HeartBeat (Saranghaeyo Book 2) (25 page)

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Authors: Sarah G.

Tags: #Saranghaeyo

BOOK: HeartBeat (Saranghaeyo Book 2)
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Sam was the first to pull away, "Call me as soon as you land. I don't care what time it is there, or here for that matter."

Marcia nodded in agreement, "IM me when you're in the air okay? I'll be waiting for it."

Leila nodded, "I love you guys," she said, grabbing them both once again.

After a few more moments, Marcia stepped away, "You're going to miss your flight, and all this crying is making my eyeliner run." She joked.

They separated, and Leila grabbed her carry on, walking toward security.

They watched her go through and she gave them one final wave, before she disappeared from view.


               G.K. felt a light hand on his shoulder, and the heat that bloomed from the caress pulled him from the light slumber he’d fallen into.

His head snapped up and G.K. felt the worry leave his body, as his eyes rested on Leila's smiling face.

She ran her fingers over his forehead, "You were worrying again weren't you?" She asked softly.

G.K. stood and stretched before taking her hand in his and placing a kiss along the back.

"I thought you may not make it on time."

Leila shook her head, "I told you not to worry about it."

G.K. sent her a knowing look, "How many times do I have to tell you, I'm always stressing over something."

Leila moved closer to him, feeling some of her sadness from leaving her friends and family lift, "Well I guess I'm here to help you relax..." she said, as his lips moved toward her own.

               A throat cleared right before their mouths came into contact. And G.K. turned toward the voice, annoyed.

Kwan and Young stood next to him, while everyone was gathering their things and making their way out of the waiting room.

"You two can kiss later, we’re boarding."

G.K. grabbed Leila's hand, guiding her out of the room and toward the podium where the airline employee stood scanning tickets.

"You ready?" He asked.

Leila inhaled, nodding slowly. "I'm ready as I'll ever be." She whispered.

G.K. gave her hand one more reassuring squeeze as he grabbed her carry on and moved with her towards the tunnel.

The End.



– Shit

Honorific used by younger men toward other men who are older than them. (Ex: 21 year old would call his 24 year old co-worker
out of respect)

– Hello

– Hello (Phone use only)

– The youngest member of a group

– Literally means Korean language (or Korean writing system)

– Grandfather

– Grandmother










Authors Note:


First and foremost I would like to say thank you for purchasing G.K. and Leila’s story. I hope you truly enjoyed reading about their romance as much as I enjoyed writing it. This story was a long time in the making and I hope that all of you that wanted G.K.’s story felt like it was worth the wait. I’d like to send a huge shoutout to the ladies at the Valent Chamber and to the wonderful human beings on Goodreads. Without most of you this story would have never been completed all those years ago, and I will always be grateful for your input and support.


Lastly for those of you who want to know the outcome of Young and Sam’s story…stay tune


. ありがと

. Thank you very much!

See you in the next one!

Sarah G

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