. Then he buttoned up her shirt as Jonas helped right her clothes.
What idea?” River asked, curious as she pushed her hands down the front of her shirt. Her nerves were frayed and her hormones were going on strike. She no longer had control over them. They had betrayed her. She didn’t want to stop, but she wouldn’t let anyone else take advantage of her. Even if she loved the way it felt. She needed to be strong during these times. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.
Well you have a coat, don’t you?” River frowned then looked down. Her shame of no money showed on her beautiful face.
Damn the woman didn
’t even have a coat
, Reece thought.
Don’t worry about that. I have an extra one so get cleaned up and your surprise awaits, my lady. We will meet you downstairs in the front lobby. Okay?” Jonas asked.
River thought about it and hoped she wasn
’t making a big mistake by going out with two Alpha males. Not one but two. Curiosity was getting the best of her. Plus, these two men never hurt her or forced her to do anything. Her body was doing all the driving. They haven’t pushed her into having sex. When she told them to stop they did. Her mind kept telling her to leave before this turned into another tragedy of her making. But for some reason she couldn’t leave yet. What was she doing?
River nodded then walked in the bathroom, closing the door. She figured she looked like a two-cent whore coming out of a dime store. Her makeup had to be gone and her hair felt like it was all over the place. She needed to wash up before she went anywhere.
Jonas and Reece waited until she closed the bathroom door then exited her room. As they walked out of the room both men let out the breath they had been holding.