Heart of the Wild (5 page)

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Authors: Rita Hestand

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Contemporary, #General

BOOK: Heart of the Wild
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Kasie didn't refrain the sarcasm from her voice, but she didn't mean to offend the woman. It wasn't her fault.

"I need to get away. To Eugene if possible. Is there a way you could take me?"

"Not in this weather, I won't get out in this. Too many people get stranded in this kind of weather. Besides, you father is expecting you, isn't he?"


Rosie seemed to study her for a long moment.

"Look, you've got to help me, Rosie. Amory kidnapped me against my will, and brought me here to see my father. I'm not at all pleased to be here. I was supposed to be married tomorrow."



"I can't believe Chayton would do such a thing."

"Of course he would. Anything for my father."

Rosie watched her, her face changing from one expression of surprise to understanding. "Chayton owes your father a great deal."

"Yeah, I know they're buddies."

"Oh, it goes much deeper than that, dearie. Chayton and Tanka Amory are the two nicest people on the mountain, and - except for your father - probably the best liked, too. Give you their shirts off their backs. But it is much more than that. Your father saved Chayton's life, and tried to save his parents the day they drowned. It devastated John, crushed Chayton and Tanka. They were still very young. John took care of those boys. And for years your father has done everything to help support Chayton and Tanka in every venture they've taken. He's their Godfather, you know."

"Godfather?" Kasie choked on the words. "No, I didn't know. And I certainly should have. I lived with my father for several years, and he never mentioned it."

"That must have been when the Irish was still alive, Chayton's dad."

"I didn't know any of this. I never met Amory's parents, although I did meet Tanka. But that has nothing to do with this. And it still doesn't justify his actions. He's a barbarian."

"You're upset, and naturally so, but—" Rosie's brow rose with condemnation. "If John wants you up here, he must have a reason. Just be patient…sometimes these things all work out in time."

"Of course I'm upset! And…I'm sorry I'm venting my anger on you. But could you at least call the police for me and tell them….?"

"The police? I don't think I can do that, under the circumstances. I understand you being upset with Chayton; he's a handful at times. But barbarian? Not Chayton! Besides, the police wouldn't drive in this kind of weather up the mountain. You probably need the FBI for that."

"I've been called worse," Chayton said, eying her from across the room. He'd come back, and he'd heard!

Kasie hadn't meant to vent her anger on Rosie, but the past few hours had been too much. Till this very moment she had never realized how very like her mother she had become. But withheld anger exploded inside her. Her life was being destroyed, and no one seemed to give a damn.

She hadn't expected him to hear her. Hadn't expected to see that strange look in his eyes: a dull, lifeless look; a look of loathing. Perhaps she deserved it. But it bothered her nonetheless.

The woman's husband came back inside, and after paying for their supplies, they all left, thanking Rosie and Chayton both for their kindness.

After half an hour Kasie had picked out a couple of things, and looked around for Amory. He was bent over the radio on the counter, listening to the weather report, totally unconcerned at her escaping in this weather.

"Sounds like it's going to get pretty rough. You still going up tonight?"

"Yeah, Rosie, I've got to."

"Did you really kidnap her?"

"John asked me to go get her and bring her here. I went."

"Yes, without bothering to ask," Kasie said, hoping she might find a comrade in this woman.

Rosie's eyes were still alight; evidently she wasn't listening to what was being said. "Well, if John wants her here, he must have a good reason. 'Course not seeing' your own daughter in so long could be reason enough. I can't believe that woman, sometimes."

"What woman?" Kasie's brows knitted.

"Ava, of course. Your mother. Although I reckon I'm speaking out of turn."

Kasie bit her lip to defend her mother's honor, but realized it could have been the truth. Realizing she had no ally, she clamped her mouth shut.

"Don't mind me, darlin', I talk too much." Rosie smiled and patted Kasie on the arm. When a long silence prevailed, she smiled and glanced at Chayton. "She's such a delicate little thing, tall but almost frail looking. Nothing to her but height. And would you look at that hair? Have you ever seen anything like that? It looks like satin and silver, the color of it so unusual. Why, it's beautiful, child! Oh, now, don't you go worrying about our Chayton, here. This boy is as good as they come. You've no worry with him. But now, it's your father you best worry about. Now, he's a man to be reckoned with. When he gets something in his head, there's no stopping him. Course he probably wouldn't be where he is today if he was any other way."

Kasie's brow shot upward. "Oh, you know my father that well?"

"Know him? Why child, everyone this side of the Cascade Mountains knows him. Biggest spender in these parts. And one of the nicest, too."

"Known him long?"

"Naturally, he's from these parts you know. We went to school together. He's a handful of man, a lot like our Chayton here."

"I never saw the resemblance."

"Oh, then you know our Chayton, do you?"

"I thought I did, once."

Amory's eyes met hers.

Rosie blinked, but went on. "So, how did you get here?"

"We drove."

"From California, you must be exhausted. Well then, why don't you stay here the night, and go on up in the morning?"

Chayton stood and paced, glancing out the windows several times before he answered. "Better not, Rosie. If John's already there, he'll be waiting. And if I have to get stuck, at least I'd like to be home."

"It isn't supposed to let up. It looks like it's going to be a helluva blizzard. Surely John would have stopped by here first, if he was coming."

"I doubt it, Rosie. He's anxious to talk to Kasie. And this weather is just what I need, to top it off." Chayton's voice rose with agitation.

"To everything there is purpose," Rosie quoted.


"It can't be a blizzard; I've got to get back," Kasie wailed aloud as she stared out the window.

"If you're intending to get up the mountain, I'd be quick about it then, Chayton. It's only going to get worse."

"It's funny I never met you," Kasie added as Chayton tried to pull her away.

"I guess. But I've heard a lot about you, through the years. Oh, honey, I've known you're father for ages. He's a good man. Don't be too hard on him. He's been through a lot. When your father and mother married, John rarely came home. Ava dragged him away from his roots. He seemed different back then. But one always comes home to their roots, eventually. And he's a happier man for it."

"Yeah, well, maybe we should get going before it gets too bad outside."

"Now, Chayton, darlin', we should make the girl feel welcome. That storm is already a going, and it isn't gonna change things. Have a little heart, darlin', she's bound to be a little emotional since she was to marry. And besides, John would want that. She probably needs a shower and a good rest."

"Yeah, don't we all. Under different circumstances we'd stay a while, Rosie. But I think we better travel."

"Why don't we stay here?" Kasie took a shot at persuading him.

"I thought you were the one in a hurry to get back home."

"I am, but it does look rather ominous out there."

"It won't be a joy ride, but we'll make it. We'll get you fixed up, extra blankets and things, and be on our way. Your father may be waiting, and I'm sure you want to go home as soon as possible."

"Are you taking me home?"

"I hadn't planned on it. It's your father's idea. He'll take care of that."

Kasie stared out the big window, and wondered what the storm would bring next. She had a feeling things just weren't going to go her way.

"Have you taken her to the Inn?"

"I thought you understood, this isn't a sight seeing trip, Rosie. She's not happy about being here in the first place. I'm sure she isn't interested in sight seeing. Besides the Inn is miles from here and in the other direction. Another time maybe."

"No need to get testy with me, young man. You are both exhausted, is all I was thinking of."

"I know, and I apologize. I'm a bear. Forgive me, Rosie. You don't deserve this. I'm not used to being a bad guy. It doesn't sit right."

"Apology accepted."

Rosie set his supplies on the counter. "Promise me you'll both try to behave yourselves, no matter what happens up there."

"What do you mean, no matter what happens? What could happen?" Kasie asked, eyeing the woman as though she knew something Kasie didn't.

Rosie chuckled, her entire body shaking with the action. "You are both snowbound, stuck with each other, and waiting for John. Depending on weather and circumstances, a lot could happen. So why doesn't he approve of the wedding? Or is that none of my business?"

"You seem to know as much as I do about him, maybe more. You tell me," Kasie said.

"I haven't seen John since he got married. I have no idea what he's thinking. But I know the man, and there's got to be a reason."

"Yes, he doesn't approve? Obviously. As if that mattered."

"That's too bad. Well, knowing John, I can only say there must be a good explanation."

"Oh, there is. He wants to stop the wedding," Chayton added.

"He wants to ruin my life. Control it."

"Rosie, I hate to break this up, but we've got to get moving. I've got to finish this up so I can get to work soon."

Rosie blinked, then frowned. "Oh, dear, then you don't know about losing the Boone account."

Amory's fist came down on the counter. Something dropped to the floor. Kasie flinched again, but not without notice.

"Losing it. You're joking, how could we have lost that account? I trusted Tanka to handle the whole affair. That's what I get. I should have known better than to trust my brother. He's such a softie."

"I don't know really, but Tanka was in earlier today with a ski party, and he said he lost it to ole man Myers."

"Myers? Now how in the hell could that have happened?"

"I don't know, darlin', but he said something about him being down on his luck for the past few years and almost bankrupt."

"That jackass brother of mine let him have it, didn't he?"

Rosie looked up at Amory with big round eyes of innocence.


He downed his cider, and grabbed Kasie by the arm, "Come on, let's go. It's going to be late as it is, when we get there. Have you got what you'll need?"

"Depends on how long she stays. She's got a change of clothes that should keep her warm, and a jacket."

"Let's hope it's a quick visit." ________________________________________



Chapter Three


Kasie had fallen asleep by the time they reached the cabin. Her head was positioned against Amory's shoulder when he nudged her with his elbow.

"Hey, we're here."

She opened her eyes slowly, and took her time moving away from him, finding his warmth inviting. As soon as she realized where she was, and whom she was with, she immediately pulled away from him. Their closeness brought a new tension, as the aloneness of the situation homed in. He stared down at her for a long moment. She saw his eyes shining in the darkness, and his slow burning smile, and her heart flipped even though she never let on. Amory didn't smile a lot, but when he did, his entire face lit from within. It was devastating.

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