Hearths of Fire (27 page)

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Authors: Kennedy Layne

Tags: #Military, #Romance

BOOK: Hearths of Fire
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Charlotte contemplated changing out of the shorts and tank top she was wearing but decided against it. It wasn’t like she would be wearing them for long anyway. She hopped off of the bed and swiped the condom up into her hand all at once and then headed for the door. Opening it slowly so that the hinges didn’t squeak like they normally did, she made her way out into the hallway. Silence greeted her with the exception of the mechanical hum of the house’s old heat pump. Her toes sunk into the carpet as she took the five steps to arrive at the guest bedroom. Turning the handle as gently as she could, she continued to listen for any sounds that she’d awakened Mandy. The distraction had to have been the reason she didn’t hear Neal as she pushed open his door.

Mandy didn’t even have time to cry out as she was pulled inside Neal’s room and then shoved against the wall. One of her palms went flat against his chest while the other still clutched the condom. His body heat enveloped her from head to toe, but her mind was still struggling to comprehend why he’d been so close to his door and not in his bed. There was enough moonlight shining through his window that she caught the glint of his weapon, but he spoke before she could ask why.

“Jesus Christ, Char,” Neal whispered harshly, pulling away from her slightly and only then making her realize that she hadn’t been able to breathe. “What the hell are you doing sneaking around the house in the middle of the goddamned night?”

“I’m not sneaking and in case you forgot, it
my house,” Charlotte hissed back, giving him a slight push.

“We have one missing girl, a cult that’s indoctrinating your sister, and someone watching the house.
tiptoe down the hallway.” Neal quietly closed the door and then took her hand in his as he walked her over to the window. Pulling her backside up against his front, he parted the curtains with the barrel of his weapon. “Do you see the shadow on the corner? He’s been stationed there since Mandy came home.”

“How do you know it’s a he?” Charlotte asked, squinting to make out who the figure might be. Her reason for coming to his room was doused by fear that someone had been watching the house all night and she hadn’t known it. “And why are they watching us?”

“Every once in a while he moves just enough for the light to catch his form. He’s broad in the chest and the size of his hands is a dead giveaway.” Neal guided Charlotte away from the window and sat her on the edge of the bed as he knelt in front of her. The moonlight allowed her to see the worry that was etched onto his features. If he was this worried, then she should be downright panicking. She hadn’t realized how she’d been clutching the condom in her grasp until he’d tried to hold her hands. He slowly released her fingers from the wrapper and then removed the rubber to set it down on his nightstand. She was too concerned to be embarrassed about the reason she’d come to his room to begin with and his next words only heightened her anxiety. “I’ve been monitoring him for hours and he’s doing nothing more than a surveillance on the house.”

“Why?” Charlotte whispered, not sure if she did it subconsciously because someone was watching them or if she still didn’t want to wake Mandy. Maybe having her sister learn what was happening would be a good thing, but then she reconsidered that thought. Mandy would concoct some story that Garreth was protecting her after what had happened to Becky. Neal had set his weapon beside her on the bed and she itched to pick it up to have something to protect them with. “Why are the Ashes keeping an eye on Mandy?”

“Honestly, I think they are ensuring we don’t talk her out of anything.”

“Why aren’t you confronting him?” Charlotte searched Neal’s face for answers. He wasn’t the type of man to sit back and let something happen, especially when he had the ability to stop it. One of them had to do something because she refused to allow the Ashes to harass them like this. “You tried to the other night. Why not now?”

“Observing is learning, Char.” Neal wasn’t whispering like she was, but he did keep his voice low. He took her hands in his and pulled them up to his mouth, where he pressed his warm lips against her now cold hands. He stayed that way a moment before continuing. “Lie down in bed. It’s pointless for you to go back to your room when you’re not going to sleep. At least this way you can rest some.”

“We’re just going to lie here?” There was no way that Charlotte was going to be able to do as he suggested knowing someone was outside watching them. “Neal—”

going to lie down.” Neal released his hold on her and she felt even colder, if that was even possible. He didn’t seem to notice though. He was without a shirt, wearing only a pair of denim jeans. As if hearing her thoughts, he snatched up a T-shirt that had been on the bed and drew it over his head. Once he’d smoothed it into place, he carefully picked up his weapon and turned away from her. That was when she saw the chair situated by the window. He really
turning the tables and being the one who was doing surveillance. “At first light I’m heading out to the compound. I want you to either stay inside the secured house while I’m gone or be surrounded by people. Is that understood?”

“Wait. You want me to stay here not knowing if you’re all right? What if you get caught? What if they hurt you?” Charlotte stood and followed him over to the window, but he held up a hand indicating he didn’t want her to cross in front of the sheer curtains. It did dawn on her that he’d distanced himself by taking a half circle around the room and now she knew why. The reason only gave her following suggestion credence. “I should go with you. I can help you, just like I did this morning.”

“No.” Neal sat in the chair and it was only then that she noticed he’d shifted the curtain on the side just enough for him to see through without anyone recognizing that someone was looking out. “I need you either here or in a very public place. I need the Ashes to think you’re going about your daily routine.”

“But what about Mandy?” Charlotte didn’t like the feeling of vulnerability this situation was bringing. She had no control over the situation or events that could occur. It was as if she was a teenager all over again and someone other than herself was driving her future. “She—”

“I know you don’t want to hear this, but right now she’s one of them.” Neal’s words made it hard for Charlotte to breathe. That wasn’t what she thought he was going to say and she felt the sharp edges of the truth. “They won’t harm her unless they feel she’s pulling away. Honestly, Char, we don’t even know if they
take things that far. You and I both know we’re making a lot of assumptions, which is why I need to be able to do my job tomorrow. I’ll run some recon, which just happens to be the job I was trained for, while you stay back as a decoy.”

She tried to lift the side of her mouth in a half smile and pulled an epic fail, as Mandy would have said. Neal was trying to make her feel as if she were contributing when in fact he just didn’t want her near the compound if things went wrong. She wasn’t sure what to say to him, so she turned on her bare heel and walked back to the bed. The sheets were cool as she lay down on them, stretching out on her side so that she could watch him. Five minutes ago she thought they would have been in this very bed finishing what they had started and fulfilling each other’s desires. Now she couldn’t get it out of her head that if something went wrong tomorrow they might not get the chance. Never once did Neal’s eyes stray from his target as she watched him into the wee hours of the morning. The longer she was with him the more she wished the past could be revisited.


Neal stood at
the side of the bed, looking down at the blonde beauty that had watched over him for the last couple of hours. Technically he should have changed into the appropriate clothing, gathered the suitable gear, and been on his way the moment the sun touched the horizon. The follower that had been chosen to watch the house had left his post and wasn’t relieved by another, but Neal figured that was because Garreth would be coming to collect Mandy sometime this morning. The Ashes wouldn’t miss an opportunity to share the good word with their members on this Sunday. When that happened Neal would be there hiding in the background. He just couldn’t bring himself to leave this room without touching Charlotte.

She was wearing a pair of pink panties with daisies printed on the soft material. Her tank top didn’t match, but one of the spaghetti straps had fallen down while the bottom lace trim had taken position above her abdomen. Neal traced her porcelain skin alongside the edge of her underwear and wondered why she felt so self-conscious about her body. From the lasting golden color on her arms and legs, she’d been out in the summer sun yet she’d not worn a bikini. She’d never worn one back in the day either. Didn’t she know how sensual her curves were and that men loved an hourglass figure like the one she possessed?

“You can go lower.”

Neal bit back a laugh at her apparent need for control and her penchant for issuing directions. He pulled his eyes away from where he’d been touching her and found that her blue eyes were watching him intently. He wasn’t getting out of the house without giving them both what they wanted. Giving in this one time, he leaned forward and placed one hand on her pillow while slowly sliding the fingers of his other hand into her panties. Her heat instantly surrounded the skin of his fingers as he kept going lower until he felt her clit. She spread her legs wider, giving him more than enough room to maneuver. It wasn’t until he slipped his middle finger into the folds that her lashes closed over those baby blues and she pressed herself into his touch.

“You are so wet.” Neal was amazed that her body responded so quickly while waking from sleep. He continued to watch her face as he pleasured her by gathering her cream and lubricating her sensitive tissue. “This time you don’t come without me inside of you.”

Charlotte’s eyes shot open as she searched his gaze to see if he was serious. He was. The next time she had an orgasm it would be around his cock, pulling his pleasure from his body. Images of their past flashed through his mind and one in particular came to the forefront. She used to love positions that would give him access to her clit and he doubted that had changed. He was determined to find out.

“I’m liking this game,” Charlotte said, sleep making her voice husky and downright sexy. She stretched her arms above her head and extended her body as if she were a satisfied kitten. “What happens if I come beforehand?”

Neal drew his shirt over his head and went about removing his jeans before answering. He’d been around the block enough to know he liked taking control in the bedroom, but that was where his predilections ended. He’d be more than willing to oblige her if she wanted to carry things further and have fun in doing so. He took his time donning the condom that she’d brought into his room last night while he thought of an answer. He’d had a constant hard-on since he’d arrived in Hearth and last night had only made it more so.

“I’m sure I can think of something that would be an appropriate chastisement.”

Charlotte’s light laughter drifted through the room. He held out his hand for her to take and when her fingers melded with his, he helped her stand. Taking the edge of her tank top, he pulled it up and over her head revealing her ample sized breasts. Tossing the clothing on the floor, another memory came to the forefront and he knew exactly how to carry out this morning.

“Hey,” Charlotte exclaimed when he left her to grab the chair that he’d used all night. He had a much better use in mind for it. “What are you doing?”

There was a full-length mirror attached to the back of the door. It had been there from when they’d dated as teenagers and as he settled the chair in front of it, he was glad that she hadn’t gotten rid of it. Neal faced her and it was apparent she comprehended what was about to take place. She didn’t seem too pleased with his idea, but by the time he was done she’d be beyond satisfied.

“Panties off…now.” Charlotte lifted one eyebrow, arching it perfectly over her right eye. Her hair was tousled, making him want to run his hands through the strands, but he would have some within his grip soon. He’d use it to hold her head back while he licked and sucked at her neck, taking her over and over until she screamed his name. “You’re the one who said you liked this part of me. Now.”

The smile that adorned Charlotte’s face stole his breath and for a moment, Neal was taken back in time. It was as if they hadn’t aged in the fading years and this was what the future had held for them. It was bittersweet but he wouldn’t waste the time mourning the loss of something that hadn’t really gone away. Whatever they labeled this thing between them…it would always be there. She slid her fingers inside the lace trim edge and pulled them down over her thighs until they fell around her ankles.

Charlotte stood there in all her glory and stole the oxygen right out of the room. Her blonde hair fell over her shoulders in waves, caressing the sides of her breasts. The curve of her hips was the most sensuous part of her body and appeared to be drawn by an artist trying to capture the ethereal beauty of a siren. He didn’t have to say a word as she took it upon herself to close the distance between them and place her warm hands on his chest.

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