HeartBeat (Saranghaeyo Book 2) (9 page)

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Authors: Sarah G.

Tags: #Saranghaeyo

BOOK: HeartBeat (Saranghaeyo Book 2)
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              Just before her thoughts went much further into the gutter T4L and their staff entered the room. G.K. spotted her in the corner stretching and came to sit next to her .

"Good morning Leila. Did you sleep well?"

He was back in his familiar tank and sweats with that same funny ponytail that looked endearing only on him and her heart flipped in her chest. 

 She nodded her answer, and he gave her a quick smile before leaning over and kissing her lightly on the cheek. Leila's eyes flicked toward where his group members stood talking amongst themselves and pretending, badly she might add, not to be watching them.

Leila stiffened. "Look G.K. we need to talk."

While he lacked much experience dating, he knew that the words "we need to talk" were never followed by anything he wanted to hear. Had she changed her mind about them?
Does she not want you anymore?
As G.K.'s thoughts grew increasingly grim he heard her speak.

She took a deep breath, inhaling that clean, masculine scent that she would never forget.

"We need to keep our professional and our personal lives separate."


"I told you. I don't want everyone thinking I got to stay because of my...my relationship with you. I want no special favors."

G.K. looked at her, eyes narrowed. "Michael and Jin Yung made that decision. Not me. They know you're a damn good dancer, Leila. My feelings for you have nothing to do with that."

"You know that. I know that. But this is the world I live in, and I've seen dancers sleep their way to into a show, and I've seen the disaster that ensues. I'm not saying I don't want to be with you because I do."

"You're really worried about what others would say?"

"Aren't you?"

"No. I'm not. The guys know how much I like you, Leila. I'd be bad at hiding it from everyone else.” G.K. shook his head. "I saw firsthand with Kai and Noel what happened when he tried to keep their relationship a secret, it wasn’t worth the trouble."

The tension in between them grew thick. “So it doesn’t matter how I feel?”

He took her hand; his thumb lightly caressed her wrist. “We aren’t doing anything wrong, and there’s no reason to hide. If anyone has an issue with us, then that’s their problem.”

Leila didn’t want to give in. G.K. made it sound so easy, so reasonable. Even Marcia had urged her to go for it, a small part of her warned her to be cautious. Still his confidence buoyed her. Maybe he was right.


Practice was tiring as always, with Michael at his exacting, humorous and perfectionist best. Everything was coming together well; the dancers moving in perfect synchronicity like they'd been dancing together for years, not mere days. The rehearsal was mostly fine-tuning or slight adaptations as the members of T4L saw fit. It was also the first time they'd seen Kai and G.K. engage in a freestyle dance and Leila was impressed at their skills.

Inwardly she was bragging while the other dancers watched.
Yeah, he's mine!

Michael finally called a halt. Everyone was drenched in sweat and high from the energy. "Damn guys, you were hittin' it today! I need you to hang for a bit. Jin Yung has a quick announcement to make."

The manager smiled warmly. "I have to agree with Michael's assessment. I am very pleased. The group is pleased. And tomorrow will be your first taste of the spotlight as T4L will be performing live for MTV Iggy."

The dancers looked wide-eyed, some holding their breath in disbelief. Leila was sure she was dreaming. Did she actually hear Jin Yung say MTV? As in

She wanted to jump for joy.

"You are to report here at eight in the morning sharp. The studio has graciously offered transportation and we need to be there in time for your wardrobe and makeup."

Leila wouldn't be able to sleep with the excitement coursing through her body. Tomorrow would be the beginning, the payoff for all the years of hard work, pain, people in her neighborhood doubting her dreams, the risk she'd taken moving to New York, the endless string of auditions and disappointments. It was finally coming true.

"I'm calling a wrap on today's rehearsal," Michael announced. "I suggest y'all go home, rest up, and set your clocks for the crack of dawn. It's going to be a very long day. And eat something!"

The dancers slowly, but with increasing smiles, emerged from their happy shock and began gathering their things, some of them excitedly reaching for their cell phones as the news hit home. Leila grabbed her stuff when G.K. asked quietly, "Would you want to have lunch with me?" 

She was literally on cloud nine, feeling like she could conquer the world. She flashed him a wide smile and nodded her acceptance.

He smiled back at her as if she'd given him a present. "I've heard about this amazing sandwich shop that makes..."

"Are you talking about Num Pang?" Boom asked over his shoulder.

G.K. should have known. When it came to food, his band mate had some kind of super hearing.

"Yes, and you're not invited."

He heard Leila giggle as Boom wheedled, “But I've been craving one of their sandwiches!"

G.K. scowled, and opened his mouth to decline, when Kwan came up on his side. "Come…come where?
I wanna go too."

"You don't even know where we're going." G.K. said rolling his eyes.

"Wherever it is, it's got to be good if Boom wants some." Young said, adding his two cents. "Count me in."

G.K. was about to launch a firm protest when his cousin walked up. He shrugged. "Do they ever let me go anywhere, just with Noel? Did you expect special treatment?"

G.K. eyed them shaking his head, "No, you all can't come."




The Vietnamese sandwiches were even better than he'd heard, but the experience was dampened by his band mates incessant teasing, and for a second G.K. considered a solo career.

"Are you sure you want to date G.K.," Kwan asked Leila mischievously. "He has a bunch of charms on his cell phone."

G.K. ground his teeth as he watched Leila fight to keep from spitting out her jasmine tea. The ‘are you sure you want to date G.K’ game had begun 20 minutes into their meal and didn’t seem like it was stopping any time soon.

"They're gifts from the fans," he said defensively. "At least I don't have a big, stuffed Totoro." Kwan flushed red.

Leila laughed "Well I think it’s sweet, that he kept something a fan sent instead of throwing it away shows character." She told Kwan. He smiled, picking up his sandwich.

It was Young's turn to further humiliate him. 

"Are you sure you want to date G.K.? He still wears those pajamas with the feet attached."

Leila had to look up at the ceiling, tampering down her mirth. G.K. spoke up quickly this time, "I only have one pair that I bought in Japan. I'd never seen adult pair before. I've never even worn them!"

              Laughter under control Leila told Young, "Even if he did wear them, they are warm, and they keep your feet toasty. Extremely practical."

"Are you sure you want to date G.K.?” Kai interjected.

"You too?! Where’s the loyalty?” He groaned as Leila shook with amusement. This was so not what he'd had in mind when he asked her out for lunch.

“I wasn’t going to get involved but Leila should know that you like to crotchet.”

Instead of laughing however, she looked rather impressed.

"That's actually pretty awesome," she said looking at G.K. "My mother tried to teach me but I'm all thumbs. Maybe he'll make me a sweater."

G.K. shot a look of triumph in Kai's direction.

Kibum smirked. "Are you sure you want to date G.K.? He's still a..."

"Too much information," and he smacked Boom upside the head.

"Ouch! That's cruelty to your band members. I'm suing you!" and Boom stuck out his tongue.

              Leila smiled at the display but couldn’t help wondering what Boom had been about to say.


Later that evening G.K. paced furiously in his hotel room, Kai watching his back and forth progress.

Growing annoyed Kai spoke up. "Stop pacing will you? You’re giving me a headache."

G.K. opened his mouth as the door to their room flew open. Kwan and Kibum barged right in, holding a pizza box.

"You two are eating
G.K. asked disbelievingly. "Where the hell does it all go?"

Kibum snagged a piece of pizza, dripping with cheese. "How long have you known me
," as if it was obvious.

G.K. continued walking back and forth. Kwan watched, curious. "What's your problem? Why are you shuffling around like that?"

G.K. stopped walking, looking at his other members.

"How do I tell her?" He asked simply. They all knew what he was talking about, Kibum began apologizing, "
, I'm sorry G.K., I didn't know that you hadn't told her."

Kwan looked at him from where he sat next to him on the bed. "I don't know why he would...they just started seeing each other. That's not something you usually bring up on a first date!"

Kibum flushed, as G.K. came to sit down next to Kai. "How do you tell a woman something like that? It’s bad enough she knows I haven't dated, let alone that I'm still a....a...a..."

"Virgin?" Kwan supplied.

"Exactly!" G.K. groaned, placing his face into the mattress."She's going to think something’s wrong with me. What other man my age hasn't had sex who wasn't some kind of priest?"

Kai tried to reassure his cousin, “You ARE a man, having sex or not having sex doesn’t change that fact. Leila likes you. She’ll understand.”

G.K. bit his bottom lip in worry, hoping Kai was right.


Chapter Seven


Leila was at the studio bright and early, amped up on caffeine, excitement and those butterflies that fluttered in the stomach of every performer from the moment humans first entertained their fellow man around the campfire. Her fellow dancers shared that same nervous and restless energy--eager to be onstage, doing what they loved.

She'd slept fitfully, got up, puttered around her room until a just-as excited Marcia joined her at the table for early morning coffee and bagels.

"Girl, you are sprung and I can't blame you," she teased, thickly spreading a cholesterol-raising amount of butter on her bagel. "That G.K. is all kinds of fine. Sexy geek kinda fine, but I'd do him in a heartbeat."

Denial really was a river in Egypt and Leila had no intention of trying to cross it.

"Yeah, I guess I am." Leila added cream to her coffee before adding, “I really shouldn't be so into him considering we have a working partnership and all."

Marcia put up a hand to stop her protestations. "Chica please! In this town far less scrupulous types would be trying to ride that gravy train for all its worth. At least G.K. is a nice guy, and frankly you deserve him."

And when she saw him wearing shades, jeans, a hoodie and a smile warmer than the ambient temperature, she realized her crazy friend was right.


Kwan punched G.K. on the arm, but G.K. didn't feel a damn thing. Kwan might have been screaming in his ear, but all he saw was her. He swore a golden halo lingered over her, she was so radiant.

Jin Yung emerged, dressed to the finest in handmade casual nines. Michael was there too in jeans and a fashionably garment-washed Union Jack t-shirt.

Hello and good morning," Jin Yung greeted. "Very happy to see everyone here. We'll board the shuttles and be on our way."

G.K. sidled next to Leila who gave his hand a quick, yet circumspect squeeze. "Good morning G.K.," she said cheerfully.

"Good morning Leila." As he returned the gesture, he frowned on the inside, wondering if she was fully awake or if she was serious about keeping their new relationship a secret. If the latter, he'd let her get away with it.

For now.


              Once they had arrived to the studios the T4L went to go get their makeup and hair done while the dancers meandered around the area. Only G.K. hung behind to have more time with Leila.

"So are you ready for your first performance," he asked conversationally.

Leila's eyes lit up like fireworks. "I live for moments like this, G.K.! Everything I've worked for comes down to this. I'm sure you feel this way before you guys hit the stage, right?"

He did. "Funny, but no matter how tired I get on tour, once I hear that crowd, all the exhaustion just fades away. I’m almost disappointed that we’re performing two songs, and not a full set."

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