Heart of the Wild

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Authors: Rita Hestand

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Heart of the Wild


By Rita Hestand


Smashwords edition


Copyright 2009 Rita Hestand


Smashwords Edition

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I'd like to dedicate this to all the loggers and their families who helped to build our Nation and make it what it is today!


God Bless…


Rita Hestand









"Dammit, why me?"

"You're the only one I could ask. The only one I would ask such a thing of."

"Hang on, John," Chayton shouted into the phone, then let it dangle as he stepped outside the confines of the small phone booth. He had to get some air. Put some distance between himself and that phone conversation.

The ocean waves played a symphony in the background as he glanced down the cliff at the Inn in the distance, the long wharf and the sea gulls playing with their dinner.

Kidnapping…Lord, what had he gotten himself into? Chayton Amory paced the area, oblivious to the cold north wind that threatened an early winter in his Oregon mountains, as his mind ran rampant over John's last words. Finally, he jerked the door open and grabbed the receiver with a vengeance.

He hated being put in such a position, but there was only one answer, and he already knew it.

"Okay, John, you win. I'll do it."

"I knew I could count on you."

Amory rolled is eyes skyward, as he bit his tongue to keep from swearing. If it had been anyone but John Douglas III, he would have given a flat refusal and hung up. John was the only man big enough to ask such a thing of him. Chayton loved and respected him. John knew that, and used it. Still, when Chayton had lost his parents in a boating accident ten years ago, John had been there for him and Tanka. He couldn't refuse him. And John knew it.

"All I want you to do is go get Kasie before the wedding, and bring her back to the cabin so I can talk to her."

Chayton held his silence, as his long, hard body shrugged with the weight of his decision. Just the sound of her name sent a unwelcome reaction through his entire system. Why did it have to be her, and why did John ask it of him?

"Look, I know what I'm asking of you, but something tells me I've got to stop this." Emotion filled John's voice. Emotion and John didn't mix.

"John, Kasie's a big girl, now." Chayton tried to persuade his friend from interfering.

"You don't understand. He's a rock star, for crying out loud. Can you imagine our Kasie falling for a rock star?" John nearly shouted. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be taking this out on you. I just feel so damned helpless. I've got that gut feeling this is a big mistake. Okay, look, I'll level with you. I ran a check on this Rick Springer. And on the surface he looks okay, but I dug a little deeper and found out he has a violent temper. He's had a few fights, been arrested once. Of course, they covered that up from the press. I've got to find out if he's taken that temper out on Kasie. Until I know for sure, she's not marrying the son-of—"

"I can understand your concern, but…" Despite his resolve not to care, hairs on the back of Amory's neck raised at this news. Hitting a woman was about as low as they came in Chayton Amory's books. Even Kasie didn't deserve that. Rick Springer's name suddenly tasted like acid on his tongue.

"I've done my best to stay out of her life, since the day she walked out on us, but I'm still her father. I love her. And I won't let anyone hurt her."

John's voice broke again. Chayton cleared his throat and adjusted his stance. The emotion in John's voice had Chayton feeling downright guilty for not wanting to do this for the man. The break in John's voice was real, and clarified his position.

"I'm sure Ava's taken advantage of the fact that she's controlling things. I expect she was the one that convinced Kasie to change her name to Moore, Ava's maiden name. I never thought Kasie would go that far to be rid of me. I mean, I raised that kid, not Ava. But all quarrels aside, I love her, Chayton."

"I know, John. And you did a good job of raising her. Don't berate yourself for that. But she's a grown woman, and sometimes we can't change things, even if they are for the better."

"Look, I don't care if you have to hog tie and drag her to get her up there, just do it 'll explain it all to her later." When Amory didn't respond, John continued. "I don't know if this is right or wrong, Chayton. She may never forgive me for it. I only know I can't stand by and do nothing."

His concern was genuine, Chayton knew that much. No one loved his kid like John. "She's my only daughter, just like you're the closest I've had to a son. I'd do the same for you if you were in a bad position."

"I appreciate that, but I don't think you realize what you're asking
to do."

"Aw, I know how it gets under your skin, but that was a long time ago. I know this puts you in a awkward position, but I'm concerned for her safety now."

"Look, maybe she'll walk out on

"I aim to see she does."



Kasie balanced the phone on her shoulder as she stirred the batter with her other hand.

"But Mother, I've already explained, I can't afford to come early. I've got my work-"

"Nonsense, of course you can! I've already paid for your ticket, and I don't want to hear another word about it, Kasie. I've reserved a suite for you at the hotel."

Kasie gripped the phone tighter in her hand. "A suite, but I don't need a suite, Mother! Rick and I talked about a small wedding. It could still be beautiful, still have flowers and a big cake, but just don't invite so many people."

"Now Kasie, stop being so difficult, will you? Let me do this for you, darling. It's the only wedding I'll get to throw, so let me do it right. Besides, can you imagine what the papers would say if we threw a small inconspicuous wedding for Rick Springer. His fans might maul you to death."

Kasie didn't answer. That part was true.

"I'll admit I wasn't all for this in the beginning, but I never imagined so many people knew him. I mean, people my age, for goodness sake! He's a sensation out here, darling. Everyone is talking about him, taking pictures, wanting the story of how the two of you met. The photographers are everywhere, and wondering where his bride-to-be is. I want everything to be so perfect for you. Oh, I can't wait! We've so much shopping to do!"

Her mother's voice dripped with excitement.

"Shopping?" Kasie screeched, her fist coming down on the counter so hard that it vibrated the bowls. "But you know I

"Of course you don't hate shopping; you're a woman, aren't you? Now, it's all arranged; you'll fly out tonight."

Kasie sighed, wanting to argue, but knowing it was useless. "Okay, Mama. I'll call my boss and see what I can do."

Feeling that same old queasiness in her stomach at giving in so easily to her mother, Kasie's smile began to fade. But she was tired of arguing with her over trivial things.

"What? I told you never to use that expression, it's so…country."

Mama? Kasie grimaced. Her mother hated the sound of that word. She considered it a hick abbreviation. "I'm sorry, Mother, it just slipped out."

"You would think, after all this time, you would have acquired some sophistication. I guess growing up with your father is to blame."

"You can't blame it on Dad." Kasie defended her dad, for some strange reason. She hadn't even seen her father in eight years. Besides, I liked calling you that, she thought to herself. She somehow felt that this wedding was bringing her closer to her mother. And she wanted that.

"You're forgiven, darling. It's not your fault. Well, I'll expect you on the 10:40 flight from Dallas, then."

"Did you send Dad a wedding invitation?"

"Good Lord, no. After what he did to you? Trying to marry you off to that-that logger creature. He doesn't deserve an invitation. He'll hear about it soon enough, I'm sure. And he'll probably be livid, knowing how he likes to control things."

Kasie rolled her eyes at the effigy her mother's voice conjured. "You're probably right, Mother. As usual."

"Of course I am, dear. Now, we're set then. Giles will pick you up at the airport and bring you to the hotel. All you have to do is be on the 10:40, darling."

"I really don't think I can make it that quickly. I'm right in the middle of baking a cake for Mrs. Thompson, down the hall. I haven't finished packing, I'll have to call my boss; I've so many things to take care of."

"Mrs. Thompson? Who's that? Do I know her?"

"My neighbor down the hall. She's going to be keeping an eye on my apartment while I'm gone. And she promised to water my plants for me. She's very old, and not in the best of health. She loves sweets."

"Why in heaven's name didn't you just buy one, if you had to do something for her?"

"Because, it's not the same. I wanted to do something special for her, and I am a pretty good baker. I enjoy cooking. I intend to do a lot of it, once I'm married."

"Well, I don't know why you bother. Rick certainly can afford the best restaurants in town. But bake it if you must, and get packed. I just don't feel like arguing tonight. I'm too excited."

"All right, but if I don't get off the phone now, I'll never make the 10:40." Kasie tried to sound anxious.

Another battle lost, Kasie sighed as she hung up the phone. She looked at the phone as though it were the enemy. In eight years the only thing she knew for sure was that her life was not her own. It never had been. It looked as though it never would be. Even marrying Rick wouldn't change things. She was being manipulated, and she hated it. Both her parents had spent most of her life trying to control her. They meant well, they both loved her of course, but she was a grown woman now.

Her hands still shook as she poured the batter into the pan.

Perhaps marrying Rick would eventually bring her independence from her meddling parents. Yet, she somehow doubted it, her mother had come to like Rick. Darn it all.

Ava hadn't liked Rick at first, but Kasie had stood firm when she announced they were going to be married. So Ava finally gave in, and threw herself into arranging the wedding. He might only be a rock star, but he was very popular, and made very good money, Kasie had informed her. Ava couldn't deny that. And as long as Ava had some control over her daughter, things went smoothly.

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